Since Gab and I have managed to finish our new region, I figured it's time to get a little RPing done with it and what better way than to play it out as if it were apart of a brand new Pokemon game itself?
Welcome to the world of Pokemon, friends. I am Professor Orchid, a researcher that studies the different types of Pokemon and how they interact with one another. I aim to see what causes a Pokemon to be one type over the other, but my research isn't why I called you here. I've got another task for you, friends.
I'd like you to take these Pokedexes (still in progress) and find what kind of Pokemon live in the Isle of Sunshine, it'll be no easy task, but if you're with your Pokemon, I'm sure it'll be an easy task. The only limits for your journey are the ones you place yourself. Will you aim to become the next leading research of Isla Sol or will you become champion? Maybe your goal is to travel the world to see what lies beyond your home, whatever it is, surely it'll be enough to get you to want to travel.
Of course, you won't be starting this journey alone, I'll be offering you and your fellow travelers their choice of a Pokemon to travel with, these little ones will prove to be instrumental to whatever your goals may be. For your choices, I will be offering the Grass-type, Bulbasaur; the Fire-type, Cyndaquil; the Water-type, Oshawott; the Bug-type, Spinarak; the Normal-type, Eevee, and the Poison-type, Venipede. Whichever you choose will be a remarkable choice indeed.
But, enough about this, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?
Like any normal Pokemon game, we'll be starting off in Delfino Plaza, the home of the Pokemon Lab, your trainer can be from other cities, of course, but regardless we'll be starting there. The trainers can be complete strangers, best friends, or somewhere in the middle, this is up for debate. We'll be traveling throughout Isla Sol in hopes of obtaining whatever our trainer's goals are, whether they're looking to conquer the league, travel the world, explore the ruins, whatever, it's all up to you. I'd greatly prefer trainers to be brand new, sort of made on the spot, I think it'd provide a bit more of a unique and fun experience, especially if we let them develop before they're even made, but that's also up to you. The starters are first come, first serve. Claim them here before the RP starts, I will personally be taking Spinarak. All starters are available in the wild, so if you don't get yours right away, there'll be plenty of opportunities.

This'll be Joseph's future team, with Ariados being his main. I've not yet decided on anything else for him.
I look forward to seeing what we might be able to come up with
Welcome to the world of Pokemon, friends. I am Professor Orchid, a researcher that studies the different types of Pokemon and how they interact with one another. I aim to see what causes a Pokemon to be one type over the other, but my research isn't why I called you here. I've got another task for you, friends.
I'd like you to take these Pokedexes (still in progress) and find what kind of Pokemon live in the Isle of Sunshine, it'll be no easy task, but if you're with your Pokemon, I'm sure it'll be an easy task. The only limits for your journey are the ones you place yourself. Will you aim to become the next leading research of Isla Sol or will you become champion? Maybe your goal is to travel the world to see what lies beyond your home, whatever it is, surely it'll be enough to get you to want to travel.
Of course, you won't be starting this journey alone, I'll be offering you and your fellow travelers their choice of a Pokemon to travel with, these little ones will prove to be instrumental to whatever your goals may be. For your choices, I will be offering the Grass-type, Bulbasaur; the Fire-type, Cyndaquil; the Water-type, Oshawott; the Bug-type, Spinarak; the Normal-type, Eevee, and the Poison-type, Venipede. Whichever you choose will be a remarkable choice indeed.
But, enough about this, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?
Like any normal Pokemon game, we'll be starting off in Delfino Plaza, the home of the Pokemon Lab, your trainer can be from other cities, of course, but regardless we'll be starting there. The trainers can be complete strangers, best friends, or somewhere in the middle, this is up for debate. We'll be traveling throughout Isla Sol in hopes of obtaining whatever our trainer's goals are, whether they're looking to conquer the league, travel the world, explore the ruins, whatever, it's all up to you. I'd greatly prefer trainers to be brand new, sort of made on the spot, I think it'd provide a bit more of a unique and fun experience, especially if we let them develop before they're even made, but that's also up to you. The starters are first come, first serve. Claim them here before the RP starts, I will personally be taking Spinarak. All starters are available in the wild, so if you don't get yours right away, there'll be plenty of opportunities.

This'll be Joseph's future team, with Ariados being his main. I've not yet decided on anything else for him.
I look forward to seeing what we might be able to come up with

I'm joining! Gonna claim Eevee if that's alright! I'll get to making my trainer once I get home 
Ooo, could I throw in Diana as well at some point?

Ooo, could I throw in Diana as well at some point?

Gab wrote:
I'm joining! Gonna claim Eevee if that's alright! I'll get to making my trainer once I get home 
Ooo, could I throw in Diana as well at some point?

Ooo, could I throw in Diana as well at some point?

Absolutely, you'd be a most welcome addition.
And that would be quite alright, I'll thrown the trio in with her at some point as well

Hey, is it alright if we don't have a page up for the trainer we use? And I'd love to claim venipede, if that's alright!
Forta-ver wrote:
Hey, is it alright if we don't have a page up for the trainer we use? And I'd love to claim venipede, if that's alright!
That's perfectly okay, I don't have anything besides a name and his future team together.
That leaves Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott for the taking.
xKeatonx wrote:
Can I snatch Oshawott? It's so damn cute!!
Absolutely, fam.
xKeatonx wrote:

Is this good?
It looks great!
Ooh, neato!

I don't know what his later pokemon will be, though. I hope that's okay.

I don't know what his later pokemon will be, though. I hope that's okay.

I should probably post mine as well 
I actually ended up making a pair of siblings, though one won't be starting out with a Pokemon right away.
This is gonna be the primary one I'll be using (the one who I claimed the Eevee for):

And then this is her little sister's when she eventually starts out (she won't be starting out right away):

And how her sister's team will expand later on:

As you can see, they're both gonna be Eeveeloution trainers

I actually ended up making a pair of siblings, though one won't be starting out with a Pokemon right away.
This is gonna be the primary one I'll be using (the one who I claimed the Eevee for):

And then this is her little sister's when she eventually starts out (she won't be starting out right away):

And how her sister's team will expand later on:

As you can see, they're both gonna be Eeveeloution trainers

Actually, out of respect for Gabby's team, I wanna trade Umbreon for Noivern.
It's best we all have varied teams, and I don't wanna steal her thunder if we battle ^-^
(made a few tweaks)
It's best we all have varied teams, and I don't wanna steal her thunder if we battle ^-^
(made a few tweaks)

xKeatonx wrote:
Actually, out of respect for Gabby's team, I wanna trade Umbreon for Noivern.
It's best we all have varied teams, and I don't wanna steal her thunder if we battle ^-^
It's best we all have varied teams, and I don't wanna steal her thunder if we battle ^-^
You don't have to do that, Keaton! I really don't mind if we both have Umbreon haha. Besides, I think Eva would be quite reluctant to battle due to her past (more will be said about it later, right now, I'm making up her file on a Google Doc and I'll post it by either tonight or tomorrow, depending on when I get her and Celeste's team done)
Nah it's okay, check my edit, I quite like my new card. Besides, the characters are as unique as their pokemon. I don't really want a bunch of repeats ^-^

Imma put it here so I can see it on the page ^-^

Imma put it here so I can see it on the page ^-^
I definitely look forward to getting this all started. I'll be throwing up a discussion post here in the morning

Do we need to post a character sheet describing our character, or no?
xKeatonx wrote:
Do we need to post a character sheet describing our character, or no?
You can post one if you'd like, but it's not required.
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth