General Information
Welcome to the group page of Furcadia's own Nightwind continuity. The continuity itself is still in it's fledgling stages as it was just recently started but is already making considerable progress. It consists of only 2 dreams right now but both dreams already give it a diverse setting as both dreams allow any kind of furre creature and being within their walls for RPing. All it is is a matter of following a few simple rules. Anyone who wishes to express and interest should read over the continuity level rules as well as the rules for each of the dreams as though similar they do have differences. From there read the information on the joining page and follow the instructions it presents. Some of the stuff presented may seem senseless but the owners of the dreams within the continuity do things that way for a reason. -
Featured Members
- Taiko Shion (played by Taiko-Yandere) Member/Moderator
- Tarquin Lightfoot (played by Celticswynd) Member
- Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Founder/Council
- Minato Laurence Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Member
- Aregolas Yalani (played anonymously) Member
Dreams Within the Continuity
The Elysium
The Elysium is a dream intended for modern day, Fantasy role play, and up currently uploading in Imaginarium near the Key Hall. If you are interested in the dream, or need more information please feel free to send Bliss Joy a message on here, or a whisper in furcadia. The Elysium
TatZ N ThingZ
TatZ N ThingZ is a business owned by Kyle Lockhart and operated by him and his wife, Gauye. It is a facility of Kyle's own design made for the purpose of appeasing to all types of people. It's facilities include a body mod studio, tavern and inn, library, and Kyle's personal favorite, an arena. The facility is located in a clearing in the woods not too far from the shore line.
Featured Members
- Minato Laurence Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Member
- Taiko Shion (played by Taiko-Yandere) Member/Moderator
- Kyle Ajani Lockhart (played by Hurricane_Lance) Founder/Council
- Tarquin Lightfoot (played by Celticswynd) Member
- Aregolas Yalani (played anonymously) Member