Nicknames: Cece, Saturn (only by Team Nebula members), traitor, sister (only by the Team Nebula Admins.)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, she specializes in Psychic-types. She was formally a Team Nebula Admin.
Age: 21
Body Type: Average
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 115lbs
Hair: Fairly long, light golden blonde. It reaches down to the center of her back, often worn in a loose ponytail.
Eyes: Light, lavender colored eyes that appear timid, but gentle and kind.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Lenexa, Kanzasu
Relationship Status: Single
The girl is often noted for her beautiful appearance. Like her brother, she still wears her Team Nebula uniform despite no longer being apart of the team. It is a predominantly white colored dress with red and black accents. The dress reaches to her knees and has light red accents along the edges and on her sides. Her sleeves end in red and black cuffs with dual red stripes heading up to her neck. Her color is predominantly black with red outlines. Her hair is a light, golden blonde color that reaches down to the center of her back, worn in a loose ponytail. Her ponytail is held together by a small, light purple ribbon. Her eyes are a bright violet color that appear timid, yet gentle and kind.
Cecilia is a bit of a mixed bag in terms of her personality. She is incredibly kind, sweet, and caring, but she can be quite stubborn. She is full of energy and enjoys to run around, despite this boundless energy, she is rather timid. She she takes great pride in her appearance, though she is often self-consciousness about it because she looks younger than she actually is. She will get upset if someone teases her for it and will get a bit flustered if she's mistaken for younger than she actually is. She gets even more flustered when someone flirts with her, though she secretly enjoys it. She has a very strong sense of justice and can often be seen laying down the law, and she's got massive nerves of steel. She has strong emotions, rarely showing any signs of anger or sadness; though you'll need to watch out if you do get her angry, as she's known to be like a raging Tauros when angry. She is kindhearted, but rather naive. She refuses to see the bad in people and she's known to be trusting.
Character Theme: 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey
Battle Theme: 'Another One Bites The Dust' by Queen

Nickname: Alien
Gender: Female
Personality: An odd, but friendly little Pokemon. She is a kindhearted Pokemon that loves being able to help anyone she can, but unfortunately, she often causes more trouble than she actually intends. She isn't all that playful, preferring to sit back and watch the others play. She is a highly intelligent Pokemon that can easily plan through her opponents movements. She is fairly affectionate, but will only accept any sort of affection from either her trainer or Johnny, if anyone else tries to touch her, she'll likely fire off a warning attack.
Ability: Analytic
Moves: Psybeam, Thunderbolt, Teleport, and Double Team
Extra Information: While Elgyem wasn't Cecilia's first Pokemon, she is by far the most important member on her team. During a solo mission out to the Haunted Bog, Cecilia had been ordered to do some studying of the area to see what attracted Ghost-type Pokemon to the site and if there was any connection to the legendary Pokemon, Giratina. Unfortunately for Cecilia, her mission was a bust, she unable to find any correlation between the two. Despite failing in her mission, Cecilia decided to explore the bog for just a little while longer, eventually coming across an odd little Pokemon seemingly lost in the bog, though that wasn't the strangest part. She had come across an odd ship, though most of it seemed to be destroyed. Curious, Cecilia approached it without much of a second though and soon came across its pilot, a lone Elgyem. The poor Pokemon was left stranded on some world completely unknown to her all alone. Feeling sorry for the little Psychic-type, Cecilia had befriended the Elgyem, which proved to be beneficial to both of them. The two of them developed a strong, unbreakable friendship. In battle, Elgyem is surprisingly strong, though her defense and speed are below average.

Nickname: Cell
Gender: Male
Personality: A highly intelligent, but playful and kindhearted Pokemon. He is a bit of a coward and if the going gets tough, he has a tendency to hide behind his trainer or fellow teammates. However, when the time calls for it, he will do whatever it takes to protect those around him. He isn't the most affectionate of Pokemon, but he loves giving his loved ones hugs. He loves sweets, candies especially and can often be seen munching on them. He is extremely loyal to his trainer and will not listen to anyone besides her, not even to Johnny unless he has absolutely no choice.
Ability: Magic Guard
Moves: Shadow Ball, Recover, Calm Mind, and Psychic
Extra Information: Cecilia had initially received Reuniclus as a Solosis from Kyre soon after joining Team Nebula. This odd little Psychic-type was her first Pokemon and he would prove to be a useful Pokemon as she did her work for the nefarious team. His powerful psychic abilities and high intelligence proved to be a good match for the equally intelligent Cecilia. Over the first few months together, they had developed a strong bond, which only continued to grow stronger as Solosis evolved into Duosion and eventually into Reuniclus. In battle, he is fairly similar to Elgyem, though his speed is just slightly higher and his defenses are slightly lower, his power is about the same.

Nickname: Espy
Gender: Female
Personality: Calm, quiet, and solitary. She doesn't interact with people often, though she'll almost never leave her trainer's side. She has a bit of a mean streak that'll show up whenever someone has wronged her. She has a vengeful spirit and if she feels someone has wronged her, she will punish them severely, using her various attacks to make sure they've learned their lesson. In spite of a rather terrifying personality, she can be very affectionate, especially towards Cecilia.
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Psybeam, and Swift
Extra Information: Cecilia had initially received the Psychic-type as an Eevee from her older brother as a reward for completing her first solo mission. The two of them had bonded quickly, becoming inseparable from one another in less than a week after meeting. It didn't take long for her to evolve into an Espeon, only becoming even closer to her trainer, though she seemed to have developed a bit of a vengeful spirit. In battle, she is quick and powerful, though her defense is quite poor.

Nickname: Aztec
Gender: Male
Personality: A quiet, highly intelligent individual that prefers to observe quietly rather than interact with anyone. He isn't very close to anyone, not even his own trainer. It's not that he dislikes them, he loves them, but he's just not a social Pokemon. For hours a day, he can be seen staring at the sun for reasons unknown. Much of his true personality remains shrouded in mystery.
Ability: Magic Bounce
Moves: Fly, Psychic, Night Shade, and Teleport
Extra Information: Initially, Cecilia had received the odd Flying-type as an egg she had found on a small mission for Team Nebula. Being the curious trainer she was, she had decided to bring the egg back with her after she had completed the mission, it wasn't long after that the egg had hatched into a Natu. As the weeks went by, the Natu had evolved in a Xatu. In battle, Xatu is rather slow and his power is fairly low, but his defenses are well above average.

Nickname: Meta
Gender: N/A
Personality: Contrary to its intimidating and frightening appearance, Metagross is actually a very kindhearted and caring individual. It acts as the gentle defender of the team and will go to great lengths to keep them all safe. It is gentle enough that it'll actually allow small Pokemon and children to rest on its back. Whenever the team is at rest, it can often be seen napping. In battle, it is a fearsome opponent that will not back down until it has won the battle. It is a surprisingly affectionate Pokemon at times.
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: Bullet Punch, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt, and Giga Impact
Extra Information: It was initially met in the forests between Chanute and Verdigras, severely injured by a group of Team Nebula grunts. Pitying the poor Steel-type, Cecilia had cautiously approached it and decided to help it with its injuries. While the Metagross was initially distrustful of Cecilia due to the fact that she was a member of the group that had brought it the injuries in the first place. After she had helped the Metagross return to normal, it had decided to join Cecilia's team and was actually a driving factor in her desire to leave Team Nebula. Since joining her team, it has cemented itself as the most powerful member of the team, being a slow moving tank; it's almost painfully slow, but it has high power and very high defense. It is capable of Mega Evolving, bolstering its power and defense to even greater heights, though its speed barely improves.


Nickname: Crescent
Special Trait: Shiny
Gender: Female
Personality: Despite a sad past, she is a sweet, motherly, and tenderhearted Pokemon with a love for her trainer along with a deep fear of Team Nebula. She'll go out of her way to make sure the innocent are safe and well taken care of. She will try her hardest to keep her allies from getting horrid nightmares, often times hours awake at night to keep them happy and safe. She dislikes confrontations and will often avoid a battle if it isn't in good nature. She hates battling those with evil intentions, but if it's necessary, she will battle with every ounce of her soul.
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Moonlight, Psychic, Ice Beam, and Lunar Dance
Extra Information: The encounter with Cresselia was what caused Cecelia to turn against Team Nebula. The legendary Pokemon was captured by the nefarious group in hopes of using its odd powers to brainwash the citizens of Kanzasu. While Cecilia would've normally been okay with it, but she had unintentionally found out that the process would've led to Cresselia's death, the trainer took a huge risk and battled against Kyre in hopes of freeing the poor creature. While Cecilia was nearly defeated, it was thanks to her brave actions that the Cresselia had managed to get away safely. After the battle with Kyre had ended in a draw, Cecilia managed to escape, though not without getting a few new scars. Several Team Nebula grunts had pursued her for days, eventually chasing her down to the very edge of the Lost Woods. With no other option, Cecilia took a risk and dived into the woods. Fortunately for her, she had managed to lose her pursuers, but she had managed to get herself lost. Unsure of where she was, without her beloved brother or sister in law, she was likely doomed to remain there for the rest of her life, or at least it seemed that way until the legendary Cresselia, the very one she had rescued back in Team Nebula's headquarters. As thanks for saving her on that fateful day, the Pokemon had led Cecilia back to the entrance of the forest, soon deciding to join her team. The two of them bonded fairly well, becoming close friends with one another. In battle, Cresselia is fairly slow and her power is average, but her defenses are sky high.
Not long after Johnny had left Team Nebula, Cecilia had begun to have second thoughts herself. She always looked up to her brother, but her loyalty to Team Nebula kept her from following in his footsteps. After taking some time to look around the region, studying the places that Team Nebula had attacked, the realization as to why Johnny betrayed the team had become clear. They weren't making Kanzasu a better place like Kyre said, but rather they were making it worse. They had ruined a number of lives for not just people, but for a number of Pokemon all over the region. Realizing that she has been living a lie for nearly her entire life, Cecilia had broken down and closed herself off from her fellow admins, not even Luna could get through to her. While Kyre didn't seem to care much, her adopted sisters were concerned, but unsure of what to do.
For the next few days, Cecilia's work in the group had become a bit more sloppy, her mind was always clouded with conflicting thoughts, and more often than not, she had failed her missions. Thanks to some convincing from her fellow admins, she ended up taking some vacation time to clear up her mind. During her time in the nearby city of Independence, she had slowly come to a decision and decided it was time to join her brother and betray Team Nebula, though she just needed the right time to do so. For the next week, she had begun to plan her betrayal, though she found herself interrupted quite often thanks to the near constant flirts from the Independence Gym Leader. Oliver had found himself to be quite enamored with Cecilia and due to his flirtatious nature, he tried everything he could to win her over, showering with compliments and gifts, but all it earned him was a punch in the face from an annoyed Cecilia. She had little interest in romance, especially not with a man like him. Despite that, it never seemed to discourage Oliver from trying.
Thanks to his persistence, she found herself way behind schedule and because of this, she wasn't able to plan everything she needed, so upon returning the base, she decided it'd be best to simply wait for the right moment to strike, though she was unsure of when that would happen. A few days later, she had learned that Kyre had managed to catch the legendary Pokemon, Cresselia. She decided that freeing Cresselia would be the perfect opportunity to announce her resignation. After a moment of hesitation, she had bravely challenged Kyre to a battle, and if she had come out victorious, she had plans to free the Cresselia. This battle was long and hard, with Kyre holding the edge for most of the battle; if it wasn't for Cecilia's Mega Metagross, she likely would've been defeated. After she had successfully defeated Kyre, she worked on releasing Cresselia, though she was hampered due to the various grunts that had been watching the battle. If it wasn't for Luna's intervention, she would've been stopped before she even got close to the legendary Pokemon.
After Cecilia freed the Psychic-type, she had pulled Luna into a gentle embrace before fleeing from the scene. The brunette watched as her beloved adopted sister left, tears pooling in her eyes. After her escape from the base, various grunts were hot on her tail, looking to take her down after she had embarrassed their leader in battle. Thanks to her Metagross and Xatu, she was able to keep them at bay, but it wouldn't last forever. After what seemed to be hours, she had come to a stop outside of the Lost Woods. She knew the rumors behind the forest, but the grunts just wouldn't give up and continued chasing her down, eventually forcing her to flee into the woods. Thankfully, she managed to lose them after awhile, but unfortunately for her, she was lost. For the next few days, she aimlessly wandered about the woods in search of an exit, but all hope seemed lost to her. Even her Xatu and Metagross were unable to find anyway out of the woods, this caused her to break down even further. She slumped down near a small tree and let the tears fall, everyone she loved and cared for was gone. She didn't have her brother with her anymore, her adopted sisters probably hated her, and now she was deep in a forest all alone. Miraculously, the very same Cresselia she had rescued just days prior had come to her aid, pitying the broken girl and believing she owed Cecilia for what she had done for her, she helped her escape from the woods. She soon joined Cecilia's team not too long after.
After nearly a month on the road, she had finally reunited with her brother, running into him at a small cafe in Liberty. Almost immediately upon seeing him, she had tackled him to the ground, tears in her eyes. She was met with a tight, loving hug; Johnny was just as happy to see her. After their reunion, they decided it was time to begin making some changes to their lives, and the first on their mind was to find the trainers that had successfully liberated Raikou and Suicune from them, they wanted to turn over a new page in their lives and start fresh.
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Pokemon Trainer, she specializes in Psychic-types. She was formally a Team Nebula Admin.
Age: 21
Body Type: Average
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 115lbs
Hair: Fairly long, light golden blonde. It reaches down to the center of her back, often worn in a loose ponytail.
Eyes: Light, lavender colored eyes that appear timid, but gentle and kind.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Lenexa, Kanzasu
Relationship Status: Single

The girl is often noted for her beautiful appearance. Like her brother, she still wears her Team Nebula uniform despite no longer being apart of the team. It is a predominantly white colored dress with red and black accents. The dress reaches to her knees and has light red accents along the edges and on her sides. Her sleeves end in red and black cuffs with dual red stripes heading up to her neck. Her color is predominantly black with red outlines. Her hair is a light, golden blonde color that reaches down to the center of her back, worn in a loose ponytail. Her ponytail is held together by a small, light purple ribbon. Her eyes are a bright violet color that appear timid, yet gentle and kind.
Cecilia is a bit of a mixed bag in terms of her personality. She is incredibly kind, sweet, and caring, but she can be quite stubborn. She is full of energy and enjoys to run around, despite this boundless energy, she is rather timid. She she takes great pride in her appearance, though she is often self-consciousness about it because she looks younger than she actually is. She will get upset if someone teases her for it and will get a bit flustered if she's mistaken for younger than she actually is. She gets even more flustered when someone flirts with her, though she secretly enjoys it. She has a very strong sense of justice and can often be seen laying down the law, and she's got massive nerves of steel. She has strong emotions, rarely showing any signs of anger or sadness; though you'll need to watch out if you do get her angry, as she's known to be like a raging Tauros when angry. She is kindhearted, but rather naive. She refuses to see the bad in people and she's known to be trusting.
Character Theme: 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey
Battle Theme: 'Another One Bites The Dust' by Queen

Nickname: Alien
Gender: Female
Personality: An odd, but friendly little Pokemon. She is a kindhearted Pokemon that loves being able to help anyone she can, but unfortunately, she often causes more trouble than she actually intends. She isn't all that playful, preferring to sit back and watch the others play. She is a highly intelligent Pokemon that can easily plan through her opponents movements. She is fairly affectionate, but will only accept any sort of affection from either her trainer or Johnny, if anyone else tries to touch her, she'll likely fire off a warning attack.
Ability: Analytic
Moves: Psybeam, Thunderbolt, Teleport, and Double Team
Extra Information: While Elgyem wasn't Cecilia's first Pokemon, she is by far the most important member on her team. During a solo mission out to the Haunted Bog, Cecilia had been ordered to do some studying of the area to see what attracted Ghost-type Pokemon to the site and if there was any connection to the legendary Pokemon, Giratina. Unfortunately for Cecilia, her mission was a bust, she unable to find any correlation between the two. Despite failing in her mission, Cecilia decided to explore the bog for just a little while longer, eventually coming across an odd little Pokemon seemingly lost in the bog, though that wasn't the strangest part. She had come across an odd ship, though most of it seemed to be destroyed. Curious, Cecilia approached it without much of a second though and soon came across its pilot, a lone Elgyem. The poor Pokemon was left stranded on some world completely unknown to her all alone. Feeling sorry for the little Psychic-type, Cecilia had befriended the Elgyem, which proved to be beneficial to both of them. The two of them developed a strong, unbreakable friendship. In battle, Elgyem is surprisingly strong, though her defense and speed are below average.


Nickname: Cell
Gender: Male
Personality: A highly intelligent, but playful and kindhearted Pokemon. He is a bit of a coward and if the going gets tough, he has a tendency to hide behind his trainer or fellow teammates. However, when the time calls for it, he will do whatever it takes to protect those around him. He isn't the most affectionate of Pokemon, but he loves giving his loved ones hugs. He loves sweets, candies especially and can often be seen munching on them. He is extremely loyal to his trainer and will not listen to anyone besides her, not even to Johnny unless he has absolutely no choice.
Ability: Magic Guard
Moves: Shadow Ball, Recover, Calm Mind, and Psychic
Extra Information: Cecilia had initially received Reuniclus as a Solosis from Kyre soon after joining Team Nebula. This odd little Psychic-type was her first Pokemon and he would prove to be a useful Pokemon as she did her work for the nefarious team. His powerful psychic abilities and high intelligence proved to be a good match for the equally intelligent Cecilia. Over the first few months together, they had developed a strong bond, which only continued to grow stronger as Solosis evolved into Duosion and eventually into Reuniclus. In battle, he is fairly similar to Elgyem, though his speed is just slightly higher and his defenses are slightly lower, his power is about the same.


Nickname: Espy
Gender: Female
Personality: Calm, quiet, and solitary. She doesn't interact with people often, though she'll almost never leave her trainer's side. She has a bit of a mean streak that'll show up whenever someone has wronged her. She has a vengeful spirit and if she feels someone has wronged her, she will punish them severely, using her various attacks to make sure they've learned their lesson. In spite of a rather terrifying personality, she can be very affectionate, especially towards Cecilia.
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Psybeam, and Swift
Extra Information: Cecilia had initially received the Psychic-type as an Eevee from her older brother as a reward for completing her first solo mission. The two of them had bonded quickly, becoming inseparable from one another in less than a week after meeting. It didn't take long for her to evolve into an Espeon, only becoming even closer to her trainer, though she seemed to have developed a bit of a vengeful spirit. In battle, she is quick and powerful, though her defense is quite poor.


Nickname: Aztec
Gender: Male
Personality: A quiet, highly intelligent individual that prefers to observe quietly rather than interact with anyone. He isn't very close to anyone, not even his own trainer. It's not that he dislikes them, he loves them, but he's just not a social Pokemon. For hours a day, he can be seen staring at the sun for reasons unknown. Much of his true personality remains shrouded in mystery.
Ability: Magic Bounce
Moves: Fly, Psychic, Night Shade, and Teleport
Extra Information: Initially, Cecilia had received the odd Flying-type as an egg she had found on a small mission for Team Nebula. Being the curious trainer she was, she had decided to bring the egg back with her after she had completed the mission, it wasn't long after that the egg had hatched into a Natu. As the weeks went by, the Natu had evolved in a Xatu. In battle, Xatu is rather slow and his power is fairly low, but his defenses are well above average.


Nickname: Meta
Gender: N/A
Personality: Contrary to its intimidating and frightening appearance, Metagross is actually a very kindhearted and caring individual. It acts as the gentle defender of the team and will go to great lengths to keep them all safe. It is gentle enough that it'll actually allow small Pokemon and children to rest on its back. Whenever the team is at rest, it can often be seen napping. In battle, it is a fearsome opponent that will not back down until it has won the battle. It is a surprisingly affectionate Pokemon at times.
Ability: Clear Body
Moves: Bullet Punch, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt, and Giga Impact
Extra Information: It was initially met in the forests between Chanute and Verdigras, severely injured by a group of Team Nebula grunts. Pitying the poor Steel-type, Cecilia had cautiously approached it and decided to help it with its injuries. While the Metagross was initially distrustful of Cecilia due to the fact that she was a member of the group that had brought it the injuries in the first place. After she had helped the Metagross return to normal, it had decided to join Cecilia's team and was actually a driving factor in her desire to leave Team Nebula. Since joining her team, it has cemented itself as the most powerful member of the team, being a slow moving tank; it's almost painfully slow, but it has high power and very high defense. It is capable of Mega Evolving, bolstering its power and defense to even greater heights, though its speed barely improves.


Nickname: Crescent
Special Trait: Shiny
Gender: Female
Personality: Despite a sad past, she is a sweet, motherly, and tenderhearted Pokemon with a love for her trainer along with a deep fear of Team Nebula. She'll go out of her way to make sure the innocent are safe and well taken care of. She will try her hardest to keep her allies from getting horrid nightmares, often times hours awake at night to keep them happy and safe. She dislikes confrontations and will often avoid a battle if it isn't in good nature. She hates battling those with evil intentions, but if it's necessary, she will battle with every ounce of her soul.
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Moonlight, Psychic, Ice Beam, and Lunar Dance
Extra Information: The encounter with Cresselia was what caused Cecelia to turn against Team Nebula. The legendary Pokemon was captured by the nefarious group in hopes of using its odd powers to brainwash the citizens of Kanzasu. While Cecilia would've normally been okay with it, but she had unintentionally found out that the process would've led to Cresselia's death, the trainer took a huge risk and battled against Kyre in hopes of freeing the poor creature. While Cecilia was nearly defeated, it was thanks to her brave actions that the Cresselia had managed to get away safely. After the battle with Kyre had ended in a draw, Cecilia managed to escape, though not without getting a few new scars. Several Team Nebula grunts had pursued her for days, eventually chasing her down to the very edge of the Lost Woods. With no other option, Cecilia took a risk and dived into the woods. Fortunately for her, she had managed to lose her pursuers, but she had managed to get herself lost. Unsure of where she was, without her beloved brother or sister in law, she was likely doomed to remain there for the rest of her life, or at least it seemed that way until the legendary Cresselia, the very one she had rescued back in Team Nebula's headquarters. As thanks for saving her on that fateful day, the Pokemon had led Cecilia back to the entrance of the forest, soon deciding to join her team. The two of them bonded fairly well, becoming close friends with one another. In battle, Cresselia is fairly slow and her power is average, but her defenses are sky high.

Not long after Johnny had left Team Nebula, Cecilia had begun to have second thoughts herself. She always looked up to her brother, but her loyalty to Team Nebula kept her from following in his footsteps. After taking some time to look around the region, studying the places that Team Nebula had attacked, the realization as to why Johnny betrayed the team had become clear. They weren't making Kanzasu a better place like Kyre said, but rather they were making it worse. They had ruined a number of lives for not just people, but for a number of Pokemon all over the region. Realizing that she has been living a lie for nearly her entire life, Cecilia had broken down and closed herself off from her fellow admins, not even Luna could get through to her. While Kyre didn't seem to care much, her adopted sisters were concerned, but unsure of what to do.
For the next few days, Cecilia's work in the group had become a bit more sloppy, her mind was always clouded with conflicting thoughts, and more often than not, she had failed her missions. Thanks to some convincing from her fellow admins, she ended up taking some vacation time to clear up her mind. During her time in the nearby city of Independence, she had slowly come to a decision and decided it was time to join her brother and betray Team Nebula, though she just needed the right time to do so. For the next week, she had begun to plan her betrayal, though she found herself interrupted quite often thanks to the near constant flirts from the Independence Gym Leader. Oliver had found himself to be quite enamored with Cecilia and due to his flirtatious nature, he tried everything he could to win her over, showering with compliments and gifts, but all it earned him was a punch in the face from an annoyed Cecilia. She had little interest in romance, especially not with a man like him. Despite that, it never seemed to discourage Oliver from trying.
Thanks to his persistence, she found herself way behind schedule and because of this, she wasn't able to plan everything she needed, so upon returning the base, she decided it'd be best to simply wait for the right moment to strike, though she was unsure of when that would happen. A few days later, she had learned that Kyre had managed to catch the legendary Pokemon, Cresselia. She decided that freeing Cresselia would be the perfect opportunity to announce her resignation. After a moment of hesitation, she had bravely challenged Kyre to a battle, and if she had come out victorious, she had plans to free the Cresselia. This battle was long and hard, with Kyre holding the edge for most of the battle; if it wasn't for Cecilia's Mega Metagross, she likely would've been defeated. After she had successfully defeated Kyre, she worked on releasing Cresselia, though she was hampered due to the various grunts that had been watching the battle. If it wasn't for Luna's intervention, she would've been stopped before she even got close to the legendary Pokemon.
After Cecilia freed the Psychic-type, she had pulled Luna into a gentle embrace before fleeing from the scene. The brunette watched as her beloved adopted sister left, tears pooling in her eyes. After her escape from the base, various grunts were hot on her tail, looking to take her down after she had embarrassed their leader in battle. Thanks to her Metagross and Xatu, she was able to keep them at bay, but it wouldn't last forever. After what seemed to be hours, she had come to a stop outside of the Lost Woods. She knew the rumors behind the forest, but the grunts just wouldn't give up and continued chasing her down, eventually forcing her to flee into the woods. Thankfully, she managed to lose them after awhile, but unfortunately for her, she was lost. For the next few days, she aimlessly wandered about the woods in search of an exit, but all hope seemed lost to her. Even her Xatu and Metagross were unable to find anyway out of the woods, this caused her to break down even further. She slumped down near a small tree and let the tears fall, everyone she loved and cared for was gone. She didn't have her brother with her anymore, her adopted sisters probably hated her, and now she was deep in a forest all alone. Miraculously, the very same Cresselia she had rescued just days prior had come to her aid, pitying the broken girl and believing she owed Cecilia for what she had done for her, she helped her escape from the woods. She soon joined Cecilia's team not too long after.
After nearly a month on the road, she had finally reunited with her brother, running into him at a small cafe in Liberty. Almost immediately upon seeing him, she had tackled him to the ground, tears in her eyes. She was met with a tight, loving hug; Johnny was just as happy to see her. After their reunion, they decided it was time to begin making some changes to their lives, and the first on their mind was to find the trainers that had successfully liberated Raikou and Suicune from them, they wanted to turn over a new page in their lives and start fresh.
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth