Before we get into the information, I wanna give a huge shout out to Gab for all of the help and all of the ideas that went into the region.
This beautiful region is renowned for its tropical, summery weather all year round. The region has a rather simple landscape with grassy plains dominated most of the region’s land, the central plains have a series of ringed plateaus, and to the northeast, a massive mountain range. The region is home to a rich and unique culture unlike anything seen elsewhere. These people are known for their love of various sports, most specifically association football, volleyball, and auto racing. There are stadiums for all three of these sports in nearly every town and many of these events see hundred of people in attendance, and these are broadcast all over the world. The region is well known for a unique and delectable cuisine predominantly consisting of seafood, tropical fruits, and vegetables. Their dishes typically have a bit of a kick to them, and if you’re from elsewhere in the world, you’ll likely feel like you’ve turned into a Fire-type.
The region is rich in history, as ruins of all kinds dot the landscape, predominantly in the central portions of the region. Odd drawings in the ground have been spotted all over the region, these can only be seen from high elevations and they have since become known as the Ninten Lines, it is unknown how or why these were made. Some believe it was nothing more than an extravagant art project for the ancients that inhabited Isla Sol in ancient times while others claim they’re of extraterrestrial origin, though no one is for certain. The ancient temples, crumbling ruins, and awe-inspiring towers that dot the landscape are said to be thousands of years old. They contain images of legendary Pokemon, though no one is sure why, some believe the ancient people of the region worshiped them like deities, regardless of their reasons, they’ve brought a number of curious trainers from all over the world in hopes of exploring what these ruins have to offer.
The region’s culture is loosely based on Latin America, predominantly based on Brazil, it also draws heavy inspiration from Super Mario Sunshine’s Isle Delfino, many of the cities are named after locations from said game. The other cities are references to various Nintendo games. The Ninten lines have a few references hidden within them. The northwest symbol is (a terribly drawn) Sporting KC logo, the southwest logo is a heart with my first initial and my girlfriend’s (co-creator of the region) first initial. The one between the roads connecting Pianta, Hocatate, and Bianco Town is a (poorly drawn) Washington Capitals, while the one just east of it a Super Mario Mushroom. The last two are simply a Shine Sprite and a Pokeball. The various ruins represent the ancient Inca Empire.
All kinds of Pokemon make their homes here, but some types are more common than others. Fire-, Grass-, Ground-, Bug-, Poison-, Water-, and Flying-types are among the most common. Ice-types are nearly unheard of, however they can be found in the northernmost parts of the region. Steel- and Rock-types frequently reside near the old ruins. Fairy-, Dark-, Dragon-, Psychic-, and Ghost-types are pretty rare, while they are far more common than Ice-types, they are still rarely seen. Ghost-types are almost exclusively seen in Sienna City. Fighting-, Normal-, and Electric-types are relatively common as well.
Delfino Plaza: One of the region’s nine major cities and it is well known for its beautiful coastline, crystal clear water, and sunny weather year round. It’s a popular tourist destination that is home to a number of famous landmarks, most notably the Arceus the Creator statue and it frequently hosts the Isla Sol games, a long series of various sporting events that takes place once every four years. It is also home to the Isla Sol Pokemon Lab, home of Professor Orchid, a professor studying the various Pokemon types that live throughout the world. She offers new trainers the choices of Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, Oshawott, Spinarak, Eevee, and Venipede to start their journeys with. It is also home to the Delfino Gym, a Rock-type Gym.
Ricco Town: Another coastal town that’s known for its industrial nature. Nearly 70% of all imports and exports find themselves coming in and out of this town, and it’s nearby harbor. Many people come out here to sail for leisure purposes. It has clear and warm weather year round. It is home to the Ricco Gym, a Poison-type Gym.
Gelato City: This is a popular tourist city thanks to its pristine beaches, wondrous tower with an odd, glowing orb, and the three large mirrors. Despite being known as a city, there are very few buildings and there are fewer than thirty permanent residents, and these residents usually work around the clock to keep the beach clean and ready for the next day’s crowd. It is home to the Gelato Gym, a Ground-type Gym.
Sienna City: Another popular tourist city that’s home to the Hotel Delfino, the largest of its kind in the region. It’s renowned for its friendly staff, great rates, and room service that is to die for. For some reason, the city is home to a large population of Ghost-type Pokemon, though they aren’t dangerous, they’re known for pulling harmless pranks on unsuspecting tourists. It is home to the Sienna Gym, a Ghost-type Gym.
Noki City: This city is a sparsely populated location that’s known for its beautiful scenery. The waters that flow around the city is known for its light, violet hue. It’s unknown what causes this, but it draws visitors from all over the region. It is also home to odd shell-like structures throughout the bay, popularly known as Noki Bay. It is home to the Noki Gym, a Psychic-type Gym.
Pianta Town: This odd town is nestled away, standing high atop of numerous large trees. The people are quite odd in comparison to the rest of the region, but they are known for their annual Cotton Festival which celebrates the annual event of large balls of cotton flowing along the wind, it’s filled with music, fruit, and singing. It is home to the Pianta Gym, a Flying-type Gym.
Bianco Town: A small town that’s home to a number of windmills, including the Petey Windmill, a famous tourist attraction. This large windmill can create enough power to energize all of Isla Sol for over three years in a matter of a few days, the smaller windmills that dot the landscape add to it. It is also known for the farming community. It is home to the Bianco Gym, a Grass-type Gym.
Pinna Park: While this isn’t exactly a normal settlement, it is home to a number of permanent residents. It is home to a wondrous amusement park that attracts hundreds of tourists from around the world. It is known for its large rollercoaster that wraps around the entire park, cute little Merry-Go-Round, Pirate Ship, and the Spinning Shells. The park’s fruits are said to always be full of flavor and they are renowned for their fruit-topped funnel cakes. It is also home to the Pinna Gym, a Normal-type Gym
Corona City: A city nestled within the region’s mountains. It is a sparsely populated place that’s home to primarily Rock- and Fire-type trainers. It’s also notable for being home to the region’s Pokemon League.
Ricco Harbor: A major port that’s owned by a company based in Ricco simply known as the Ricco Blooper Shipping Inc., the harbor is among the largest in the world and hundreds of ships come in and out of the port on a daily basis. It’s primary use for industrial purposes, passenger ships usually do not stop here.
Port Town: Like Ricco Harbor, this town is home to a large port, however it is primarily used for transporting passengers to Pinna Park and elsewhere in the world.
Valm City: This city is popular for being home to the annual Isla Sol Renaissance Festival, this little festival celebrates the region’s colorful and beautiful history by re-enacting famous battles. People from all over the region gather here to participate.
Corneria Town: This town is best known for its weather observatory, scientists here constantly monitor the weather in order to keep people informed if any severe weather is heading their way.
Meteo City: This city is home to a large space observatory that’s used to study what awaits them beyond the atmosphere. It was also built to see if the whole extraterrestrial theory regarding the Ninten Lines could’ve been true, some claim this was a waste of time, while others are sincerely hoping that the theory is true.
Goron City: This city is located almost entirely within a large mountain. Thanks to the many Ground-types that live around the city, the people here were able to construct a perfectly carved city.
Hocatate Town: This is the northernmost town in the region and it is home to a small academy used to train aspiring Pokemon trainers.
Dream City: This is home to the Dreamland University. Many people come out here in hopes of finding a place in their dream career.
Onett City: This place is home to a variety of businesses, most notably a large department store and several hospitals.
Mute City: Despite being known as Mute City, it is home to the annual Isla Sol Music Festival, it is attended by hundreds of people from around the world as is typically headlined by Metagrossalica, Meganiumdeth, and Chansey the Rapper.
Zebes Town: A quiet town that is known for their worship of the legendary Pokemon, Groudon, believing that it was responsible for all of the beauty that Isla Sol holds.
Shine Island: This odd island closely resembles one of the Ninten Lines. It’s home to three temples, each filled with murals depicting the Lake Trio, Creation Trio, and Arceus. People rarely come out here in respect of the ancient murals. It’s believed that if you’re lucky, you can even witness Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit wandering about the towers.
Gerudo Ruins: This series of plateaus are home to several ancient temples and is believed to have been the site of the first group of people that would give rise to the present day Isla Sol. Many of the temples that are still standing have murals depicting a variety of Pokemon with many claiming you can find legendary Pokemon roaming the area. Many people frequent these sites to study more about the region’s past.
Tortimer Ruins: Just east of the Gerudo Ruins lays another series of ancient ruins, however this one has a large river circling the central portions of the ruins. Like the Gerudo Ruins, people claim to witness a variety of legendary Pokemon, many come out here in hopes of finding the legendary Pokemon themselves.
Gym #1, Delfino Plaza: The Gym Leader, Brian is an expert Rock-type user and rock musician best known as the vocalist for famed hard rock band, OR/AS. In order to face him, you must be able to fight his fellow bandmates before you can get to him. He uses a team consisting of two Geodude and an Onix.
Gym #2, Ricco Town: The Gym Leader, Kerry is an expert Poison-type user that is well known for his gym’s odd and confusing maze. All challengers are required to travel through the maze and make it to him in under an hour if they wish to battle him. He has a team of Koffing, Ekans, and Seviper.
Gym #3, Gelato City: The Gym Leader, Jimmy is an expert Water-type user that is known for his love of vacations and spends more time on the shores of the city than in his gym. He has no puzzle or trials for his challengers, though he requests that they simply share a drink (non-alcoholic, of course) with him afterwards. His team consists of Quagsire, Shellos, and Marshtomp.
Gym #4, Sienna City: In addition to being home to region’s largest hotel, that very hotel is also home to the city’s gym. The Gym Leader, Lykke is well known for eerily quiet voice and her emotionless appearance. She requires people to try and find her in complete darkness with numerous traps impeding their progress. She has a team consisting of Haunter, Dusclops, and Mimikyu.
Gym #5, Noki City: The Gym Leader, Martina is known for her intelligence and her beauty. Her challenge requires people to travel across the three tightropes that connect the three towers together, if they are successful, she’ll battle them. She has a team consisting of Metang, Kadabra, Alakazam, and Meowstic.
Gym #6, Pianta Town: The Gym Leader, Jason, is known for his unique cowboy like appearance and his unique way of speaking. He requires people to travel to the top of the town’s largest tree, where his gym is located, before he’ll battle them. His team consists of Staraptor, Pidgeot, and Skarmory.
Gym #7, Bianco Town: The Gym Leader, Alison, is known for her beautifully distinctive style of singing and she frequently performs for people around the town. She doesn’t have any kind of trial for her challengers, simply asking that they help out with the gardens nearby afterwards. Her team consists of Venusaur, Ferrothorn, Lilligant, and Serperior.
Gym #8, Pinna Park: The Gym Leader, Carrie, is known for her dazzling and unpredictable battling style, as well as her colorful gym. She requires people to battle her while they’re on the roller coasters, both the challenger and the gym leader will ride around until one side has been defeated. Her teams consists of Snorlax, Slaking, and Drampa.
Elite Four #1: The first member, James, is a Steel-type expert that’s known for his aggressive battle style that is an odd combination of overwhelming power and powerful defense. Whenever he battles, you can often hear some Metagrossalica in the background. His team consists of Metagross, Steelix, Lucario, and Aggron.
Elite Four #2: Next up is Lars, a Water-type expert that’s known for his skill with the drums, just before challengers enter, one can hear him beating away like there’s no tomorrow. His battle style is quite similar to James’, being very aggressive. His team consists of Samurott, Gyarados, Omastar, and Blastoise.
Elite Four #3: After defeating Lars, you’ll have to deal with bassist Robert, an expert in Dark-types. He is a man of few words and prefers to let his music do the talking for him, his battle style is a bit more conservative in comparison to the others. His team consists of Honchkrow, Zoroark, Umbreon, and Krookodile.
Elite Four #4: The final member, Kirk awaits you, guitar in one hand, a Pokeball in the other. This Ice-type expert is known for his tricky and often deceptive ways of battling, preferring to throw his opponents off guard rather than simply overpowering them. His team consists of Glaceon, Avalugg, Abomasnow, and Walrein.
The Champion: After making your way through the Elite Four, it’s finally time to face Champion Roy, a Fire-type expert that’s known for being a bit of a pervert at times, he had even tried to push to get all female league members to wear tiny miniskirts, but he was immediately shot down. His team consists of Charizard, Ninetales, Arcanine, Volcarona, Blaziken, and Emboar.
Isla Sol
The Isle of Sunshine
The Isle of Sunshine

This beautiful region is renowned for its tropical, summery weather all year round. The region has a rather simple landscape with grassy plains dominated most of the region’s land, the central plains have a series of ringed plateaus, and to the northeast, a massive mountain range. The region is home to a rich and unique culture unlike anything seen elsewhere. These people are known for their love of various sports, most specifically association football, volleyball, and auto racing. There are stadiums for all three of these sports in nearly every town and many of these events see hundred of people in attendance, and these are broadcast all over the world. The region is well known for a unique and delectable cuisine predominantly consisting of seafood, tropical fruits, and vegetables. Their dishes typically have a bit of a kick to them, and if you’re from elsewhere in the world, you’ll likely feel like you’ve turned into a Fire-type.
The region is rich in history, as ruins of all kinds dot the landscape, predominantly in the central portions of the region. Odd drawings in the ground have been spotted all over the region, these can only be seen from high elevations and they have since become known as the Ninten Lines, it is unknown how or why these were made. Some believe it was nothing more than an extravagant art project for the ancients that inhabited Isla Sol in ancient times while others claim they’re of extraterrestrial origin, though no one is for certain. The ancient temples, crumbling ruins, and awe-inspiring towers that dot the landscape are said to be thousands of years old. They contain images of legendary Pokemon, though no one is sure why, some believe the ancient people of the region worshiped them like deities, regardless of their reasons, they’ve brought a number of curious trainers from all over the world in hopes of exploring what these ruins have to offer.
The region’s culture is loosely based on Latin America, predominantly based on Brazil, it also draws heavy inspiration from Super Mario Sunshine’s Isle Delfino, many of the cities are named after locations from said game. The other cities are references to various Nintendo games. The Ninten lines have a few references hidden within them. The northwest symbol is (a terribly drawn) Sporting KC logo, the southwest logo is a heart with my first initial and my girlfriend’s (co-creator of the region) first initial. The one between the roads connecting Pianta, Hocatate, and Bianco Town is a (poorly drawn) Washington Capitals, while the one just east of it a Super Mario Mushroom. The last two are simply a Shine Sprite and a Pokeball. The various ruins represent the ancient Inca Empire.
All kinds of Pokemon make their homes here, but some types are more common than others. Fire-, Grass-, Ground-, Bug-, Poison-, Water-, and Flying-types are among the most common. Ice-types are nearly unheard of, however they can be found in the northernmost parts of the region. Steel- and Rock-types frequently reside near the old ruins. Fairy-, Dark-, Dragon-, Psychic-, and Ghost-types are pretty rare, while they are far more common than Ice-types, they are still rarely seen. Ghost-types are almost exclusively seen in Sienna City. Fighting-, Normal-, and Electric-types are relatively common as well.
Delfino Plaza: One of the region’s nine major cities and it is well known for its beautiful coastline, crystal clear water, and sunny weather year round. It’s a popular tourist destination that is home to a number of famous landmarks, most notably the Arceus the Creator statue and it frequently hosts the Isla Sol games, a long series of various sporting events that takes place once every four years. It is also home to the Isla Sol Pokemon Lab, home of Professor Orchid, a professor studying the various Pokemon types that live throughout the world. She offers new trainers the choices of Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, Oshawott, Spinarak, Eevee, and Venipede to start their journeys with. It is also home to the Delfino Gym, a Rock-type Gym.
Ricco Town: Another coastal town that’s known for its industrial nature. Nearly 70% of all imports and exports find themselves coming in and out of this town, and it’s nearby harbor. Many people come out here to sail for leisure purposes. It has clear and warm weather year round. It is home to the Ricco Gym, a Poison-type Gym.
Gelato City: This is a popular tourist city thanks to its pristine beaches, wondrous tower with an odd, glowing orb, and the three large mirrors. Despite being known as a city, there are very few buildings and there are fewer than thirty permanent residents, and these residents usually work around the clock to keep the beach clean and ready for the next day’s crowd. It is home to the Gelato Gym, a Ground-type Gym.
Sienna City: Another popular tourist city that’s home to the Hotel Delfino, the largest of its kind in the region. It’s renowned for its friendly staff, great rates, and room service that is to die for. For some reason, the city is home to a large population of Ghost-type Pokemon, though they aren’t dangerous, they’re known for pulling harmless pranks on unsuspecting tourists. It is home to the Sienna Gym, a Ghost-type Gym.
Noki City: This city is a sparsely populated location that’s known for its beautiful scenery. The waters that flow around the city is known for its light, violet hue. It’s unknown what causes this, but it draws visitors from all over the region. It is also home to odd shell-like structures throughout the bay, popularly known as Noki Bay. It is home to the Noki Gym, a Psychic-type Gym.
Pianta Town: This odd town is nestled away, standing high atop of numerous large trees. The people are quite odd in comparison to the rest of the region, but they are known for their annual Cotton Festival which celebrates the annual event of large balls of cotton flowing along the wind, it’s filled with music, fruit, and singing. It is home to the Pianta Gym, a Flying-type Gym.
Bianco Town: A small town that’s home to a number of windmills, including the Petey Windmill, a famous tourist attraction. This large windmill can create enough power to energize all of Isla Sol for over three years in a matter of a few days, the smaller windmills that dot the landscape add to it. It is also known for the farming community. It is home to the Bianco Gym, a Grass-type Gym.
Pinna Park: While this isn’t exactly a normal settlement, it is home to a number of permanent residents. It is home to a wondrous amusement park that attracts hundreds of tourists from around the world. It is known for its large rollercoaster that wraps around the entire park, cute little Merry-Go-Round, Pirate Ship, and the Spinning Shells. The park’s fruits are said to always be full of flavor and they are renowned for their fruit-topped funnel cakes. It is also home to the Pinna Gym, a Normal-type Gym
Corona City: A city nestled within the region’s mountains. It is a sparsely populated place that’s home to primarily Rock- and Fire-type trainers. It’s also notable for being home to the region’s Pokemon League.
Ricco Harbor: A major port that’s owned by a company based in Ricco simply known as the Ricco Blooper Shipping Inc., the harbor is among the largest in the world and hundreds of ships come in and out of the port on a daily basis. It’s primary use for industrial purposes, passenger ships usually do not stop here.
Port Town: Like Ricco Harbor, this town is home to a large port, however it is primarily used for transporting passengers to Pinna Park and elsewhere in the world.
Valm City: This city is popular for being home to the annual Isla Sol Renaissance Festival, this little festival celebrates the region’s colorful and beautiful history by re-enacting famous battles. People from all over the region gather here to participate.
Corneria Town: This town is best known for its weather observatory, scientists here constantly monitor the weather in order to keep people informed if any severe weather is heading their way.
Meteo City: This city is home to a large space observatory that’s used to study what awaits them beyond the atmosphere. It was also built to see if the whole extraterrestrial theory regarding the Ninten Lines could’ve been true, some claim this was a waste of time, while others are sincerely hoping that the theory is true.
Goron City: This city is located almost entirely within a large mountain. Thanks to the many Ground-types that live around the city, the people here were able to construct a perfectly carved city.
Hocatate Town: This is the northernmost town in the region and it is home to a small academy used to train aspiring Pokemon trainers.
Dream City: This is home to the Dreamland University. Many people come out here in hopes of finding a place in their dream career.
Onett City: This place is home to a variety of businesses, most notably a large department store and several hospitals.
Mute City: Despite being known as Mute City, it is home to the annual Isla Sol Music Festival, it is attended by hundreds of people from around the world as is typically headlined by Metagrossalica, Meganiumdeth, and Chansey the Rapper.
Zebes Town: A quiet town that is known for their worship of the legendary Pokemon, Groudon, believing that it was responsible for all of the beauty that Isla Sol holds.
Shine Island: This odd island closely resembles one of the Ninten Lines. It’s home to three temples, each filled with murals depicting the Lake Trio, Creation Trio, and Arceus. People rarely come out here in respect of the ancient murals. It’s believed that if you’re lucky, you can even witness Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit wandering about the towers.
Gerudo Ruins: This series of plateaus are home to several ancient temples and is believed to have been the site of the first group of people that would give rise to the present day Isla Sol. Many of the temples that are still standing have murals depicting a variety of Pokemon with many claiming you can find legendary Pokemon roaming the area. Many people frequent these sites to study more about the region’s past.
Tortimer Ruins: Just east of the Gerudo Ruins lays another series of ancient ruins, however this one has a large river circling the central portions of the ruins. Like the Gerudo Ruins, people claim to witness a variety of legendary Pokemon, many come out here in hopes of finding the legendary Pokemon themselves.
Gym #1, Delfino Plaza: The Gym Leader, Brian is an expert Rock-type user and rock musician best known as the vocalist for famed hard rock band, OR/AS. In order to face him, you must be able to fight his fellow bandmates before you can get to him. He uses a team consisting of two Geodude and an Onix.
Gym #2, Ricco Town: The Gym Leader, Kerry is an expert Poison-type user that is well known for his gym’s odd and confusing maze. All challengers are required to travel through the maze and make it to him in under an hour if they wish to battle him. He has a team of Koffing, Ekans, and Seviper.
Gym #3, Gelato City: The Gym Leader, Jimmy is an expert Water-type user that is known for his love of vacations and spends more time on the shores of the city than in his gym. He has no puzzle or trials for his challengers, though he requests that they simply share a drink (non-alcoholic, of course) with him afterwards. His team consists of Quagsire, Shellos, and Marshtomp.
Gym #4, Sienna City: In addition to being home to region’s largest hotel, that very hotel is also home to the city’s gym. The Gym Leader, Lykke is well known for eerily quiet voice and her emotionless appearance. She requires people to try and find her in complete darkness with numerous traps impeding their progress. She has a team consisting of Haunter, Dusclops, and Mimikyu.
Gym #5, Noki City: The Gym Leader, Martina is known for her intelligence and her beauty. Her challenge requires people to travel across the three tightropes that connect the three towers together, if they are successful, she’ll battle them. She has a team consisting of Metang, Kadabra, Alakazam, and Meowstic.
Gym #6, Pianta Town: The Gym Leader, Jason, is known for his unique cowboy like appearance and his unique way of speaking. He requires people to travel to the top of the town’s largest tree, where his gym is located, before he’ll battle them. His team consists of Staraptor, Pidgeot, and Skarmory.
Gym #7, Bianco Town: The Gym Leader, Alison, is known for her beautifully distinctive style of singing and she frequently performs for people around the town. She doesn’t have any kind of trial for her challengers, simply asking that they help out with the gardens nearby afterwards. Her team consists of Venusaur, Ferrothorn, Lilligant, and Serperior.
Gym #8, Pinna Park: The Gym Leader, Carrie, is known for her dazzling and unpredictable battling style, as well as her colorful gym. She requires people to battle her while they’re on the roller coasters, both the challenger and the gym leader will ride around until one side has been defeated. Her teams consists of Snorlax, Slaking, and Drampa.
Elite Four #1: The first member, James, is a Steel-type expert that’s known for his aggressive battle style that is an odd combination of overwhelming power and powerful defense. Whenever he battles, you can often hear some Metagrossalica in the background. His team consists of Metagross, Steelix, Lucario, and Aggron.
Elite Four #2: Next up is Lars, a Water-type expert that’s known for his skill with the drums, just before challengers enter, one can hear him beating away like there’s no tomorrow. His battle style is quite similar to James’, being very aggressive. His team consists of Samurott, Gyarados, Omastar, and Blastoise.
Elite Four #3: After defeating Lars, you’ll have to deal with bassist Robert, an expert in Dark-types. He is a man of few words and prefers to let his music do the talking for him, his battle style is a bit more conservative in comparison to the others. His team consists of Honchkrow, Zoroark, Umbreon, and Krookodile.
Elite Four #4: The final member, Kirk awaits you, guitar in one hand, a Pokeball in the other. This Ice-type expert is known for his tricky and often deceptive ways of battling, preferring to throw his opponents off guard rather than simply overpowering them. His team consists of Glaceon, Avalugg, Abomasnow, and Walrein.
The Champion: After making your way through the Elite Four, it’s finally time to face Champion Roy, a Fire-type expert that’s known for being a bit of a pervert at times, he had even tried to push to get all female league members to wear tiny miniskirts, but he was immediately shot down. His team consists of Charizard, Ninetales, Arcanine, Volcarona, Blaziken, and Emboar.
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth