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    ⠀⠀➥Make an Animal character

    ⠀⠀Primordia is home to many diverse animal species and even some mutants. The list below is vague to give you lots of room to be creative!
    The society here is largely wholesome and animals of all species and varieties get along and communicate. They tend to work together to take care of each other, regardless of appearance, and often even form family bonds with different species. The mutagenic sludge backstory is a big part of their culture. Read more about culture and the mutagenic sludge here.

    ۞ Regular earth-animal

    The only differences are that animals here are intelligent enough to speak and can talk to all other species. They also don't get larger than elephant sized (or smaller than an insect). Carnivores do not hunt others if they live in the main society due to the prevalence of meat. It's treated as a crime.

    ۞ Unique animal species

    through speculative or convergent evolution, your character is your own custom made species. They can breed with their same species. Remember that any abilities and unique traits must be biologically explained and logical. This is because species have always, through "survival of the fittest", weeded out illogical traits. (No magic allowed!) Read more about design restrictions.

    ۞ Mutated animal

    if you truly want something extraordinarily unique, a mutated animal is your best bet! They cannot produce offspring with anyone. Traits that aren't logical and wouldn't normally be able to be passed down are welcome in mutants (within reason). That said, they are still subject to all other design limitations.

    Note: If you want to play/import a character from another continuity, please click here.

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    ⠀⠀➥Pick a Faction
    ⠀⠀A faction is an optional social group for your character.
    It helps create cooperation between you and others while going on adventures (giving you rp threads to work with).

    Bodyguards, peacekeepers. Able to physically defend themselves and their others when the need arises. Most animals that excel in combat fall under this category.
    - help guard jails and protect meat harvesters, or travelers
    - Sometimes more practical, like den-sitters
    - Physically strong or powerful
    - Often impulsive types, adrenaline junkies

    Seekers, plant and meat specialists. Whether working in a team or going solo, explorers excel in finding, observing, and surviving in new areas. They often are stealthy to avoid danger.
    - Meat harvester / body retrievers
    - Plant harvester / herbalist
    - Medics (using plants)
    - Some are either very religious or not at all (strong duality)

    Knowledgeable about Mother (the sludge) and Horrorbeasts (mutagenic monsters), and how to bring back equilibrium to a sludge pool. A spiritual lifeguard, if you will.
    - Judges / leaders, good at delegating tasks and seeing things through
    - Often religious, but not always
    - Persuasive, planners, organizers
    - Level headed in a crisis, pragmatic

    Highly skills oriented, often sharing or performing. They entertain or help their fellow creatures with their dexterousness, and are known for being very generous.
    - Singers, dancers, storytellers
    - Tribal textile weavers
    - Parasite and bug removers, teeth cleaners
    - Typically highly flexible

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    ⠀⠀➥Choose a Home

    ⠀⠀There are three major Biomes, and below is a list of important landmarks and typical residents:

    ۞ Forest

    Where animals go to forage for food, as it has a Meat Mother pool generating meat for carnivores. For other eaters, there are mushrooms, patches of grass, berry bushes, and fruit groves. Some take up residence here, specializing in helping other animals secure a reliable meal, while others guard the food reserves from being over-harvested. Explorers enjoy the diverse life and ecosystems this warm jungle offers.

    At the center is the behemoth Wisdom Tree, whom animals hold in reverence. Surrounding it is the Tree-Collective homes, where arboreal creatures have denned, and below which is the Warren, with many nesting sites for ground dwellers. Dexterous Weavers enjoy the safety of this area to work on small, simple items to share with the community.

    ۞ Mountains

    A voyage for those who don't reside in the high altitude, yet a worthy visit for any animal. At the peak is a legendary Healing Mother sludge pool, mending injured beasts and sometimes even rescuing them from death, as well as the Pebble Hot Springs to soothe aching muscles.

    The path to the rewarding peak, however, is fraught with danger! Animals living here are nimble, lending a paw as guides and navigators, for the treacherous rocks can fall at any moment, mudslides are common, and Horrorbeasts (massive mutagenic monsters) emerge from the many surrounding Dark Birth Mother sludge pools, known to lead travelers astray and into their jaws.

    ۞ Canyons

    Despite the dizzying cliff sides and two thousand foot drop, animals often make this arduous trek to connect with the celestial sun/moon/stars, whose light they see as being the essence of all animal souls. Of special note is the venerated Birth Mother sludge pool, which glows and then literally spawns new animal life each spring (as well as producing new animals occasionally outside of the season). The Canyons are a favored home for Clerics, who maintain tabs on what organic material the pool needs to have added, and fiercely protect their Birth Mother pool from ever becoming contaminated into an antagonistic Dark Mother pool...

    Also here is the somber Stone Table, a rock formation used for ceremonies in which animals let their own blood as a seal for promises, blessings, and treaties. A tumulus (burial mound) sits on the far slope, for those who are not inclined to return their dead to the Birth Mother pool.

    Much less serious is the Story Circle, where animals jovially gather under the stars to hear their favorite Teller spin a creative tale.

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    ⠀⠀➥Choose a Backstory

    ⠀⠀How might your character have arrived here?

    Here's some ideas:

    ۞ They were born here in this society as an animal (likely a sludge-created one, but doesn't have to be)

    ۞ Looking for paradise, they migrated here from somewhere else on Earth (areas outside of Primordia are known as the Fringes)

    ۞ They are a re-born character (an animal who died and whose body was put in the healing sludge to someday return... but with new mutations and little to no memory of their previous life).

    ۞ Your character walks through some kind of time rift and ends up in the future in an animalesque body

    ۞ They got marooned by some sci fi phenomenon and were affected by the sludge to look like an animal

    ۞ Other ideas? Ask!

    ⠀⠀Now that you have a character, mosey on over to learn about lore here!

  • [art of Bopy by Lep, faction symbols by Tenjin, map by James, Athie by Sylvyr'dii]