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My gps, calendar, and scanner are offline. I have no idea where I am on Mars, it’s a wasteland here. My squads ship crashed, the pilot is confirmed KIA. My squad I have no idea where they are on the other hand. On the ships remained I found a full auto rifles and a box of ammunition, this will be useful. Because my log doesn’t have a date I will label them by #

Log #1

I have traveled for a day, and found refuge. Martians, they refuse to let me into their hideout, but have agreed to help me set up a little hut so I can rest. Usually I’m against some aliens, but not martians, they are extremely friendly. They explained to me that my squad passed by here, I’ll look for them, later, I must rest now.

Log #2

3 days since I walked away from the martians, I’m tired and sore, things I shouldn’t be for a super soldier. I found 02 to my squad...KIA. Looks like a sniper, their visor is cracked with a bullet hole. I don’t know what to say, Erin was a great teammate. I can’t believe she’s gone... she can’t be. I’m taking her holo tags and her lighter.


I’ve been, cooped up in a tower for 5 hours. Some enemies are watching my moves from some rocks in the distance. I took a few out, but they have the better ranged weapons. I can’t, I’m still mourning Erin, but I shouldn’t. I really shouldn’t. I’m going to flank them, I don’t care if I die now.

Log #4

I got rid of the hostiles, rebels. Dirty swine, the UA is only trying to help. They only return the favors in bullets. To make matters worse, I found Jake’s holotags. They must have found him, I really can’t believe it. 03 is down, and I haven’t even found the body. They got him and this is my fault, I should have been awake to get the squad up and running. I hope 04 is still alive, Olivia has to be, she was always the survival specialist.

Log #5

I think I found a city, I have no idea. I decided to pass it, it could be hostile, my imagination, or real. It’s been another day since I fought those guys from the rebellion, I’m getting hungry. The rations on the ship were destroyed so I didn’t have anything. I can taste the dust in my mouth, dry and cracked. I should go back to that city, or even the martians. I need food and water.

Log #6
Date: December 1, 4080

I am glad to say that I was rescued. That city was my safe haven, unfortunately it wasn’t for everyone.
Olivia was wounded in the crash and died on the door step of the city. They gave me her holotags and her knife, her...prized possession. The mission was filed unsuccessful, I was awarded for surviving mars alone (I didn’t tell them about the martians) and was given a medal. I must admit, it is nice to see a bed again, but it will never be the same without my friends. I went to the bar and poured one out for each of them, I really miss them. I carry their holotags everyday, where ever I go, they will stay with me. I’m putting this journal away unto 4081, let myself recuperate from this, experience.

Log #7

Moderators: KingoftheArrows PsychoStorm