((Hey! If you're interested in joining the RP, shoot me a line here and we'll see how to work in your entrance. Thanks!))
“Hello, there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon!” An elderly man calls heartily from where he’d been observing a petri dish with a microscope.
Professor Oak has been teasing new trainers with that phrase for the past 40 years and he saw no reason to stop now. And why should he? Becoming a trainer was an important rite of passage not unlike entering a new world. The bonds formed between human and pokemon as they traveled couldn’t be compared to anything else in the world.
“And who might you be?”
Egg looked baffled a moment and the old man chuckled. While it was a necessary question back 20 years ago, with everything having moved online it had no place anymore. Young trainers filled out their own forms and had their licenses in hand before walking through his doors. It was just that, after 15 years of conditioning, the phrase still popped out now and then.
“No, no, I’ve not forgotten your name, Shelly - don’t you worry about that. You’ve helped out here plenty long to avoid being unmemorable.” No matter what anyone said, he wasn’t that forgetful. Just... oftentimes distracted.
“Alright, my boy, you’ve already seen the starters available to you and since you’re early you have pick of the litter, so to say. Go ahead and choose your first pokemon.”
Egg nodded and made his way into the adoption room (for lack of a better word). Each pokemon was playing on various enrichment devices, sometimes together, even. And of those present, Egg found himself watching bulbasaur most closely. It kept bounding around, rearing up to swat at the others with its forelegs. It wanted to wrestle and run and climb and next thing it knew it was on its back, legs churning the air. So it wiggled side to side until it had built enough momentum to topple back to its feet. “Saurzaur.” It remarked, drily, and then was right back to doing what it was doing before.
Personality-wise, Egg couldn’t figure out why he liked the little thing so much. It was so high-energy, and all the time! And yet, he couldn’t help admire its drive.
“Hey, you! Bulbasaur. ‘mere. I’m gonna go on an adventure - all the way up Mt. Silver, and then some. I choose you, if you're up for that.”
Its eyes lit up and it scrambled over with a speed that could make a scyther jealous. “Sausauuur! Sarzaur. Surrrrrh.” It happily chattered, not minding or caring that the human couldn’t possibly know what it was saying.
Egg grinned and retrieved the bulbasaur’s pokeball from the case. “Sweet!” Its information card listed it as male, modest, and strong-willed. “I’m calling you Siorrin, if that’s alright with you?”
The bulbasaur pondered a moment, then gave a hearty “Saurgaur!” patting Egg’s hand as he did. And then Siorrin was pointing towards the door and kicking his back legs eagerly. So Egg made his way back out to the main lab to await the others. It still felt weird thinking that, considering how long there hadn't been anyone his age in this town. He hoped they weren't awful...
Outside, another person - taller, a bit lanky, and wearing a dramatic hooded number (reminiscent of a garchomp) - waited, watching the facility. He shifted nervously while a small clefairy played with the hem of his cape.
“Hello, there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon!” An elderly man calls heartily from where he’d been observing a petri dish with a microscope.
Professor Oak has been teasing new trainers with that phrase for the past 40 years and he saw no reason to stop now. And why should he? Becoming a trainer was an important rite of passage not unlike entering a new world. The bonds formed between human and pokemon as they traveled couldn’t be compared to anything else in the world.
“And who might you be?”
Egg looked baffled a moment and the old man chuckled. While it was a necessary question back 20 years ago, with everything having moved online it had no place anymore. Young trainers filled out their own forms and had their licenses in hand before walking through his doors. It was just that, after 15 years of conditioning, the phrase still popped out now and then.
“No, no, I’ve not forgotten your name, Shelly - don’t you worry about that. You’ve helped out here plenty long to avoid being unmemorable.” No matter what anyone said, he wasn’t that forgetful. Just... oftentimes distracted.
“Alright, my boy, you’ve already seen the starters available to you and since you’re early you have pick of the litter, so to say. Go ahead and choose your first pokemon.”
Egg nodded and made his way into the adoption room (for lack of a better word). Each pokemon was playing on various enrichment devices, sometimes together, even. And of those present, Egg found himself watching bulbasaur most closely. It kept bounding around, rearing up to swat at the others with its forelegs. It wanted to wrestle and run and climb and next thing it knew it was on its back, legs churning the air. So it wiggled side to side until it had built enough momentum to topple back to its feet. “Saurzaur.” It remarked, drily, and then was right back to doing what it was doing before.
Personality-wise, Egg couldn’t figure out why he liked the little thing so much. It was so high-energy, and all the time! And yet, he couldn’t help admire its drive.
“Hey, you! Bulbasaur. ‘mere. I’m gonna go on an adventure - all the way up Mt. Silver, and then some. I choose you, if you're up for that.”
Its eyes lit up and it scrambled over with a speed that could make a scyther jealous. “Sausauuur! Sarzaur. Surrrrrh.” It happily chattered, not minding or caring that the human couldn’t possibly know what it was saying.
Egg grinned and retrieved the bulbasaur’s pokeball from the case. “Sweet!” Its information card listed it as male, modest, and strong-willed. “I’m calling you Siorrin, if that’s alright with you?”
The bulbasaur pondered a moment, then gave a hearty “Saurgaur!” patting Egg’s hand as he did. And then Siorrin was pointing towards the door and kicking his back legs eagerly. So Egg made his way back out to the main lab to await the others. It still felt weird thinking that, considering how long there hadn't been anyone his age in this town. He hoped they weren't awful...
Outside, another person - taller, a bit lanky, and wearing a dramatic hooded number (reminiscent of a garchomp) - waited, watching the facility. He shifted nervously while a small clefairy played with the hem of his cape.
Olin sighs gently, his HU cap shading his face, even though his head is down. He is still alert, however, just in case anyone tries to confront him. Sure, he just moved here, but he still is on edge considering he is gay and that got him beat up in his old hometown. He looks up as he enters the professors lab, but never lets his guard down.
"Hey, professor Oak...." He says softly, watching another trainer get their pokemon then leave.
(((Could you be Oak? Or are you playing Oak already?)))
Olin sighs gently, his HU cap shading his face, even though his head is down. He is still alert, however, just in case anyone tries to confront him. Sure, he just moved here, but he still is on edge considering he is gay and that got him beat up in his old hometown. He looks up as he enters the professors lab, but never lets his guard down.
"Hey, professor Oak...." He says softly, watching another trainer get their pokemon then leave.
(((Could you be Oak? Or are you playing Oak already?)))
Eto leaned precariously on the post outside of Oak's office. She wasn't here for her starter Pokemon, she didn't need one. After running away at around age 12, she had stumbled upon a lonely, filthy Mimikyu stuck in the rain. Since that day she had formed an unbreakable bond with Ryukki, and cleaned him up. Now his cloth was clean, albeit a little bland looking from washing. Eto had several cloth outfits for Ryukki besides the standard Pikachu one, all stuffed in that drawstring backpack on her back. Clad in her trusty leggings and her purple hoodie, she walked inside the infamously forgetful professors office.
" Professor Oak!! I am here for my Pokedex! I'm gonna fill it all up with beautiful Pokemon!! "
Eto tilted her head to the side, a wide madman grin stuck on her face. Nothing malicious, just off her rocker a bit. Ryukki hid shyly in his pokeball. He got nervous around other people and Pokemon, so Eto let him stay in his pokeball for now.
The oddball trainer walked up to the old man, then cocked her head at the adoption area. She spotted Egg bonding with his new Bulbasaur, and giggled softly. It was a rather adorable start.
" Oh, and professor! Do you think I can get a badge case? Pleeeease? "
Eto wiggled and hopped from foot to foot. As she was 15, she could now actually become a trainer, and was allowed to challenge gym leaders. It had taken her quite awhile to get all the way from Lavender Town to Pallet town.
" Professor Oak!! I am here for my Pokedex! I'm gonna fill it all up with beautiful Pokemon!! "
Eto tilted her head to the side, a wide madman grin stuck on her face. Nothing malicious, just off her rocker a bit. Ryukki hid shyly in his pokeball. He got nervous around other people and Pokemon, so Eto let him stay in his pokeball for now.
The oddball trainer walked up to the old man, then cocked her head at the adoption area. She spotted Egg bonding with his new Bulbasaur, and giggled softly. It was a rather adorable start.
