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    Purebred Coloring
    These depict base fur colors. Markings and hair can be complimentary to the fur base.
    Greens, vibrant reds, gold, white, silver, pinks, black, grey, most natural and earth tones.
    Divinity Line - Blues, purples.
    Blue and purple can show up in common born in markings or hair.
    Rarely seen as a base color outside the Divinity family in Tharia.
    Exile pantharies see far more diversity with these colors.

    Eye colors are often bright and jewel-like in color.
    Divinity Line - Pure Silver
    Everyone Else - Orange, yellow, gold, tawny, green, blue, red
    Silver can show up in exile lines as well.
    Those born with silver eyes outside of Tharia often find themselves in leadership positions.
  • Horns
    Ram horns that protrude from their skull in various styles.
    Common Horn Styles
    Sizes vary.

    Rare Horn Styles
    Four Horns
    Upright Curl
    Drop Back
    These are examples.
    Any style not listed, please ask.

    Feline eyes with black sclera.

    The shapes fall in into those of large cats or rams.

    Feline noses with a heightened sense of smell.

    Males have more of a muzzle while females can have flatter faces, lips, etc. Teeth are predatory, sharp canines. Tongue is textured.

    Within their cheeks are their scent glands. Usually used to mark another through signs of affection. However, their scent might be intoxicating or enthralling to those of other races.
  • Fur
    Soft to the touch. Markings are typically stripes or spots. Solid coats are also common. Can also have celestial markings. (Markings need to be approved)

    Comes in wavy or curly and some men are born with full manes.

    Feline in appearance, however bottom pad is velvet calcified texture giving the faint clicking sound of hooves when on uneven surfaces.

    Male - Have thicker, fluffier tails, with a fuller tuft at the end. All men have a retractable stinger at the end, that can release a paralyzing venom.
    Female - Slender and lion like in appearance with a fur tuft at the end. Rarely with women have a stinger, but it is possible. If females have the stinger, their venom is more potent and deadly.

    Being descendants from the manticore, leathery or velvety sort of wings are not typically uncommon at birth, but not a regular feature either. This would need approval. Most wings are cut off early enough so there is no scarring, but those in the further satellite villages might be more willing to let them be kept. They range in the size usually being unable to sustain flight, but there are exceptions, usually through magical means or simply gliding.
  • Height
    Male - 6' to 9'
    Female - 5' to 6'5"
    These should be considered the "average,"
    but they do vary.

    Male - Usually of a muscular or lean build.
    Female - Fuller figured, lithe, or lean.

    Some pantharies are born with physical abnormalities. Here are just a few.

    Albinism - Lack of pigmentation in fur and hair, white in coloration. Severe sensitivity to sunlight. Weakened immune system, contracting diseases such as colds and the like. Most already living were killed by the plague, and those that survived were viewed as chosen by the Mother Moon.

    Duplicated Ears - Having two sets of ears instead of one.

    Duplicated Tails - Having two or three tails.

    Hooves - Instead of having the cat feet with calcified paw pads, ram hooves are in their place.

    Scorpion Stinger - Instead of hidden within the tail, a barb stinger is there instead of the tail tuft.

    Scorpion Tail - While some may get just the exposed barb, some Pantharies get a full scorpion-like tail.

    Tharian Province Mutations - The plague that ravaged all of Tharia so many years ago took its toll on everyone, but in different ways. Death among both the people and the land was the main contributor to this trauma, but the plague found other ways to stain the people of Tharia. Provinces began to experience unique mutations in the generation after the Plague. The rarest and newest mutations that only affect people from a specific Province. It is impossible to tell if this mutation passes down generation to generation or what the tell tale signs of what a carrier looks like, unlike the other physical mutations among the Pantharies. It has been said by clergy that these mutated Pantharies have closer ties to the land itself than others. The mutations as follows are:
    Umbrem has always been known as a dark, shadowy rainforest, but that only worsened after the Plague. An overgrowth came and filled the canopies with more leaves and branches, only darkening the region further. Almost in a way to combat this darkness, some in Umbrem have been found with glowing markings, only those with spotting or rosettes. This ability can be hidden as the glow is a semi-voluntary action, sometimes involuntary due to sudden and intense mood swings. Known to be the most rare among these mutations, and also one to be most hidden given their stance upon general mutations.

    The epicenter of magical energy during the Plague, Tharia safe guarded much of its magics in Aridam. Because of this, the high concentration of magic touched some to be “marbled.” The initial show of the mutation is within the horns, having a vein of gold, silver, rose gold, etc. marbling throughout. Those with this mutation however practice ritualistic scarification, as their scars heal to be the matching metallic color within their horns. Most times, these pantharies are solid colors with minimal markings. While rare still, it is considered to be one of the most common of the Province mutations.

    To speak on the Province most affected by death, it would be Siv’atam. As their land died, they too turned to death as a way to survive. This grim connection to the land has left its mark on the people. Bone growths have made an appearance, such as plating upon the forehead, bone spikes upon their bodies, even their horns having a less refined look to them, jagged and almost brittle. Since Siv’atam already has strict breeding laws, only a few cases of this mutation have been seen.

    This mutation almost feels like a curse directed at the Divinity line itself, due to their former Divinity’s transgressions of holding onto the throne for far longer than he should have. Eyes black, void of any color. No iris. No pupil. While they are not blind, per say, their physical vision is limited. They cannot be in direct sunlight without having pain in their eyes. The moon offers them comfort, but they see no stars in the sky. They are wracked with terrible visions, which causes them to cry black tears from their dark eyes. Alternatively, they have accurate premonitions and visions, both positive and negative.

    Always a land that was tranquil, peaceful, and accepting and open minded to those of different paths of life or with general mutations as is, even allowing those to keep infants’ wings when they became present. A gift among them is the mutation of ethereal wings. Ghost-like appendages, often feathery in appearance, but not always, allow the pantharies with this affliction to float, fly, glide, and slow themselves in a fall. Looking to be made of arcane, they can be removed by magical means, but the fall out of this is absolutely devastating. Trauma from this can result in chronic pain where the wings once were, but also a scarring to their magics itself. It can stunt them, lead them into insanity, or even make them aggressive to those around them. Almost like a scar, a shadow of the wings follow them constantly, a reminder to themselves and those around them. It gives them the same physical traits, but it turns them to dark magics. While this is a rare mutation, very few cases have resulted in the bearer of this trait to remove their wings themselves through rituals, allowing them to garner more power in arts that would be considered taboo.

    Pregnancy is sixteen months long. Female estrus comes only once or twice every fifty to one hundred and lasts seven days. The scent of it causes Pantharies males to show signs of aggression on the first day and have the powerful urge to rut upon the second and third days. The scent of their heat intrigues those of other species, but not nearly to the point of a Pantharies. Unmated females will keep themselves covered or hidden away in most respects. Mated women will stay within the home to conceive. Males will also go into a rut that can last up to a week or more (four weeks tops), depending on available release and females. It can be triggered by aggression or a female in heat.