Nicknames: JayJay (only call him this if you wanna die), Four-Eyes
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, he specializes in Fire-types.
Age: 20
Body Type: Average
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185lbs
Hair: Average length, jet black. It has an antennae like feature and is generally neatly kept.
Eyes: Pitch black. They seem cold, but focused and curious. He wears a pair of glasses over them.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Olathe, Kanzasu
Relationship Status: Engaged to Carolina
Jay is a young trainer with a fairly average build despite years of extensive traveling. He usually wears a simple outfit involving a long sleeved, white button up shirt. He has a pair of long, black slacks with a pair of simple black tennis shoes. He has long, fairly messy, black hair. It usually falls flat on his face, though an antennae like feature that sticks up in the center of his head. His eyes appear cold, but kind and jolly, he wears a pair of glasses. Perhaps his most unique feature is the fact that he'll occasionally wear a green hat with an L on it. While it doesn't really match with the rest of his outfit, he claims it acts like a good luck charm for him. He'll occasionally wear a blue and white jacket with a Pokeball logo on his back. His beloved Fennekin often rests in his arms or on his head.
Jay is a kindhearted, rather dense man. He enjoys a heartfelt conversation and can almost always be seen with a piece of candy on him. He is brutally honest and never shy's away from just saying what's on his mind. This can often have him come off as ruder than he intends to. His is fiercely loyal and protective of his allies. While it isn't hard to earn this man's trust, it would be a mistake to break it, as he isn't known to hand out second chances. He loves his sister and his Pokemon dearly, holding both of them in very regards. He is very knowledgeable when it comes to Pokemon, battling, and various regions around the world, though this mostly comes from years of experience. He is usually the last person to understand a joke, you could literally throw the joke's meaning at his face and he still wouldn't understand. He adores his fiancee above everything else, that includes his sister and Pokemon. He will go to great lengths to keep her smiling and can frequently be seen clasping her hand in his own.
Character Theme: 'Fuel' by Metallica
Battle Theme: 'Moth Into Flame' by Metallica

Nickname: Fox
Gender: Female
Personality: An energetic, playful Pokemon that enjoys being able run around until the sun is no longer shining. She is an affectionate and sweet Pokemon that can often be seen cuddling up to anyone, whether it be her trainer, one of his allies, or a complete stranger. She loves battling even if she isn't the strongest choice, she'll give the entirety of her heart and soul.
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Ember, Hidden Power, Protect, and Scratch
Extra Information: The little Fire-type was Jay's first Pokemon, he had received her from his father for his sixth birthday. It didn't take long for them to grow close and become the best of friends. She has been with Jay since the very beginning of his journey. Despite having been with him for nearly fourteen years, she has yet to move past her first stage of evolution, though she's never wanted to evolve. In response to this, Jay used an Everstone on her. In battle, her strength and defense are rather low, though her speed is above average.

Nickname: Flare
Gender: Female
Personality: A bold, brave, and mischievous little Fire-type that enjoys being able to play pranks on others. Despite the prankster nature of hers, she has a good heart and is a very loyal Pokemon that believes in protecting her teammates with all of her power. Like her trainer, she is highly intelligent and can formulate plans in the midst of battle. She adores being able to cuddle and snuggle up to people and Pokemon she cares for.
Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Fire Blast, Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, and Toxic
Extra Information: She was initially caught as an Eevee just on the outskirts of Olathe, being the first Pokemon he had managed to catch since he had received Fennekin from his father. The two of them had quickly become friends, though that might've been due to their similar personalities. It wasn't too long after her capture that she had evolved into a Flareon. The little Fire-type was what inspired Jay to begin specializing in Fire-types. In battle, Flareon has high power, but her defense and speed are below average.

Nickname: Mothra
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, calm, and collected. He is a very quiet Pokemon that seldom interacts with the others. Despite this, He is a kindhearted Pokemon. He has a large amount of confidence in strength and skill in battle, believing that he'll be able to overcome any battle regardless of who he's facing. In battle, he is a merciless opponent that relentlessly attack his opponent until he has come out on top.
Ability: Flame Body
Moves: Fiery Dance, Bug Buzz, Gigs Drain, and Quiver Dance
Extra Information: He was initially received as an egg from a young breeder in Platte. After just a few days in Jay's care, the egg had hatched into a Larvesta. It wouldn't be until Jay had obtained his eighth gym badge that the little Bug-type would evolve, after his evolution, the Pokemon would become one of Jay's most vital teammates, being used in numerous gym battles during his journey, and was actually instrumental in his battle with Ho-Oh. In battle, his power is fairly high, average defense, and above average speed.

Nickname: Ember
Gender: Female
Personality: She is a calm, sweet, and loving Pokemon with a bit of a dark side. She very rarely shows signs of anger and will more often keep quiet. She enjoys cuddling up to the other Pokemon and her trainer. While she is sweet and kind. She is also fairly deceptive and is highly intelligent, often being able to see what an opponent plans and can act accordingly. She is a vengeful Pokemon that will stop at nothing to take vengeance out on those who have wronged her.
Ability: Drought
Moves: Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, and Solar Beam
Extra Information: The Ninetales was met just outside of the mountains near St. Joseph. Jay had come across the Fire-type, injured and weak from a recent poacher attack. Pitying the Ninetales, he took it upon himself to treat her. Though, due to previous experiences, she was initially distrustful of Jay, but thanks to some gentle coaxing from Fennekin, she allowed herself to relax around Jay, letting him treat her wounds. After her wounds were treated, she decided to join the team, quickly cementing herself as one of his closest Pokemon. She acts like a mother towards Fennekin and Flareon. In battle, she has fairly high speed, but her defense and power are below average. Her intelligence makes her a threatening opponent, she is capable of planning around her opponents with little trouble. She played a huge role in Ho-Oh's capture.

Nickname: Light
Gender: Male
Personality: A quirky Pokemon with a natural sense of curiosity. He loves being able to study anything he finds, whether it's a new person, Pokemon, or just some curious object. He has a high intelligence, though like his trainer, he's got a habit of being an oblivious dolt at times. He is an affectionate Pokemon that frequently cuddles up to his trainer, completely unaware of the fact that his cuddles involve burning his trainer.
Ability: Flame Body
Moves: Shadow Ball, Flame Burst, Dark Pulse, and Will-O-Wisp
Extra Information: The Ghost-type was initially met as a Litwick in the Haunted Bog. Back when he was just a little candle, he had played a simple prank on his future trainer, but unintentionally he had injured Jay in an attempt to have a little fun. Feeling bad, he decided to stay behind with Jay and his team, trying to help nurse him back to health. During this time, him and Jay had ended up becoming close friends with one another, soon prompting the trainer to catch him. Over the course of the next few months, he had evolved into a Lampent and with the use of a Dusk Stone. In battle, Chandelure isn't particularly fast, but his power and defenses are above average.

Nickname: Phoenix
Special Trait: Shiny
Gender: N/A
Personality: A noble Pokemon with a loyal heart to its trainer. The Rainbow Pokemon believes in obeying its trainer before all else and will do whatever it can to keep its teammates safe. It has a noble heart, believing all Pokemon should be treated equal. It acts as a leader for the team, taking on the role of second-in command. In battle, it is a very honorable Pokemon and will not attack an opponent if they're at a disadvantage. It is a rather affectionate Pokemon, loving being able to nap around its allies.
Ability: Regenerator
Moves: Sacred Fire, Roost, Shadow Ball, and Thunderbolt
Extra Information: Jay considers the capture of Ho-Oh to be his most difficult task so far, the battle with Ho-Oh nearly decimated the entirety of his team, only falling thanks to Ninetales' Toxic and Volcarona's resilience. The battle took place when Jay, Carolina, and her younger siblings had taken a vacation out in the Johto region's Ecruteak City, though this wasn't originally planned. They had done some exploring out near the Burned Tower after hearing rumors about an ancient Fire-type residing at the Burnt Tower, curious they went to check it out. With their luck, they had encountered the Rainbow Pokemon, the legendary Ho-Oh. Jay had soon engaged it in battle, and after a strenuous battle, he was victorious in his endeavor. After its capture, Ho-Oh had quickly cemented itself as not only Jay's strongest Pokemon, but the strongest Pokemon of the Elemental Trainers. Its power and defenses are incredibly high, though its speed is below average. Jay rarely resorts to using it battle and generally saves it for last, believing it would give him an unfair advantage if he brought it out too early while also giving the Pokemon a bit of a surprise factor.
Born on a cold winter day in the city of Olathe, Jay was raised by stern, but loving parents. From a young age, his parents had begun to teach their son all they could about the world around him, teaching him what they think would help him in the future. This tutelage from his parents would prove to be quite useful in the long run, as his future would involve plenty of adventuring and time spent with Pokemon. His goal in life had become apparent when his father had gifted him with a Fennekin for his sixth birthday. The two of them had bonded well and it didn't take long before Jay decided that the little Fire-type would join him on a journey throughout the Kanzasu region when felt he was ready. He had goals to one day travel about the region and become its new champion, however just months after he turned six, his family had expanded. His mother had given birth to his younger sister, someone he vowed to protect and care for her until he had left on his journey. Over the next few years, Jay and Olivia were able to grow close to one another, becoming nearly inseparable from one another. Olivia was the one who helped keep Jay smiling, even on bad days, it was the little sister that kept him inspired to go for his dreams.
It wasn't too long after Olivia had turned four that Jay decided he was gonna head off on his own, traveling Kanzasu as he searched for his place in the world. Though, before he left, he took his sister out to the beaches of Olathe for one final day together before he would leave. They wanted to spend as much time together before he left, since they both knew neither of their parents would agree to letting a ten year old be responsible for his four year old sister as he traveled a region largely unknown to them. As they wandered about the beaches, Jay had come across a Helix Fossil resting on the shorelines, deciding to give it to his sister as a late birthday present. After returning home, Olivia and Jay were practically glued to each other, the little one wouldn't leave her brother's side until the morning. The two of them loved each other dearly, so it was gonna be pretty difficult for the two of them to say goodbye, especially for however long Jay might be away. After a tear filled farewell between the two of them, Jay had left on his journey to complete his goals.
Soon after leaving on his journey, Jay had met a wild Eevee. Believing that battling the Normal-type would grant him some good experience for his travels. The battle between the Eevee and his beloved Fennekin was a quick and simple battle, ending in Jay's favor. Following Eevee's capture, he decided to take on his local gym, the Grass-type leader, Penny. This was his first battle against another human, so it would be an interesting learning experience for him and his Pokemon. He had a Fennekin, so at least one of his Pokemon would hold the advantage over Penny's due to her typing. Much to Jay's surprise, the battle ended in Penny's favor; most people tend to take her on midway through their journey. Realizing he wasn't quite ready for her gym, he decided to make the journey out towards Platte, the only city on the western island with a port. He planned on heading out towards Wyandotte to really begin his journey.
Soon after arriving in Platte, Jay had met up with a young breeder named Kyle. He was on his way back to his ranch in Salina, which was just southwest of Wyandotte. The two of them were able to become pretty good friends as they awaited for the boat to arrive at the port. Believing Jay would be a good trainer, Kyle had decided to pass along a Pokemon egg, believing that it would be better if the Pokemon inside the egg had the chance to see the world around it. Soon after the two of them parted ways at the port in Garden City, the egg had hatched into a Larvesta. This little Bug-type would play a key role in many of Jay's toughest battles in the near future, including the encounter with a Pokemon that would have a significant impact on Jay's battling, though Larvesta wouldn't evolve until he had reached his final gym battle against Salina, one that would take just about everything he's learned on his journey to that point.
Soon after reaching Wyandotte, Jay had taken on the gym in hopes of really kick starting his journey. After a lengthy battle with Cain, he had managed to come out on top thanks to his little Eevee. The victory in the Wyandotte Gym was not only his first victory in the Kanzasu Pokemon League, but his first major victory since he had left on his journey a few months prior. This victory had called for a bit of a celebration, Jay decided it'd be a good idea to take a quick vacation in Springfield, he was always interested in seeing the beautiful, scenic views the cliffs offered. Sometime before reaching the city, two major events had happened to the group. First, the little Eevee had evolved into a Flareon thanks to a Fire Stone from Jay, the second involved the capture of team member number 4, a beautiful Ninetales.
The Ninetales was a bit of a tragic encounter, especially in comparison to his other Pokemon, it was also his first encounter with Team Nebula... sort of anyways. The poacher was hired by the nefarious Team Nebula to capture any Pokemon that seemed to be either valuable or powerful, with such a nice pay from the villainous squad, the poacher had practically jumped at the offer and soon after leaving the Royal Laboratory, he had come across the Ninetales. While this particular Fire-type wasn't all that powerful, it was an incredibly rare sight to see a wild Ninetales. There was no doubt in his mind that this Pokemon would be the valuable creature that Team Nebula was seeking, but unfortunately for this poacher, he ran into Jay. The cliched heroism that was an established part of Jay's personality caused him to engage the poacher in battle. While the poacher only had a single Pokemon, his experience in battle was enough to nearly defeat Jay; his Rampardos only went down thanks to a combination of Flareon's Shadow Ball and Toxic. After his defeat, he had fled the scene in search of an easier to obtain Pokemon while Jay had stayed behind to help treat the wounds of the Ninetales, though over the course of the next few days, the two of them grew close and eventually prompted the Fire-type to join up with Jay's team.
Over the course of the next five years, Jay had slowly collected the Kanzasu gym badges, his Larvesta had evolved into a Volcarona and he captured a Litwick that had eventually evolved into a Chandelure. After he had collected the gym badges, he had decided he wasn't quite ready to take on the Elite Four, so he decided it was time to head home for the first in several months. While over the course of his journey, he had occasionally made a few stops at home to check in with his folks and hang out with his beloved sister, though none of these visits lasted for more than a couple days. Unknown to him, he would soon encounter someone that would forever change his life.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, he specializes in Fire-types.
Age: 20
Body Type: Average
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185lbs
Hair: Average length, jet black. It has an antennae like feature and is generally neatly kept.
Eyes: Pitch black. They seem cold, but focused and curious. He wears a pair of glasses over them.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Olathe, Kanzasu
Relationship Status: Engaged to Carolina

Jay is a kindhearted, rather dense man. He enjoys a heartfelt conversation and can almost always be seen with a piece of candy on him. He is brutally honest and never shy's away from just saying what's on his mind. This can often have him come off as ruder than he intends to. His is fiercely loyal and protective of his allies. While it isn't hard to earn this man's trust, it would be a mistake to break it, as he isn't known to hand out second chances. He loves his sister and his Pokemon dearly, holding both of them in very regards. He is very knowledgeable when it comes to Pokemon, battling, and various regions around the world, though this mostly comes from years of experience. He is usually the last person to understand a joke, you could literally throw the joke's meaning at his face and he still wouldn't understand. He adores his fiancee above everything else, that includes his sister and Pokemon. He will go to great lengths to keep her smiling and can frequently be seen clasping her hand in his own.
Character Theme: 'Fuel' by Metallica
Battle Theme: 'Moth Into Flame' by Metallica

Nickname: Fox
Gender: Female
Personality: An energetic, playful Pokemon that enjoys being able run around until the sun is no longer shining. She is an affectionate and sweet Pokemon that can often be seen cuddling up to anyone, whether it be her trainer, one of his allies, or a complete stranger. She loves battling even if she isn't the strongest choice, she'll give the entirety of her heart and soul.
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Ember, Hidden Power, Protect, and Scratch
Extra Information: The little Fire-type was Jay's first Pokemon, he had received her from his father for his sixth birthday. It didn't take long for them to grow close and become the best of friends. She has been with Jay since the very beginning of his journey. Despite having been with him for nearly fourteen years, she has yet to move past her first stage of evolution, though she's never wanted to evolve. In response to this, Jay used an Everstone on her. In battle, her strength and defense are rather low, though her speed is above average.


Nickname: Flare
Gender: Female
Personality: A bold, brave, and mischievous little Fire-type that enjoys being able to play pranks on others. Despite the prankster nature of hers, she has a good heart and is a very loyal Pokemon that believes in protecting her teammates with all of her power. Like her trainer, she is highly intelligent and can formulate plans in the midst of battle. She adores being able to cuddle and snuggle up to people and Pokemon she cares for.
Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Fire Blast, Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, and Toxic
Extra Information: She was initially caught as an Eevee just on the outskirts of Olathe, being the first Pokemon he had managed to catch since he had received Fennekin from his father. The two of them had quickly become friends, though that might've been due to their similar personalities. It wasn't too long after her capture that she had evolved into a Flareon. The little Fire-type was what inspired Jay to begin specializing in Fire-types. In battle, Flareon has high power, but her defense and speed are below average.


Nickname: Mothra
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, calm, and collected. He is a very quiet Pokemon that seldom interacts with the others. Despite this, He is a kindhearted Pokemon. He has a large amount of confidence in strength and skill in battle, believing that he'll be able to overcome any battle regardless of who he's facing. In battle, he is a merciless opponent that relentlessly attack his opponent until he has come out on top.
Ability: Flame Body
Moves: Fiery Dance, Bug Buzz, Gigs Drain, and Quiver Dance
Extra Information: He was initially received as an egg from a young breeder in Platte. After just a few days in Jay's care, the egg had hatched into a Larvesta. It wouldn't be until Jay had obtained his eighth gym badge that the little Bug-type would evolve, after his evolution, the Pokemon would become one of Jay's most vital teammates, being used in numerous gym battles during his journey, and was actually instrumental in his battle with Ho-Oh. In battle, his power is fairly high, average defense, and above average speed.


Nickname: Ember
Gender: Female
Personality: She is a calm, sweet, and loving Pokemon with a bit of a dark side. She very rarely shows signs of anger and will more often keep quiet. She enjoys cuddling up to the other Pokemon and her trainer. While she is sweet and kind. She is also fairly deceptive and is highly intelligent, often being able to see what an opponent plans and can act accordingly. She is a vengeful Pokemon that will stop at nothing to take vengeance out on those who have wronged her.
Ability: Drought
Moves: Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, and Solar Beam
Extra Information: The Ninetales was met just outside of the mountains near St. Joseph. Jay had come across the Fire-type, injured and weak from a recent poacher attack. Pitying the Ninetales, he took it upon himself to treat her. Though, due to previous experiences, she was initially distrustful of Jay, but thanks to some gentle coaxing from Fennekin, she allowed herself to relax around Jay, letting him treat her wounds. After her wounds were treated, she decided to join the team, quickly cementing herself as one of his closest Pokemon. She acts like a mother towards Fennekin and Flareon. In battle, she has fairly high speed, but her defense and power are below average. Her intelligence makes her a threatening opponent, she is capable of planning around her opponents with little trouble. She played a huge role in Ho-Oh's capture.


Nickname: Light
Gender: Male
Personality: A quirky Pokemon with a natural sense of curiosity. He loves being able to study anything he finds, whether it's a new person, Pokemon, or just some curious object. He has a high intelligence, though like his trainer, he's got a habit of being an oblivious dolt at times. He is an affectionate Pokemon that frequently cuddles up to his trainer, completely unaware of the fact that his cuddles involve burning his trainer.
Ability: Flame Body
Moves: Shadow Ball, Flame Burst, Dark Pulse, and Will-O-Wisp
Extra Information: The Ghost-type was initially met as a Litwick in the Haunted Bog. Back when he was just a little candle, he had played a simple prank on his future trainer, but unintentionally he had injured Jay in an attempt to have a little fun. Feeling bad, he decided to stay behind with Jay and his team, trying to help nurse him back to health. During this time, him and Jay had ended up becoming close friends with one another, soon prompting the trainer to catch him. Over the course of the next few months, he had evolved into a Lampent and with the use of a Dusk Stone. In battle, Chandelure isn't particularly fast, but his power and defenses are above average.


Nickname: Phoenix
Special Trait: Shiny
Gender: N/A
Personality: A noble Pokemon with a loyal heart to its trainer. The Rainbow Pokemon believes in obeying its trainer before all else and will do whatever it can to keep its teammates safe. It has a noble heart, believing all Pokemon should be treated equal. It acts as a leader for the team, taking on the role of second-in command. In battle, it is a very honorable Pokemon and will not attack an opponent if they're at a disadvantage. It is a rather affectionate Pokemon, loving being able to nap around its allies.
Ability: Regenerator
Moves: Sacred Fire, Roost, Shadow Ball, and Thunderbolt
Extra Information: Jay considers the capture of Ho-Oh to be his most difficult task so far, the battle with Ho-Oh nearly decimated the entirety of his team, only falling thanks to Ninetales' Toxic and Volcarona's resilience. The battle took place when Jay, Carolina, and her younger siblings had taken a vacation out in the Johto region's Ecruteak City, though this wasn't originally planned. They had done some exploring out near the Burned Tower after hearing rumors about an ancient Fire-type residing at the Burnt Tower, curious they went to check it out. With their luck, they had encountered the Rainbow Pokemon, the legendary Ho-Oh. Jay had soon engaged it in battle, and after a strenuous battle, he was victorious in his endeavor. After its capture, Ho-Oh had quickly cemented itself as not only Jay's strongest Pokemon, but the strongest Pokemon of the Elemental Trainers. Its power and defenses are incredibly high, though its speed is below average. Jay rarely resorts to using it battle and generally saves it for last, believing it would give him an unfair advantage if he brought it out too early while also giving the Pokemon a bit of a surprise factor.

Born on a cold winter day in the city of Olathe, Jay was raised by stern, but loving parents. From a young age, his parents had begun to teach their son all they could about the world around him, teaching him what they think would help him in the future. This tutelage from his parents would prove to be quite useful in the long run, as his future would involve plenty of adventuring and time spent with Pokemon. His goal in life had become apparent when his father had gifted him with a Fennekin for his sixth birthday. The two of them had bonded well and it didn't take long before Jay decided that the little Fire-type would join him on a journey throughout the Kanzasu region when felt he was ready. He had goals to one day travel about the region and become its new champion, however just months after he turned six, his family had expanded. His mother had given birth to his younger sister, someone he vowed to protect and care for her until he had left on his journey. Over the next few years, Jay and Olivia were able to grow close to one another, becoming nearly inseparable from one another. Olivia was the one who helped keep Jay smiling, even on bad days, it was the little sister that kept him inspired to go for his dreams.
It wasn't too long after Olivia had turned four that Jay decided he was gonna head off on his own, traveling Kanzasu as he searched for his place in the world. Though, before he left, he took his sister out to the beaches of Olathe for one final day together before he would leave. They wanted to spend as much time together before he left, since they both knew neither of their parents would agree to letting a ten year old be responsible for his four year old sister as he traveled a region largely unknown to them. As they wandered about the beaches, Jay had come across a Helix Fossil resting on the shorelines, deciding to give it to his sister as a late birthday present. After returning home, Olivia and Jay were practically glued to each other, the little one wouldn't leave her brother's side until the morning. The two of them loved each other dearly, so it was gonna be pretty difficult for the two of them to say goodbye, especially for however long Jay might be away. After a tear filled farewell between the two of them, Jay had left on his journey to complete his goals.
Soon after leaving on his journey, Jay had met a wild Eevee. Believing that battling the Normal-type would grant him some good experience for his travels. The battle between the Eevee and his beloved Fennekin was a quick and simple battle, ending in Jay's favor. Following Eevee's capture, he decided to take on his local gym, the Grass-type leader, Penny. This was his first battle against another human, so it would be an interesting learning experience for him and his Pokemon. He had a Fennekin, so at least one of his Pokemon would hold the advantage over Penny's due to her typing. Much to Jay's surprise, the battle ended in Penny's favor; most people tend to take her on midway through their journey. Realizing he wasn't quite ready for her gym, he decided to make the journey out towards Platte, the only city on the western island with a port. He planned on heading out towards Wyandotte to really begin his journey.
Soon after arriving in Platte, Jay had met up with a young breeder named Kyle. He was on his way back to his ranch in Salina, which was just southwest of Wyandotte. The two of them were able to become pretty good friends as they awaited for the boat to arrive at the port. Believing Jay would be a good trainer, Kyle had decided to pass along a Pokemon egg, believing that it would be better if the Pokemon inside the egg had the chance to see the world around it. Soon after the two of them parted ways at the port in Garden City, the egg had hatched into a Larvesta. This little Bug-type would play a key role in many of Jay's toughest battles in the near future, including the encounter with a Pokemon that would have a significant impact on Jay's battling, though Larvesta wouldn't evolve until he had reached his final gym battle against Salina, one that would take just about everything he's learned on his journey to that point.
Soon after reaching Wyandotte, Jay had taken on the gym in hopes of really kick starting his journey. After a lengthy battle with Cain, he had managed to come out on top thanks to his little Eevee. The victory in the Wyandotte Gym was not only his first victory in the Kanzasu Pokemon League, but his first major victory since he had left on his journey a few months prior. This victory had called for a bit of a celebration, Jay decided it'd be a good idea to take a quick vacation in Springfield, he was always interested in seeing the beautiful, scenic views the cliffs offered. Sometime before reaching the city, two major events had happened to the group. First, the little Eevee had evolved into a Flareon thanks to a Fire Stone from Jay, the second involved the capture of team member number 4, a beautiful Ninetales.
The Ninetales was a bit of a tragic encounter, especially in comparison to his other Pokemon, it was also his first encounter with Team Nebula... sort of anyways. The poacher was hired by the nefarious Team Nebula to capture any Pokemon that seemed to be either valuable or powerful, with such a nice pay from the villainous squad, the poacher had practically jumped at the offer and soon after leaving the Royal Laboratory, he had come across the Ninetales. While this particular Fire-type wasn't all that powerful, it was an incredibly rare sight to see a wild Ninetales. There was no doubt in his mind that this Pokemon would be the valuable creature that Team Nebula was seeking, but unfortunately for this poacher, he ran into Jay. The cliched heroism that was an established part of Jay's personality caused him to engage the poacher in battle. While the poacher only had a single Pokemon, his experience in battle was enough to nearly defeat Jay; his Rampardos only went down thanks to a combination of Flareon's Shadow Ball and Toxic. After his defeat, he had fled the scene in search of an easier to obtain Pokemon while Jay had stayed behind to help treat the wounds of the Ninetales, though over the course of the next few days, the two of them grew close and eventually prompted the Fire-type to join up with Jay's team.
Over the course of the next five years, Jay had slowly collected the Kanzasu gym badges, his Larvesta had evolved into a Volcarona and he captured a Litwick that had eventually evolved into a Chandelure. After he had collected the gym badges, he had decided he wasn't quite ready to take on the Elite Four, so he decided it was time to head home for the first in several months. While over the course of his journey, he had occasionally made a few stops at home to check in with his folks and hang out with his beloved sister, though none of these visits lasted for more than a couple days. Unknown to him, he would soon encounter someone that would forever change his life.
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth