Have you ever wanted to use Kyurem but had no idea what to do for it? I know I have, but that's why I developed a fun little moveset for the walking corpse that'll do wonders for you in the competitive scene. I've used this a number of times and it's rarely let me down.
Upon first glance, Kyurem's twin 130 offenses immediately jump out and pretty much scream offensive monster, take another look and you'll see it's quite beefy despite having such strong offenses thanks to its 125/90/90 defenses, and it's even got decent enough Speed that it won't be too left behind by most of the important threats in the metagame. Kyurem's movepool isn't too shabby either, and if it comes under hail, it has the ability to fire off nuclear Blizzards. Now, you're probably asking yourself something. "Why don't I see this Pokemon more often if it's such a strong threat?" The answer lies within its typing and the fact that Kyurem has two superior forms (they will be covered in the future). While Dragon- and Ice- do amazingly well together on the offensive side of the spectrum, allowing it to hit Dragon-, Ground-, Grass-, and Flying-types super effectively, however the typing is a bit of a double edged sword. On the defensive side of things, its typing brings it glaring weaknesses to Dragon-, Steel-, Rock-, Fairy-, and Fighting-types, all being very common where Kyurem will be seen the most. Kyurem requires all kinds of entry hazard support due to the fact its weak to all forms of it, especially Stealth Rock. While Kyurem's stats are impressive, it cannot gain all of the OHKO's it'd love to nab due to the fact it cannot run all of what it wants on one set. Lastly, while its speed isn't bad by any means, it definitely isn't great and leaves it outsped by many of the offensive threats. Despite all of these shortcomings, underestimating the Boundary Pokemon will result in the demolition of your team in a matter of seconds.
Here's a moveset I'd recommend for this icy monster.
Item: Choice Specs / Life Orb
Nature: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Draco Meteor
- Ice Beam/Blizzard
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power Fire/Flash Cannon/Roost
This set allows Kyurem to capitalize on the sheer power that its STAB moves allow. With Choice Specs, Draco Meteor will do considerable amounts of damage. Even Pokemon that resist it like Metagross or Scizor will end up losing a good chunk of health. Ice Beam is another obvious choice that will do considerable damage to anything that doesn't resist it, while Blizzard can be used over it if you're wanting added power, but outside of Hail, this isn't recommended due to poor accuracy. Earth Power allows Kyurem to nail opposing Steel- and Rock-types super effectively, even specially defensive Steel-types like Bronzong (non-Levitate variants) and Empoleon will take massive amounts of damage if not being outright OHKO'd. Hidden Power Fire is used for the same reason, however it'll nail Pokemon with Levitate and do considerable damage to Pokemon like Forretress, Ferrothorn, and Scizor. However, it can be replaced with Flash Cannon to hit Rock- and Fairy-types super effectively, though this isn't recommended as Kyurem's Ice-type STABs will usually do more than enough damage. Roost can also be used in conjunction with Kyurem's nice bulk, however it should be used with the Life Orb. The latter item will give Kyurem a considerable boost in power and the freedom to switch around moves, however it'll sorely miss the overwhelming power with Choice Specs, and the fact it causes the Pokemon to lose HP with each attack, making Roost a necessary option. The given spread allows Kyurem to maximize its speed and power, allowing it to deal as much damage as possible while outspeeding as much as possible. Be wary of specially defensive Pokemon like Chansey, or Pokemon that resist Kyurem's moves like Empoleon and Florges, as they can easily ruin Kyurem's sweep with various status ailments. Pokemon that can remove entry hazards and support Kyurem by planting some themselves are greatly appreciated, so Pokemon like Forretress and Tentacruel make for great partners.

Upon first glance, Kyurem's twin 130 offenses immediately jump out and pretty much scream offensive monster, take another look and you'll see it's quite beefy despite having such strong offenses thanks to its 125/90/90 defenses, and it's even got decent enough Speed that it won't be too left behind by most of the important threats in the metagame. Kyurem's movepool isn't too shabby either, and if it comes under hail, it has the ability to fire off nuclear Blizzards. Now, you're probably asking yourself something. "Why don't I see this Pokemon more often if it's such a strong threat?" The answer lies within its typing and the fact that Kyurem has two superior forms (they will be covered in the future). While Dragon- and Ice- do amazingly well together on the offensive side of the spectrum, allowing it to hit Dragon-, Ground-, Grass-, and Flying-types super effectively, however the typing is a bit of a double edged sword. On the defensive side of things, its typing brings it glaring weaknesses to Dragon-, Steel-, Rock-, Fairy-, and Fighting-types, all being very common where Kyurem will be seen the most. Kyurem requires all kinds of entry hazard support due to the fact its weak to all forms of it, especially Stealth Rock. While Kyurem's stats are impressive, it cannot gain all of the OHKO's it'd love to nab due to the fact it cannot run all of what it wants on one set. Lastly, while its speed isn't bad by any means, it definitely isn't great and leaves it outsped by many of the offensive threats. Despite all of these shortcomings, underestimating the Boundary Pokemon will result in the demolition of your team in a matter of seconds.
Here's a moveset I'd recommend for this icy monster.
Item: Choice Specs / Life Orb
Nature: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Draco Meteor
- Ice Beam/Blizzard
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power Fire/Flash Cannon/Roost
This set allows Kyurem to capitalize on the sheer power that its STAB moves allow. With Choice Specs, Draco Meteor will do considerable amounts of damage. Even Pokemon that resist it like Metagross or Scizor will end up losing a good chunk of health. Ice Beam is another obvious choice that will do considerable damage to anything that doesn't resist it, while Blizzard can be used over it if you're wanting added power, but outside of Hail, this isn't recommended due to poor accuracy. Earth Power allows Kyurem to nail opposing Steel- and Rock-types super effectively, even specially defensive Steel-types like Bronzong (non-Levitate variants) and Empoleon will take massive amounts of damage if not being outright OHKO'd. Hidden Power Fire is used for the same reason, however it'll nail Pokemon with Levitate and do considerable damage to Pokemon like Forretress, Ferrothorn, and Scizor. However, it can be replaced with Flash Cannon to hit Rock- and Fairy-types super effectively, though this isn't recommended as Kyurem's Ice-type STABs will usually do more than enough damage. Roost can also be used in conjunction with Kyurem's nice bulk, however it should be used with the Life Orb. The latter item will give Kyurem a considerable boost in power and the freedom to switch around moves, however it'll sorely miss the overwhelming power with Choice Specs, and the fact it causes the Pokemon to lose HP with each attack, making Roost a necessary option. The given spread allows Kyurem to maximize its speed and power, allowing it to deal as much damage as possible while outspeeding as much as possible. Be wary of specially defensive Pokemon like Chansey, or Pokemon that resist Kyurem's moves like Empoleon and Florges, as they can easily ruin Kyurem's sweep with various status ailments. Pokemon that can remove entry hazards and support Kyurem by planting some themselves are greatly appreciated, so Pokemon like Forretress and Tentacruel make for great partners.
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth