Nicknames: John, Johnny, Neptune (only by the Team Nebula admins and grunts), Traitor, Brother (only by the Team Nebula Admins)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, he specializes in Dark-types. He was formally an admin of Team Nebula.
Age: 26
Body Type: Well-Built
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 250lbs
Hair: Short, navy blue, often unkempt.
Eyes: A deep, hazel brown color that appear joyful and kind, though hints of regret can be seen in his eyes.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Lenexa, Kanzasu
Relationship Status: Married to Gabrielle
Despite no longer being apart of Team Nebula, he still frequently wears their uniform. The outfit appears rather refined in terms of its appearance. It consists of a long sleeved, white shirt with red and black accents. The shirt reaches well below his waist if he decides not to tuck it in for the day. A belt is usually worn around his waist as well. The sleeves are marked with black and red cuffs, with a pair of black stripes running down the length of his arms. His color is predominantly black with red accents. His pants are rather dull in comparison, being pure white in color, they are fairly long, reaching down to his ankles. He wears a pair of black dress shoes as well. His hair is a dark, navy blue color and is generally unkempt, but fairly clean. He can often be seen with his beloved Zorua in his arms or on his shoulder. Occasionally, he can be seen with an odd wristwatch.
Johnny has a rather kind, laid back personality. He's generally unlikely to get angry and nearly always has a smile of his face. He has a rather crude sense of humor and has a bit of a foul mouth at times. Johnny is a very loyal person and once someone earns his trust, they should do their best to avoid breaking said trust. He's not likely to give a person a second chance if they break his trust. He has a love for his sports teams, often making references to the real world Kansas City Chiefs and the Kansas City Royals. He loves country music most of all and also enjoys rock and some heavy metal. He loves his fiancee above everything else, and she's actually one of the biggest reasons he chose to leave Team Nebula. He lives and breathes for her and her alone. He is generally pretty intelligent, but he's been known to make stupid and rash decisions. He adores his sister as well and is fiercely protective of her.
Character Theme: 'You Made A Rock Of A Rolling Stone' by the Oak Ridge Boys
Battle Theme: 'Raining Blood' by Slayer

Nickname: Midnight
Gender: Female
Personality: A playful, mischievous, and loving Pokemon. Like most of her species, she loves being able to play pranks on other people and Pokemon alike. Her pranks often involve her ability, shifting into other people and objects just to mess around with her friends. Underneath her mischievous nature is a loving, affectionate Pokemon that enjoys being snuggled up close to her trainer, though she really doesn't enjoy being touched by anyone else.
Ability: Illusion
Moves: Night Daze, Fury Swipes, Shadow Ball, and Nasty Plot
Extra Information: The little Dark-type was Johnny's first Pokemon and was given to him by Kyre on the day he joined up with Team Nebula. The two of them had bonded rather quickly, never being seen apart since the day they had come together. Unlike Johnny's other Pokemon, she had refused to evolve, eventually getting herself sick because of her refusal to change. In response to her refusal to evolve, Johnny used an Everstone on Zorua to keep her from evolving. She can almost always be seen traveling on Johnny's shoulder or napping in his arms. In battle, Zorua is best known for her high speed and deceptive battling style with Illusion, though her power and defense are well below average.

Nickname: Lunar
Gender: Male
Personality: Very quiet and calm, he is not likely to burst out in anger ever. Due to his calm nature, he can easily read through his opponents and plans accordingly to how they act. While on the outside he might seem like a loner, he actually loves hanging around others and will actually become depressed if he is left alone for even a short amount of time. He loves meeting new people and will do whatever it takes to make new friends.
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Toxic, Wish, Protect, and Dark Pulse
Extra Information: He was initially met not too long after Johnny had gone off on his first mission as a Team Nebula admin. The mission had simply involved him aiding Kyre in capturing the legendary Pokemon, Raikou. Though, sometime during the mission, Johnny had found himself separated from the main group during their trip out to the Thunder Mountains. The freak storms had often times caused visibility to become almost dangerously low, and due to the poor visibility, Johnny had found himself very lost at this point. If it wasn't for the fact that he had come across the wild Umbreon, he likely would've been stuck there for much longer. The kindhearted Dark-type led him back to the nearby settlement of Clay. As they awaited for the rest of Johnny's allies to return from the mission, they ended up growing close to one another. The friendship that had sparked between the two prompted Johnny to catch the Umbreon. While Johnny was reprimanded for getting separated from the group, he was allowed to keep the Umbreon. In battle, he is fairly slow and rather weak, but his defenses are above average.


Nickname: Silver
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet, calm, and collected. Absol is a very kind Pokemon that generally keeps to herself. She seldom interacts with the other Pokemon and prefers to stay near her trainer. It's not that she doesn't like her teammates, she loves them, but just isn't as energetic as them and prefer to stay quiet. She will fight until she can no longer move if her allies are in danger. She is wary around new trainers due to past experiences.
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Slash, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, and Swords Dance
Extra Information: The capture of Absol is what initially began Johnny's desire to leave Team Nebula. The Absol was initially used as an experiment by the nefarious group; they had hopes of tapping into whatever ability allowed her to sense disasters, but they had made the mistake of letting Johnny keep an eye on the poor Dark-type. As he watched the Pokemon cower behind the door of her cell, pity and guilt poured into his heart, eventually leading him to free her. After he released her, he was punished with a month long suspension without pay and he would be denied any contact with his younger sister. While the punishment seemed to be almost excessively harsh, he took it without any objections and spent the time trying to help keep the Absol from being recaptured. While they had a rocky start, they had slowly became close friends, leading to her capture. In battle, she has fairly average stats, her power being her best stat, while her defense being her lowest.

Nickname: Hydra
Gender: Male
Personality: Despite being labeled as the 'Brutal Pokemon', Hydreigon is actually rather calm, caring, and unusually cuddly. He enjoys cuddling with the rest of the team and his trainer. However, he is extremely protective of his teammates. He has a love for spicy foods, the spicier the better. In battle, he is known for being quite ferocious and will battle with every ounce of his soul.
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Hyper Beam, Tri Attack, Dark Pulse, and Dragon Pulse
Extra Information: Hydreigon's meeting was a happy one, especially in comparison to the previous. Over the next few months after Absol's capture, Johnny had been working extra hard to keep himself from getting punished again, he didn't want to be separated from his sister for so long. All of this hard work had seemed to pay off, as Kyre had actually awarded him and his sister with some vacation time. They decided to explore the forests near Platte, which turned out to be a good decision on their part, both of them had met a new Pokemon partner in these woods. Johnny had met a wild Zweilous and it was actually the first Pokemon he had caught in a battle. It wasn't long after this that the Zweilous had evolved into Hydreigon. Upon evolution, he had cemented himself as Johnny's second most powerful Pokemon, having high power, good defenses, and decent speed.

Nickname: Mobster
Gender: Male
Personality: The Flying-type has innate qualities of leadership, being able to take charge in the middle of even the most dangerous of situations. However, he is fairly bossy and can be quite lazy, if he doesn't feel like doing anything at the moment, he'll get one of the other Pokemon or his own trainer to do it for him. Once he has some motivation, he'll pour every ounce of his heart and soul into the task at hand... err.. at wing.
Ability: Moxie
Moves: Heat Wave, Brave Bird, Dark Pulse, and Ominous Wind
Extra Information: Honchkrow was initially met during an odd attack on the Royal Laboratory. He was leading a group of weaker, small Murkrow in hopes of making the Team Nebula headquarters his own personal hideout, however his attempt had failed. Johnny along with the other Team Nebula admins had swiftly dealt with the onslaught of Flying-types, the battle eventually coming to an end after Johnny had captured the Honchkrow. After the leader's capture, the rest of the attackers had dispersed. Johnny and Honchkrow aren't the closest friends, but they seem to share a bit of a mutual respect for each other. In battle, Honchkrow is fairly slow and his defenses are fairly poor, however his power is fairly high.


Nickname: Red Wing
Gender: N/A
Personality: The Pokemon's terrifying appearance matches its personality. While it isn't a violent Pokemon, making it angry would not be a good idea as it is known for being a merciless opponent towards those who wrong it or its allies. It is a brash Pokemon that isn't known for thinking much before launching an attack, often attacking whenever it gets the chance. If it seems to be failing in battle, it will often take charge and forgo its trainer's plans and strategies.
Ability: Dark Aura
Moves: Oblivion Wing, Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, and Toxic
Extra Information: This Pokemon was a major turning point in Johnny's abandonment of Team Nebula. After a successful operation from Mercury and Stella in the Kalos region, they had managed to bring back Yveltal in hopes of harnessing the same power that allowed the ultimate weapon to be used some 3,000 years ago. They wanted to use this power to wipe out anyone that opposed them, and that included potential friends and family of Johnny's. Unwilling to take part of this, he had turned on his old group, using every ounce of strength his team had to defeat Kyre and the other admins, his own sister included. After he had defeated them, he had one more task to complete and that was to quell and capture Yveltal before it wreaked havoc on the surrounding regions. The battle with the Destruction Pokemon was a long and difficult one, and it would've likely ended in Yveltal's favor if it wasn't for Umbreon's Toxic wearing it down. After the battle had ended, Johnny captured the Pokemon and soon quit Team Nebula. He rarely uses the Destruction Pokemon in battle, only calling on it when the situation calls for it. In battle, it has incredible power, great defense, but below average speed.
Contrary to what Johnny's cheerful disposition would suggest, his childhood wasn't a happy one. While his parents weren't necessarily abusive, they never laid a hand on him, but rather, they were fairly neglectful. It was like he hadn't even existed, and while he never really let it bother him, or rather he hid the fact that it impacted him quite a bit. Just when it seemed his life had hit an all-time low, his mother had given birth to his younger sister at just five years old. For the time in over a year, a genuine smile had crossed his face; with any luck, he'd no longer be alone. He finally had someone to talk with, to hang out with, and to spend time with. Thanks to his parents neglectful natures, he was effectively forced to watch over her, though he never seemed to have much of a problem with that, it gave him more of a chance to protect his sister. Thanks to the extended amount of time the two of them got to spend together, they were able to grow close, Johnny would never be seen without his sister. After he had turned eight and Cecilia hit her third birthday, Johnny decided it'd be best if he got her away from his parents, she didn't need to be neglected any longer, so he simply took her and ran away. Cecilia was too young to really understand what was going on, so she just went along with her brother... unfortunately for them, the decision made by Johnny would have devastating impacts on their lives.
Soon after fleeing from their family's home, Johnny had run into the leader of the newly formed Team Nebula. Kyre, who was just twenty years old at the time, was still developing what would soon become Kanzasu's most feared organization. Seeing that these two kids were obviously lost and far from home, an idea had popped into her head; surely she could raise these children herself, filling their heads with the ideas her nefarious group had, and if she was successful, she'd have mindless puppets to use for whatever she wanted. Acting like a loving woman who desperately wanted a child of her own, she managed to convince Johnny to return home with her back in St. Louis. Having no other option at this point, Johnny agreed to return with her; he wanted to protect Cecilia, but he couldn't really raise her out in the wild, so what's the worse that could happen?
Once Johnny had turned ten years old, Kyre had gifted him with a Zorua for his first Pokemon, believing that the little Dark-type would be a valuable asset for Johnny as he matured and grew as a future Team Nebula admin. He seemed like the perfect brainwashed child, doing just about everything his adopted mother had told him to do, though he was always hesitant to do anything that involved harming Pokemon in anyway, but more often than not, he did as she told him. Over the next few years, he was busy learning how to train Pokemon, how to navigate Kanzasu's expansive and variable landscape, as well other key things any Pokemon trainer would need to know while raising his beloved sister.
At eighteen years old, he was finally given the position as a Team Nebula admin, being the first and only until his sister was later given the title as well. For the next five years, he had been given numerous missions which would allow him to slowly grow his team, though he found ways to get himself into a bit of trouble. While Johnny had gone off to take care of missions away from the base, Cecilia often stayed behind to aid Kyre in planning their next move while also helping recruit new grunts and their fellow admins in Stella, Luna, and Mercury.
While Cecilia was fully devoted to helping Team Nebula, especially with her adopted sisters in the new admins, Johnny had begun to have mixed feelings towards the group. He owed Kyre his life, as she had taken both him and his sister of the streets, gave them a home, and had given them a purpose, but he felt that these atrocities towards innocent people and Pokemon were a bit unnecessary. The Pokemon they had used for their experiments were never the same afterwards, many people were severely injured or sometimes even worse, and his encounters with the Topeka siblings only helped push him father. At just 23 years old, he had begun debating whether or not it was time for him to leave Team Nebula and find a new place in the world, so he decided to use some vacation time to take a trip around Kanzasu in order to figure things out, but unknowingly to him, he would encounter someone that would have a profound impact on his life, someone he would give his own life for.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, he specializes in Dark-types. He was formally an admin of Team Nebula.
Age: 26
Body Type: Well-Built
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 250lbs
Hair: Short, navy blue, often unkempt.
Eyes: A deep, hazel brown color that appear joyful and kind, though hints of regret can be seen in his eyes.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Lenexa, Kanzasu
Relationship Status: Married to Gabrielle

Despite no longer being apart of Team Nebula, he still frequently wears their uniform. The outfit appears rather refined in terms of its appearance. It consists of a long sleeved, white shirt with red and black accents. The shirt reaches well below his waist if he decides not to tuck it in for the day. A belt is usually worn around his waist as well. The sleeves are marked with black and red cuffs, with a pair of black stripes running down the length of his arms. His color is predominantly black with red accents. His pants are rather dull in comparison, being pure white in color, they are fairly long, reaching down to his ankles. He wears a pair of black dress shoes as well. His hair is a dark, navy blue color and is generally unkempt, but fairly clean. He can often be seen with his beloved Zorua in his arms or on his shoulder. Occasionally, he can be seen with an odd wristwatch.
Johnny has a rather kind, laid back personality. He's generally unlikely to get angry and nearly always has a smile of his face. He has a rather crude sense of humor and has a bit of a foul mouth at times. Johnny is a very loyal person and once someone earns his trust, they should do their best to avoid breaking said trust. He's not likely to give a person a second chance if they break his trust. He has a love for his sports teams, often making references to the real world Kansas City Chiefs and the Kansas City Royals. He loves country music most of all and also enjoys rock and some heavy metal. He loves his fiancee above everything else, and she's actually one of the biggest reasons he chose to leave Team Nebula. He lives and breathes for her and her alone. He is generally pretty intelligent, but he's been known to make stupid and rash decisions. He adores his sister as well and is fiercely protective of her.
Character Theme: 'You Made A Rock Of A Rolling Stone' by the Oak Ridge Boys
Battle Theme: 'Raining Blood' by Slayer

Nickname: Midnight
Gender: Female
Personality: A playful, mischievous, and loving Pokemon. Like most of her species, she loves being able to play pranks on other people and Pokemon alike. Her pranks often involve her ability, shifting into other people and objects just to mess around with her friends. Underneath her mischievous nature is a loving, affectionate Pokemon that enjoys being snuggled up close to her trainer, though she really doesn't enjoy being touched by anyone else.
Ability: Illusion
Moves: Night Daze, Fury Swipes, Shadow Ball, and Nasty Plot
Extra Information: The little Dark-type was Johnny's first Pokemon and was given to him by Kyre on the day he joined up with Team Nebula. The two of them had bonded rather quickly, never being seen apart since the day they had come together. Unlike Johnny's other Pokemon, she had refused to evolve, eventually getting herself sick because of her refusal to change. In response to her refusal to evolve, Johnny used an Everstone on Zorua to keep her from evolving. She can almost always be seen traveling on Johnny's shoulder or napping in his arms. In battle, Zorua is best known for her high speed and deceptive battling style with Illusion, though her power and defense are well below average.


Nickname: Lunar
Gender: Male
Personality: Very quiet and calm, he is not likely to burst out in anger ever. Due to his calm nature, he can easily read through his opponents and plans accordingly to how they act. While on the outside he might seem like a loner, he actually loves hanging around others and will actually become depressed if he is left alone for even a short amount of time. He loves meeting new people and will do whatever it takes to make new friends.
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Toxic, Wish, Protect, and Dark Pulse
Extra Information: He was initially met not too long after Johnny had gone off on his first mission as a Team Nebula admin. The mission had simply involved him aiding Kyre in capturing the legendary Pokemon, Raikou. Though, sometime during the mission, Johnny had found himself separated from the main group during their trip out to the Thunder Mountains. The freak storms had often times caused visibility to become almost dangerously low, and due to the poor visibility, Johnny had found himself very lost at this point. If it wasn't for the fact that he had come across the wild Umbreon, he likely would've been stuck there for much longer. The kindhearted Dark-type led him back to the nearby settlement of Clay. As they awaited for the rest of Johnny's allies to return from the mission, they ended up growing close to one another. The friendship that had sparked between the two prompted Johnny to catch the Umbreon. While Johnny was reprimanded for getting separated from the group, he was allowed to keep the Umbreon. In battle, he is fairly slow and rather weak, but his defenses are above average.


Nickname: Silver
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet, calm, and collected. Absol is a very kind Pokemon that generally keeps to herself. She seldom interacts with the other Pokemon and prefers to stay near her trainer. It's not that she doesn't like her teammates, she loves them, but just isn't as energetic as them and prefer to stay quiet. She will fight until she can no longer move if her allies are in danger. She is wary around new trainers due to past experiences.
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Slash, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, and Swords Dance
Extra Information: The capture of Absol is what initially began Johnny's desire to leave Team Nebula. The Absol was initially used as an experiment by the nefarious group; they had hopes of tapping into whatever ability allowed her to sense disasters, but they had made the mistake of letting Johnny keep an eye on the poor Dark-type. As he watched the Pokemon cower behind the door of her cell, pity and guilt poured into his heart, eventually leading him to free her. After he released her, he was punished with a month long suspension without pay and he would be denied any contact with his younger sister. While the punishment seemed to be almost excessively harsh, he took it without any objections and spent the time trying to help keep the Absol from being recaptured. While they had a rocky start, they had slowly became close friends, leading to her capture. In battle, she has fairly average stats, her power being her best stat, while her defense being her lowest.


Nickname: Hydra
Gender: Male
Personality: Despite being labeled as the 'Brutal Pokemon', Hydreigon is actually rather calm, caring, and unusually cuddly. He enjoys cuddling with the rest of the team and his trainer. However, he is extremely protective of his teammates. He has a love for spicy foods, the spicier the better. In battle, he is known for being quite ferocious and will battle with every ounce of his soul.
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Hyper Beam, Tri Attack, Dark Pulse, and Dragon Pulse
Extra Information: Hydreigon's meeting was a happy one, especially in comparison to the previous. Over the next few months after Absol's capture, Johnny had been working extra hard to keep himself from getting punished again, he didn't want to be separated from his sister for so long. All of this hard work had seemed to pay off, as Kyre had actually awarded him and his sister with some vacation time. They decided to explore the forests near Platte, which turned out to be a good decision on their part, both of them had met a new Pokemon partner in these woods. Johnny had met a wild Zweilous and it was actually the first Pokemon he had caught in a battle. It wasn't long after this that the Zweilous had evolved into Hydreigon. Upon evolution, he had cemented himself as Johnny's second most powerful Pokemon, having high power, good defenses, and decent speed.


Nickname: Mobster
Gender: Male
Personality: The Flying-type has innate qualities of leadership, being able to take charge in the middle of even the most dangerous of situations. However, he is fairly bossy and can be quite lazy, if he doesn't feel like doing anything at the moment, he'll get one of the other Pokemon or his own trainer to do it for him. Once he has some motivation, he'll pour every ounce of his heart and soul into the task at hand... err.. at wing.
Ability: Moxie
Moves: Heat Wave, Brave Bird, Dark Pulse, and Ominous Wind
Extra Information: Honchkrow was initially met during an odd attack on the Royal Laboratory. He was leading a group of weaker, small Murkrow in hopes of making the Team Nebula headquarters his own personal hideout, however his attempt had failed. Johnny along with the other Team Nebula admins had swiftly dealt with the onslaught of Flying-types, the battle eventually coming to an end after Johnny had captured the Honchkrow. After the leader's capture, the rest of the attackers had dispersed. Johnny and Honchkrow aren't the closest friends, but they seem to share a bit of a mutual respect for each other. In battle, Honchkrow is fairly slow and his defenses are fairly poor, however his power is fairly high.


Nickname: Red Wing
Gender: N/A
Personality: The Pokemon's terrifying appearance matches its personality. While it isn't a violent Pokemon, making it angry would not be a good idea as it is known for being a merciless opponent towards those who wrong it or its allies. It is a brash Pokemon that isn't known for thinking much before launching an attack, often attacking whenever it gets the chance. If it seems to be failing in battle, it will often take charge and forgo its trainer's plans and strategies.
Ability: Dark Aura
Moves: Oblivion Wing, Dark Pulse, Heat Wave, and Toxic
Extra Information: This Pokemon was a major turning point in Johnny's abandonment of Team Nebula. After a successful operation from Mercury and Stella in the Kalos region, they had managed to bring back Yveltal in hopes of harnessing the same power that allowed the ultimate weapon to be used some 3,000 years ago. They wanted to use this power to wipe out anyone that opposed them, and that included potential friends and family of Johnny's. Unwilling to take part of this, he had turned on his old group, using every ounce of strength his team had to defeat Kyre and the other admins, his own sister included. After he had defeated them, he had one more task to complete and that was to quell and capture Yveltal before it wreaked havoc on the surrounding regions. The battle with the Destruction Pokemon was a long and difficult one, and it would've likely ended in Yveltal's favor if it wasn't for Umbreon's Toxic wearing it down. After the battle had ended, Johnny captured the Pokemon and soon quit Team Nebula. He rarely uses the Destruction Pokemon in battle, only calling on it when the situation calls for it. In battle, it has incredible power, great defense, but below average speed.

Contrary to what Johnny's cheerful disposition would suggest, his childhood wasn't a happy one. While his parents weren't necessarily abusive, they never laid a hand on him, but rather, they were fairly neglectful. It was like he hadn't even existed, and while he never really let it bother him, or rather he hid the fact that it impacted him quite a bit. Just when it seemed his life had hit an all-time low, his mother had given birth to his younger sister at just five years old. For the time in over a year, a genuine smile had crossed his face; with any luck, he'd no longer be alone. He finally had someone to talk with, to hang out with, and to spend time with. Thanks to his parents neglectful natures, he was effectively forced to watch over her, though he never seemed to have much of a problem with that, it gave him more of a chance to protect his sister. Thanks to the extended amount of time the two of them got to spend together, they were able to grow close, Johnny would never be seen without his sister. After he had turned eight and Cecilia hit her third birthday, Johnny decided it'd be best if he got her away from his parents, she didn't need to be neglected any longer, so he simply took her and ran away. Cecilia was too young to really understand what was going on, so she just went along with her brother... unfortunately for them, the decision made by Johnny would have devastating impacts on their lives.
Soon after fleeing from their family's home, Johnny had run into the leader of the newly formed Team Nebula. Kyre, who was just twenty years old at the time, was still developing what would soon become Kanzasu's most feared organization. Seeing that these two kids were obviously lost and far from home, an idea had popped into her head; surely she could raise these children herself, filling their heads with the ideas her nefarious group had, and if she was successful, she'd have mindless puppets to use for whatever she wanted. Acting like a loving woman who desperately wanted a child of her own, she managed to convince Johnny to return home with her back in St. Louis. Having no other option at this point, Johnny agreed to return with her; he wanted to protect Cecilia, but he couldn't really raise her out in the wild, so what's the worse that could happen?
Once Johnny had turned ten years old, Kyre had gifted him with a Zorua for his first Pokemon, believing that the little Dark-type would be a valuable asset for Johnny as he matured and grew as a future Team Nebula admin. He seemed like the perfect brainwashed child, doing just about everything his adopted mother had told him to do, though he was always hesitant to do anything that involved harming Pokemon in anyway, but more often than not, he did as she told him. Over the next few years, he was busy learning how to train Pokemon, how to navigate Kanzasu's expansive and variable landscape, as well other key things any Pokemon trainer would need to know while raising his beloved sister.
At eighteen years old, he was finally given the position as a Team Nebula admin, being the first and only until his sister was later given the title as well. For the next five years, he had been given numerous missions which would allow him to slowly grow his team, though he found ways to get himself into a bit of trouble. While Johnny had gone off to take care of missions away from the base, Cecilia often stayed behind to aid Kyre in planning their next move while also helping recruit new grunts and their fellow admins in Stella, Luna, and Mercury.
While Cecilia was fully devoted to helping Team Nebula, especially with her adopted sisters in the new admins, Johnny had begun to have mixed feelings towards the group. He owed Kyre his life, as she had taken both him and his sister of the streets, gave them a home, and had given them a purpose, but he felt that these atrocities towards innocent people and Pokemon were a bit unnecessary. The Pokemon they had used for their experiments were never the same afterwards, many people were severely injured or sometimes even worse, and his encounters with the Topeka siblings only helped push him father. At just 23 years old, he had begun debating whether or not it was time for him to leave Team Nebula and find a new place in the world, so he decided to use some vacation time to take a trip around Kanzasu in order to figure things out, but unknowingly to him, he would encounter someone that would have a profound impact on his life, someone he would give his own life for.
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth