I am not going to say anything until you guys respond that you've seen it. But homahgawd.
Respoooond o.o
Respoooond o.o
I just finished watching!!
OMG!!!! (I think anyone checking this thread out knows there will be spoilers...)
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. It scared me because I thought it was gonna end in a cliff-hanger kind of thing to bring us back for next season. But it didn't! SO NOW WHAT IS THE NEXT SEASON GONNA BE ABOUT?!
And omg I covered my mouth and just sat there and stared when Tarlock blew up the boat.
OMG!!!! (I think anyone checking this thread out knows there will be spoilers...)
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. It scared me because I thought it was gonna end in a cliff-hanger kind of thing to bring us back for next season. But it didn't! SO NOW WHAT IS THE NEXT SEASON GONNA BE ABOUT?!
And omg I covered my mouth and just sat there and stared when Tarlock blew up the boat.
I kind of saw all of this coming; but I do not think Amon is dead. I think he will come back under a new banner about the Avatar destroying him but you know, he's still going to stand for equalism. PLus they have to deal with those who still believe in equalism. AND I WANT TO SEE THE REST OF THE DESCENDANTS FROM THE LAST AIRBENDER SO THEY BETTER DECIDE SOMETHING TO DO!
Okay, I'm pretty sure that boat blowing up was the saddest thing I've seen so far on this show
I think there will be a new villain for S2, not sure though. Finale was good, I'm interested to see where they go with the equalist thing now!
But now that we have seen through Season 1, we can figure out how we want the timeline in our story to progress. I think that it should follow along the big events, like the equalists attacking the bending arena should be the first thing that happens. What do you guys think?

But now that we have seen through Season 1, we can figure out how we want the timeline in our story to progress. I think that it should follow along the big events, like the equalists attacking the bending arena should be the first thing that happens. What do you guys think?
I agree; Should we have our pro bending hopefuls be there when it happens?
I think so
and would you object to having Bast there watching? 
I think we might have to have a montage or a time jump once Rakka and Leta get their team together, because they'd need time to train etc before going to the tournament

I think we might have to have a montage or a time jump once Rakka and Leta get their team together, because they'd need time to train etc before going to the tournament

Bast would watch. And I think Tanaf was going to be the earthbender: but would they be able to enter this season if Korra is already playing?
Hm...I am not sure, our timeline is kind of wonky
Did you want to talk to Kuroi about the possibility of them being rejected for it being too late in the season? Or maybe someone could drop out and they could take that teams place?

Yea, I will bring it up to her. Also, WELCOME BACK JELLO

Moderators: Various Characters (played by CelestinaGrey)