The region of Kanzasu (lit. Kansas in Japanese) is a region that's loosely based on the US states of Kansas and Missouri, most specifically the Kansas City metropolitan area and surrounding locations. The region is rather flat, but is notable for having numerous rivers, lakes, and even a swamp. The main river that cut through the roads that connect Verdigras & Springfield and Wyandotte & Platte represents the border between the two states. Each city, with the exception of Verdigras, Platte, Wyandotte, Clay, Johnson, and Jackson, each city is named after one in Kansas or Missouri. Verdigras is named after the Verdigras River, the lowest point in Kansas while the latter five are named after five counties, each containing parts of Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri respectively. Wyandotte is one of the most populated counties (and my home county), while Johnson is the most populated overall in Kansas, while the latter three are on the Missouri side, each containing portions of Kansas City, Missouri.
The region's culture is a unique one, similar to that of the places the region gets its inspiration from. The most notable aspect about these people is that they are loud and proud, they love their home and can frequently be seen showering their hometown sports teams with much praise and love, even if they're playing poorly that season. Baseball, American football, and soccer are by far the most prevalent in the region, though ice hockey and basketball are widely followed as well. People are generally kind, caring, but usually rather blunt and almost brutally honest. They rarely lie and often just tell you what's on their mind, whether it's hurtful or not. The people love food almost as much as they do Pokemon and sports. They are noted for barbecuing some of the greatest foods you will ever taste, the people enjoy sickeningly sweet treats and cold sodas. However, despite the pleasing atmosphere of the region, it has a notable crime problem. While most crimes aren't violent, they are frequent and people often lose a number of valuable items. Love, honesty, pride, and compassion are highly valued.
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