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Forums » RP Guidelines & Info » Rp Guidelines v1.1

1. Dealing with me

I am the GM/DM and therefore am the God of Rexia. I get the final say as to what goes on.

I promise not to kill any one player outright, you will be given several chances and even losing a combat encounter doesn't necessarily mean that your character dies.

2. Encounters
Encounter frequency I will generally leave to the rpers (i will step in if you haven't had an encounter in a while). Encounters chosen by the rper should be announced in a clear way so other rpers know what is going on. Encounters chosen by me will require 3 dice rolls and will be announced in the form "(Character Name), Encounter Alert, roll to decide." The first die will be a d2 (2 sided) with 1 making a non-combat encounter and 2 making a combat encounter. The second die will also be a d2 with 1 making a creature encounter and 2 making an NPC encounter. The final die will be a d10 (10 sided) and will decide the relative strength of the creature/NPC encountered, with 1-2 being essentially pushovers, 5-6 being on par with the rper, and 9-10 being extremely difficult. I will soon post creature/NPC types for each nation.

3. RP post length
I don't really care how long rp posts are as long as they give the other side something to go off. I'm not saying write a book, i'm just saying be reasonable. Also reasonably rp where you are, if you are passing through a border, rp dealing with a border guard, if you're in a pub, maybe rp buying a drink, etc.

Good examples:
I walk into the pub and sit alone, my back facing the door as I clean my sword.

I lunge at the [insert creature name] and swing my sword, going for its [insert body part name]

4. Reputation
Reputation is a numerical measurement of how the different kingdoms like you. I will calculate everyone's reputation once per day and pm the values on request.

a. Calculation
Calculation of reputation is quite simple, +5 for every good action done, -5 for every bad action done.

Spirits of Vengeance
There are 5 Spirits of Vengeance (Ghost Riders) in Rexiaone for each nation they will appear as though an inconspicuous member of the nation in which they reside, riding atop a horse. When fulfilling there duties, their body and horse will spotaneously combust in a pillar of hell fire. In this state they can easily outrun anything but will primarily be concerned with returning demons to the forbidden lands. if your reputation for any nation reaches -75 there is a chance the spirit(s) of vengeance will come after you to burn your soul in hell fire

If you have any questions, feel free to pm me and I will clarify as soon as I am able.

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Clarification: encounters simply need to be believable with some dice rolls mixed in.

Moderators: DJHonore