Who are your top ten Pokemon? Throw 'em down below! Here are mine.
10. Beedrill

Beedrill's long been one of my favorite Pokemon, I've always been a sucker for both Bug- and Poison-types, so Beedrill was just a badass combo, and the fact that it was a giant bee made it even better.
9, Nihilego

I don't know why Nihilego appeals to me so much, but I found it to be absolutely adorable and it had immediately become a favorite of mine, being my all time favorite Alolan Pokemon.
8. Uxie

An absolutely adorable Pokemon that has long been a mainstay on many of my teams, rarely is it off my team. I even still have the same Uxie from my White 2, my little Tooru is absolutely perfect. It is an adorable Pokemon and nothing will change my mind.
7. Tentacruel

An absolute badass and it has always been a driving force on many of my teams. It's got one of the coolest designs and a fantastic typing. In every game possible, I'll make sure to catch one or multiple of them.
6. Gastly

An oddly adorable Pokemon that has held a spot in my heart, and since the first generation, I've never used any of its evolutionary partners (with the exception of my shiny Gengar). It's just adorable, and its appearance in the first season of the anime left a place in my heart.
5. Mawile

Another adorable Pokemon that had stolen my heart almost as soon as it was introduced. It's just one of those Pokemon that I want to hug and snuggle, I don't even care if it has the chance to eat me whole.
4. Meowstic

Almost as soon as it was introduced, it had stolen my heart. It's an adorable Pokemon and the female one is almost always on my team. Every time I restart X and Y, I make sure I capture one or two of them. It's easily my favorite Kalos Pokemon.
3. Volcarona

I love moths, so it was nearly impossible for me to dislike it and as soon as I had the chance, I made sure to catch it. It's a badass Pokemon with a lot to like, from its design to its cry, it had immediately become a favorite of mine and a mainstay on a vast majority of my teams.
2. Victini

I'm a sucker for most of the little pixie Pokemon and Victini was no exception. It's adorable and it's absolutely amazing in battle, it's one of those Pokemon I'd kill to just pet and hug. It's a mainstay on my team and unless Nintendo introduces a more adorable Pokemon, it'll keep a place in my heart.
1. Venomoth

Venomoth has been my overall favorite for as long as I can remember. It's adorable, cool, and actually useful in battle. I love moths, I love Poison-types, and I love Bug-types. So, what could be better than combining all of them into one cool Pokemon?

Beedrill's long been one of my favorite Pokemon, I've always been a sucker for both Bug- and Poison-types, so Beedrill was just a badass combo, and the fact that it was a giant bee made it even better.
9, Nihilego

I don't know why Nihilego appeals to me so much, but I found it to be absolutely adorable and it had immediately become a favorite of mine, being my all time favorite Alolan Pokemon.
8. Uxie

An absolutely adorable Pokemon that has long been a mainstay on many of my teams, rarely is it off my team. I even still have the same Uxie from my White 2, my little Tooru is absolutely perfect. It is an adorable Pokemon and nothing will change my mind.
7. Tentacruel

An absolute badass and it has always been a driving force on many of my teams. It's got one of the coolest designs and a fantastic typing. In every game possible, I'll make sure to catch one or multiple of them.
6. Gastly

An oddly adorable Pokemon that has held a spot in my heart, and since the first generation, I've never used any of its evolutionary partners (with the exception of my shiny Gengar). It's just adorable, and its appearance in the first season of the anime left a place in my heart.
5. Mawile

Another adorable Pokemon that had stolen my heart almost as soon as it was introduced. It's just one of those Pokemon that I want to hug and snuggle, I don't even care if it has the chance to eat me whole.
4. Meowstic

Almost as soon as it was introduced, it had stolen my heart. It's an adorable Pokemon and the female one is almost always on my team. Every time I restart X and Y, I make sure I capture one or two of them. It's easily my favorite Kalos Pokemon.
3. Volcarona

I love moths, so it was nearly impossible for me to dislike it and as soon as I had the chance, I made sure to catch it. It's a badass Pokemon with a lot to like, from its design to its cry, it had immediately become a favorite of mine and a mainstay on a vast majority of my teams.
2. Victini

I'm a sucker for most of the little pixie Pokemon and Victini was no exception. It's adorable and it's absolutely amazing in battle, it's one of those Pokemon I'd kill to just pet and hug. It's a mainstay on my team and unless Nintendo introduces a more adorable Pokemon, it'll keep a place in my heart.
1. Venomoth

Venomoth has been my overall favorite for as long as I can remember. It's adorable, cool, and actually useful in battle. I love moths, I love Poison-types, and I love Bug-types. So, what could be better than combining all of them into one cool Pokemon?

(Will update in a bit with pics and reasons, but here are mine)
10: Umbreon
Eeveeloutions are my weakness and I love this little dark type. It's adorable and I always like to have an Espeon along with it, just 'cause I like the thought of having darkness and light paired together.

9. Espeon
Of course, I can't have Umbreon on this list without Espeon. I adore both fairly equally, but Espeon has just a slight amount of more love from me.

8. Pikachu
I adore this little electric type. So small and cute. I remember watching the Pokémon anime when I was younger and wanting one and then being jealous because Ash had one in the anime.

7. Jolteon
Oh look, another Eeveeloution. I swear they're my weakness. Anyways, I just can't resist this electric type! It just looks so cool!

6. Charmander
I'm only gonna say this once. I. Love. Fire-types. Fire type Pokemon are the best types for me, so if course I had to put the first fire type on this list. Aside from it being the first fire type Pokémon, Charmander also has an adorable appearance. Plus, it evolves into a dragon! How cool is that?

5. Cyndaquil
Another adorable fire type! Cyndaquil is just so cute and also has a rather awesome-looking evolution. Yes, I chose my favorite Pokémon based on aesthetic, don't judge me.

4. Wartortle
I just really liked how this Pokémon looked. Wartortle has a really nice design and evolves from an adorable Pokémon as well.

3. Bulbasaur
A cute little grass type. I just fell in love with the design of the Bulbasaur once I was it on the original Pokémon series and I still love it to this day. Besides, it looks like a little dinosaur! How cute is that?

2. Mew
I just love this little legendary Pokémon. It's always been one of my favorite legendaries and I even have a little plush of it.

1. Flareon
*squees* So. Much. FLOOF! *ahem* Anyways, this is by far my favorite fire type Pokémon and Eeveeloution. I would absolutely love it if I could find and be able to buy a plush for it.
10: Umbreon
Eeveeloutions are my weakness and I love this little dark type. It's adorable and I always like to have an Espeon along with it, just 'cause I like the thought of having darkness and light paired together.

9. Espeon
Of course, I can't have Umbreon on this list without Espeon. I adore both fairly equally, but Espeon has just a slight amount of more love from me.

8. Pikachu
I adore this little electric type. So small and cute. I remember watching the Pokémon anime when I was younger and wanting one and then being jealous because Ash had one in the anime.

7. Jolteon
Oh look, another Eeveeloution. I swear they're my weakness. Anyways, I just can't resist this electric type! It just looks so cool!

6. Charmander
I'm only gonna say this once. I. Love. Fire-types. Fire type Pokemon are the best types for me, so if course I had to put the first fire type on this list. Aside from it being the first fire type Pokémon, Charmander also has an adorable appearance. Plus, it evolves into a dragon! How cool is that?

5. Cyndaquil
Another adorable fire type! Cyndaquil is just so cute and also has a rather awesome-looking evolution. Yes, I chose my favorite Pokémon based on aesthetic, don't judge me.

4. Wartortle
I just really liked how this Pokémon looked. Wartortle has a really nice design and evolves from an adorable Pokémon as well.

3. Bulbasaur
A cute little grass type. I just fell in love with the design of the Bulbasaur once I was it on the original Pokémon series and I still love it to this day. Besides, it looks like a little dinosaur! How cute is that?

2. Mew
I just love this little legendary Pokémon. It's always been one of my favorite legendaries and I even have a little plush of it.

1. Flareon
*squees* So. Much. FLOOF! *ahem* Anyways, this is by far my favorite fire type Pokémon and Eeveeloution. I would absolutely love it if I could find and be able to buy a plush for it.

xKeatonx wrote:
Oh, can I post my top ten??!
Oh this is tough!
10- Snivy
What can I say? My very first starter. Grass types have been getting the cold shoulder lately, but I always went with a grass or fire starter. Snivy was awesome, a cute lil grass snake.
9- Cosmog
I dont need to explain. Its so cute!! Plus, the only pokemon that evolves into a legendary!
8- Arcanine
I love this sturdy fire type! A huge, fluffy wolf, who couldn't adore? I usually have one of these, or Ninetales in my battle party.
7- Yveltal-
One of my favorite legendaries! I loved the design, backstory, and relation with Xerneas. Its awesome and formidable at the same time!
6- Lucario
Im usually not a sucker for mainstream pokemon, but this is my exception. Lucario is adorable, badass, and a high attack fighter.
5- Absol
With a good moveset, mega evolution, and one of my favorite types, this pokemon was always fascinating. Its regal, grim appearance led it to a spot in my party
4- Umbreon/Eevee
I really couldnt make a decision on this one. I love all the Eeveelutions, but I didnt want them to take up my whole list. Eevee is just the cutest thing! I used to keep one in my party and refuse to evolve it. But once I found out how badass it could become, I evolved it into our cute dark type!
3- Mewtwo
Okay okay guys. I know not everyone has much love for him, but bear with me! Ever since the first pokemon movie, I fell in love with Mewtwo. With intelligence ascending that of a normal human, badass design, and misunderstood demeanor, I always remember the greatness of Gen 1!
2- Espurr
I dont understand why people think it looks creepy, its just so damn cute! I remember loving this thing on first sight. Plus I can be a sucker for Psychic types...
1- Ninetales
I adore all and any foxes, and Ninetales gives off the mysterious, elegant air one simply cant resist. Both forms are great, but I prefer its original one. Ever since I got a Vulpix in pokemon red, I always have one of these on my team!
10- Snivy
What can I say? My very first starter. Grass types have been getting the cold shoulder lately, but I always went with a grass or fire starter. Snivy was awesome, a cute lil grass snake.
9- Cosmog
I dont need to explain. Its so cute!! Plus, the only pokemon that evolves into a legendary!
8- Arcanine
I love this sturdy fire type! A huge, fluffy wolf, who couldn't adore? I usually have one of these, or Ninetales in my battle party.
7- Yveltal-
One of my favorite legendaries! I loved the design, backstory, and relation with Xerneas. Its awesome and formidable at the same time!
6- Lucario
Im usually not a sucker for mainstream pokemon, but this is my exception. Lucario is adorable, badass, and a high attack fighter.
5- Absol
With a good moveset, mega evolution, and one of my favorite types, this pokemon was always fascinating. Its regal, grim appearance led it to a spot in my party
4- Umbreon/Eevee
I really couldnt make a decision on this one. I love all the Eeveelutions, but I didnt want them to take up my whole list. Eevee is just the cutest thing! I used to keep one in my party and refuse to evolve it. But once I found out how badass it could become, I evolved it into our cute dark type!
3- Mewtwo
Okay okay guys. I know not everyone has much love for him, but bear with me! Ever since the first pokemon movie, I fell in love with Mewtwo. With intelligence ascending that of a normal human, badass design, and misunderstood demeanor, I always remember the greatness of Gen 1!
2- Espurr
I dont understand why people think it looks creepy, its just so damn cute! I remember loving this thing on first sight. Plus I can be a sucker for Psychic types...
1- Ninetales
I adore all and any foxes, and Ninetales gives off the mysterious, elegant air one simply cant resist. Both forms are great, but I prefer its original one. Ever since I got a Vulpix in pokemon red, I always have one of these on my team!
10. Torracat - Most recent addition to the list, but he made it. Sassy, scrappy wrestler-cat made it to my top ten list.
9. Zoroark - yeah, yeah, I know this one's probably gonna get me a lot of flack, but I just love its look and its lore. Illusion fox who'll trap you forever if you harm what she cares about? And that mane! Love at first sight.
8. Kadabra - I ended up having to evolve him at some point to ensure he'd make it, but he survived the longest of my team in a Diamond nuzlocke I did. He earned himself a spot on this list.
7. Chesnaught - I was surprised by how much I came to like this pokemon; I thought chespin was soo dumb-looking when Kalos was first introduced, and I felt the same about it 2 years later when I got my own copy of Y-version. But grass-type starters are good luck, so I went with it. Now I have two and they both improved so much through my games that I couldn't help but fall in love. Has a great dumb beard and everything.
6. Dustox - she's a beast. A beaaaast. Or at least I like to think so. I took her everywhere in OR, and she swept the majority of the E4 at one point. Beauty/smart contest mastery, fun colors, and a moth! What's not to love?
5. Serperior - I know they're not typically defensive worth a crap, but I managed to get this fluke of a snivy who could somehow take a hit. That silly grass snake also happened to be a Musicals whiz, and that was my second-favorite part about Gen 5.
4. Rayquaza - first legendary I ever had, first shiny coloration I looked up (great combo), great lore, and a big freakin' sky dragon. I just remember drawing him all the time as a kid (getting frustrated with his silly body fins) and I have so many fond memories of this pokemon.
3. Scrafty - What can I say? This hooligan was surprisingly tough, despite glaring type disadvantages. And he rocks The Look. Mohawks, man. Mohawks.
2. Sceptile - Not my first pokemon (mudkip got my pick the first go round), but this is the one that's been with me the longest. And honestly, I don't know how I didn't pick it the first time. Even with its glaring weaknesses and lackluster stats, I love battling with this pokemon on my team. Then he gets to be a grass/dragon when he mega evolves? Awesome.
1. Mienfoo - I associate these punchy weasels with one of my most loved characters. I might pick something else when I'm not thinking about it, but when it comes down to it, I always come back to Mienfoo as my top fave.
9. Zoroark - yeah, yeah, I know this one's probably gonna get me a lot of flack, but I just love its look and its lore. Illusion fox who'll trap you forever if you harm what she cares about? And that mane! Love at first sight.
8. Kadabra - I ended up having to evolve him at some point to ensure he'd make it, but he survived the longest of my team in a Diamond nuzlocke I did. He earned himself a spot on this list.
7. Chesnaught - I was surprised by how much I came to like this pokemon; I thought chespin was soo dumb-looking when Kalos was first introduced, and I felt the same about it 2 years later when I got my own copy of Y-version. But grass-type starters are good luck, so I went with it. Now I have two and they both improved so much through my games that I couldn't help but fall in love. Has a great dumb beard and everything.
6. Dustox - she's a beast. A beaaaast. Or at least I like to think so. I took her everywhere in OR, and she swept the majority of the E4 at one point. Beauty/smart contest mastery, fun colors, and a moth! What's not to love?
5. Serperior - I know they're not typically defensive worth a crap, but I managed to get this fluke of a snivy who could somehow take a hit. That silly grass snake also happened to be a Musicals whiz, and that was my second-favorite part about Gen 5.
4. Rayquaza - first legendary I ever had, first shiny coloration I looked up (great combo), great lore, and a big freakin' sky dragon. I just remember drawing him all the time as a kid (getting frustrated with his silly body fins) and I have so many fond memories of this pokemon.
3. Scrafty - What can I say? This hooligan was surprisingly tough, despite glaring type disadvantages. And he rocks The Look. Mohawks, man. Mohawks.
2. Sceptile - Not my first pokemon (mudkip got my pick the first go round), but this is the one that's been with me the longest. And honestly, I don't know how I didn't pick it the first time. Even with its glaring weaknesses and lackluster stats, I love battling with this pokemon on my team. Then he gets to be a grass/dragon when he mega evolves? Awesome.
1. Mienfoo - I associate these punchy weasels with one of my most loved characters. I might pick something else when I'm not thinking about it, but when it comes down to it, I always come back to Mienfoo as my top fave.

When I first got Pokémon Sapphire, I took one look at Mudkip and instantly fell in love. After fully evolving her into Swampert, I remember my eyes nearly bugging out of my head just because of how awesome she’d become. That Swampert managed to take down most of the elite four by herself, encasing my favoritism of Swamperts. She looks amazing, is a complete powerhouse, and even has a umm. Semi cool Mega evolution. Anyways, Swampert is a beast and will always be a top favorite.

This sombrero wearing bandit is a great love of mine. He looks so mysterious and sly with his perfect design yet his cuteness in the anime make him downright adorable. Sadly, I see him underrated as an Eviolite user as I’ve had him take down multiple powerful Pokémon and able to hold against powerful attacks. Lombre holds a special place in my heart as a grass and water type as well because he has so few weaknesses. He’s a powerhouse. What else can I say?

Gliscor has proven his skill in battle for me time and time again. He’s a true foe if set up right and can I just say, he looks freaking awesome. The purple and the red blend so well and those eyes just stare into your soul... Oh dear... I love his ground, electric, and status immunities (with poison orb) and the fact that facade can take down just about anything. I feel like nobody would mess with you if you had a Gliscor at your side.

Lopunny is a recent favorite Pokémon for me due to the realization of how bad ass she really is in battle. She’s fast as hell with that amazing power to back it all up. And with that Mega evolution, it makes her even more bad ass. I’ve even had her take down legendaries on her own which is quite a feat. If you know how to use her, she’s a beast.

Slowbro has been a childhood favorite of mine since I first saw this video. He’s not only adorable, lovable, and pink, but he’s also a true special attack tank in battle. In every single game, I look for a slowpoke, power him up, evolve him, and make that Slowbro the lead of my team. Every. Single. Game. He’s cute and powerful. I mean, who doesn’t want a fire breathing hippo? Not to mention a loving pal to share a beautiful sunset with?

When I first got Pokémon Sapphire, I took one look at Mudkip and instantly fell in love. After fully evolving her into Swampert, I remember my eyes nearly bugging out of my head just because of how awesome she’d become. That Swampert managed to take down most of the elite four by herself, encasing my favoritism of Swamperts. She looks amazing, is a complete powerhouse, and even has a umm. Semi cool Mega evolution. Anyways, Swampert is a beast and will always be a top favorite.

This sombrero wearing bandit is a great love of mine. He looks so mysterious and sly with his perfect design yet his cuteness in the anime make him downright adorable. Sadly, I see him underrated as an Eviolite user as I’ve had him take down multiple powerful Pokémon and able to hold against powerful attacks. Lombre holds a special place in my heart as a grass and water type as well because he has so few weaknesses. He’s a powerhouse. What else can I say?

Gliscor has proven his skill in battle for me time and time again. He’s a true foe if set up right and can I just say, he looks freaking awesome. The purple and the red blend so well and those eyes just stare into your soul... Oh dear... I love his ground, electric, and status immunities (with poison orb) and the fact that facade can take down just about anything. I feel like nobody would mess with you if you had a Gliscor at your side.

Lopunny is a recent favorite Pokémon for me due to the realization of how bad ass she really is in battle. She’s fast as hell with that amazing power to back it all up. And with that Mega evolution, it makes her even more bad ass. I’ve even had her take down legendaries on her own which is quite a feat. If you know how to use her, she’s a beast.

Slowbro has been a childhood favorite of mine since I first saw this video. He’s not only adorable, lovable, and pink, but he’s also a true special attack tank in battle. In every single game, I look for a slowpoke, power him up, evolve him, and make that Slowbro the lead of my team. Every. Single. Game. He’s cute and powerful. I mean, who doesn’t want a fire breathing hippo? Not to mention a loving pal to share a beautiful sunset with?
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth