Nicknames: Dear, Sweetie (only by Jay), Big Sis (only by Olivia), Extravagant Cosplayer, Carol, Ninja
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, she specializes in Electric-types.
Age: 20
Body Type: Average
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130lbs
Hair: Fairly long, a light hazel-brown color that reaches down to her waist.
Eyes: Light, hazel-brown. They appear focused, confident, and naive.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Platte, Kanzasu
Relationship Status: Engaged to Jay

Carolina is a woman that just exudes confidence, she is always up to battle and is very confident in her skills. She hates sitting still for too long and she can be very energetic. She is fairly playful, frequently playing various games with her Pokemon. She has a love for cosplay, which is the very reason behind her rather extravagant outfit. The woman has an iron will and a very strong sense of justice, if she feels someone deserves it, she will lay out her own brand of justice, sometimes her justice can be quite violent. She adores her fiance above all else and can frequently be seen curled up near him when the day is setting, she also loves her future sister in law and her Pokemon, going to great lengths to make sure they're well taken care of. She is very protective of her younger siblings and has been known to threaten people with her sword if they try to hurt them.
Character Theme: 'Tomorrow Never Comes' by Zac Brown Band
Battle Theme: 'Ride The Lightning' by Metallica

Nickname: Crimson
Gender: Female
Personality: A playful, energetic, and cheerful Pokemon. She can almost always be seen with a bright and happy smile on her face, and will always be one of the first Pokemon to cheer her allies on. She does whatever she can to keep her allies smiling and if she fails to make them happy, that smile on her face will fade away. She is an affectionate Pokemon, though her affection often involves shocking her unfortunate victim, unaware that she's actually hurting them.
Ability: Plus
Moves: Helping Hand, Spark, Quick Attack, and Charge
Extra Information: The little Electric-type was one of Carolina's starter Pokemon, being a gift from her mother for her eighth birthday along with her Minun. The two of them were able to bond well, becoming like sisters. She has often been used in battles in which she needs a small, but quick and agile Pokemon. In battle, it has high speed, decent power, but poor defense.


Nickname: Cerulean
Gender: Female
Personality: A kindhearted, playful, and cheerful Pokemon that just adores her teammates. She loves her trainer and Plusle above all else, almost never being seen without them. She has enough energy to make even the most hyper of children seem sane in comparison. Just like Plusle, she is a very affectionate Pokemon, but she unaware of the fact that her electrically charged affection can be quite painful.
Ability: Minus
Moves: Helping Hand, Spark, Swift, and Charge
Extra Information: The little Electric-type was one of Carolina's starter Pokemon, being a gift from her mother for her eighth birthday along with her Plusle. The two of them were able to bond well, becoming like sisters. She has often been used in battles in which she needs a small, but quick and agile Pokemon. In battle, it has high speed, decent defense, but poor power.


Nickname: Jolt
Gender: Male
Personality: Much like most of her Pokemon, Jolteon is a playful, energetic Pokemon, though unlike Plusle or Minun, he isn't nearly as kind as they are. He isn't necessarily rude, but don't expect a warm welcome from him. He loves to play as much as he can, but he gets pretty rough at times. He loves to eat, especially spicy foods and will do whatever he can to get some.
Ability: Volt Absorb
Moves: Pin Missile, Double Kick, Thunderbolt, and Hidden Power
Extra Information: He was the first Pokemon that Carolina had managed to catch in battle. Though, at the time, the Jolteon was nothing more than a simple Eevee. The battle was over with pretty quickly thanks to Plusle's fast and dazzling movements, it was captured soon after the battle had ended. Just a few months after his capture, he had evolved thanks to an accidental exposure to a Thunder Stone. It was soon after his evolution that Carolina had decided she'd begin training Electric-types exclusively. In battle, Jolteon has high speed, but low power and defense.


Nickname: Magnet
Gender: N/A
Personality: A gentle, docile, and highly intelligent Pokemon. While at first glance, it seems like it'd be a rather rude and hurtful Pokemon, it generally acts like a big sibling towards the other Pokemon. Beyond this, it really doesn't have much of a personality.
Ability: Magnet Pull
Moves: Flash Cannon, Zap Cannon, Lock On, and Magnet Bomb
Extra Information: The Pokemon was initially met as a Magnemite not too far from Olathe. The little Steel-type had been causing trouble for Olathe Sports Complex by feeding off the electricity used to power their respective stadiums, though this little troublemaker is actually what led up to the meeting between Carolina and Jay, a moment that would have a profound impact on both of their lives. Carolina had caught the Pokemon in an attempt to stop its destructive feeding habits, and it had soon become one of her most reliable Pokemon. In battle, it has high defense, high power, but poor speed.


Nickname: Lightning
Gender: Female
Personality: Outside of battle, she is a quiet, but sweet Pokemon that can frequently be seen napping whenever the team is at rest. She loves to curl up under large trees, basking under the cool shadows they provide her. She loves eating, sweet and sour foods being her favorites. She has a fear of newcomers and Team Nebula alike, fearing they may end up hurting her or her loved ones. In battle, she is a ferocious, merciless opponent that'll never give up her relentless assault until her opponent has been soundly defeated.
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Swift, Thunder Fang, Crunch, and Spark
Extra Information: The Luxray was met on the outskirts of Verdigras, but her encounter was a sad one. She was initially a Pokemon that belonged to Team Nebula admin, Luna. While Luna was normally a kindhearted trainer, especially in comparison to her fellow admins, something had caused her to snap; whether it was a lost battle, she got injured, or something else had happened remains unknown, but she had quickly turned on Luxray, physically abusing her until outright abandoning her. This caused her to become a shell of her former self, no longer was she the energetic, playful Electric-type she was before. She had soon come across Carolina, while on the outside her Plusle and Minun appeared happy and well loved, but deep down, Luxray feared that their trainer would turn on them. This fear, whether it was justified or not, caused her to launch an attack on Carolina, but she was soundly defeated by her newly evolved Magneton. Feeling sorry for the Pokemon, Carolina began to treat her wounds, taking care of her until she was feeling better. They managed to develop a strong bond between one another after her capture, though Luxray remained wary of her trainer. In battle, she has high attack power, but low speed and defense.


Nickname: Fang
Gender: N/A
Personality: An odd Pokemon that seems to have a mysterious aura about it. It is generally a quiet, but kindhearted Pokemon with an energetic side that is rarely seen. The Pokemon is almost immediately distrustful of any newcomers and if it feel they pose a threat to it or its teammate, it'll attack on sight. It has a burning hatred for Team Nebula, almost always the first one to attack the evil team the moment they make their presence noticed.
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Spark, and Hidden Power
Extra Information: Raikou was arguably the most difficult Pokemon for Carolina to capture. It had initially attacked them for little to no reason at all, launching a relentless assault with high powered attacks. It was soon revealed that Team Nebula was controlling the legendary Pokemon. Apparently, this was vengeance for Olivia's interference with their attempt at capturing Suicune and Admin Johnny thought it would've been a good idea to take his frustration out on someone who appeared to be close to the Topeka siblings. The battle was long and harsh, Raikou was able to easily crush Plusle, Minun, Jolteon, and Luxray, but it fell short in its victory thanks to the efforts of Carolina's newly evolved Magnezone, though even this was almost a bust. After its defeat, Carolina had managed to capture it in hopes of preventing Team Nebula from using it again. After its capture, it had become instrumental in Carolina's success over the remaining Kanzasu Gym Badges. In battle, Raikou has high speed, good power, but poor defenses.

Nicknames: Jessie, Jess, little one, Hazel
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, she specializes in Fairy-types.
Age: 16
Body Type: Average
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 112lbs
Hair: Short, dark brown. It reaches down just to the base of her neck. Two ribbons adorn either side of her head.
Eyes: Dark, hazel-brown. They appear kind and curious.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Platte, Kazasu
Relationship Status: Single

Jessica has a fairly childlike personality. She is incredibly kind, sweet, and caring, but she can be quite stubborn. She is full of energy and enjoys to run around, despite this boundless energy, she is rather timid. While she takes great pride in her appearance, she often self-consciousness about it due to her belief that her appearance is like that of a young child. She will get upset if someone teases her for it and will get a bit flustered if she's mistaken for younger than she actually is. She gets even more flustered when someone flirts with her, though she secretly enjoys it. She is highly intelligent, being able to create intricate strategies in the midst of even most intense of battles.
Character Theme: 'Egg Planet' from the Super Mario Galaxy OST
Battle Theme: 'VS. Boss' from the Super Mario Sunshine OST

Nickname: Serena
Gender: Female
Personality: An energetic, playful Pokemon with a large appetite for sweets, fruit, and battle. She enjoys cuddling up to her teammates and trainer. She has been known to cuddle up with even complete strangers. She has nearly boundless energy and will continue to play around until she runs out, which generally isn't until everyone else has already fallen asleep. She hates her Pokeball and will frequently travel on her trainer's head. She has a slight fear of Flying-type Pokemon, though it's understandable considering her weakness to them.
Ability: Shield Dust
Moves: Bug Buzz, Draining Kiss, Quiver Dance, Dazzling Gleam
Extra Information: The little Pokemon has a rather cute story behind her capture. They had met not too long after Jessica was born. Her parents had decided to take a simple stroll around the city's newly opened park, believing some good, fresh air would have some benefits for not just their four year old daughter, but their newborn as well. As they wandered about the park, they had stopped to gaze over the beautiful flower fields and various Pokemon that made their homes in the park. One Pokemon in particular, a wild Cutiefly seemed to be rather interested in the family, curiously checking them out. While she liked the entirety of the small family quite a bit, she seemed to immediately attach herself to Jessica, refusing to leave her side. Seeing that the two of them seemed to get along well, her parents brought the Cutiefly home with them where her and Jessica developed a powerful, unbreakable bond with one another. Cutiefly had evolved into a Ribombee just days after Jessica had turned five, after her evolution, it was decided that her and Jessica would leave on an adventure when her sister left for her own. In battle, Ribombee is fairly quick, but she has poor defense and power.


Nickname: Slyvia
Special Trait: Shiny
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy, but naive and affectionate. She is slow to trust newcomers, but once she's capable of trusting them, she's been known to just cuddle up to them without a care in the world. She has a fear of heights and greatly enjoys resting near any body of water. However, while she is loving and caring, she has been known to fly into fits of rage if someone angers her.
Ability: Pixilate
Moves: Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Swift, and Quick Attack
Extra Information: The Fairy-type was initially met just outside of Wichita, though it wasn't under the best of circumstances. At first, it seemed her original loved the Pokemon dearly, but of course it was just an Eevee then. The love and happiness the two of them shared was enough to make Jessica and Carolina smile with much joy, but things seemed to go south after she had evolved. Her original trainer had clearly wanted Eevee to evolve in an Umbreon, but when she had evolved into the Sylveon, it seemed he had flipped out, abandoning the Pokemon out of anger. Pitying the Sylveon, and feeling immense anger towards her original trainer, Jessica had taken it upon herself to treat the newly evolved Fairy-type with the love and care she so dearly deserved. It was awhile before Jessica had fully earned the trust of the Sylveon's, but now they are inseparable from one another. In battle, she has great defenses, good power, but poor speed.


Nickname: Alexis
Gender: Female
Personality: Timid, shy, and rather closed off around newcomers. She takes a long time to warm up to anyone. Around her trainer and teammates, she is rather cuddly and caring, she enjoys being able to relax with her trainer. She loves traveling, hating having to sit still for long periods of time, unless it involves food of course. She is playful around those she trusts.
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Crunch, Iron Head, Stealth Rock, and Ice Punch
Extra Information: Jessica had initially met during a trip out to Dodge City where the Mawile was being used as an experiment by the nefarious Team Nebula. They used her to test out new medicines and formulas, some of them were harmless, but some of them caused her immense amounts of pain. Jessica already had some built up animosity towards the villainous team due to their previous encounters with some of Carolina's Pokemon. In an attempt to free Mawile, she engaged the grunt in battle and easily emerged as the victor. After freeing the Steel-type, she took her under her protection. The two of them bonded slowly, but they eventually became close friends. Her battle strengths are largely unknown due to her unwillingness to battle.


Nickname: Cotton
Gender: Male
Personality: Whimsicott is a fun loving, energetic Pokemon that enjoys playing with the others whenever she isn’t battling. She loves hanging around the other Pokemon, though her energetic personality can be quite annoying at times, though none of her allies seem to have the heart to tell her that. She loves being able to float around on windy days.
Ability: Prankster
Moves: Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Substitute, and Encore
Extra Information: The Grass-type was a gift from her older sister's future fiance for her twelfth birthday. They had quickly begun to form a strong bond, even if their personalities were completely different from each other. The shy, quiet nature of Jessica seemed to compliment the playful nature of the Whimsicott. In battle, she is incredibly fast and is capable of overwhelming foes with her infuriating move set, but her defenses and overall power is fairly low.


Nickname: Aqua
Gender: Female
Personality: A Pokemon that has a big heart and appetite to match. She loves food, often eating more than what she really should, even if Jessica tries to limit her food intake. Whether the food is sweet, spicy, bitter, somewhere in between, she'll eat it without much thought. She is an affectionate Pokemon, especially toward her trainer and anyone who feeds her.
Ability: Huge Power
Moves: Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, Waterfall, and Belly Drum
Extra Information: She was arguably the easiest capture for Jessica, she didn't require a battle to be captured, rather she was attracted by a meal that Jessica had just recently finished cooking. Attracted by the delicious smell of the meal, the Azumarill had practically invited herself, though no one seemed to argue against it. After the meal, she decided to join with Jessica's team, purely for the food she cooked. She isn't particularly close to her teammates, but she loves them dearly. In battle, she is fairly slow, but her power and defense more than make up for it.


Nickname: Lily
Gender: Female
Personality: A loving, motherly Pokemon with a big heart. She loves her teammates and treats them like they were her own children. She acts as the team leader if Jessica is unable to to lead the team herself, she does everything she can to keep them safe and happy. She has a loving heart that is willing to treat anyone's wounds, whether they're humans or Pokemon, and even if they have wronged her.
Ability: Trace
Moves: Heal Pulse, Calm Mind, Moonblast, and Psychic
Extra Information: She was initially met on the outskirts of Wyandotte, soon after her victory over gym leader Cain. At the time, it was only a Kirlia, but it had seemed to have been following Jessica and her siblings throughout Kanzasu, curious about her future for reasons that were unclear, and even to this day, it's still unknown why she had such a huge interest in Jessica, though it seemed to be for the better. In battle, she is by far Jessica's strongest power, having great power, decent speed, but poor defenses. She is capable of Mega Evolution, becoming much more powerful in this form.

Nicknames: Emerald, Leaf
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, she specializes in Grass-types
Age: 12
Body Type: Average for her age.
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 90lbs
Hair: Naturally, it's a light, hazel brown color, but she has since dyed it a light, seafoam green color. It's average in length, reaching down to her shoulders. It's worn in two bushy ponytails.
Eyes: Light, shining blue. They appear happy and playful.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Platte, Kanzasu
Relationship Status: She's only twelve, you think she's interested in relationships?

Her outfit is pretty similar to her older sister's, being a simple white, long sleeved white blouse along with a short, blue skirt that reaches down to just above her knees. She wears a pink ribbon, worn loosely around her neck. She has a pair of long, black socks and wears a pair of slip on shoes. Her hair is an artificial, light, seafoam green color, though it's naturally a light, hazel brown color. Her eyes are a deep, sapphire blue color that just sparkle with an immense happiness and shines in a playful manner.
Krystal is an energetic and playful kid, having a kind and loving heart. She refuses to think poorly of other people, but she generally has trust issues. She has a deep love for her siblings and can often be seen with her face in a book if she isn't in the middle of traveling or battling. She has a high intelligence and is gifted when it comes to cooking, she is especially good at making soups and various kinds of pastas, though isn't as good at baking. She adores all kinds of Pokemon, but Grass-types are her favorites especially. She loves being able to take naps in the nearby forests with her Pokemon when the weather is nice. She views Gabrielle and Johnny as older siblins, she also shares close relationships with her future in-laws.
Character Theme: 'No Hurry' by Zac Brown Band
Battle Theme: 'Stage Boss' from the Super Mario 64 OST

Nickname: Abigail
Gender: N/A
Personality: Despite a rocky past, the little Grass-type is a playful, jolly Pokemon that seems to always have a smile on its face. She loves her trainer dearly, looking up to Krystal like a sister. It loves fruits, especially cherries and the like, often carrying around a few to munch on as they travel. Despite its generally jolly disposition, it is a timid Pokemon that will shy away from newcomers, though once it realizes Krystal trusts the newcomer, it'll become a bit less wary around them.
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Calm Mind, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, and Psychic
Extra Information: Initially, the Celebi was an experiment used by Team Nebula, they had hoped to be able to tap into its odd, time manipulating abilities, though their intentions were unclear. Thanks to the efforts of Krystal, she had managed to free the Grass-type, but not without getting severely injured in the process. If it wasn't for the timing of Carolina, it was entirely possible that Krystal would've been killed. But thanks to Carolina and Celebi's combined efforts, they managed to get away from Team Nebula without any other problems. After the escape, the Celebi decided to aid in Krystal's recovery, helping Carolina where it could. Over the next few days as Krystal recovered, they had slowly began to develop a close bond, eventually they had decided they'd begin traveling together.


Nickname: Leafia
Gender: Female
Personality: A fun loving, mischievous Pokemon that seems to have an infinite supply of energy. She can almost always be seen playing, from the moment the sun rises to the moment it dips below the clouds. Much of her daily activity includes playing harmless pranks on her trainer, fellow teammates, or Jessica's siblings and friends. These pranks are almost always in good nature, but they occasionally harm the others. At the end of the day, she can often be seen curled up near Krystal.
Ability: Leaf Guard
Moves: Leaf Blade, Quick Attack, Protect, and Swords Dance
Extra Information: The playful little Grass-type met just on the outskirts of Olathe, though at the time it was just an Eevee. They had a rather comedic meeting, especially in comparison to Jessica's meeting with Celebi. The Eevee had stolen a freshly baked cookie from Jessica, which had prompted her future trainer to chase after her. The both of them had quite the sweet tooth, so a quirky battle ha ensued between the two of them. The skirmish didn't last all that long, only ending after Carolina had given them both a few cookies. Soon after the battle, Jessica had caught the Eevee. She had evolved into a Leafeon during a training mission in the small forest north of Platte. In battle, her power and speed are above average, though her defense is a bit lower in comparison.


Nickname: Plant
Gender: Male
Personality: Lazy, gentle and kind. He generally acts as a sort of mentor to the other Pokemon, generally watching over and protecting the group. He is docile enough that he'll let the smaller rest on his back, often times, he naps alongside them. Despite his gentle and lazy nature, he is very protective of his allies, going to great lengths to keep them safe. He loves his trainer dearly, doing everything he could to keep her safe.
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Vine Whip, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, and Body Slam
Extra Information: He was initially received as a Bulbasaur from the visiting Professor Sycamore of Kalos. The Bulbasaur was one of the three Pokemon he had offered to the kids of Kalos who were working on the Pokedex for his home region, but none of them had chosen Bulbasaur. The Professor and the Ford siblings had met in a small cafe up at Overland Park. After a brief conversation with Krystal, Sycamore had decided the girl would be a suitable trainer for the Bulbasaur, deciding to let him join her on a journey around Kanzasu, believing she would give him the journey he desired. In the end, it was a good move by Sycamore, the two of them grew close quickly, with him evolving into both of his later stage less than a month after they had met. In battle, Venusaur is quite slow, but his power and defense are above average. He is capable of Mega Evolving, while this really doesn't help much in the speed department, his power and defense increase substantially.


Nickname: Cretaceous
Gender: Male
Personality: The odd fossil doesn't really have much of a personality, but what is obvious is the fact that he is a bit quirky. He is a bit of loner and really doesn't like interacting with the others much, if he likes he wants to be left alone, he can become a bit aggressive towards even his own trainer. He has moments where he can be quite affectionate, but these are rare.
Ability: Suction Cups
Moves: Ancient Power, Giga Drain, Rock Polish, and Ingrain
Extra Information: The Cradily was initially found as a simple Root Fossil near the mountains of Clay, which was pretty odd. Lileep and Cradily were known for living in tropical areas of the ancient Pokemon world, but Clay is a freezing city that's almost always buried in snow, so this rose a few questions among the group, one theory they developed was that Clay might've been a tropical location back when the world was young. Krystal had kept the fossil around with her, using it as a lucky charm until they had arrived back in Olathe where she had it revived into a Lileep. Back when he was still a Lileep, the ancient Grass-type was a loving, kindhearted Pokemon, though all of this changed when he evolved. He became a totally different Pokemon in comparison, though Krystal kept him on the team, believing that with some effort, he'd return to the state he was before, though she hasn't had much luck in that yet. In battle, Cradily is incredibly slow, but his high defenses more than make up for it. His power is roughly average.


Nickname: Liliana
Gender: Female
Personality: She is energetic, playful, and loves to perform. She has a love for dance and can often be seen performing a new dance routine, if she's not dancing, she's usually helping Krystal tend to the other Pokemon. She acts as an older sister to many of the Pokemon, joining with Carolina's Gardevoir in healing or aiding the other Pokemon. She loves being able to bake and eat various sweets, often helping her trainer with the whole baking process. She is known for being almost overly affectionate.
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: Quiver Dance, Sleep Powder, Giga Drain, and Hidden Power
Extra Information: She was initially met on the outskirts of St. Louis, though it wasn't under the best of circumstances. She along with another group of other Lilligant and Petilil had been under attack by a poacher, wishing to catch them so he could make a nice profit, but he was soundly defeated thanks to the efforts of Krystal's Leafeon and her newly evolved Venusaur. Soon after the poacher's defeat, one of the Lilligant had taken an interest in Krystal, thankful for her efforts in protecting the group. She had soon joined the team and quickly cemented herself as a close, loving friend of Krystal's. In battle, she is fairly balanced, having no real strength or flaw.


Nickname: Tropical
Gender: Male
Personality: A friendly, fatherly Pokemon with a gentle heart. He is not a fan of battling and will more often than not pass up the chance to battle, usually preferring sit on the sidelines and watch, but when it comes down to it, he'll battle, and he usually gives it the entirety of his soul. He loves his teammates dearly, often doing what he can to make them happy. He loves children, almost always sharing his food with any child that so much as even looks at it. He enjoys being able to carry people on his back whenever he has the chance.
Ability: Harvest
Moves: Leaf Tornado, Protect, Hidden Power, and Toxic
Extra Information: Tropius was an interesting catch to say the least, she had initially come across the Pokemon after getting separated from her siblings and friends during a bad storm. The storm caused them get completely separated from one another, eventually leading Krystal to the Lost Woods. As its name implies it's quite easy to get lost in this forest. After several days of aimless wandering, she had broken down in fearful tears, a first for her. Her sobs had eventually found their way to the gentle Tropius. If it wasn't for his kind heart and impeccable timing, she would've been stuck in the forest for the rest of her life. Taking pity on the girl, he had flown her out of the forest and had soon joined her team. They had quickly formed a strong bond between one another. In battle, Tropius is a bit slow, but his power and defense make up for it.

Carolina was born and raised in the sporty town of Platte to a pair of loving parents. Her father was the one who had taught all that she knows about her Pokemon, as he was the one that gifted her with the Plusle and Minun for her eighth birthday. During her early childhood she had a keen interest in television, most specifically various kinds of anime and the many sports that took place in her hometown. From an early age, she could often be seen in various costumes based around her favorite anime and favorite sports teams. When she was young, she could often be seen wearing a blue and gold outfit that appears to be based on stereotypical magical girl outfits, while other times she could be seen wearing outfits that look pretty similar to a baseball or American football uniform. Her beloved Minun and Plusle would often be seen wearing cheerleader outfits. This love for sports and anime wouldn't be passed down to her siblings, unfortunately, though they would end up developing their own unique style.
At just four years old, she was gifted with a younger sister named Jessica. While the two of them are polar opposites in terms of just about everything; from their personality to even their musical tastes, they were able to grow rather close to one another. They shared a mutual love of Pokemon, which was evidenced by Jessica's early interaction with her beloved Ribombee, which was just a Cutiefly when they had first met. Whenever they had the chance, the two of them would spend time outside, watching the various Pokemon that lived in their hometown. They were rarely ever seen apart, Carolina and Jessica did almost everything together; they ate, slept, played, and studied together and vowed when they were old enough, they'd leave on a journey together throughout the Kanzasu region, though neither were entirely sure of what their goals were. That's what an adventure was for, right? It was all about discovering who they were, but their dream of adventuring together would be put on hold in just a few years.
Soon after Carolina and Jessica celebrated their eighth and fourth birthday respectively, their parents had yet another child, a baby girl named Krystal. The two of them rejoiced in the fact that they now had another sibling to potentially travel with in the future, so they had decided to wait until Carolina had turned thirteen to leave on their adventure, but of course they had to pretty much beg their parents for permission. Over the next few years, Carolina and Jessica had only grown closer to one another, while their bonds with Krystal formed quickly. The three of them had developed a reputation around Platte for being almost sickeningly cheerful, loving, and highly energetic... well, Jessica was cheerful and loving, she was quite shy in comparison to her siblings.
Soon after Carolina had turned thirteen, she and her young sisters had left on their journey to discover what their places in the world was. Not too long after they had left, Carolina had come across her third Pokemon, a wild Eevee. Deciding she was ready and figuring that her Plusle and Minun could use a new friend, she engaged the little Normal-type in battle. Thanks to Plusle's dazzling movements, Carolina had come out on top and soon captured the Pokemon. The excitement and joy in Carolina could be seen on her face, the fact that she had just caught her own Pokemon was a most joyous moment for her.
For the next few years, Carolina and Jessica would slowly build up a team of Electric- and Fairy-type Pokemon respectively, while Krystal would watch in the background waiting for her moment to catch her own Pokemon. Luckily for the future Grass-type specialist, her moment would shine just after she had turned seven years old. Her first Pokemon was a dangerous encounter; the Pokemon itself wasn't dangerous, but rather the people holding the Pokemon were the problem. As the group was making their way from Verdigras out to Chanute, they had to pass through the small forest that separated the two cities. Sometime during the excursion, an odd voice seemed to be ringing through Krystal's head, a longing, pleading voice was calling for her help.
Answering the plea, Krystal had managed to sneak away from her sisters, following the directions the voice had given her, she eventually encountered the nefarious Team Nebula and the mythical Celebi. She had only heard of the Pokemon in the various books that she and her siblings had read before leaving on their journey. Obviously nervous, Krystal took the risk and quietly made her way towards the cage that contained the little Grass-type. Much to her surprise, she managed to make it to the cage and had even managed to free Celebi, but as she was making her escape, she had tripped over a small rock on the ground, which caused the grunts to finally notice her. The group wasn't known for offering mercy to anyone who had gotten in their way, not even towards small children. While their Pokemon weren't all that powerful, Krystal was only eight and had no experience in battling, and the poor Celebi was weakened from previous experiments. If it wasn't for the impeccable timing of Carolina, it would've been likely that Krystal would've been in much worse shape, possibly even dead. The encounter left Krystal with a slight limp in her left leg from a fracture that never seemed to heal properly. After the event, the mythical Pokemon decided to join Krystal on her journey, becoming an inseparable friend towards the young girl. Their journey would soon return to normal, though Carolina would encounter soon encounter someone that would have a profound impact on her life.
Soon after Jay had caught his Litwick in the Haunted Bog, he made his way towards Verdigras to plan for his next move. He had already gathered all eight badges in the Kanzasu region, but he wasn't quite ready to take on the Elite Four, so for the next few days in Verdigras, he would plan all of this out... though he actually spent most of the time exploring the town. His life would soon take an unexpected turn when he had come across someone who he could only describe as an extravagant cosplayer. Though, he initially had no interest in communicating with her, it was due to her youngest sister's accidental run in (literally) with Jay that gave them a chance to meet. It was a moment that Jay would consider to be one of the greatest in his life.
The odd woman had soon introduced herself as Carolina, realizing the two of them had similar goals in mind, they decided it'd be a bit more fun to travel about the world together, according to her that the more people she had with her, the more enjoyable her adventure would be. Jay agreed to the idea and they soon began to wander about Kanzasu together, becoming close friends with each other. Jessica and Krystal considered Jay to be like an old brother to them while him and Carolina grew inseparable. For the next year, Jay and Carolina's friendship only continued to grow stronger until eventually he had come out with his feelings for Carolina, and much to his surprise, she had returned them. They soon began a love filled relationship, one that would become a major driving force for much of their life together. The two of them could almost always be seen walking down the road together, hand in hand, and a cheesy, loving smile plastered on both of their faces. They made a promise that they would marry and start their own family whenever their journey was finished, though there's no end in sight for their adventure.
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth