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Marion "Mars" Halcyon (maiden name Carnelian)
Gender: female
Age: 37
Hair: red, medium short
Eyes: red
Skin: pale
Build: average

More prone to nervousness and overreacting than the other three admins, can have a bit of a temper, but she's skilled and fierce. She was the second out of herself, Saturn, and Jupiter to be promoted to admin status. Bonded with Saturn over their duties, helped him reach promotion, and their bond got strong enough that they now have a kid together. Her and Jupiter are like oil and water, but they normally keep to themselves anyway.

Species: crobat
Gender: female
Nature: gentle
Ability: inner focus
Moves: air cutter, bite, toxic, confuse ray

Obtained as a zubat, Luna bonded with her trainer enough to become a crobat. Mars would often let her out to play with Vincent, Saturn's bat, and one day she gave birth to a litter of baby zubats. Trainer relationships clearly rub off on pokemon. Luna and Vincent's offspring were all given homes with some of the Galactic members.

Species: purugly
Gender: female
Nature: rash
Ability: thick fat
Moves: shadow claw, body slam, hypnosis, fury swipes

Fancy is pampered, stubborn, and somewhat lazy. She is the self proclaimed queen of Mars' team, and also her first pokemon overall. She will curl up on both Mars and Saturn's laps and beg for cat treats, but doesn't like Merc because he pulled her tail too many times as a toddler.

Species: boldore
Gender: male
Nature: modest
Ability: sturdy
Moves: rock blast, sand attack, headbutt, flash cannon

While in Unova on a Galactic business trip, Mars stubbed her toe on a rock near a cave entrance. The rock turned out to be a roggenrola, and after she was done cursing, she caught him and named him Fracture, after what he almost did to her toe. He turned out to be a worthy addition.