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Olathe, a vivid city that's teaming with a unique and beautiful culture that seems to have bits and pieces from all over Kanzasu. This sporty city is home to nearly 700 people, nearly twice as much as the next largest city, Lenexa. It's most well known for its various sports teams and of course, the regional Pokemon Lab run by Professor Cottonwood. Nearly every single building all over the town are decorated by beautiful sports decor, some lean towards football, some lean towards soccer, while others lean towards all of them. If the people weren't talking about their beloved sports, often times you could hear them going on and on about the city's food and renowned country music scene. Many of the region's most beloved country artists have come from this bustling little town.

Sports, food, and country music, if you needed something to describe Olathe by, these were the words. The weather and beautiful lake shore that sat just miles from the outskirts of town were just another selling point for the city. The beach offers the citizens an absolutely gorgeous view of the ancient Azure Temple and views of the cities across the lake, like Wichita and Ottawa only added to its splendor. The eastern forest gave the citizens a uniquely relaxing view of the nearby Chanute. With all of this beauty and amazment, it's no surprise that Olathe has become one of the most endearing cities in all of Kanzasu.

It was a cool morning just a few blocks away from Professor Cottonwood's lab was a pair of eccentric, but happy and loving twins making their way to begin their adventure. They were energetic, cheerful, and excited, almost infectiously so. The brother could be seen, running towards the Pokemon lab with his sister trailing behind, playfully teasing one another as they went about their trip. It was unclear if they were just messing with each other or if they were overly excited for today's journey. The siblings wore bright and happy smiles as they eagerly made their way into the lab.

"Good morning, Professor! I hope we weren't too late for today!" Ashley greeted in an almost overly excited tone. Professor Cottonwood smiled, laughing softly at Ashley's tone. "Actually, you're a bit earlier than I had expected. Go ahead and take a seat over there with your brother and I'll bring you the Pokemon you can choose to start with." She suggested, heading into the back room. Complying, the siblings took a seat nearby and began to discuss what they could possibly do.

"Which do you think you're gonna choose, Austin? You gonna go for a cute one or a tough looking one?" Ashley asked, gently leaning against her brother. Shrugging, he smiled. "Don't know, I guess I'll choose whichever one that appeals to me. What about you?" For the next few moments, the two of them had simply discussed what their plans for their journey was, they had big plans and they were going to put them into action. They had dreams of bolstering their musical career even further and they had plans to take on the Pokemon League, of course all of this was just wishful thinking at this point, they needed to select their Pokemon before they do anything else, of course.

After a few moments, Professor Cottonwood had returned with six small Pokemon. "Alright, let me introduce your partners!" She moved out of the way to reveal a Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pichu, Eevee, and Weedle. Ashley had gone first, thinking long and hard about the Pokemon she wants as her partner. "I think...... I'll go for Squirtle. It's adorable and I think it would be a nice fit for the team." Ashley grinned, picking up the Tiny Turtle Pokemon. "Hey there, little guy. I'm Ashley, and following today, you and I are gonna be best friends! I think I'll end up calling you Koopa... I think it'll fit you quite well." She gently hugged the Pokemon who seemed to giggle at the affection.

Austin gave her a thumbs up. "Good choice, sis." Now, it was his turn to decide on a Pokemon. Like Ashley, he had thought long and hard about his Pokemon. "....I think I'll go with Bulbasaur. It's adorable and it's quite a charming Pokemon." He gently lifted up the Seed Pokemon, smiling happily. "I hope we get to become best friends, Plant." He stated, though an audible groan could be heard from Ashley. "Plant? Surely you could find a better nickname for a Grass-type, Austin." She muttered in a tired, but amused tone.

The Professor was quite amused with this. "It seems your brother has... a unique taste." She spoke in a playful tone before handing the siblings their Pokeballs. "Use these to capture other Pokemon so that you may expand your team, and you'll want these as well, they're vital tools for any Pokemon trainer." She handed them a Pokedex that looked fairly similar to a Nintendo 2DS. "These will help you identify Pokemon you meet on your journey, use them when you need to find out certain information on Pokemon. It'll automatically record your encounter date and it can even scan a Pokemon's potential. It'll also serve as your identification to get into the Pokemon League, so don't lose it." She added before turning to head into the other room. "Oh! Before I forget, there's gonna be a few others arriving here later, so perhaps you two might be interested in meeting with fellow trainers, eh?" She suggested.

The twins smiled towards each other before grinning up towards Professor Cottonwood. "Thank you for everything. ma'am! We'll do just that, it's not like we're much of a hurry." Austin responded, bowing towards her before heading outside and taking a seat on a nearby bench with his sister. "This is so exciting... I'm holding my very own Pokemon." His tone sounded almost annoyingly cheerful as he looked down at the Bulbasaur in his arms. "This is the happiest day of my life." Ashley nodded in agreement. "I can't wait for our journey to really kick off. It's gonna be so much fun!" She said excitedly. As they awaited for the others to show up, they leaned against one another and began discussing their plans for the journey. They had so much they could do; they could perform in new venues throughout Kanzasu, take on the Pokemon League, catch legendaries, and maybe even defeat the Elemental Trainers. "That reminds me, Austin. Should we head home and grab that good luck stone of yours before we leave Olathe?" Ashley asked, raising an eyebrow. Austin nodded in response. "Yeah, I don't know why, but I've got a good feeling about it, so after the others arrive and select their Pokemon, I'll run down and grab it."
Also on this day, a rather... excitable... young trainer was getting set to begin her journey as well. May's eyes practically glimmered with excitement as she quickly changed out of her pajamas and into her usual outfit. She ran a brush through her long black hair before pulling it into a loose ponytail. She then quickly ate breakfast, practically inhaling it, before hugging her parents and setting off to the professor's lab, making sure to grab her bag as she ran out the door.

She practically raced and bounced around the city in order to get to the lab as quickly as possible. She didn't want to end up not getting a Pokemon, after all. Her breath came out in small, excited bursts as she ran the rest of the way to the lab.

Once she got to the lab, she skidded to a halt in front of the doorway, nearly toppling over. She stood there for a few moments, catching her breath, before straightening herself up, dusting off her dress, and pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Clearing her throat a bit, she entered the lab and asked a bit tentatively "A-am I late? A-are all the Pokemon taken already?"
Anzai woke up in bed, ready to go about a normal day. he got dressed, had breakfast, and started to walk out, then out of the corner of his eye he saw his calendar. "wait.... that means it's today? no!" he threw on his green jacket and rushed out of the house, sprinting towards the lab. "i refuse to live a mundane life a moment longer!" he got there and slammed open the door, in his hurry running right into May and falling to the ground. "ow.........."
May let out a small "Oof!" as she was bumped into. Unfortunately, her hat had ended up going flying as she fell to the ground as a result of being bumped into. She slowly picked herself up off the ground, checking herself over to make sure she didn't have any scrapes or anything from falling. She was likely to have a bruise or two, but other than that, she was just fine. She sighed in relief as she looked over her dress and discovered it didn't get dirty at all, really. She quickly straightened it out since it got a little messed up in the fall, though not to the point where it showed anything indecent, before looking around for her hat.
He stood up and quickly cleaned off his green jacket. "i'm really sorry.... i was too excited and didn't see you there....." he apologized to May. he didn't want to make a bad impression on anyone, though he thought it was a bit too late, as he had just knocked a stranger who had no reason to forgive him to the ground. he knew something bad would happen if he ran that fast without paying attention to his surroundings, and he felt a bit stupid.
Surprisingly, May let out a soft laugh as the stranger apologized. "No worries! Everyone makes mistakes." her tone as she spoke was quite cheerful and childish. She eventually spotted her floppy white sunhat with a pink bow on it and quickly retrieved it, dusting it off a bit before putting it back on her head. She grinned happily, deciding to change the subject, "So, are you here to get your starting Pokemon too? I'm so excited to get mine! I hope they're not all taken already..." she spoke excitedly, resisting the urge to twirl and skip around. They were in a Pokemon lab after all, and she didn't want to break anything.
he smiled. "yea, that's why i'm here. it's hard to believe this isn't all just a dream..." he looked around him, admiring the lab. he had been waiting for this moment since it was even rumored professor cottonwood would be giving out pokemon to people. now the moment was finally here, he was hoping with all his heart that he wasn't too late, and that there were still some pokemon left. the fact there were only two people other than him and May that looked like they were here for pokemon reassured him, but nonetheless he was a little bit worried.
((where did everybody go?))
Anzai wrote:
((where did everybody go?))

((I've been waiting on KV to get back to rping so he doesn't have to scroll through a bunch of messages to catch up. Though, it may be a while since he's still got to get something done to be able to get his computer fully fixed))

Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth