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Hello! This is my first time using RPR, so please forgive me if I overlook something obvious! Also please let me know if the assumptions in this character's backstory stretch too far. Thank you for considering!!
Name: Vakir WraithMoon
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Hair Color/Style: Sandy brown and slightly wavy, Vakir wears a headband to hold it back. That's about as much effort as he's willing to put in that rats' nest.
Eye Color: Dark brown, nearly black in low light.
Skin Tone/Pattern: Medium tan skin that is unmarked and unremarkable.
Other Physical Details: His slim, effeminate build speaks of a life of luxury, not hard labor.
Occupation (if any): Second heir to a large merchant family, technically supposed to be in training to practice the family trade.
Skills: Negotiation, persuasion, lute playing, and traveling light.
Personality: Calm, confident, flirtatious, filial, and obsessive. He comes off as very relaxed and unaffected by the world around him. Yet once in a while the mask slips...
Brief History (optional):
Clan WraithMoon is one of the largest, wealthiest trading families in the Kala Ree basin. Their main estate sprawls several elaborate tree-bound structures in the west side of Farport. Across the Kellis in a slightly more ostentatious abode, live their sworn enemies: Clan SoaringWind. No one knows when or why the feud started. It has always been this way and- in true Serran style- so it will always be.
Yet in recent years the feud seems to have gotten worse. Caravans lost, contracts canceled... And now Vakir's little sister has gone missing...
Angry, fearful and desperate, Vakir did the only thing he knew- he hit the road. After several months of searching, the young man came upon a rider and her Kyrka. Astonished and a little afraid, a plan began to form in his mind. He didn't know much about Kyriders. But he knew they were powerful.
And he needs power. His sister is all that matters.
[More personality info and such in his RPR character page]
Name: Vakir WraithMoon
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Hair Color/Style: Sandy brown and slightly wavy, Vakir wears a headband to hold it back. That's about as much effort as he's willing to put in that rats' nest.
Eye Color: Dark brown, nearly black in low light.
Skin Tone/Pattern: Medium tan skin that is unmarked and unremarkable.
Other Physical Details: His slim, effeminate build speaks of a life of luxury, not hard labor.
Occupation (if any): Second heir to a large merchant family, technically supposed to be in training to practice the family trade.
Skills: Negotiation, persuasion, lute playing, and traveling light.
Personality: Calm, confident, flirtatious, filial, and obsessive. He comes off as very relaxed and unaffected by the world around him. Yet once in a while the mask slips...
Brief History (optional):
Clan WraithMoon is one of the largest, wealthiest trading families in the Kala Ree basin. Their main estate sprawls several elaborate tree-bound structures in the west side of Farport. Across the Kellis in a slightly more ostentatious abode, live their sworn enemies: Clan SoaringWind. No one knows when or why the feud started. It has always been this way and- in true Serran style- so it will always be.
Yet in recent years the feud seems to have gotten worse. Caravans lost, contracts canceled... And now Vakir's little sister has gone missing...
Angry, fearful and desperate, Vakir did the only thing he knew- he hit the road. After several months of searching, the young man came upon a rider and her Kyrka. Astonished and a little afraid, a plan began to form in his mind. He didn't know much about Kyriders. But he knew they were powerful.
And he needs power. His sister is all that matters.
[More personality info and such in his RPR character page]
Welcome to Kala Ree! I look forward to rping with you. Hope this guy gets approved, he looks fab.

Ah, thank you so much!! I admit I've sort of stalked Taarka's profile while checking out the group- he looks super fun as well! I saw he practices carpentry, which is another of Vakir's sworn enemies so I think it would be fun to see them interact!
I dig it! Accepted! If you wanna work out any world details, feel free to PM me

Moderators: Redbeard