Have you ever wanted to use this odd Electric-type, but didn't have a clue as to what kind of moveset you should use for it? I know I have and that's why I've developed a fun little set for it, and this one has rarely let me down.

Electrode has never been the premier Electric-type despite its amazing Speed. While a base 150 Speed is amazing and taking a look at that, it's a wonder that Electrode isn't seen more often in the competitive scene, but once you take a look at a few other details, you'll see why Electrode is rarely seen. Yes, it's Speed is great, but that's pretty much all Electrode has going for it. 60/70/80 defenses are abysmal, 50/80 offenses are terrible, and its shallow movepool leaves it struggling to keep up with others. However, there is one use to this exploding inverse Pokeball, and that lies in its Speed. While its movepool is shallow, it has the right tools to really abuse its speed, moves like Taunt, Thunder Wave, and Rain Dance are great tools for the Pokemon and Electrode can make good use of them. It can also boast about having the game's fastest, albeit weak, Explosion. However, outside of these very limited roles, Electrode usually finds itself outclassed by most other Electric-types. While I absolutely love Electrode, it's easily among my favorite Pokemon, you're better off using other, better Electric-types like Raikou, Jolteon, or Magnezone, all of whom can play similar roles better than what Electrode can do.
Try out either of these on your own Electrode!
Rain Dance Support
Item: Damp Rock
Nature: Timid (-Atk, +Spe)
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 252 Spe / 110 HP / 70 Def / 70 SpD / 8 SpA
- Rain Dance
- Thunder
- Volt Switch
- Taunt
This set gives Electrode excellent utility on rain teams due to its incredible speed. While its bulk isn't anything to write home about, it's usually able to set up Rain Dance and then either attack with a perfectly accurate Thunder or screw an opponent over with Taunt. Volt Switch allows it to switch out and gain some momentum for its team. Keep in mind that Electrode will be completely walled by Ground-types, Pokemon that resist Electric-type moves, or Pokemon with Lightning Rod or Volt Absorb. Having partners that could clear away such Pokemon are necessary and will be extremely helpful in making sure Electrode is useful for you. The given EVs allow Electrode to maximize its Speed along with a Timid nature while also giving Electrode decent bulk in hopes that at minimum, neutral attacks will 2HKO it. A Damp Rock allows it to extend Rain Dance by several turns in order to maximum usage out of it. Pokemon with Swift Swim, Hydration, and moves like Hurricane or Thunder greatly appreciate the Pokemon's rain support and they will make excellent partners for it. Manaphy, Swift Swim Kingdra, and Mega Swampert will make for excellent partners as they will usually have enough power to take out Pokemon that Electrode has failed to KO. Rain Dish Tentacruel appreciates it as well thanks to the subtle recovery with the rain and it can set up hazards to aid in Electrode's job. However, many Choice Scarf users like Garchomp or Excadrill and opposing Swift Swim users like Mega Swampert will most likely outspeed Electrode and can easily OHKO one with their respective STABs, so be wary of them when building with Electrode. Ample team support and removal of dangerous threats are necessary for Electrode's success.
All Out Attacker
Item: Life Orb/Choice Specs/Electrium-Z
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)/Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 4 Def
- Thunderbolt/Thunder
- Volt Switch
- Signal Beam
- Hidden Power Grass/Hidden Power Ice
Like the previous set, this is designed to take advantage of Electrode's incredible speed and the few tools Electrode has in its arsenal. Thunderbolt is the preferred STAB thanks to its high accuracy and good power, thought Thunder can be used over if you'd prefer more power. However, the low accuracy can cause a problem and if it misses, it can create a disaster for Electrode. Volt Switch is useful for letting Electrode escape and create momentum for the team. Signal Beam is a nice move that can be used to hit opposing Grass-, Psychic-, and Dark-types super effectively, however it is a weak move and will usually take at least two hits to KO most opponents. Hidden Power Grass is used to hit Ground- and Rock-types super effectively, but like Signal Beam, it is weak and it will rarely KO the opponent. HP Ice can be used over it to hit Grass- and Ground-types super effectively, but again, it is a weak move. Electro Ball and Charge Beam could be used over Thunderbolt. Thanks to Electrode's high speed, it's like Electro Ball will always hit at maximum power, but it is unreliable at times. Charge Beam is a rather weak move, but it has a chance to raise Electrode's meager Special Attack, giving it a chance to sweep, but again, it's a weak move and usually won't be very useful. The Life Orb will give Electrode a much needed boost in power at the cost of a little HP. The Choice Specs could be used over it to give Electrode a huge boost in power, giving it a chance to make use of what moves it has at the cost of not being able to switch between attacks. Electrium-Z can also be used in order to give Electrode a one time, super powerful Electric-type move that'll net it at least on KO. Buginium-Z can be used for the same reason, but generally has little use.
Ground-types: They are the bane to Electrode's existence. Thanks to its shallow movepool, Electrode has to rely on the weak HP Ice or HP Grass to hit Ground-types super effectively, but it rarely OHKOs an opponent. Many Ground-types can easily set up on Electrode or straight up KO it.
Specially defensive Pokemon: Specially defensive Pokemon like Tyranitar, Snorlax, and Porygon2 can easily tank whatever Electrode can dish out and respond by supporting their teams, setting up, or KOing Electrode. However, they all need to be wary of potential paralysis from whatever moves Electrode carries.
Choice Scarf Users: Prominent Choice Scarf users like Garchomp, Tyranitar, Excadrill can usually outspeed Electrode and easily KO it.
Strong Attackers: Pokemon that can tank a hit from Electrode and respond with a powerful attack can easily end a potential sweep from the Pokemon.
Burns and poison: These both put Electrode on a timer and with no reliable way to recover, it's doomed.

Electrode has never been the premier Electric-type despite its amazing Speed. While a base 150 Speed is amazing and taking a look at that, it's a wonder that Electrode isn't seen more often in the competitive scene, but once you take a look at a few other details, you'll see why Electrode is rarely seen. Yes, it's Speed is great, but that's pretty much all Electrode has going for it. 60/70/80 defenses are abysmal, 50/80 offenses are terrible, and its shallow movepool leaves it struggling to keep up with others. However, there is one use to this exploding inverse Pokeball, and that lies in its Speed. While its movepool is shallow, it has the right tools to really abuse its speed, moves like Taunt, Thunder Wave, and Rain Dance are great tools for the Pokemon and Electrode can make good use of them. It can also boast about having the game's fastest, albeit weak, Explosion. However, outside of these very limited roles, Electrode usually finds itself outclassed by most other Electric-types. While I absolutely love Electrode, it's easily among my favorite Pokemon, you're better off using other, better Electric-types like Raikou, Jolteon, or Magnezone, all of whom can play similar roles better than what Electrode can do.
Try out either of these on your own Electrode!
Rain Dance Support
Item: Damp Rock
Nature: Timid (-Atk, +Spe)
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 252 Spe / 110 HP / 70 Def / 70 SpD / 8 SpA
- Rain Dance
- Thunder
- Volt Switch
- Taunt
This set gives Electrode excellent utility on rain teams due to its incredible speed. While its bulk isn't anything to write home about, it's usually able to set up Rain Dance and then either attack with a perfectly accurate Thunder or screw an opponent over with Taunt. Volt Switch allows it to switch out and gain some momentum for its team. Keep in mind that Electrode will be completely walled by Ground-types, Pokemon that resist Electric-type moves, or Pokemon with Lightning Rod or Volt Absorb. Having partners that could clear away such Pokemon are necessary and will be extremely helpful in making sure Electrode is useful for you. The given EVs allow Electrode to maximize its Speed along with a Timid nature while also giving Electrode decent bulk in hopes that at minimum, neutral attacks will 2HKO it. A Damp Rock allows it to extend Rain Dance by several turns in order to maximum usage out of it. Pokemon with Swift Swim, Hydration, and moves like Hurricane or Thunder greatly appreciate the Pokemon's rain support and they will make excellent partners for it. Manaphy, Swift Swim Kingdra, and Mega Swampert will make for excellent partners as they will usually have enough power to take out Pokemon that Electrode has failed to KO. Rain Dish Tentacruel appreciates it as well thanks to the subtle recovery with the rain and it can set up hazards to aid in Electrode's job. However, many Choice Scarf users like Garchomp or Excadrill and opposing Swift Swim users like Mega Swampert will most likely outspeed Electrode and can easily OHKO one with their respective STABs, so be wary of them when building with Electrode. Ample team support and removal of dangerous threats are necessary for Electrode's success.
All Out Attacker
Item: Life Orb/Choice Specs/Electrium-Z
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)/Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
Ability: Aftermath
EVs: 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 4 Def
- Thunderbolt/Thunder
- Volt Switch
- Signal Beam
- Hidden Power Grass/Hidden Power Ice
Like the previous set, this is designed to take advantage of Electrode's incredible speed and the few tools Electrode has in its arsenal. Thunderbolt is the preferred STAB thanks to its high accuracy and good power, thought Thunder can be used over if you'd prefer more power. However, the low accuracy can cause a problem and if it misses, it can create a disaster for Electrode. Volt Switch is useful for letting Electrode escape and create momentum for the team. Signal Beam is a nice move that can be used to hit opposing Grass-, Psychic-, and Dark-types super effectively, however it is a weak move and will usually take at least two hits to KO most opponents. Hidden Power Grass is used to hit Ground- and Rock-types super effectively, but like Signal Beam, it is weak and it will rarely KO the opponent. HP Ice can be used over it to hit Grass- and Ground-types super effectively, but again, it is a weak move. Electro Ball and Charge Beam could be used over Thunderbolt. Thanks to Electrode's high speed, it's like Electro Ball will always hit at maximum power, but it is unreliable at times. Charge Beam is a rather weak move, but it has a chance to raise Electrode's meager Special Attack, giving it a chance to sweep, but again, it's a weak move and usually won't be very useful. The Life Orb will give Electrode a much needed boost in power at the cost of a little HP. The Choice Specs could be used over it to give Electrode a huge boost in power, giving it a chance to make use of what moves it has at the cost of not being able to switch between attacks. Electrium-Z can also be used in order to give Electrode a one time, super powerful Electric-type move that'll net it at least on KO. Buginium-Z can be used for the same reason, but generally has little use.
Ground-types: They are the bane to Electrode's existence. Thanks to its shallow movepool, Electrode has to rely on the weak HP Ice or HP Grass to hit Ground-types super effectively, but it rarely OHKOs an opponent. Many Ground-types can easily set up on Electrode or straight up KO it.
Specially defensive Pokemon: Specially defensive Pokemon like Tyranitar, Snorlax, and Porygon2 can easily tank whatever Electrode can dish out and respond by supporting their teams, setting up, or KOing Electrode. However, they all need to be wary of potential paralysis from whatever moves Electrode carries.
Choice Scarf Users: Prominent Choice Scarf users like Garchomp, Tyranitar, Excadrill can usually outspeed Electrode and easily KO it.
Strong Attackers: Pokemon that can tank a hit from Electrode and respond with a powerful attack can easily end a potential sweep from the Pokemon.
Burns and poison: These both put Electrode on a timer and with no reliable way to recover, it's doomed.
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth