All Rexian Deities are based on Greek Gods. Each Rexian Deity has a separate temple in each city in Rexia, however all connect to the temple of Rexiamus in their respective cities via underground tunnels accessible only by the priests. The Rexian Deities along with their relation to each other shall be listed here:
- Rexiamus
Title: Ruler God/God of Space/Time
Description: All powerful being that used his mastery over space and time to craft children for himself and then to form Rexia in his own image.
Powers/Duties: Rewind/Fast Forward/Travel Through time and space.
Temple: Greco-Roman in style usually located just north of the town hall. Running down the center of its interior are 19 pairs of columns surrounding the center walkway with each pair adorned with a glyph of one of the deities under Rexiamus' omnipresent watch. This leads to the altar, which sits at the exact center of the interior. On the left wall sits a candelabra with 5 colored candles. It is thought that if ever one of these candles goes out, a cataclysmic event will occur in the corresponding region of Rexia.
- Hademus
[**] Rexiamus's firstborn son
[**] God of Death/Hell
[**] Collects the souls of the deceased
[**] Can kill the living with a single touch
[**] Can raise the deceased as undead soldiers on a whim
[**] Roams the realm in a tattered black hooded cloak, carrying a bloody scythe with which to collect the souls of the deceased
- Themamus
[**] Rexiamus's secondborn son
[**] Hademus's brother
[**] God of Justice and Vengeance
[**] Commands the 5 Spirits of Vengeance and grants them their powers
- Heramus
[**] God of Marriage/Families
- Poseidamus
[**] God of the Sea
Can summon massive waves or change the tides at will
- Demeteramus
God of Agriculture - Areamus
God of War
Can raise massive armies from nothing - Athenamus
[**] God of Wisdom/Useful Arts
Can bless any mortal with infinite wisdom - Appollomus
[**] God of archery, music, poetry, prophecy, medicine, and the sun
Can make music from nature, heal any wound of the living, and tell the future - Artemus
[**] God of the moon and hunting - Hephaemus
[**] God of Blacksmithing and Fire
Can forge nearly indestructible weapons from holy fire and empower any earthly forge - Aphromus
[**] God of Love and Beauty - Hermeus
[**] God of Roads, Travelers, Merchants and Thieves - Dionymus
[**] God of Wine - Hypnus
[**] God of Sleep - Nikus
[**] God of Victory - Janus
[**] God of Beginnings, choices, and doorways - Nemeus
[**] God of Revenge - Irus
[**] God of the Rainbow/Messenger God - Hecatus
[**] God of Magic and Ghosts - Tychus
[**] God of Good Luck and Fortune
1. Name: Rexiamus
Title: Ruler God/God of Space/Time
Description: All powerful being that used his mastery over space and time to craft children for himself and then to form Rexia in his own image.
Powers/Duties: Rewind/Fast Forward/Travel Through time and space.
Temple Description: Greco-Roman in style usually located just north of the town hall. Running down the center of its interior are 19 pairs of columns surrounding the center walkway with each pair adorned with a glyph of one of the deities under Rexiamus' omnipresent watch. This leads to the altar, which sits at the exact center of the interior. On the left wall sits a candelabra with 5 colored candles. It is thought that if ever one of these candles goes out, a cataclysmic event will occur in the corresponding region of Rexia.
Most Frequent Form: takes the earthly form of a warrior with massive wings.
Holiday: Every year on the first week of the year, all 4 kingdoms hold a festival for the purpose of staying in his favor.
Other Notes: none
2. Name: Hademus
Rexiamus's firstborn son
Title: God of Death/Hell
Description: He is a mighty god that is over Death and when angered, he could kill a being with a single touch of his finger if he so desired. He can raise armies of dead and will lead them into a battle. He is determined to win and with the dead all around him, he can always raise more dead for his army.
Temple Description: The Temple of Hademus is a Gothic Style with grey marble stones. Black gargoyles watch from the walls. One large deep tone bell sits in the center of the temple tower. When it rings, it sounds as if it is coming up from the depths of the planet. Black and grey marble is every where through out the temple with decorations made of human bones. Some are skeletons in full armor, ready to serve at a moments notice. Sconces and chandeliers are made of bones as well as the alter and other items.
There are various halls in a maze design at the back of the Temple. These halls house the bones of the deceased members for a fee. Many of the halls are family halls where families have their deceased entombed so that they do not need to be interrupted from their deep slumber.
There is a special rank monks that do the work of the entombing. They do not appear to the public nor do they speak.
Holiday: Day of the Dead- On this day, a game is held where people try to hide from the representative of Hademus. Each participant would wear a special arm band to signify that he or she is in the game. Once they have collected one of your friends or family, you must go to the Temple where you have to pay a fine.
Only the most devoted people are chosen to be the representative of Hademus. These men are selected by the head priest from the eligible Temple members. Once the specific number of eligible men are chosen for the possibility of being one of the 10, they are housed for the duration of the Game. Each man has their own bed chamber where they must stay in. 10 men are collected in the middle of the night by the head priest. Each one has a bag placed over his head and was lead by a monk to where the monk would dress the man for the game. The men are not allowed to eat until the feast that night or even speak.
The men are allowed to be chosen once in their life time and can not ever tell anyone of the fact that he was one of them. The representative of Hademus and the Soul Collectors will leave the Temple at a designated time with a cart drawn by a beast of burden- usually an ox or bull.
The scythe has a red dye in the tip so that when the representative of Hademus marks a person’s ‘soul’, one of the Soul Collectors would be able to see which soul to collect. The soul try to escape and the Soul Collector would have to give chase.
Soul Collectors take the selected persons to the wagon and waits for his next ‘Soul’ Much taunting by the crowds is done. Once the wagon is full of souls, it is taken to the Temple where someone must ransom the soul back into the world.
In the afternoon, The Head Priest reads the name of each person and the crime of being caught on The Day of the Dead. One of the friends or family member walks up and pays a fine.
During this time, the representative of Hademus and the Soul Collectors are taken away to be cleaned up and returned to their bed chamber to wait for the feast after the Fees are paid.
3. Name: Themamus
Rexiamus's secondborn son
Hademus's brother
Ruler of: God of Justice and Vengeance
Temple Location in each City: A pentagon shaped building with smooth sides, several triangular top floors and all-seeing eye that seems to move or see everything around the area. Each side represents a Spirit of Vengeance.
Personal Duties:
Commands the 5 Spirits of Vengeance and grants them their powers
Most Frequent Form: none
Holiday: none
4. Name: Areamus
Ruler of: God of War
Temple Location in each City: This temple has a fort style look to it with each part of the temple has its own building that is off set by the others so it would be hard to run in. Each building has a specific use and you can tell what the building is used for by the design on the outside.
Personal Duties:
Can raise massive armies from nothing
Most Frequent Form: none
Holiday: none
5. Name: Nikus
Ruler of: God of Victory
Temple Location in each City: At the gates of the city.
Personal Duties: Makes ballads of the various battles.
Most Frequent Form: A flag bearer
Holiday: none
6. Name: Demeteramus
Ruler of: God of Agriculture
Temple Location in each City: A simple box form temple located by the one of the ends of the market area. The pillars are in the shape of haystacks and are the only decoration on the outside. High windows show scenes of planting, tending and harvesting crops. The men tend to work hard to prove how good of a provider they are with the quality and quantity of crops.
Personal Duties: Oversees the farming communities and their work.
Most Frequent Form: He tends to roam about as a ranch hand looking for work.
Holiday: Harvest festival where there are contests of cooking and showing of the finest farm animals around. It is often combined with The Temple of Heramus who many females prefer for they generally run the kitchen and house. The females show off their abilities of cooking, sewing and other useful crafts in order to find a husband.
Athenamus often looks in to see the various crafts such as sewing, weaving basketry, spinning.
7. Name: Heramus
Ruler of: God of Marriage/Families
Temple Location in each City: A shrine that resembles a cluster of homes.
Personal Duties: The head priest performs marriages for all of the Temples. The Temple is responsible to make sure each family is doing well. Harmony in the family home
Most Frequent Form: A priest
Holiday: June 1st which is when there is a mass wedding that is done for free. All Temples may send their people there to be blest in their marriage.
Holiday: none
8. Name: Athenamus
Ruler of: God of Wisdom/Useful Arts
Temple Location in each City: The temple is a simple design of a basket. There are many classes for the females to learn a new craft such as sewing, spinning, weaving, basketry, candle making and cooking.
Personal Duties: The Priests see to young females’ ability to be a good wife. Older females are the ones that pass their skills down to the younger generation.
Athenamus often looks in at various festivals to see the various crafts such as sewing, weaving basketry, spinning. Athenamus can bless any mortal with infinite wisdom.
Most Frequent Form: Wise older person who is sitting and waiting for someone to visit.
Holiday: Any festivity that revolves around the home life.
9. Name: Hephaemus
Ruler of: God of Blacksmithing and Fire
Temple Location in each City: The temple has a secret code plaque on the walls as well as the
Personal Duties:
Can forge nearly indestructible weapons from holy fire and empower any earthly forge
Most Frequent Form: none
Holiday: Dog days of summer
Title: Ruler God/God of Space/Time
Description: All powerful being that used his mastery over space and time to craft children for himself and then to form Rexia in his own image.
Powers/Duties: Rewind/Fast Forward/Travel Through time and space.
Temple Description: Greco-Roman in style usually located just north of the town hall. Running down the center of its interior are 19 pairs of columns surrounding the center walkway with each pair adorned with a glyph of one of the deities under Rexiamus' omnipresent watch. This leads to the altar, which sits at the exact center of the interior. On the left wall sits a candelabra with 5 colored candles. It is thought that if ever one of these candles goes out, a cataclysmic event will occur in the corresponding region of Rexia.
Most Frequent Form: takes the earthly form of a warrior with massive wings.
Holiday: Every year on the first week of the year, all 4 kingdoms hold a festival for the purpose of staying in his favor.
Other Notes: none
2. Name: Hademus
Rexiamus's firstborn son
Title: God of Death/Hell
Description: He is a mighty god that is over Death and when angered, he could kill a being with a single touch of his finger if he so desired. He can raise armies of dead and will lead them into a battle. He is determined to win and with the dead all around him, he can always raise more dead for his army.
Temple Description: The Temple of Hademus is a Gothic Style with grey marble stones. Black gargoyles watch from the walls. One large deep tone bell sits in the center of the temple tower. When it rings, it sounds as if it is coming up from the depths of the planet. Black and grey marble is every where through out the temple with decorations made of human bones. Some are skeletons in full armor, ready to serve at a moments notice. Sconces and chandeliers are made of bones as well as the alter and other items.
There are various halls in a maze design at the back of the Temple. These halls house the bones of the deceased members for a fee. Many of the halls are family halls where families have their deceased entombed so that they do not need to be interrupted from their deep slumber.
There is a special rank monks that do the work of the entombing. They do not appear to the public nor do they speak.
Holiday: Day of the Dead- On this day, a game is held where people try to hide from the representative of Hademus. Each participant would wear a special arm band to signify that he or she is in the game. Once they have collected one of your friends or family, you must go to the Temple where you have to pay a fine.
Only the most devoted people are chosen to be the representative of Hademus. These men are selected by the head priest from the eligible Temple members. Once the specific number of eligible men are chosen for the possibility of being one of the 10, they are housed for the duration of the Game. Each man has their own bed chamber where they must stay in. 10 men are collected in the middle of the night by the head priest. Each one has a bag placed over his head and was lead by a monk to where the monk would dress the man for the game. The men are not allowed to eat until the feast that night or even speak.
The men are allowed to be chosen once in their life time and can not ever tell anyone of the fact that he was one of them. The representative of Hademus and the Soul Collectors will leave the Temple at a designated time with a cart drawn by a beast of burden- usually an ox or bull.
The scythe has a red dye in the tip so that when the representative of Hademus marks a person’s ‘soul’, one of the Soul Collectors would be able to see which soul to collect. The soul try to escape and the Soul Collector would have to give chase.
Soul Collectors take the selected persons to the wagon and waits for his next ‘Soul’ Much taunting by the crowds is done. Once the wagon is full of souls, it is taken to the Temple where someone must ransom the soul back into the world.
In the afternoon, The Head Priest reads the name of each person and the crime of being caught on The Day of the Dead. One of the friends or family member walks up and pays a fine.
During this time, the representative of Hademus and the Soul Collectors are taken away to be cleaned up and returned to their bed chamber to wait for the feast after the Fees are paid.
3. Name: Themamus
Rexiamus's secondborn son
Hademus's brother
Ruler of: God of Justice and Vengeance
Temple Location in each City: A pentagon shaped building with smooth sides, several triangular top floors and all-seeing eye that seems to move or see everything around the area. Each side represents a Spirit of Vengeance.

Personal Duties:
Commands the 5 Spirits of Vengeance and grants them their powers
Most Frequent Form: none
Holiday: none
4. Name: Areamus
Ruler of: God of War
Temple Location in each City: This temple has a fort style look to it with each part of the temple has its own building that is off set by the others so it would be hard to run in. Each building has a specific use and you can tell what the building is used for by the design on the outside.
Personal Duties:
Can raise massive armies from nothing
Most Frequent Form: none
Holiday: none
5. Name: Nikus
Ruler of: God of Victory
Temple Location in each City: At the gates of the city.
Personal Duties: Makes ballads of the various battles.
Most Frequent Form: A flag bearer
Holiday: none
6. Name: Demeteramus
Ruler of: God of Agriculture
Temple Location in each City: A simple box form temple located by the one of the ends of the market area. The pillars are in the shape of haystacks and are the only decoration on the outside. High windows show scenes of planting, tending and harvesting crops. The men tend to work hard to prove how good of a provider they are with the quality and quantity of crops.
Personal Duties: Oversees the farming communities and their work.
Most Frequent Form: He tends to roam about as a ranch hand looking for work.
Holiday: Harvest festival where there are contests of cooking and showing of the finest farm animals around. It is often combined with The Temple of Heramus who many females prefer for they generally run the kitchen and house. The females show off their abilities of cooking, sewing and other useful crafts in order to find a husband.
Athenamus often looks in to see the various crafts such as sewing, weaving basketry, spinning.
7. Name: Heramus
Ruler of: God of Marriage/Families
Temple Location in each City: A shrine that resembles a cluster of homes.
Personal Duties: The head priest performs marriages for all of the Temples. The Temple is responsible to make sure each family is doing well. Harmony in the family home
Most Frequent Form: A priest
Holiday: June 1st which is when there is a mass wedding that is done for free. All Temples may send their people there to be blest in their marriage.
Holiday: none
8. Name: Athenamus
Ruler of: God of Wisdom/Useful Arts
Temple Location in each City: The temple is a simple design of a basket. There are many classes for the females to learn a new craft such as sewing, spinning, weaving, basketry, candle making and cooking.
Personal Duties: The Priests see to young females’ ability to be a good wife. Older females are the ones that pass their skills down to the younger generation.
Athenamus often looks in at various festivals to see the various crafts such as sewing, weaving basketry, spinning. Athenamus can bless any mortal with infinite wisdom.
Most Frequent Form: Wise older person who is sitting and waiting for someone to visit.
Holiday: Any festivity that revolves around the home life.
9. Name: Hephaemus
Ruler of: God of Blacksmithing and Fire
Temple Location in each City: The temple has a secret code plaque on the walls as well as the
Personal Duties:
Can forge nearly indestructible weapons from holy fire and empower any earthly forge
Most Frequent Form: none
Holiday: Dog days of summer
10. Name: Janus
Ruler of: God of Beginnings, choices, and doorways
Temple Location in each City: The Temple is an elaborately adorned building which welcomes each person who comes into the city.
Personal Duties: At least one of the priest is at the main gate to welcome newcomers to the city.
Most Frequent Form: A peddler giving away his wares as gifts.
Holiday: none
11. Name: Artemus
Ruler of: God of the moon and hunting
Temple Location in each City: has various wild animals motif. Walls have tapestries depicting hunting scenes
Personal Duties: To call out at the beginning hunts when asked to.
Most Frequent Form: A hound master with 6 hounds straining to be let loose.
Holiday: none
12. Name: Appollomus
Ruler of: God of archery, music, poetry, prophecy, medicine, and the sun
Temple Location in each City: A beautiful Temple with figures lounging about with either musical instruments or a scroll and pen held.
Personal Duties: Can make music from nature, heal any wound of the living, and tell the future
Most Frequent Form: Dressed as a scribe.
Holiday: none
13. Name: Aphromus
Ruler of: God of Love and Beauty; Occasionally is seen with Poseidamus
Temple Location in each City: An elaborate temple with many columns. A great many works of art is housed in the Temple.
Personal Duties: Oversees the city’s beauty.
Most Frequent Form: A lady walking about as if she was exploring a neew city.
Holiday: none
14. Name: Nemeus
Ruler of: God of Revenge
Temple Location in each City: This Temple at the least used entrance or exit. It has a series of columns with gargoyles overlooking every direction.
Personal Duties: To give out punishments for any offence to the city from littering to ill speaking of the city and more
Most Frequent Form: A gargoyle
Holiday: none
15. Name: Poseidamus
Ruler of: God of the Sea- a loner but may be seen with : Aphromus- Ruler of: God of Love and Beauty
Temple Location in each City: Gothic style with many spires. Shells are in the walls of the temple as well as imprints of various fish.
Personal Duties:
Can summon massive waves or change the tides at will.
Most Frequent Form: Unknown
Holiday: with The Temple of Heramus who many females prefer for they generally run the kitchen and house.
16. Name: Hermeus
Ruler of: God of Roads, Travelers, Merchants and Thieves
Temple Location in each City: At one of the City’s gates
Personal Duties: Watches over travelers
Most Frequent Form: A tattered, well worn out man
Holiday: none
17. Name: Irus
Ruler of: God of the Rainbow/Messenger God
Temple Location in each City: At one of the gates of the city
Personal Duties: Takes messages from Temple to Temple
Most Frequent Form: A young boy with wings on his feet.
Holiday: none
18. Name: Tychus
Ruler of: God of Good Luck and Fortune
Temple Location in each City: An area known for it’s gambling . Many open areas for games of Chance can be played.
Personal Duties: Grant players a streak of good luck during their games and make sure good luck. The Temple itself is rather plain and without any ornamention.
Most Frequent Form: Unknown
Holiday: Friday the 13th
19. Name: Dionymus
Ruler of: God of Wine
Temple Location in each City: Near the center of each city. Bunches of grapes and other wine compnents were escribed into the walls.
Personal Duties: To make sure that there is plenty of wine at all celebrations.
Most Frequent Form: A male carrying a jug of wine
Holiday: Everyday is a holiday
20. Name: Hecatus
Ruler of: God of Magic and Ghosts
Temple Location in each City: This Temple is full of prestidigitation or sleight of hand magic / visual misconceptions. Mirrors are standing about the Temple which reveal ghosts, the bones of your body or changes the way your body looks. If you are able to find your way to the center of the Temple, you will find
Personal Duties: Haunting people and being the life of a party
Most Frequent Form: A person wearing a costume and mask.
Holiday: Masquerade parties are the favorite days of this god. They are given 4 times a year. These parties start in morning with elaborate body decorating followed by tables of food and drink. In the afternoon there is a parade where the participants show off their costumes. A judging contest is held to see who has the best costume.
Everyone takes a turn at being various positions such as servants, gamemaster, judges, and other positions. The party is held in a number of rooms and each room has games designed for each age group from children to ‘oldsters’, with the teens and young single people being the rowdiest rooms.
Each participant is given a number and that number is the person’s name until the unveiling at midnight. While the party is going on, participants may guess who is who by writing the number in a book and the name of who the person thinks it is. The books are turned in as everyone goes into the room where the unveiling is held.
After the unveiling, everyone changes to normal clothes and leave for home to sleep. A few days later prizes are delivered to each person.
21. Name: Hypnus
Ruler of: God of Sleep
Temple Location in each City: In the darkest area of the city in a building with no windows for light to escape into.
Personal Duties: Deliver a restful night of sleep to each person in the Temple Community.
Most Frequent Form: A person walking about with a bag of sand at the waist.
Holiday: None
Ruler of: God of Beginnings, choices, and doorways
Temple Location in each City: The Temple is an elaborately adorned building which welcomes each person who comes into the city.
Personal Duties: At least one of the priest is at the main gate to welcome newcomers to the city.
Most Frequent Form: A peddler giving away his wares as gifts.
Holiday: none
11. Name: Artemus
Ruler of: God of the moon and hunting
Temple Location in each City: has various wild animals motif. Walls have tapestries depicting hunting scenes
Personal Duties: To call out at the beginning hunts when asked to.
Most Frequent Form: A hound master with 6 hounds straining to be let loose.
Holiday: none
12. Name: Appollomus
Ruler of: God of archery, music, poetry, prophecy, medicine, and the sun
Temple Location in each City: A beautiful Temple with figures lounging about with either musical instruments or a scroll and pen held.
Personal Duties: Can make music from nature, heal any wound of the living, and tell the future
Most Frequent Form: Dressed as a scribe.
Holiday: none
13. Name: Aphromus
Ruler of: God of Love and Beauty; Occasionally is seen with Poseidamus
Temple Location in each City: An elaborate temple with many columns. A great many works of art is housed in the Temple.
Personal Duties: Oversees the city’s beauty.
Most Frequent Form: A lady walking about as if she was exploring a neew city.
Holiday: none
14. Name: Nemeus
Ruler of: God of Revenge
Temple Location in each City: This Temple at the least used entrance or exit. It has a series of columns with gargoyles overlooking every direction.
Personal Duties: To give out punishments for any offence to the city from littering to ill speaking of the city and more
Most Frequent Form: A gargoyle
Holiday: none
15. Name: Poseidamus
Ruler of: God of the Sea- a loner but may be seen with : Aphromus- Ruler of: God of Love and Beauty
Temple Location in each City: Gothic style with many spires. Shells are in the walls of the temple as well as imprints of various fish.
Personal Duties:
Can summon massive waves or change the tides at will.
Most Frequent Form: Unknown
Holiday: with The Temple of Heramus who many females prefer for they generally run the kitchen and house.
16. Name: Hermeus
Ruler of: God of Roads, Travelers, Merchants and Thieves
Temple Location in each City: At one of the City’s gates
Personal Duties: Watches over travelers
Most Frequent Form: A tattered, well worn out man
Holiday: none
17. Name: Irus
Ruler of: God of the Rainbow/Messenger God
Temple Location in each City: At one of the gates of the city
Personal Duties: Takes messages from Temple to Temple
Most Frequent Form: A young boy with wings on his feet.
Holiday: none
18. Name: Tychus
Ruler of: God of Good Luck and Fortune
Temple Location in each City: An area known for it’s gambling . Many open areas for games of Chance can be played.
Personal Duties: Grant players a streak of good luck during their games and make sure good luck. The Temple itself is rather plain and without any ornamention.
Most Frequent Form: Unknown
Holiday: Friday the 13th
19. Name: Dionymus
Ruler of: God of Wine
Temple Location in each City: Near the center of each city. Bunches of grapes and other wine compnents were escribed into the walls.
Personal Duties: To make sure that there is plenty of wine at all celebrations.
Most Frequent Form: A male carrying a jug of wine
Holiday: Everyday is a holiday
20. Name: Hecatus
Ruler of: God of Magic and Ghosts
Temple Location in each City: This Temple is full of prestidigitation or sleight of hand magic / visual misconceptions. Mirrors are standing about the Temple which reveal ghosts, the bones of your body or changes the way your body looks. If you are able to find your way to the center of the Temple, you will find
Personal Duties: Haunting people and being the life of a party
Most Frequent Form: A person wearing a costume and mask.
Holiday: Masquerade parties are the favorite days of this god. They are given 4 times a year. These parties start in morning with elaborate body decorating followed by tables of food and drink. In the afternoon there is a parade where the participants show off their costumes. A judging contest is held to see who has the best costume.
Everyone takes a turn at being various positions such as servants, gamemaster, judges, and other positions. The party is held in a number of rooms and each room has games designed for each age group from children to ‘oldsters’, with the teens and young single people being the rowdiest rooms.
Each participant is given a number and that number is the person’s name until the unveiling at midnight. While the party is going on, participants may guess who is who by writing the number in a book and the name of who the person thinks it is. The books are turned in as everyone goes into the room where the unveiling is held.
After the unveiling, everyone changes to normal clothes and leave for home to sleep. A few days later prizes are delivered to each person.
21. Name: Hypnus
Ruler of: God of Sleep
Temple Location in each City: In the darkest area of the city in a building with no windows for light to escape into.
Personal Duties: Deliver a restful night of sleep to each person in the Temple Community.
Most Frequent Form: A person walking about with a bag of sand at the waist.
Holiday: None
Moderators: DJHonore