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World Maps

  • Note

    This takes place about thirty years after Gale of Darkness, so Cipher and Team Snagem no longer exist. For simplicity's sake we can assume all the other games are taking place at the same time, around the time of the RP. Or they took place slightly before.
  • Orre


    Korr Desert: A vast desert that connects Kerroe and Orre. It is part of both regions.

    Outskirt Stand: A small pit stop in the north end of Korr Desert. Serves food and drinks and has outhouses. Normally the first stop for people coming from Kerroe.

    Eclo Canyon: Between the two mountain ranges of Orre lies this rugged cliff area. Some people live there.

    Grohr Mountains: The mountain range to the west of Eclo Canyon.

    Helost Highlands: The eastern mountain range that is part of both regions.

    Pyrite Town: A rough town with oil drilling and mining. It appears unfriendly to outsiders.

    The Under: An underground city only accessible from Pyrite Town. It is inhabited mostly by miners. Once it was closed up and abandoned, but it's back now.

    Battle Peaks: The northern end of Helost Highlands is a volcano area. The volcanoes don't erupt often, and when they do, it's minor. Lava can be found in the area year round regardless.

    Mt Battle: A series of platforms and buildings reaching to the highest peak. The Mt Battle knockout challenge is held here.

    Sage Plains: A savannah area. Its climate is warm and it gets more rain than the desert, but still a small amount, so the plant life is the kind that can survive with little water.

    HQ Lab: Orre's main research lab. They develop useful items and equipment, and also study pokemon.

    Gateon Port: Orre's only port town. Mostly friendly, but the taverns can attract rowdies.

    Phenac Lake: A small lake in the western portion of Orre. It has a decent sized population of water pokemon.

    Relic Forest: The forest in the northern portion of Orre. It is known for its purifying and sacred properties and is said to be watched over by the legendary pokemon Celebi.

    Agate Village: Mostly a retirement village, but young couples are starting to move in at a decent rate to raise families. The shrine to Celebi is located in a cave here, and the elders have made it the patron saint of Agate.

    Kaminko's Manor: The home of an eccentric old inventor named Kaminko. His inventions are unconventional and mostly unsuccessful, but he also works with robotics and is rumored to be developing powerful mechas.