Name: Olivia Topeka
Nicknames: Olive, Sis, Dear (those are only used by her brother), kid, shortie
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, she specializes in Water-types.
Age: 14
Body Type: Small for her age.
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 90lbs
Hair: Fairly short, reaching down to just the base of her neck. It is a dark black color usually worn loosely down. Her bangs fall flat on her face.
Eyes: A deep, dark pink color that shine with a burning confidence, yet appear timid and naive.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Olathe, Kanzasu
Relationship Status: Single
The trainer is a short, petite young woman that's frequently mistaken for a child. Her outfit generally consists of a stereotypical Japanese school girl outfit. She wears a dark purple sweater that's a few sizes too big, the sleeves reaching well below her hands, underneath the sweatshirt is a short sleeved, white shirt with a green and pink blouse. She has a black ribbon loosely tied around her chest. Her hair is fairly short. falling to just the base of her neck. Her eyes are a stunningly deep, dark pink color that just exude confidence, but they appear timid and naive at the same time. She can often be seen wearing a black backpack, it usually carries all kinds of random knickknacks, food, and other important necessities.
Olivia has a naive, sweet, and kind hearted personality. She is rather playful and often times will put aside her tasks so she may play with her beloved Pokemon. Despite this, once she manages to focus on important, she'll become extremely serious, refusing to rest until it’s done. She adores her Pokemon and cherishes each and every one of them as if they were siblings, she hates seeing them get hurt, though despite this, she has a love for battling. She has an immense amount of energy and hates staying in one place for long, she loves being able to travel every waking moment. She is close to her adopted brother, looking up to him like a mentor. She has a brave heart and will often do whatever she can to help someone in need. She is quite intelligent and is very skilled in strategy, using her quick thinking to help her win a number of battles. She is very emotional and has been known to break down into tears without much of a reason. She is fairly close to her future sister in-law and can oftentimes be seen with her. She loves sports and is a big fan of music, most specifically country and heavy metal.
Character Theme: 'Come Sail Away' by Styx
Battle Theme: 'Water' by Brad Paisley

Nickname: Shell
Gender: Male
Personality: An oddly affectionate Pokemon with boundless energy. He loves being able to play, especially around lakes and rivers, feeling right at home around any body of water. He loves giving and receiving affection, though he tends to get jealous when he sees anyone else receiving the affection he so dearly loves. He can be a gluttonous at times, almost always eating his weight's worth in berries, though he never seems to gain any weight from it.
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Shell Smash, Water Gun, Rollout, and Ice Beam
Extra Information: Olivia had initially found the Omanyte as nothing more than a simple Helix Fossil at just four years old. At the time, she thought it was nothing more than a really cool looking rock, so she kept as a special keepsake until she decided to get it checked out by Professor Cottonwood, the authority on ancient Pokemon in Olathe. After realizing it was actually an ancient Pokemon, the Professor was able to revive the fossil into an Omanyte. This little prehistoric Pokemon was what inspired Olivia to exclusively train Water-types. He isn't a strong battler, but his defense can help him stay strong throughout a tough match.

Nickname: Azure
Gender: Female
Personality: A timid, quiet Pokemon that generally keeps to herself. Due to some past experiences, she is slow to trust others outside of her trainer, Jay, or her fellow teammates. She's not even close to the other Elemental Trainers. She can often be seen sitting near her trainer during moments of rest, frequently napping alongside her whenever she has the chance. She can be rather playful, but this side is only seen by those she is close to.
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Surf, Quick Attack, Toxic, Icy Wind
Extra Information: She was initially captured as Eevee, one Olivia had managed to free from the clutches of Team Nebula, most specifically, she had freed her from a future Elemental Trainer; the Dark-type specialist, Johnny. The man wasn't necessarily abusive towards, but he wasn't very kind towards her either. After a brief battle between her Omanyte and Johnny's Zorua, Olivia had managed to free the little Normal-type. Feeling safer around Olivia, the Eevee decided to join her team. Just a few months later, Olivia had evolved her using a Water Stone. She's since become one of her most reliable Pokemon, having high defense, good speed, but low power.

Nickname: Manta Ray
Gender: Male
Personality: A playful, happy-go-lucky Water-type. He can frequently be seen playing around with the Pokemon whenever his trainer and fellow teammates have decided to take a break. He can be pretty affectionate when he wants to be, frequently cuddling up to his trainer. He loves being able to carry people across the water and will do so whenever he gets the chance.
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Air Slash, Roost, Scald, and Hidden Power
Extra Information: The Water-type was met just off the coasts of Joplin as a result of one of Olivia's first fishing attempts. Unlike most of her Pokemon, she didn't have to battle the Mantine to capture him. It seemed right away, he had taken a liking to his future trainer, and it wasn't long after they met that he had become an important part of Olivia's team. He shares fairly close relationships with most of the teammates and loves his trainer above all else. In battle, he has high defenses, but his attack power and speed are well below average.

Nickname: Jellyfish
Gender: Male
Personality: The Poison-type seems to have innate qualities of leadership, though his intentions are not always the best. He's a deceptive, intelligent, and sometimes cruel Pokemon. In battle, he does whatever he can to win, even if it means playing dirty. While he isn't a very likable Pokemon most of the time, he is very protective of his teammates and will stop at nothing to make sure the one who has brought pain and suffering to his teammates will pay.
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: Toxic Spikes, Hydro Pump, Wrap, and Acid
Extra Information: The Pokemon was met during an excursion in the Chief Lake after their victories in the Wichita Gym, the two trainers decided they wanted to check out the ancient temple out of curiosity, but unfortunately for them, their vacation would take a deadly turn. They had encountered a gang of Tentacruel that had claimed the southern shores of the lake as their own territory and were fiercely protective of it. The leader, the strongest of the Tentacruel had challenged Olivia to a battle. If she won, they would be granted safe passage to the temple, if she had lost, there's no doubt something frightening would've happened to the duo. After a long, tough battle, Olivia had managed to come on top with her newly caught Mantine. She decided she could make use of such a strong Pokemon, so she had caught it. As promised, they were able to continue their journey to the Azure Temple. In battle, Tentacruel has above average stats overall, his speed and defense being his highest.

Nickname: Star
Special Trait: Shiny
Gender: N/A
Personality: An odd Pokemon, really. The Psychic-type is a bit of a loner, not really much of a fan of contact with others, not even with its own trainer, though it has times were it's almost annoyingly affectionate. It's generally quiet and mild mannered, only interacting with the other Pokemon when its necessary. At night, it can often be seen pulsating the odd gem in the center of its body, though none of them are sure why it does this.
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Rapid Spin, Recover, Bubblebeam, and Psychic
Extra Information: The Water-type on the Jackson shorelines of the Royal Sea. Olivia had decided to do a bit of training with Vaporeon's newly learned Icy Wind, but unfortunately things went haywire. Unintentionally, the Vaporeon had hit a wild Staryu with the attack. Understandably, the wild Pokemon was pretty angry and had almost immediately launched a surprisingly strong Rapid Spin. After a rather brief battle, Olivia had caught the Pokemon in hopes of eventually making up for the accidental attack on the Pokemon.

Nickname: Sapphire
Gender: N/A
Personality: A kindhearted Pokemon that acts as a guardian for the other Pokemon. It does not believe in using violence to solve its problem, though it will battle if no other option is present at the moment. It has a tender heart, offering kindness to anyone that needs it, whether they're human or otherwise. It loves its trainer dearly and will go to extreme lengths to keep her safe.
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Rest, Toxic, Roar, Scald
Extra Information: The meeting of Suicune occurred just outside of the Lost Woods, but much like Olivia's encounter with her Vaporeon, it was through another battle with Team Nebula. This time, they had encountered Johnny's younger sister; the Psychic-type expert, Cecilia. The battle with Cecilia was much more difficult in comparison to the one with Johnny. The Psychic-type trainer was able to keep up with nearly everything Olivia could throw at her, but thanks to Olivia's persistence, she was eventually defeated in battle. After the battle with the Team Nebula admin, she had managed to free the Suicune. Fearing that the nefarious team might go after the Pokemon again, she managed to convince the Water-type to join her on her adventure. After joining, it had become a vital part of Olivia's team. In battle, it has incredibly high defenses, being able to take a number of hits before going down, but on the downside, its power and speed are below average.
Jay had first left for his journey when she was just four years old, Olivia had been anxiously waiting for the day she could leave on her own adventure. She wanted to experience the world, see what the world had to offer, and find her place in it. As soon as her tenth birthday hit, she had left on her adventure with her beloved Omanyte, though she hadn't yet informed her brother and decided to try and surprise him by meeting him on the road, unfortunately for her, this was gonna be a lot tougher than she had originally bargained for. Nearly every time she had gotten close to where her brother was, he had already gotten away from her.
Though, before she would reunite with her brother, she would have herself quite an exciting journey; taking on the gyms, battling with Team Nebula, and she had even developed a reputation as Kanzasu's best Water-type specialist despite being so young--something that had somehow avoided Jay's ears. The event she's considered to be the most important for her development as a trainer was her first encounter with Team Nebula, which resulted in the capture of an Eevee. She had initially come across the Pokemon who was being used as an experiment by Team Nebula admin and future teammate, Johnny, though his reasons for using such a common Pokemon was unknown. Like her older brother, Olivia had a cliched heroism that prompted her to fight off the malicious admin from trying to harm the little Normal-type even more.
The battle between her Omanyte and Johnny's Zorua was a close one, but eventually fell in Olivia's favor thanks to her Pokemon's tough defenses. Following Johnny's defeat, she had taken the Eevee and her protection and soon began to heal up her wounds, becoming close friends in the process. Grateful for the help from Olivia and fearing another potential attack from Team Nebula, she decided to join Olivia's team. This encounter with Team Nebula wouldn't be last, though her next encounter would prove to be helpful, as it would not only reunite her with her sixth and final Pokemon, but with her brother as well.
Over the next two years, Olivia had slowly filled up her team with a Mantine, Tentacruel, and Starmie while her Eevee had evolved into a Vaporeon; the Pokemon she had managed to train a team of surprisingly strong Water-type Pokemon and had developed a reputation as Kanzasu's premier Water-type specialist, and this reputation would only grow with her second major encounter with Team Nebula. This time, rather than encountering Johnny again, she had encountered his younger sister, the beautiful Cecilia. This battle turned out to be much tougher in comparison to her battle with Johnny. Cecilia's intelligence was unmatched and her Pokemon were tough to deal with, tougher than anything she's dealt with so far.
The battle was long and tough, with Cecilia holding the advantage for most of the battle; Olivia only ended up succeeding thanks to her newly caught Starmie. Cecilia's Pokemon couldn't keep up with the Mysterious Pokemon's speed and ended burning out before they could deal a finishing blow. After Cecilia's defeat, Olivia got to work freeing the Suicune that the nefarious group had captive, afterwards she had convinced it to join her team in hopes of preventing another situation like this from happening. However, the excitement wouldn't end there, as the ensuing chaos had captured the attention her older brother and his friends. A joyful reunion had soon taken place, with the two siblings had quickly wrapped the other in a long, loving hug. Soon after their reunion, Jay and Olivia decided that they were gonna start their own challenge much like the Kanzasu Pokemon League, though they would need to recruit a few more trainers. The five of them wouldn't have been enough for a sufficient challenge.
Nicknames: Olive, Sis, Dear (those are only used by her brother), kid, shortie
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, she specializes in Water-types.
Age: 14
Body Type: Small for her age.
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 90lbs
Hair: Fairly short, reaching down to just the base of her neck. It is a dark black color usually worn loosely down. Her bangs fall flat on her face.
Eyes: A deep, dark pink color that shine with a burning confidence, yet appear timid and naive.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Olathe, Kanzasu
Relationship Status: Single

Olivia has a naive, sweet, and kind hearted personality. She is rather playful and often times will put aside her tasks so she may play with her beloved Pokemon. Despite this, once she manages to focus on important, she'll become extremely serious, refusing to rest until it’s done. She adores her Pokemon and cherishes each and every one of them as if they were siblings, she hates seeing them get hurt, though despite this, she has a love for battling. She has an immense amount of energy and hates staying in one place for long, she loves being able to travel every waking moment. She is close to her adopted brother, looking up to him like a mentor. She has a brave heart and will often do whatever she can to help someone in need. She is quite intelligent and is very skilled in strategy, using her quick thinking to help her win a number of battles. She is very emotional and has been known to break down into tears without much of a reason. She is fairly close to her future sister in-law and can oftentimes be seen with her. She loves sports and is a big fan of music, most specifically country and heavy metal.
Character Theme: 'Come Sail Away' by Styx
Battle Theme: 'Water' by Brad Paisley

Nickname: Shell
Gender: Male
Personality: An oddly affectionate Pokemon with boundless energy. He loves being able to play, especially around lakes and rivers, feeling right at home around any body of water. He loves giving and receiving affection, though he tends to get jealous when he sees anyone else receiving the affection he so dearly loves. He can be a gluttonous at times, almost always eating his weight's worth in berries, though he never seems to gain any weight from it.
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Shell Smash, Water Gun, Rollout, and Ice Beam
Extra Information: Olivia had initially found the Omanyte as nothing more than a simple Helix Fossil at just four years old. At the time, she thought it was nothing more than a really cool looking rock, so she kept as a special keepsake until she decided to get it checked out by Professor Cottonwood, the authority on ancient Pokemon in Olathe. After realizing it was actually an ancient Pokemon, the Professor was able to revive the fossil into an Omanyte. This little prehistoric Pokemon was what inspired Olivia to exclusively train Water-types. He isn't a strong battler, but his defense can help him stay strong throughout a tough match.


Nickname: Azure
Gender: Female
Personality: A timid, quiet Pokemon that generally keeps to herself. Due to some past experiences, she is slow to trust others outside of her trainer, Jay, or her fellow teammates. She's not even close to the other Elemental Trainers. She can often be seen sitting near her trainer during moments of rest, frequently napping alongside her whenever she has the chance. She can be rather playful, but this side is only seen by those she is close to.
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Surf, Quick Attack, Toxic, Icy Wind
Extra Information: She was initially captured as Eevee, one Olivia had managed to free from the clutches of Team Nebula, most specifically, she had freed her from a future Elemental Trainer; the Dark-type specialist, Johnny. The man wasn't necessarily abusive towards, but he wasn't very kind towards her either. After a brief battle between her Omanyte and Johnny's Zorua, Olivia had managed to free the little Normal-type. Feeling safer around Olivia, the Eevee decided to join her team. Just a few months later, Olivia had evolved her using a Water Stone. She's since become one of her most reliable Pokemon, having high defense, good speed, but low power.


Nickname: Manta Ray
Gender: Male
Personality: A playful, happy-go-lucky Water-type. He can frequently be seen playing around with the Pokemon whenever his trainer and fellow teammates have decided to take a break. He can be pretty affectionate when he wants to be, frequently cuddling up to his trainer. He loves being able to carry people across the water and will do so whenever he gets the chance.
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Air Slash, Roost, Scald, and Hidden Power
Extra Information: The Water-type was met just off the coasts of Joplin as a result of one of Olivia's first fishing attempts. Unlike most of her Pokemon, she didn't have to battle the Mantine to capture him. It seemed right away, he had taken a liking to his future trainer, and it wasn't long after they met that he had become an important part of Olivia's team. He shares fairly close relationships with most of the teammates and loves his trainer above all else. In battle, he has high defenses, but his attack power and speed are well below average.


Nickname: Jellyfish
Gender: Male
Personality: The Poison-type seems to have innate qualities of leadership, though his intentions are not always the best. He's a deceptive, intelligent, and sometimes cruel Pokemon. In battle, he does whatever he can to win, even if it means playing dirty. While he isn't a very likable Pokemon most of the time, he is very protective of his teammates and will stop at nothing to make sure the one who has brought pain and suffering to his teammates will pay.
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: Toxic Spikes, Hydro Pump, Wrap, and Acid
Extra Information: The Pokemon was met during an excursion in the Chief Lake after their victories in the Wichita Gym, the two trainers decided they wanted to check out the ancient temple out of curiosity, but unfortunately for them, their vacation would take a deadly turn. They had encountered a gang of Tentacruel that had claimed the southern shores of the lake as their own territory and were fiercely protective of it. The leader, the strongest of the Tentacruel had challenged Olivia to a battle. If she won, they would be granted safe passage to the temple, if she had lost, there's no doubt something frightening would've happened to the duo. After a long, tough battle, Olivia had managed to come on top with her newly caught Mantine. She decided she could make use of such a strong Pokemon, so she had caught it. As promised, they were able to continue their journey to the Azure Temple. In battle, Tentacruel has above average stats overall, his speed and defense being his highest.


Nickname: Star
Special Trait: Shiny
Gender: N/A
Personality: An odd Pokemon, really. The Psychic-type is a bit of a loner, not really much of a fan of contact with others, not even with its own trainer, though it has times were it's almost annoyingly affectionate. It's generally quiet and mild mannered, only interacting with the other Pokemon when its necessary. At night, it can often be seen pulsating the odd gem in the center of its body, though none of them are sure why it does this.
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Rapid Spin, Recover, Bubblebeam, and Psychic
Extra Information: The Water-type on the Jackson shorelines of the Royal Sea. Olivia had decided to do a bit of training with Vaporeon's newly learned Icy Wind, but unfortunately things went haywire. Unintentionally, the Vaporeon had hit a wild Staryu with the attack. Understandably, the wild Pokemon was pretty angry and had almost immediately launched a surprisingly strong Rapid Spin. After a rather brief battle, Olivia had caught the Pokemon in hopes of eventually making up for the accidental attack on the Pokemon.


Nickname: Sapphire
Gender: N/A
Personality: A kindhearted Pokemon that acts as a guardian for the other Pokemon. It does not believe in using violence to solve its problem, though it will battle if no other option is present at the moment. It has a tender heart, offering kindness to anyone that needs it, whether they're human or otherwise. It loves its trainer dearly and will go to extreme lengths to keep her safe.
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Rest, Toxic, Roar, Scald
Extra Information: The meeting of Suicune occurred just outside of the Lost Woods, but much like Olivia's encounter with her Vaporeon, it was through another battle with Team Nebula. This time, they had encountered Johnny's younger sister; the Psychic-type expert, Cecilia. The battle with Cecilia was much more difficult in comparison to the one with Johnny. The Psychic-type trainer was able to keep up with nearly everything Olivia could throw at her, but thanks to Olivia's persistence, she was eventually defeated in battle. After the battle with the Team Nebula admin, she had managed to free the Suicune. Fearing that the nefarious team might go after the Pokemon again, she managed to convince the Water-type to join her on her adventure. After joining, it had become a vital part of Olivia's team. In battle, it has incredibly high defenses, being able to take a number of hits before going down, but on the downside, its power and speed are below average.

Jay had first left for his journey when she was just four years old, Olivia had been anxiously waiting for the day she could leave on her own adventure. She wanted to experience the world, see what the world had to offer, and find her place in it. As soon as her tenth birthday hit, she had left on her adventure with her beloved Omanyte, though she hadn't yet informed her brother and decided to try and surprise him by meeting him on the road, unfortunately for her, this was gonna be a lot tougher than she had originally bargained for. Nearly every time she had gotten close to where her brother was, he had already gotten away from her.
Though, before she would reunite with her brother, she would have herself quite an exciting journey; taking on the gyms, battling with Team Nebula, and she had even developed a reputation as Kanzasu's best Water-type specialist despite being so young--something that had somehow avoided Jay's ears. The event she's considered to be the most important for her development as a trainer was her first encounter with Team Nebula, which resulted in the capture of an Eevee. She had initially come across the Pokemon who was being used as an experiment by Team Nebula admin and future teammate, Johnny, though his reasons for using such a common Pokemon was unknown. Like her older brother, Olivia had a cliched heroism that prompted her to fight off the malicious admin from trying to harm the little Normal-type even more.
The battle between her Omanyte and Johnny's Zorua was a close one, but eventually fell in Olivia's favor thanks to her Pokemon's tough defenses. Following Johnny's defeat, she had taken the Eevee and her protection and soon began to heal up her wounds, becoming close friends in the process. Grateful for the help from Olivia and fearing another potential attack from Team Nebula, she decided to join Olivia's team. This encounter with Team Nebula wouldn't be last, though her next encounter would prove to be helpful, as it would not only reunite her with her sixth and final Pokemon, but with her brother as well.
Over the next two years, Olivia had slowly filled up her team with a Mantine, Tentacruel, and Starmie while her Eevee had evolved into a Vaporeon; the Pokemon she had managed to train a team of surprisingly strong Water-type Pokemon and had developed a reputation as Kanzasu's premier Water-type specialist, and this reputation would only grow with her second major encounter with Team Nebula. This time, rather than encountering Johnny again, she had encountered his younger sister, the beautiful Cecilia. This battle turned out to be much tougher in comparison to her battle with Johnny. Cecilia's intelligence was unmatched and her Pokemon were tough to deal with, tougher than anything she's dealt with so far.
The battle was long and tough, with Cecilia holding the advantage for most of the battle; Olivia only ended up succeeding thanks to her newly caught Starmie. Cecilia's Pokemon couldn't keep up with the Mysterious Pokemon's speed and ended burning out before they could deal a finishing blow. After Cecilia's defeat, Olivia got to work freeing the Suicune that the nefarious group had captive, afterwards she had convinced it to join her team in hopes of preventing another situation like this from happening. However, the excitement wouldn't end there, as the ensuing chaos had captured the attention her older brother and his friends. A joyful reunion had soon taken place, with the two siblings had quickly wrapped the other in a long, loving hug. Soon after their reunion, Jay and Olivia decided that they were gonna start their own challenge much like the Kanzasu Pokemon League, though they would need to recruit a few more trainers. The five of them wouldn't have been enough for a sufficient challenge.
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth