Hey everyone! I have long struggled to finalize Magnus' main team. I want to keep it limited to 5 or 6 Pokemon (ie, he doesn't have extras stored in the PC). I have gone through a variety of maybes, but most haven't stuck, so I wrote them out of his team in various ways.
When I first made the character he had Golem, Machoke, Blastoise, and Nidoking, but for some reason I wasn't wild about any of them except Machoke. So he retired the Golem, and Blastoise left to live on a water-type sanctuary, and Nidoking just kinda vanished LOL
Then he was in BFOI (which was an OCT a few years ago), and he had Machoke, Jolteon, Steelix, Dragonite, Charizard, and Donphan. The first three are absolutely staying, but I decided that he borrowed Dragonite and Charizard--they just didn't click with me. He may still have the Donphan, idk.
So I'm trying to flesh out the rest of his team. He trains super cool, super macho Pokemon, usually with high Attack. I know he needs a water-type, but he isn't going to have a flier. HEAVY preference on gen1 and gen2 because I'm an utter fogey, but feel free to mention later gens. Here are my ideas but I'm open to others:
Slowbro (just cuz of the bro, lol)
Another Blastoise or Wartortle, just try to do something different than the first one
Nidoking again--either the same one or a different one
Mankey or Primeape
Any suggestions or thoughts?
When I first made the character he had Golem, Machoke, Blastoise, and Nidoking, but for some reason I wasn't wild about any of them except Machoke. So he retired the Golem, and Blastoise left to live on a water-type sanctuary, and Nidoking just kinda vanished LOL
Then he was in BFOI (which was an OCT a few years ago), and he had Machoke, Jolteon, Steelix, Dragonite, Charizard, and Donphan. The first three are absolutely staying, but I decided that he borrowed Dragonite and Charizard--they just didn't click with me. He may still have the Donphan, idk.
So I'm trying to flesh out the rest of his team. He trains super cool, super macho Pokemon, usually with high Attack. I know he needs a water-type, but he isn't going to have a flier. HEAVY preference on gen1 and gen2 because I'm an utter fogey, but feel free to mention later gens. Here are my ideas but I'm open to others:
Slowbro (just cuz of the bro, lol)
Another Blastoise or Wartortle, just try to do something different than the first one
Nidoking again--either the same one or a different one
Mankey or Primeape
Any suggestions or thoughts?

Out of those, Slowbro, Nidoking, and Blastoise would be my first choices purely because of my own personal bias towards those Pokémon, though Heraxross could also be pretty fun.
Maybe Lucario? It has high attack, decent defense, and sure is macho. As for a water type I agree Blastoise would probably do great, or maybe Gyrados.
I thought he looked familiar! I had to keep out of BFOI thanks to school, but it looked like so much fun! It was hard saying no. 
Does he need the water type for sure, or something with the ability to Surf?
Either way, I think Feraligator could be a good fit. What if it was a bit different than most Feraligator and had the chill personality of a slowbro/slowking? Although, I'm more partial to a Huge Power Azumarill, myself. Or maybe a Poliwrath?
Heracross would be awesome, because their lifting power. Love those power-bugs. And I don't see many people do stuff with Primape, so those are fun to see.
Surprisingly, Granbull comes to mind - they look pretty tough, even if their Dex entry says they're cowards. And who says the Dex is always right?

Does he need the water type for sure, or something with the ability to Surf?
Either way, I think Feraligator could be a good fit. What if it was a bit different than most Feraligator and had the chill personality of a slowbro/slowking? Although, I'm more partial to a Huge Power Azumarill, myself. Or maybe a Poliwrath?
Heracross would be awesome, because their lifting power. Love those power-bugs. And I don't see many people do stuff with Primape, so those are fun to see.
Surprisingly, Granbull comes to mind - they look pretty tough, even if their Dex entry says they're cowards. And who says the Dex is always right?
Thanks for the input everyone!
(Also Forta, who did you play in BFOI?! I got like up to round 4 or 5 of year 2. It was so much fun but they just didn't
I know some non-Water-types can surf, like Rhydon (??????) but I'd prefer it to be an actual Water type, or at least a Pokemon that could reasonably be found in the water.
A super chill Feraligatr would be a cute idea! I might go that route! I had definitely considered Poliwrath, and I think it's objectively a good choice (macho+water+gen1) but honestly, I can't stand its design.
I forgot that a few months ago I had the idea to give him a super jacked macho Clefable, just cuz.
But Clefable is supposed to be super mega rare, so I feel like that wouldn't make much sense.
I guess I will have to do some doodles to see if I can get a feel for a Heracross character. Back when I first made the char I considered a Heracross or a Pinsir, but decided against it for some reason.
No love for Ursaring? It would be fun to have a female "mama bear" Ursaring, but honestly his Steelix already fills that role!
This is making me wanna restart the old RP about the water sanctuary. I had some good ideas, and it'd help me flesh out Mag's backstory!
(Also Forta, who did you play in BFOI?! I got like up to round 4 or 5 of year 2. It was so much fun but they just didn't
I know some non-Water-types can surf, like Rhydon (??????) but I'd prefer it to be an actual Water type, or at least a Pokemon that could reasonably be found in the water.

I forgot that a few months ago I had the idea to give him a super jacked macho Clefable, just cuz.

I guess I will have to do some doodles to see if I can get a feel for a Heracross character. Back when I first made the char I considered a Heracross or a Pinsir, but decided against it for some reason.
No love for Ursaring? It would be fun to have a female "mama bear" Ursaring, but honestly his Steelix already fills that role!
This is making me wanna restart the old RP about the water sanctuary. I had some good ideas, and it'd help me flesh out Mag's backstory!
Aw, that's fair.
(I don't remember if I ever posted their apps; they were a competitor-NPC duo on vacation together. Maxine and Maxwell... Oh! I posted Maxie's app: https://forta-verity-amity.deviantart.com/art/BFOI-Y2-Spectator-Maxwell-Brown-333422163)
Aw man, though, I love that Rhydon and Aggron can surf. Makes me think of battleships, cruising along.
Hey! A heracross named Herc? Their regular form might be based on a rhino beetle, but when they evolve they look like Hercules beetles!
(I don't remember if I ever posted their apps; they were a competitor-NPC duo on vacation together. Maxine and Maxwell... Oh! I posted Maxie's app: https://forta-verity-amity.deviantart.com/art/BFOI-Y2-Spectator-Maxwell-Brown-333422163)
Aw man, though, I love that Rhydon and Aggron can surf. Makes me think of battleships, cruising along.
Hey! A heracross named Herc? Their regular form might be based on a rhino beetle, but when they evolve they look like Hercules beetles!
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