As the thing suggests, I'm giving away FIVE SHINY DIANCIE. Want to win one of these beauties? The rules are simple! Answer one of five questions to get one of these things! These questions are related to Pokemon, so Bulbapedia and the like are your best friends.. One Diancie per person, and feel free to help others if you cannot take one home yourself. This is done by a first come, first serve. There's no need to answer these questions in order. Good luck and happy hunting!
Edit: This will be done through Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon.
Question 1: What does the Ability, Aerilate do in battle?
Answer: It turns all Normal-type moves into Flying-type moves.
Unlocked by: Kamui
Question 2: Who was the first Pokemon to have their Mega Evolution revealed?
Answer: Mewtwo
Unlocked By: Forta-Ver
Question 3: How does Kyurem change into White Kyurem or Black Kyurem?
Answer: The DNA Splicers along with either Zekrom or Reshiram and a Kyurem.
Unlocked By: The UkrainianBean
Question 4: What is the only Kalos Pokemon to have a Mega Evolution?
Unlocked By:
Question 5: What NFL team was referenced by Ash in the first movie?
Unlocked By:
Edit: This will be done through Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon.
Question 1: What does the Ability, Aerilate do in battle?
Answer: It turns all Normal-type moves into Flying-type moves.
Unlocked by: Kamui
Question 2: Who was the first Pokemon to have their Mega Evolution revealed?
Answer: Mewtwo
Unlocked By: Forta-Ver
Question 3: How does Kyurem change into White Kyurem or Black Kyurem?
Answer: The DNA Splicers along with either Zekrom or Reshiram and a Kyurem.
Unlocked By: The UkrainianBean
Question 4: What is the only Kalos Pokemon to have a Mega Evolution?
Unlocked By:
Question 5: What NFL team was referenced by Ash in the first movie?
Unlocked By:
For number one, it's the ability to turn Normal type moves into Flying type moves!
Kamui wrote:
For number one, it's the ability to turn Normal type moves into Flying type moves!
Yep! Go ahead and drop your friend code and I'll get you added in just a few moments.
Forta-ver wrote:
Ooh boy!
You've been added!
Forta-ver wrote:
sweet! And now you're added, too.
Alright, I'll just need your trainer's name and I'll get to you once I'm done with Kamui

KansasVenomoth wrote:
Forta-ver wrote:
sweet! And now you're added, too.
Alright, I'll just need your trainer's name and I'll get to you once I'm done with Kamui

My girl Talerin's ready to roll!
Forta-ver wrote:
KansasVenomoth wrote:
Forta-ver wrote:
sweet! And now you're added, too.
Alright, I'll just need your trainer's name and I'll get to you once I'm done with Kamui

My girl Talerin's ready to roll!
You didn't have to give the shiny Mismagius
I know, but you'll probably find a good home for her - I don't use her at all and I'm sure someone else might. Even if just for trades.
Forta-ver wrote:
I know, but you'll probably find a good home for her - I don't use her at all and I'm sure someone else might. Even if just for trades.

DNA Splicers
tep 1: Place Kyurem and either a Zekrom or Reshiram into your party. Step 2: Open your bag, go to the key items pocket, and select the DNA Splicers. Step 3: When prompted to select a Pokemon in your party, choose Kyurem first. (Do not select Zekrom or Reshiram first; otherwise, an error message will be displayed).
tep 1: Place Kyurem and either a Zekrom or Reshiram into your party. Step 2: Open your bag, go to the key items pocket, and select the DNA Splicers. Step 3: When prompted to select a Pokemon in your party, choose Kyurem first. (Do not select Zekrom or Reshiram first; otherwise, an error message will be displayed).
TheUkrainianBean wrote:
DNA Splicers
tep 1: Place Kyurem and either a Zekrom or Reshiram into your party. Step 2: Open your bag, go to the key items pocket, and select the DNA Splicers. Step 3: When prompted to select a Pokemon in your party, choose Kyurem first. (Do not select Zekrom or Reshiram first; otherwise, an error message will be displayed).
tep 1: Place Kyurem and either a Zekrom or Reshiram into your party. Step 2: Open your bag, go to the key items pocket, and select the DNA Splicers. Step 3: When prompted to select a Pokemon in your party, choose Kyurem first. (Do not select Zekrom or Reshiram first; otherwise, an error message will be displayed).
That would be correct.
Question 5:
The NFL team referenced in the first Pokemon movie was The Minnesota Vikings
The NFL team referenced in the first Pokemon movie was The Minnesota Vikings

Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth