I was thinking of doing a roleplay that involves a bit of a crossover between one of my newest characters, Roy and his family, coming into the Pokemon world following Grima's demise (albeit unintentionally). The family left Ylisse following the end of the war in search of a more peaceful life, and Roy wished to extend his lifespan in hopes of living with his family for years to come. Traveling through the Outrealms, the family had eventually reached the Pokemon universe (which region the come upon is up for discussion) and run into odd creatures they've never before seen, but Nowi had ended up falling in love with the first one she found (I'll be deciding on their teams eventually). They were obviously confused, but they didn't seem to have a problem in where they ended up, but seeing as Ylisse is centuries behind the Pokemon world in terms of technology, they were going to have a hard time. For safety precautions, Roy kept a Silver Sword and an Elfire tome on him while his family kept their precious Dragonstones. Now, they wander aimlessly in hopes of learning more about this new world.
Essentially, the basic idea is throwing my Fire Emblem OC into the world of Pokemon. They're exhausted and tired of the war back in Ylisse, so they decided to seek a new, peaceful life by traveling through the Outrealms and ending up somewhere in the Pokemon world; their teams will be determined by whatever region they land in. After entering the world, they end up running into your character and then the adventures starts from there. If you're interested, feel free to reply below.
Essentially, the basic idea is throwing my Fire Emblem OC into the world of Pokemon. They're exhausted and tired of the war back in Ylisse, so they decided to seek a new, peaceful life by traveling through the Outrealms and ending up somewhere in the Pokemon world; their teams will be determined by whatever region they land in. After entering the world, they end up running into your character and then the adventures starts from there. If you're interested, feel free to reply below.

Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth