Nicknames: Gabby, Gab, Shortie, Love, Dear (the latter three are only used by her husband.)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, she specializes in Ice-types.
Age: 24
Body Type: Average, a bit shorter than most her age.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 125lbs
Hair: Light, hazel brown. It is generally worn in loose twintails. It reaches down well below her shoulders.
Eyes: A deep, fiery orange color that shine with an excited curiosity. They're often covered with a pair of glasses.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Iki Town, Alola
Relationship Status: Married to Johnny
A short, but averagely built woman that wears an outfit that's pretty similar to Olivia's, though she wears a light brown sweater over a short sleeved, white shirt, and a green blouse with pink accents. Like Olivia, she wears a black ribbon, loosely around her neck. She has a pair of small glasses, though she can occasionally be seen wearing simple contact lens. Her eyes are a deep, fiery orange that shine with an excited curiosity. Her hair reaches down well below her chest, being a light, hazel brown color. It's generally worn in loose twintails. She can often be seen with her beloved Vulpix sitting on her shoulder or in her arms.
Gabrielle has a kind personality that is a bit less open to people. She will often assess a person to see if what she will say next will be appropriate or not. She generally has a likable personality, she's kind and caring, though she can easily get flustered. She is highly intelligent, being even more intelligent than her fiance. Her strategic planning is top notch, matched by few people. She is a rather playful, curios soul that enjoys being able to make friends, no matter who they are. She is a sucker for romance and loves being able to match people up, even if they wouldn't have much of a chance together. She adores her fiance above everything, striving to keep him smiling for as long as she can.
Character Theme: 'On The Road Again' by Willie Nelson
Battle Theme: 'Black Ice' by AC/DC

Nickname: Snowy
Gender: Female
Personality: Like her trainer, she is rather shy, timid, but full of life and energy. She is cuddly and enjoys attention, especially from her beloved trainer. Though, she's got a bit of a vengeful spirit at times. She is rather playful, especially around those she is close to. She has a slight fear of Steel-types, though that was mostly due to some past experiences. She loves minty foods and can almost always be seen munching on a peppermint leaf as they travel.
Ability: Snow Warning
Moves: Icy Wind, Protect, Hidden Power, and Quick Attack
Extra Information: The little Vulpix was given to her for her fourteenth birthday, only months before her family had moved out to Kanzasu. The two of them had fairly similar personalities and were able to bond pretty well with one another, quickly becoming the best of friends with one another. It wasn't too long after that they had arrived in the Kanzasu region that Gabrielle decided to bring her beloved Vulpix with her on a journey around their new home region. It was actually because of Vulpix that Gabrielle and Johnny ended up meeting. In battle, her stats are below average, though her speed will often give her an advantage over slower opponents.

Nickname: Mammoth
Gender: Male
Personality: A quirky, goofy individual that enjoys making his friends laugh. He is lazy and enjoys food, a lot. He can often be seen sleeping if he isn't goofing off or eating. Despite his lazy, jolly nature, he is a fierce battler and will stop at nothing to get the win. He loves being able to carry people on his back, no matter who they might be. He hates warm temperatures and if it gets too warm for him, he has a tendency to become rather lethargic and will refuse to do anything for a short while.
Ability: Thick Fat
Moves: Ice Shard, Earthquake, Ancient Power, and Giga Impact
Extra Information: Mamoswine was the very first Pokemon Gabrielle had met after she had left for her journey, of course it was just a Swinub at the time. The Swinub wasn't too interested in his future trainer, but rather he was interested in the food she was cooking. Without much warning, he had taken a seat at their campsite and practically invited himself, taking a bite of whatever the two weren't eating at the moment. While many people would've been furious, Gabrielle found herself giggling at the sight. Loving the food she had cooked, the little Ice-type decided to join the team. While his intentions were a bit selfish, he had found himself growing close to his new trainer. Over the next few months as Gabrielle traveled about the region, he had slowly evolved into a Mamoswine where he has since become the most powerful member of Gabrielle's team. In battle, he has high power, high defense, but mediocre speed.

Nickname: Spike
Gender: Male
Personality: He has a bit of an odd personality to say the least. Like Mamoswine, he is a bit lazy, preferring to let others do the hard work for him, though unlike his fellow Ice-type, he can get a bit aggressive if he's pushed to do something he doesn't want to do. He isn't necessarily a kind Pokemon, but he isn't a rude Pokemon either, he's sort of in between. He's a bit arrogant, especially in the midst of battle; he believes his skills are top of the line, as such, he has a habit of underestimating his opponents.
Ability: Skill Link
Moves: Ice Shard, Hydro Pump, Iron Defense, and Rock Blast
Extra Information: Cloyster was initially met as a Shellder off the northern coast of Joplin. Gabrielle had come across the Pokemon during one of her first attempts at fishing, and he was actually the first Pokemon she had managed to catch through battle. Though, the battle itself was quick and rather uneventful, as the Shellder hadn't put up much of a fight. After his capture, he had proved to be more of a liability until he had evolved thanks to the use of a Water Stone. Upon evolution, he found himself becoming a much more useful Pokemon. In battle, he has high defense, but poor speed and power.

Nickname: Glace
Gender: Female
Personality: Energetic, bubbly, and quite the mischievous little fox. She has boundless energy and greatly enjoys playing until the sun goes down. She is a kindhearted Pokemon and often serves as emotional support for her trainer. She can be rather cuddly after she has winded down from playing. Her pranks generally involve her ice and freezing her unfortunate victims.
Ability: Snow Cloak
Moves: Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Iron Tail, and Quick Attack
Extra Information: She was initially met as an Eevee on the road between Overland Park and Liberty. Unlike the others, she doesn't have a cool backstory, she was a simple wild Pokemon that had caught Gabrielle's attention. After a brief battle between the Eevee and her Vulpix, Gabrielle had captured the Normal-type. She had evolved into a Glaceon not too long before she had returned to Clay to take on the final Kanzasu gym. In battle, she is a bit slow and her defenses are quite low, but her power nearly surpasses Mamoswine's. She shares a powerful bond with Gabrielle.

Nickname: Snowflake
Gender: N/A
Personality: Cryogonal is an odd Pokemon to say the least. It really doesn't have much a sense of humor, quite literally requiring someone to explain to it what the joke was about, but even then, it may not understand the joke. It isn't an affectionate Pokemon nor is it very close to anyone, it is generally a bit of a loner. Outside of this, it really doesn't have much of a personality.
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Ice Beam, Rapid Spin, Night Slash, and Sheer Cold
Extra Information: Cryogonal was initially met just outside Jackson, it was terrorizing a group of small Pokemon for reasons unknown. Afraid for the Pokemon's safety, Gabrielle decided to take it on, using her newly evolved Mamoswine. It was a rather short, but hard fought match. While Mamoswine easily overpowered the other Ice-type, he had immense difficulty keeping up with the Cryogonal. It was only defeated thanks to a well timed Ancient Power. After its defeat, Gabrielle decided to catch it in hopes of keeping it from terrorizing any other Pokemon. In battle, it is fairly quick and has surprisingly high defenses, though its power is below average.

Nickname: Little Foot
Gender: Female
Personality: A kindhearted, affectionate Pokemon that loves her trainer and teammates. Initially, she'll be rather timid and nervous around newcomers, but once she trusts them she'll be more than happy to cuddle up with them. Whenever the group has come to a rest, she'll often be seen cuddled up close to her beloved trainer. She loves to travel, frequently being spotted traveling alongside her trainer. She hates sitting still for too long and will become restless after a short while.
Ability: Refrigerate
Moves: Powder Snow, Ancient Power, Blizzard, and Protect
Extra Information: Gabrielle had initially received the Sail Fossil from Johnny soon after he had proposed to her. Initially, she had planned to keep the fossil as nothing more than a keepsake, but Johnny had actually convinced her to take it to Olathe to get it revived. After the fossil had been revived into an Amaura, Gabrielle had found herself falling in love with the little Ice-type, immediately developing a close, unbreakable bond with one another. Over the next few months, their bond only grew closer, eventually becoming stronger than even Gabrielle's relationship with Vulpix. Despite being together for so long, it doesn't seem like Amaura's anywhere near ready to evolve. In battle, she is slow and rather weak, but her defenses are above average.
Soon after beginning his vacation, the then 22 year old Johnny decided to make his way towards Garden City. Despite having been with Team Nebula for over fifteen years, not a single mission he had carried out has brought him towards the city, so he's always been curious to check it out and he figured the calming atmosphere of such a beautiful place. His little vacation would soon involve yet another person, though this wasn't planned. His little Zorua had spotted another trainer, one that had caught her eyes, prompting her to go check the newcomer out. After she ran off to greet the trainer, Johnny was close behind, but being the klutz he was, he had accidentally bumped into the trainer, knocking both of them to the ground. Rather than being upset, the trainer he knocked off seemed to have broken out into a fit of giggles.
After apologizing numerous times, Johnny had offered to buy the trainer dinner and had soon introduced himself. The trainer introduced herself in return, becoming known as Gabrielle and she had gratefully accepted the offer for dinner; she always loved free food. Over the course of the meal, Gabrielle had somehow convinced Johnny to join her for the remainder of her trip around Kanzasu, unknown to the both of them, this would prove to be the greatest decision either of them would make. For the next year, they had spent traveling around the region to look at just about every sight that their home had to offer while Johnny had begun developing a deep infatuation over Gabrielle, but unfortunately, he feared there was no chance with her due to his position as an admin at Team Nebula, the very team she's expressed an intense hatred for.
Just days before his vacation was over, he decided to finally come forward with the fact that he was a member of the nefarious team. Rather than being met with anger, Gabrielle responded with a bit of sadness in her tone and with some gentle coaxing, she had slowly managed to convince him to finally leave Team Nebula. Soon after this talk, Johnny had come forward with his feelings and much to his surprise, Gabrielle returned the feelings of love. They had begun to travel as lovers afterwards, Gabrielle was the sole reason Johnny was even going to attempt to leave Team Nebula, believing it was necessary for him if he wished to keep the relationship with her going.
At just 24 years old, he finally announced his resignation to Kyre just moments before he battled with her and his fellow admins in order to free and eventually capture Yveltal. The battle was long and hard, especially considering that him and his sister were now bitter enemies. They still shared a strong amount of love with each other, it was just now they were practically forced to battle with one another. Cecilia adored her adopted siblings and refused to turn her back on them, so she had taken over Johnny's position once he had left. The decision was hard on Johnny as he had practically thrown away everything he had ever known; he turned his back on the one who gave him and his sister a new life, he betrayed his beloved sister, and he hurt the ones closest to him, but there was no turning back now.
Just a year after his betrayal, he proposed to Gabrielle and soon married her, starting the next chapter of his life. Following their marriage, they continued their travels around Kanzasu, planning for a way to get not only Cecilia away from Team Nebula, but help get the other admins away the nefarious group as well, but it wouldn't have been easy. All four of them were devoted to Team Nebula's wishes and none of them wanted to betray the one that given them a purpose in life. If they were successful in freeing Cecilia and the others, Johnny and Gabrielle decided they would settle down and start their own family, believing it would be for the best if they retired from adventuring in the future.
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, she specializes in Ice-types.
Age: 24
Body Type: Average, a bit shorter than most her age.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 125lbs
Hair: Light, hazel brown. It is generally worn in loose twintails. It reaches down well below her shoulders.
Eyes: A deep, fiery orange color that shine with an excited curiosity. They're often covered with a pair of glasses.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Iki Town, Alola
Relationship Status: Married to Johnny

A short, but averagely built woman that wears an outfit that's pretty similar to Olivia's, though she wears a light brown sweater over a short sleeved, white shirt, and a green blouse with pink accents. Like Olivia, she wears a black ribbon, loosely around her neck. She has a pair of small glasses, though she can occasionally be seen wearing simple contact lens. Her eyes are a deep, fiery orange that shine with an excited curiosity. Her hair reaches down well below her chest, being a light, hazel brown color. It's generally worn in loose twintails. She can often be seen with her beloved Vulpix sitting on her shoulder or in her arms.
Gabrielle has a kind personality that is a bit less open to people. She will often assess a person to see if what she will say next will be appropriate or not. She generally has a likable personality, she's kind and caring, though she can easily get flustered. She is highly intelligent, being even more intelligent than her fiance. Her strategic planning is top notch, matched by few people. She is a rather playful, curios soul that enjoys being able to make friends, no matter who they are. She is a sucker for romance and loves being able to match people up, even if they wouldn't have much of a chance together. She adores her fiance above everything, striving to keep him smiling for as long as she can.
Character Theme: 'On The Road Again' by Willie Nelson
Battle Theme: 'Black Ice' by AC/DC

Nickname: Snowy
Gender: Female
Personality: Like her trainer, she is rather shy, timid, but full of life and energy. She is cuddly and enjoys attention, especially from her beloved trainer. Though, she's got a bit of a vengeful spirit at times. She is rather playful, especially around those she is close to. She has a slight fear of Steel-types, though that was mostly due to some past experiences. She loves minty foods and can almost always be seen munching on a peppermint leaf as they travel.
Ability: Snow Warning
Moves: Icy Wind, Protect, Hidden Power, and Quick Attack
Extra Information: The little Vulpix was given to her for her fourteenth birthday, only months before her family had moved out to Kanzasu. The two of them had fairly similar personalities and were able to bond pretty well with one another, quickly becoming the best of friends with one another. It wasn't too long after that they had arrived in the Kanzasu region that Gabrielle decided to bring her beloved Vulpix with her on a journey around their new home region. It was actually because of Vulpix that Gabrielle and Johnny ended up meeting. In battle, her stats are below average, though her speed will often give her an advantage over slower opponents.


Nickname: Mammoth
Gender: Male
Personality: A quirky, goofy individual that enjoys making his friends laugh. He is lazy and enjoys food, a lot. He can often be seen sleeping if he isn't goofing off or eating. Despite his lazy, jolly nature, he is a fierce battler and will stop at nothing to get the win. He loves being able to carry people on his back, no matter who they might be. He hates warm temperatures and if it gets too warm for him, he has a tendency to become rather lethargic and will refuse to do anything for a short while.
Ability: Thick Fat
Moves: Ice Shard, Earthquake, Ancient Power, and Giga Impact
Extra Information: Mamoswine was the very first Pokemon Gabrielle had met after she had left for her journey, of course it was just a Swinub at the time. The Swinub wasn't too interested in his future trainer, but rather he was interested in the food she was cooking. Without much warning, he had taken a seat at their campsite and practically invited himself, taking a bite of whatever the two weren't eating at the moment. While many people would've been furious, Gabrielle found herself giggling at the sight. Loving the food she had cooked, the little Ice-type decided to join the team. While his intentions were a bit selfish, he had found himself growing close to his new trainer. Over the next few months as Gabrielle traveled about the region, he had slowly evolved into a Mamoswine where he has since become the most powerful member of Gabrielle's team. In battle, he has high power, high defense, but mediocre speed.


Nickname: Spike
Gender: Male
Personality: He has a bit of an odd personality to say the least. Like Mamoswine, he is a bit lazy, preferring to let others do the hard work for him, though unlike his fellow Ice-type, he can get a bit aggressive if he's pushed to do something he doesn't want to do. He isn't necessarily a kind Pokemon, but he isn't a rude Pokemon either, he's sort of in between. He's a bit arrogant, especially in the midst of battle; he believes his skills are top of the line, as such, he has a habit of underestimating his opponents.
Ability: Skill Link
Moves: Ice Shard, Hydro Pump, Iron Defense, and Rock Blast
Extra Information: Cloyster was initially met as a Shellder off the northern coast of Joplin. Gabrielle had come across the Pokemon during one of her first attempts at fishing, and he was actually the first Pokemon she had managed to catch through battle. Though, the battle itself was quick and rather uneventful, as the Shellder hadn't put up much of a fight. After his capture, he had proved to be more of a liability until he had evolved thanks to the use of a Water Stone. Upon evolution, he found himself becoming a much more useful Pokemon. In battle, he has high defense, but poor speed and power.


Nickname: Glace
Gender: Female
Personality: Energetic, bubbly, and quite the mischievous little fox. She has boundless energy and greatly enjoys playing until the sun goes down. She is a kindhearted Pokemon and often serves as emotional support for her trainer. She can be rather cuddly after she has winded down from playing. Her pranks generally involve her ice and freezing her unfortunate victims.
Ability: Snow Cloak
Moves: Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Iron Tail, and Quick Attack
Extra Information: She was initially met as an Eevee on the road between Overland Park and Liberty. Unlike the others, she doesn't have a cool backstory, she was a simple wild Pokemon that had caught Gabrielle's attention. After a brief battle between the Eevee and her Vulpix, Gabrielle had captured the Normal-type. She had evolved into a Glaceon not too long before she had returned to Clay to take on the final Kanzasu gym. In battle, she is a bit slow and her defenses are quite low, but her power nearly surpasses Mamoswine's. She shares a powerful bond with Gabrielle.


Nickname: Snowflake
Gender: N/A
Personality: Cryogonal is an odd Pokemon to say the least. It really doesn't have much a sense of humor, quite literally requiring someone to explain to it what the joke was about, but even then, it may not understand the joke. It isn't an affectionate Pokemon nor is it very close to anyone, it is generally a bit of a loner. Outside of this, it really doesn't have much of a personality.
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Ice Beam, Rapid Spin, Night Slash, and Sheer Cold
Extra Information: Cryogonal was initially met just outside Jackson, it was terrorizing a group of small Pokemon for reasons unknown. Afraid for the Pokemon's safety, Gabrielle decided to take it on, using her newly evolved Mamoswine. It was a rather short, but hard fought match. While Mamoswine easily overpowered the other Ice-type, he had immense difficulty keeping up with the Cryogonal. It was only defeated thanks to a well timed Ancient Power. After its defeat, Gabrielle decided to catch it in hopes of keeping it from terrorizing any other Pokemon. In battle, it is fairly quick and has surprisingly high defenses, though its power is below average.


Nickname: Little Foot
Gender: Female
Personality: A kindhearted, affectionate Pokemon that loves her trainer and teammates. Initially, she'll be rather timid and nervous around newcomers, but once she trusts them she'll be more than happy to cuddle up with them. Whenever the group has come to a rest, she'll often be seen cuddled up close to her beloved trainer. She loves to travel, frequently being spotted traveling alongside her trainer. She hates sitting still for too long and will become restless after a short while.
Ability: Refrigerate
Moves: Powder Snow, Ancient Power, Blizzard, and Protect
Extra Information: Gabrielle had initially received the Sail Fossil from Johnny soon after he had proposed to her. Initially, she had planned to keep the fossil as nothing more than a keepsake, but Johnny had actually convinced her to take it to Olathe to get it revived. After the fossil had been revived into an Amaura, Gabrielle had found herself falling in love with the little Ice-type, immediately developing a close, unbreakable bond with one another. Over the next few months, their bond only grew closer, eventually becoming stronger than even Gabrielle's relationship with Vulpix. Despite being together for so long, it doesn't seem like Amaura's anywhere near ready to evolve. In battle, she is slow and rather weak, but her defenses are above average.

Soon after beginning his vacation, the then 22 year old Johnny decided to make his way towards Garden City. Despite having been with Team Nebula for over fifteen years, not a single mission he had carried out has brought him towards the city, so he's always been curious to check it out and he figured the calming atmosphere of such a beautiful place. His little vacation would soon involve yet another person, though this wasn't planned. His little Zorua had spotted another trainer, one that had caught her eyes, prompting her to go check the newcomer out. After she ran off to greet the trainer, Johnny was close behind, but being the klutz he was, he had accidentally bumped into the trainer, knocking both of them to the ground. Rather than being upset, the trainer he knocked off seemed to have broken out into a fit of giggles.
After apologizing numerous times, Johnny had offered to buy the trainer dinner and had soon introduced himself. The trainer introduced herself in return, becoming known as Gabrielle and she had gratefully accepted the offer for dinner; she always loved free food. Over the course of the meal, Gabrielle had somehow convinced Johnny to join her for the remainder of her trip around Kanzasu, unknown to the both of them, this would prove to be the greatest decision either of them would make. For the next year, they had spent traveling around the region to look at just about every sight that their home had to offer while Johnny had begun developing a deep infatuation over Gabrielle, but unfortunately, he feared there was no chance with her due to his position as an admin at Team Nebula, the very team she's expressed an intense hatred for.
Just days before his vacation was over, he decided to finally come forward with the fact that he was a member of the nefarious team. Rather than being met with anger, Gabrielle responded with a bit of sadness in her tone and with some gentle coaxing, she had slowly managed to convince him to finally leave Team Nebula. Soon after this talk, Johnny had come forward with his feelings and much to his surprise, Gabrielle returned the feelings of love. They had begun to travel as lovers afterwards, Gabrielle was the sole reason Johnny was even going to attempt to leave Team Nebula, believing it was necessary for him if he wished to keep the relationship with her going.
At just 24 years old, he finally announced his resignation to Kyre just moments before he battled with her and his fellow admins in order to free and eventually capture Yveltal. The battle was long and hard, especially considering that him and his sister were now bitter enemies. They still shared a strong amount of love with each other, it was just now they were practically forced to battle with one another. Cecilia adored her adopted siblings and refused to turn her back on them, so she had taken over Johnny's position once he had left. The decision was hard on Johnny as he had practically thrown away everything he had ever known; he turned his back on the one who gave him and his sister a new life, he betrayed his beloved sister, and he hurt the ones closest to him, but there was no turning back now.
Just a year after his betrayal, he proposed to Gabrielle and soon married her, starting the next chapter of his life. Following their marriage, they continued their travels around Kanzasu, planning for a way to get not only Cecilia away from Team Nebula, but help get the other admins away the nefarious group as well, but it wouldn't have been easy. All four of them were devoted to Team Nebula's wishes and none of them wanted to betray the one that given them a purpose in life. If they were successful in freeing Cecilia and the others, Johnny and Gabrielle decided they would settle down and start their own family, believing it would be for the best if they retired from adventuring in the future.
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth