
(Map was made with this)
Climate: This region is a very bitter and cold one, despite what many of the town and city names would suggest. There’s rarely a day where it isn’t snowing and people often spend much of their time inside as a result.
Culture: The citizens of the region are very loving and soft-hearted, despite what the name of the region would suggest. They are a very friendly and outgoing bunch and will often put their lives on the line for their loved ones. Unlike many other regions, new trainers don’t usually get a starter Pokemon from the Professor to start their journeys until they are eighteen years old. Something about not wanting ten year olds setting out on their own with sometimes dangerous creatures.
Most Seen Pokemon Types: Ice, Normal, Water, Electric
Regularly Seen Pokemon Types: Dark, Fairy, Flying, Ground
Rarely Seen Pokemon Types: Fire, Grass, Psychic, Bug
Region Professor: Professor Evergreen
Starter Pokemon: Alolan Vulpix, Eevee, Seel, Shinx
Major Cities and Towns:
Paradise City- Probably the warmest city in the region. The people there like to brag that the snow doesn’t fall as often there. This is also the most populated city in the region.
Snuggle Town- A very… affectionate, town. People there are known for giving complete strangers hugs and plenty of physical affection. It also has some rather famously delicious hot chocolate that is made there.
Hearth Town- A very family-oriented town. The people there love to chatter on about their loved ones for what seems like hours. It’s a friendly little town where everyone knows everyone and helping others out is a large part of the lifestyle.
Fireplace City- A very warm and loving city. The people there are known to treat even people they’ve just met like family and care for others deeply. The people are well known for giving second chances if they’ve been wronged.
Ember Town- Yet another warm and loving city. They are very loud and boisterous people. They are very proud of who they are and where they come from.
Blizzard Town- The coldest town in the region. People are often seen bundled up and huddling near each other to keep warm.
Snowflake City- A city well known for the beautiful light show that appears once every year. It’s all natural and there’s no fully known cause as to why it occurs.
Ash City- A city where the snow is strangely grey, giving it the appearance of ash. There’s no known reason why this is, but the snow doesn’t seem to cause any harm to anyone.
Tundra Town- The least populated town in the region, although it’s not the coldest. Only a few people live there, though they are as warm and friendly as most other people in the region. They welcome any visitors with open arms.
Sunny City- A city that’s strangely sunny almost 24/7. There’s only an hour or two a day where it’s completely dark. The residents of the city have special blinds that completely darken a house in order to help them sleep better.
Snowman Town- A town that’s known for the large snowman in the middle of it. No one knows who built it or how it got there.
Inferno Town- A town known for its rather spicy dishes. Some foods may make unaware tourists feel like a Charizard because of the spice contained in them.
Igloo Town- A town known for the igloos that are sprinkled throughout it. Before you ask, yes people actually live in them. It is also known for making the best ice cream in the region, despite the climate always being so cold.
Major Landmarks:
Flareon Tower- The only place in the region that has fire type Pokemon. There are a number of Litwicks, Talonflames, and the occasional Volcarona and Vulpix located in the tower. It is very warm inside as a result.
Loveless Ruins- These ruins have a rather sad legend surrounding them. Legend has it that this is where a man had lost his whole family due to an unknown cause. He died of a broken heart a few days later. Many people claim to feel a sense of devastation and loneliness when they enter the ruins.
Froslass Forest- There really isn’t much to say about this forest except that it has a large number of Snorunt, Froslass, and Glalie roaming throughout it.
Abomasnow Mountains- These large mountains are best known for the large number of Snover and Abomasnow that make their home in them.
Glaceon Hills- These hills were named after the ice rock located within them. The icy rock is known to evolve an Eevee into a Glaceon when it is leveled up near the rock.
Glacier Forest- This forest is well known for the huge glacier in the middle of it. Legend has it that if you touch the glacier, your biggest wish will come true. Many tourists like to visit the area as a result.
The Frozen Heart League:
Gym 1: Paradise City- The Electric-type gym leader, Hunter, is a rather timid person. He prefers to let his actions speak for him. He has a rather obvious crush on his fellow gym leader in Fireplace City, Arizona. His trial simply consists of going through a long tunnel and avoiding volunteers who will battle you if they see you. Hunter will be waiting at the end where he will challenge you to a battle. His team consists of a Raichu, Emolga, Jolteon, Galvantula, Pachirisu, and Ampharos. If you beat him, he will award you the Thunder Wolf badge.
Gym 2: Hearth Town- The Ice-type gym leader, Edith, is a very snappy and easily agitated young woman. She is known to taunt trainers when they’re losing and doesn’t give much in terms of advice. Her challenge simply consists of hopping across various platforms and avoiding different trainers as you make your way towards her. From there, she will challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of a Weavile, Beartic, Aurorus, Abomasnow, Avalugg, and Froslass. If you beat her, she will award you the Ice Dragon badge.
Gym 3: Fireplace City- The Ground-type gym leader, Arizona, is a very cheerful and loud individual. She takes pride in who she is and treats the people she battles like family. Her trial consists of navigating through large tunnels in order to find her in the middle. From there she will challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of a Sandslash, Marowak, Dugtrio, Rhyhorn, Mudsdale, and Diggersby. If you beat her, she will award you the Mountain Goat badge
Gym 4: Blizzard Town- The Normal-type gym leader, Esmeralda, is known for her rather reserved personality and having her son, Aiden, always close to her. Her trial consists of navigating through a maze while having Aiden throw some stuffed toys at you every so often. If you get hit by the toys three times, you will have to start over. From there, she will challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of a Furret, Sawsbuck, Audino, Lopunny, Miltank, and Spinda. If you beat her, she will award you the Teddy Bear badge.
Gym 5: Tundra Town- The Water-type gym leaders, Arthur and Eris, are known for their double battle style. They battle in nearly perfect sync with each other, despite Arthur being blind and Eris being deaf. They are also very loving towards each other and are engaged, being set to marry soon. Their trial consists of having to navigate a maze blindfolded, simply having to pick up on auditory cues. From then on, they will challenge you to a double battle, however it is difficult to tell which attack will be used due to the both of them using sign language to command their teams. You will have to pick up on the visual cues to see which attack will be coming and prepare for it. Eris’s Team consists of an Azumarill, Milotic, Goldeen, Corsola, Swanna, and Dewgong while Arthur’s Team consists of a Toxapex, Tirtouga, Wailord, Gyrados, Slowbro, and Omastar. If you beat them, they will award you the Siren badge.
Gym 6: Ash City- The Dark-type gym leader, Mercy, is known for being a rather caring, yet secretive individual. She rarely opens up about her life outside of the gym, though there has been the few odd rumors about her. Her trial consists of having to choose correctly between two rooms to go through; one with your biggest temptation and one with your biggest fear. Both are very intricate illusions, of course. Choosing the correct door will lead you to Mercy, but choosing the incorrect one will lead you right out of the gym. If you choose the correct door, Mercy will then ask you three morally difficult questions which you must answer truthfully before she will challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of an Umbreon, Mightyena, Houndoom, Zorua, Absol, and Liepard. If you beat her, she will award you the Black Rose badge.
Gym 7: Snuggle Town- The Flying-type gym leader, Charlotte, is known for her young age, being only twelve years old, and shy nature. She is prone to hiding from challengers at first. Though, don’t let that fool you; she is rather experienced with battling due to her parents. They’re Kanzasu elite four members Phoenixheart and Kyoya and Charlotte has been helping them train Pokemon since she was three years old. Her challenge consists of climbing a tall tree before ziplining over to another platform. From there, you will likely have to search the area for a bit to find her and coax her to challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of a Talonflame, Jumpluff, Butterfree, Ledian, Togekiss, and Altaria. If you beat her, she will award you the Phoenix Feather badge.
Gym 8: Sunny City- The Fairy-type gym leader, Luna, is known is known for her slightly timid, yet caring nature as well as her rather odd skin pattern. Her trial consists of going through a field of flowers without disturbing any of them too much. If you do, the flowers will emit a special, harmless gas that will put you to sleep. From there, Luna will challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of a Wigglytuff, Mimikyu, Gardevoir, Sylveon, Dedenne, and Whimsicott. If you beat her, she will award you the Stripe badge.
Elite 4:
Anna- This Dragon-type elite four member is known for being a very flirtatious and envious woman. She is known to flirt with any man that wanders in to challenge her, but taunt any woman who challenges her. Her team consists of a Dragonair, Goodra, Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamence, and Flygon
Emily- This Ghost-type elite four member is known for being very deceiving at first glance. She may come off as a bit ditzy and clumsy at first, though once you battle her, you will be quick to find out that she is an excellent strategist. Her team consists of a Sableye, Drifloon, Gourgeist, Gengar, Trevenant, and Doublade.
Melody- This Steel-type elite four member is known for her stunning beauty and closed off nature. She doesn’t do much talking with others either in or out of battle, though she is close friends with the gym leaders Arizona and Hunter. Her team consists of a Mawile, Lucario, Aggron, Klinklang, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone
Jacob- This Fighting-type elite four member is known for being very caring towards his and his opponent’s team. He’s one to tell someone when it is wise to bow out and accept defeat and will do so himself as well on occasion. His team consists of a Primeape, Hawlucha, Hitmonlee, Machoke, Heracross, and Throh
The Champion: The champion of The Frozen Heart League, Eve, is known for her cold and merciless battle style. She is ruthless and doesn’t care at all about the feelings of her opponent. She uses a mix of dark and poison types, her team consisting of an Arbok, Seviper, Venomoth, Nihilego, Sharpedo, and Salandit. The challenger who is able to defeat her will be made the new champion.

(Map was made with this)
Climate: This region is a very bitter and cold one, despite what many of the town and city names would suggest. There’s rarely a day where it isn’t snowing and people often spend much of their time inside as a result.
Culture: The citizens of the region are very loving and soft-hearted, despite what the name of the region would suggest. They are a very friendly and outgoing bunch and will often put their lives on the line for their loved ones. Unlike many other regions, new trainers don’t usually get a starter Pokemon from the Professor to start their journeys until they are eighteen years old. Something about not wanting ten year olds setting out on their own with sometimes dangerous creatures.
Most Seen Pokemon Types: Ice, Normal, Water, Electric
Regularly Seen Pokemon Types: Dark, Fairy, Flying, Ground
Rarely Seen Pokemon Types: Fire, Grass, Psychic, Bug
Region Professor: Professor Evergreen
Starter Pokemon: Alolan Vulpix, Eevee, Seel, Shinx
Major Cities and Towns:
Paradise City- Probably the warmest city in the region. The people there like to brag that the snow doesn’t fall as often there. This is also the most populated city in the region.
Snuggle Town- A very… affectionate, town. People there are known for giving complete strangers hugs and plenty of physical affection. It also has some rather famously delicious hot chocolate that is made there.
Hearth Town- A very family-oriented town. The people there love to chatter on about their loved ones for what seems like hours. It’s a friendly little town where everyone knows everyone and helping others out is a large part of the lifestyle.
Fireplace City- A very warm and loving city. The people there are known to treat even people they’ve just met like family and care for others deeply. The people are well known for giving second chances if they’ve been wronged.
Ember Town- Yet another warm and loving city. They are very loud and boisterous people. They are very proud of who they are and where they come from.
Blizzard Town- The coldest town in the region. People are often seen bundled up and huddling near each other to keep warm.
Snowflake City- A city well known for the beautiful light show that appears once every year. It’s all natural and there’s no fully known cause as to why it occurs.
Ash City- A city where the snow is strangely grey, giving it the appearance of ash. There’s no known reason why this is, but the snow doesn’t seem to cause any harm to anyone.
Tundra Town- The least populated town in the region, although it’s not the coldest. Only a few people live there, though they are as warm and friendly as most other people in the region. They welcome any visitors with open arms.
Sunny City- A city that’s strangely sunny almost 24/7. There’s only an hour or two a day where it’s completely dark. The residents of the city have special blinds that completely darken a house in order to help them sleep better.
Snowman Town- A town that’s known for the large snowman in the middle of it. No one knows who built it or how it got there.
Inferno Town- A town known for its rather spicy dishes. Some foods may make unaware tourists feel like a Charizard because of the spice contained in them.
Igloo Town- A town known for the igloos that are sprinkled throughout it. Before you ask, yes people actually live in them. It is also known for making the best ice cream in the region, despite the climate always being so cold.
Major Landmarks:
Flareon Tower- The only place in the region that has fire type Pokemon. There are a number of Litwicks, Talonflames, and the occasional Volcarona and Vulpix located in the tower. It is very warm inside as a result.
Loveless Ruins- These ruins have a rather sad legend surrounding them. Legend has it that this is where a man had lost his whole family due to an unknown cause. He died of a broken heart a few days later. Many people claim to feel a sense of devastation and loneliness when they enter the ruins.
Froslass Forest- There really isn’t much to say about this forest except that it has a large number of Snorunt, Froslass, and Glalie roaming throughout it.
Abomasnow Mountains- These large mountains are best known for the large number of Snover and Abomasnow that make their home in them.
Glaceon Hills- These hills were named after the ice rock located within them. The icy rock is known to evolve an Eevee into a Glaceon when it is leveled up near the rock.
Glacier Forest- This forest is well known for the huge glacier in the middle of it. Legend has it that if you touch the glacier, your biggest wish will come true. Many tourists like to visit the area as a result.
The Frozen Heart League:
Gym 1: Paradise City- The Electric-type gym leader, Hunter, is a rather timid person. He prefers to let his actions speak for him. He has a rather obvious crush on his fellow gym leader in Fireplace City, Arizona. His trial simply consists of going through a long tunnel and avoiding volunteers who will battle you if they see you. Hunter will be waiting at the end where he will challenge you to a battle. His team consists of a Raichu, Emolga, Jolteon, Galvantula, Pachirisu, and Ampharos. If you beat him, he will award you the Thunder Wolf badge.
Gym 2: Hearth Town- The Ice-type gym leader, Edith, is a very snappy and easily agitated young woman. She is known to taunt trainers when they’re losing and doesn’t give much in terms of advice. Her challenge simply consists of hopping across various platforms and avoiding different trainers as you make your way towards her. From there, she will challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of a Weavile, Beartic, Aurorus, Abomasnow, Avalugg, and Froslass. If you beat her, she will award you the Ice Dragon badge.
Gym 3: Fireplace City- The Ground-type gym leader, Arizona, is a very cheerful and loud individual. She takes pride in who she is and treats the people she battles like family. Her trial consists of navigating through large tunnels in order to find her in the middle. From there she will challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of a Sandslash, Marowak, Dugtrio, Rhyhorn, Mudsdale, and Diggersby. If you beat her, she will award you the Mountain Goat badge
Gym 4: Blizzard Town- The Normal-type gym leader, Esmeralda, is known for her rather reserved personality and having her son, Aiden, always close to her. Her trial consists of navigating through a maze while having Aiden throw some stuffed toys at you every so often. If you get hit by the toys three times, you will have to start over. From there, she will challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of a Furret, Sawsbuck, Audino, Lopunny, Miltank, and Spinda. If you beat her, she will award you the Teddy Bear badge.
Gym 5: Tundra Town- The Water-type gym leaders, Arthur and Eris, are known for their double battle style. They battle in nearly perfect sync with each other, despite Arthur being blind and Eris being deaf. They are also very loving towards each other and are engaged, being set to marry soon. Their trial consists of having to navigate a maze blindfolded, simply having to pick up on auditory cues. From then on, they will challenge you to a double battle, however it is difficult to tell which attack will be used due to the both of them using sign language to command their teams. You will have to pick up on the visual cues to see which attack will be coming and prepare for it. Eris’s Team consists of an Azumarill, Milotic, Goldeen, Corsola, Swanna, and Dewgong while Arthur’s Team consists of a Toxapex, Tirtouga, Wailord, Gyrados, Slowbro, and Omastar. If you beat them, they will award you the Siren badge.
Gym 6: Ash City- The Dark-type gym leader, Mercy, is known for being a rather caring, yet secretive individual. She rarely opens up about her life outside of the gym, though there has been the few odd rumors about her. Her trial consists of having to choose correctly between two rooms to go through; one with your biggest temptation and one with your biggest fear. Both are very intricate illusions, of course. Choosing the correct door will lead you to Mercy, but choosing the incorrect one will lead you right out of the gym. If you choose the correct door, Mercy will then ask you three morally difficult questions which you must answer truthfully before she will challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of an Umbreon, Mightyena, Houndoom, Zorua, Absol, and Liepard. If you beat her, she will award you the Black Rose badge.
Gym 7: Snuggle Town- The Flying-type gym leader, Charlotte, is known for her young age, being only twelve years old, and shy nature. She is prone to hiding from challengers at first. Though, don’t let that fool you; she is rather experienced with battling due to her parents. They’re Kanzasu elite four members Phoenixheart and Kyoya and Charlotte has been helping them train Pokemon since she was three years old. Her challenge consists of climbing a tall tree before ziplining over to another platform. From there, you will likely have to search the area for a bit to find her and coax her to challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of a Talonflame, Jumpluff, Butterfree, Ledian, Togekiss, and Altaria. If you beat her, she will award you the Phoenix Feather badge.
Gym 8: Sunny City- The Fairy-type gym leader, Luna, is known is known for her slightly timid, yet caring nature as well as her rather odd skin pattern. Her trial consists of going through a field of flowers without disturbing any of them too much. If you do, the flowers will emit a special, harmless gas that will put you to sleep. From there, Luna will challenge you to a battle. Her team consists of a Wigglytuff, Mimikyu, Gardevoir, Sylveon, Dedenne, and Whimsicott. If you beat her, she will award you the Stripe badge.
Elite 4:
Anna- This Dragon-type elite four member is known for being a very flirtatious and envious woman. She is known to flirt with any man that wanders in to challenge her, but taunt any woman who challenges her. Her team consists of a Dragonair, Goodra, Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamence, and Flygon
Emily- This Ghost-type elite four member is known for being very deceiving at first glance. She may come off as a bit ditzy and clumsy at first, though once you battle her, you will be quick to find out that she is an excellent strategist. Her team consists of a Sableye, Drifloon, Gourgeist, Gengar, Trevenant, and Doublade.
Melody- This Steel-type elite four member is known for her stunning beauty and closed off nature. She doesn’t do much talking with others either in or out of battle, though she is close friends with the gym leaders Arizona and Hunter. Her team consists of a Mawile, Lucario, Aggron, Klinklang, Ferrothorn, and Magnezone
Jacob- This Fighting-type elite four member is known for being very caring towards his and his opponent’s team. He’s one to tell someone when it is wise to bow out and accept defeat and will do so himself as well on occasion. His team consists of a Primeape, Hawlucha, Hitmonlee, Machoke, Heracross, and Throh
The Champion: The champion of The Frozen Heart League, Eve, is known for her cold and merciless battle style. She is ruthless and doesn’t care at all about the feelings of her opponent. She uses a mix of dark and poison types, her team consisting of an Arbok, Seviper, Venomoth, Nihilego, Sharpedo, and Salandit. The challenger who is able to defeat her will be made the new champion.
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth