Uxie has long been one of my all time favorite Pokemon, ever since its debut in Diamond and Pearl, Uxie has been a mainstay in my teams. I actually still have my Uxie that I captured back in Black 2, my little Tooru. It's an adorable Pokemon that was actually fun to battle with a great theme, nice moves, a great design, and good stats. I'm not much of a Psychic-type fan, but Uxie is fantastic. This adorable pixie is easily among my top five all time favorites.

Uxie has always been an interesting Pokemon in the competitive field of Pokemon. Its high defenses, solid movepool, and unusually high Speed for such a defensive Pokemon made it an excellent wall back in the Diamond and Pearl days, unfortunately for Uxie, a lot has changed since then. Its Psychic-typing doesn't let it take advantage of such high defenses, but it isn't enough to hold it back. Useful moves in Yawn, Memento, U-Turn, Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock, Toxic, and Psyshock give it plenty to use against an opponent. Access to Levitate helps it avoid most entry hazards and gives it a much needed immunity to Ground-types. Moves like Yawn and Thunder Wave can easily disrupt an opponent, effectively putting them on a timer, and thanks to its bulk and good speed, it can often effect an opponent multiple times, set up Stealth Rock, or gain momentum with U-Turn. However, despite the positives, Uxie has a number of problems that hold it back. Firstly, the lack of reliable recovery outside of Rest and Leftovers really hurts its durability. Psychic is not a useful type on the defensive spectrum, only giving it resistances to Psychic-, and Fighting-types while giving it glaring weaknesses to Bug-, Dark-, and Ghost-type Pokemon, the former two carry a number of powerful attacks that can outright KO or force Uxie out, while the latter can disrupt Uxie with status. While Uxie's Speed is nice, it often leaves it wishing for more, as many powerful offensive Pokemon can easily do some massive damage or freely set up thanks to Uxie's pitiful offensive stats. Taunt shuts Uxie down completely, forcing it to rely on weak attacks or forcing it to use U-Turn earlier than planned, potentially disrupting momentum. Uxie is a solid Pokemon, but it is outclassed by a number of others and has a number of problems that really keep it from doing much.

Ability: Levitate
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Bold (+Defense, -Attack)
EV Spread: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave/Yawn/Memento
- U-Turn
- Psychic/Psyshock
While Levitate is Uxie's only option as far as abilities go, it's a fantastic one on Uxie. The immunity to Spikes, Sticky Web, and Toxic Spikes is greatly appreciated and allows Uxie to enter the battle without fear of status, though one needs to be careful of Stealth Rock. The given nature and stat spread helps Uxie maximize its physical defense, giving it better chances to survive strong physical attackers like Tyranitar and Mega Beedrill, while the Speed EVs help it outspeed certain Pokemon like a neutral nature Volcarona. Leftovers gives it gradual recovery, something that a defensive Pokemon like Uxie greatly appreciates. It greatly benefits from strong attackers, status absorbers, and team supporters on its team. Pokemon like Chansey or Blissey will make for a great partner thanks to their ability to pass on massive Wishes, Pokemon that can remove or beat hazard setters like Forretress, Ferrothorn, or Steelix are appreciated as well, since they wall Uxie to hell and back thanks to their typings and great defenses, and they can effectively use Uxie as a setup fodder, which can be disastrous.
The given moves play a number of roles on Uxie, the most obvious is Stealth Rock. This applies pressure to the opposing team thanks to damage upon switching in, it's a useful tool in Uxie's arsenal. Thunder Wave can potentially stop a sweeper, forcing them to lose momentum and potentially making room for one of Uxie's teammates to clean up after it, while Yawn can be used to apply pressure on the opponent and forcing them to switch out. Memento can used to sacrifice Uxie, but it gains momentum but harshly reducing an opponent's offensive stats, making it easier to set up. U-Turn is used in a similar manner as Memento, gaining momentum while causing minor damage. Toxic can be used over U-Turn to apply pressure, but otherwise it isn't recommended. Psychic will give Uxie a fairly reliable method of attacking, but leaves it completely walled by special sponges like Tyranitar and Chansey, Psyshock can be used over it to target those who are specially defensive. Uxie's shallow movepool leaves few other decent options, but a potential offensive set is possible with a lot of team support. A set consisting of Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, U-Turn, and Psychic is usable, but it's left walled against anything that resists the moves and is generally not recommended, Pokemon like Azel can play a similar role much nicer.

Specially Defensive Pokemon: Pokemon like Chansey and Snorlax can wall Uxie to hell and back, easily setting up and making way for other Pokemon the opposing team to wreak havoc on yours. The high special defense and diverse movepool gives these Pokemon numerous options against Uxie while it can do little in return. They need to be wary of Thunder Wave, Toxic, and in Snorlax's case, Memento.
Strong Attackers: Strong attackers can force Uxie out despite its nice defenses and it's unable to do much back. Pokemon like Garchomp, Tyranitar, or Mega Beedrill can usually take a hit or two from Uxie and respond with a hard hitting attack or set up, however the latter two need to be wary of Thunder Wave.
Taunt: Taunt prevents Uxie from using its status moves, a major factor in what makes Uxie usable. This forces Uxie to rely on weak attacks until Taunt wears off, this also gives the opponent a chance to set up which could spell doom for your team.
Magic Bounce: Another bane to Uxie's existence. The Pokemon dislikes having Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock, or any other status move thrown back at it and often times, Uxie can do little against Magic Bounce users like Xatu or Espeon, giving them a chance to set up.
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