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Places to Be

  • Gallery

    • This is an accurate map of Lonepine Village. Notably, the castle up on the hill has been abandoned and is unused thus far.
  • Lonepine Village

    Tarry ye to Lonepine Village!

    The general jist:

    Lonepine is nestled against a body of ocean, and lush-green forests. The village is known for its expertise in fishing and sea-faring, as well as farming. The weather is always mild, being near the rocky coast, but on the coolish side.

    Lonepine is famous for its community spirit. The people of Lonepine consist of mostly families, and are quite close-minded about the world surrounding, content with living with what they can off both the sea and land that harbours their town. Adventure is not really something they practice - despite the fact their descendants hailed from nomadic tribes. Such a past remains hidden.

    However, there are some who venture in and out - primarily the Chief of the village for political and diplomatic matters. Others are the Hunters and Gatherers, Farmers and Fisherman - but they never take more from Nature than required, and stay within the boundaries of the local region.

    The youth of the village are enchanted by a foreigner called Taj Akh Arbas of the Middle East - bringing radical and fresh ideas to the Serfdom. With the tyrannical rule of Edard Barrington, the Youth are turning their backs against tradition and the shackles of the Tyrant.

    But whilst this seems to some, both a good and bad idea - both parties must question the value of loosing parts of their identities, parts of their history and their culture for the sake of moving forward, progress and innovation.

    Meanwhile - dark secrets are slowly unearthing themselves, and something seems ajar in the realm of the celestial Gods - because Mother Nature is lashing out at the humans - an imbalance has manifested. But why? And is it preventable - or along with the discord of mankind, parallels mankind's end too?
  • Ashendale

    • The last Inn before the trek to the capital
  • Capital City : Ashendale

    Ashendale is a large metropolis, founded on the soil of great Dwarven Miners from the Ages before. It sits in the arms of a river-bed, beside the remainders of a great lake, which is now a river that ends at the ocean.

    Ashendale is a traditional city, its roads are divided into a grid, with the centre of the Capital surrounded by residential areas, hubs, showgrounds, inns, taverns, stadiums, schools etc. most of the lower, socio-economical people reside within the heart of the City along with middle class where industry, innovation, trade and politics occurs.

    The Palace is situated a little further up from the main City and houses, atop a ledge that overlooks the Port-side of the City. On the other side of the City, we have the lush and dense hills, including razorback tops of which many wealthy nobles live atop in grand villas that back into valleys and secret little patches within the mountains - to escape the City air.

    King Eddard resides here with his faithful companions and advisors, along with regiments from his great and mighty army. It is rumoured that somewhere among the ruins, or alleyways of Ashendale, lies a secret force that powers the city itself.