" Oh, and professor! Do you think I can get a badge case? Pleeeease? "
Eto wiggled and hopped from foot to foot. As she was 15, she could now actually become a trainer, and was allowed to challenge gym leaders. It had taken her quite awhile to get all the way from Lavender Town to Pallet town.
((Yep to both!))
"Oho! I don't disbelieve that for a moment, young lady. There are so many lovely pokemon in this world of ours." He glanced up from the desk he'd stopped to retrieve the Pokedexes from, hand already halfway into one of its drawers. "Er, pardon me, but I don't believe we've met. You are...?"
Mention of the badge cases, however, sets him back in motion and he takes a quad of Pokedexes along with him.
"Hm? Oh, yes! Let me see if I've got any still lying around."
As the Professor set about locating his badge cases (certainly not helping the case against his forgetfulness), Egg toddled into the room. He'd been busy stuffing the pokeball into his pocket while trying to fetch something from his bag with the other hand and carrying his portly bulbasaur wasn't helping either task. So when he looked up, he'd missed the other trainers completely and almost auto-piloted out the front door. So he turned around and jumped, surprised by two new faces. Er, the backs of their heads anyway.
Since the girl seemed to be currently engaged, he blinked at the boy then blinked again. He was the new guy in town, kept to himself as far as Egg had seen. Which was fine by Egg. One less person to make fun of his name. Still, here they were and Egg found himself falling into volunteer mode.
"Hi. You here for a pokemon? Um... Prof. Oak'll probably be at, uh, whatever it is he's doing for a bit. But I can show you to the starters, if you'd like. I gotta grab a 'Dex before I go, anyway."
From his place under Egg's arm, Siorrin smiled and waved a paw.
"Oho! I don't disbelieve that for a moment, young lady. There are so many lovely pokemon in this world of ours." He glanced up from the desk he'd stopped to retrieve the Pokedexes from, hand already halfway into one of its drawers. "Er, pardon me, but I don't believe we've met. You are...?"
Mention of the badge cases, however, sets him back in motion and he takes a quad of Pokedexes along with him.
"Hm? Oh, yes! Let me see if I've got any still lying around."
As the Professor set about locating his badge cases (certainly not helping the case against his forgetfulness), Egg toddled into the room. He'd been busy stuffing the pokeball into his pocket while trying to fetch something from his bag with the other hand and carrying his portly bulbasaur wasn't helping either task. So when he looked up, he'd missed the other trainers completely and almost auto-piloted out the front door. So he turned around and jumped, surprised by two new faces. Er, the backs of their heads anyway.
Since the girl seemed to be currently engaged, he blinked at the boy then blinked again. He was the new guy in town, kept to himself as far as Egg had seen. Which was fine by Egg. One less person to make fun of his name. Still, here they were and Egg found himself falling into volunteer mode.
"Hi. You here for a pokemon? Um... Prof. Oak'll probably be at, uh, whatever it is he's doing for a bit. But I can show you to the starters, if you'd like. I gotta grab a 'Dex before I go, anyway."
From his place under Egg's arm, Siorrin smiled and waved a paw.
Eto quickly gave the professor her name before he disappeared to grab the dexes.
" It's Eto, professor!!"
She said sweetly, waiting patiently for the man to return with the things she needed to set off on her adventure. Suddenly she heard the soft blast of sound and the click of a pokeball opening. Ryukki had come out of the pokeball in her pocket, and crawled up Eto's shirt with unseen legs, hidden under the ragged Pikachu cloth. It looked like a standard Mimikyu, except for the little flower sewn behind the ear of its disguise. It was still fresh, a little daisy. Ryukki made its eerie, chilling cry, wiggling nervously.
Eto giggled, stroking his head.
" It's okay Ryukki, nothing bad will happen to my lovely Mimikyu. "
He seemed to calm a bit, perched on Eto's shoulder. The girl dug in her pack, pulling out a purple Pokepuff. She held it up to her beloved Pokemon. A slender, clawed, shadowlike limb snaked from under the cloth and accepted the puff. It was dragged under the cloth, where munching noises were heard.
Eto noticed Egg conversing with Olin.
" Hia!!! I'm Eto, and this is Ryukki!! "
She slid up, very close to the two trainers. Near uncomfortably so. She grinned widely, her misty purple eyes frames by long spiky raven hair. She got close to Olin's face.
" Where's your Pokemon? "
She whispered eerily.
" It's Eto, professor!!"
She said sweetly, waiting patiently for the man to return with the things she needed to set off on her adventure. Suddenly she heard the soft blast of sound and the click of a pokeball opening. Ryukki had come out of the pokeball in her pocket, and crawled up Eto's shirt with unseen legs, hidden under the ragged Pikachu cloth. It looked like a standard Mimikyu, except for the little flower sewn behind the ear of its disguise. It was still fresh, a little daisy. Ryukki made its eerie, chilling cry, wiggling nervously.
Eto giggled, stroking his head.
" It's okay Ryukki, nothing bad will happen to my lovely Mimikyu. "
He seemed to calm a bit, perched on Eto's shoulder. The girl dug in her pack, pulling out a purple Pokepuff. She held it up to her beloved Pokemon. A slender, clawed, shadowlike limb snaked from under the cloth and accepted the puff. It was dragged under the cloth, where munching noises were heard.
Eto noticed Egg conversing with Olin.
" Hia!!! I'm Eto, and this is Ryukki!! "
She slid up, very close to the two trainers. Near uncomfortably so. She grinned widely, her misty purple eyes frames by long spiky raven hair. She got close to Olin's face.
" Where's your Pokemon? "
She whispered eerily.
while most of the other new trainers were in oaks lab, getting their first pokemon, Anzai was outside, his espurr asleep in the hood of his hoodie. he had no real reason to go in, he had a pokemon of his own already and he was rather eager to set off. he reached back and stroked espurr's ears, waking him up. the little espurr yawned and looked at him, confused at why he was woken up, and still a bit drowsy. "hey little guy, should we wait for the other new trainers to come out?" the little espurr nodded. "esp!" Anzai laughed a bit. "ok little guy, we wait." he sat down, waiting. the little espurr quickly fell asleep again.
"Eeyeep!" Egg jumped at the sudden introduction, hugging Siorrin close to his chest. "Yeesh, y'shouldn't sneak up on people like that! ... 'm Egg, by the way." Then he blinked, confused by Ryukki. "Um... I've never seen a pikachu like that before. Is it, uh, from another, um, region?"
As Egg watched the new girl, Siorrin was hugged a little tighter. Which the bulbasaur certainly didn't mind. "Saugr? Zaaaur!" He wiggled happily at Eto and the Mimikyu, apparently oblivious to his trainer's discomfort.
While the kids got themselves acquainted, the professor had continued to chatter amicably. "Here we go!" Now juggling a few pokedexes and enough badge cases for the four he was expecting, he picked his way back through the lab.
"Goodness, I apologize for the mess... And if you don't mind, there's a favor I need to ask of you kids. In recent years, pokemon not native to Kanto have made it their home. Now, this is usually old Cedric’s schtick, but this is good for my continued research as well. So I asked Bill to help and he delivered. These Pokedexes include a modified distribution survey, to check the wild pokemon you encounter against databases of native and migrant species. Those with no history of being found in a location will be flagged with a handy medal. Like in this entry for shinx. See heoOH!" A small blue blur leapt from behind one of the tables, surprising the man and he dropped the remaining Dexes and badge cases. When the man stopped stumbling around, a shinx could be seen, tiny claws shredding into his labcoat.
"Ohoho, what a rascal." He beamed at the gathered trainers. "This little lady was captured just outside of Vermilion, where a small pride has moved into the area. Shinx and its evolutions are native to Sinnoh,” he explains.
"While you're out on your journeys, you might find more of these non-native species, and I'm sure they will be a welcome addition to your teams."
With that, he recovers and passes out the remaining Dexes and cases, frowning a moment when he comes up with an extra. Eyes suddenly as sharp as a spearrow's, he scans the gathered youths and the lines of his face deepen. "Hm... Well. It seems I'll have to give these to one of you to pass along. Good luck on your journey."
Outside, the guy in the cape glanced to the new-ish face. Hearing the laugh, he also smiled and his clefairy gave a curious trill. Maybe it was nerves, like him. So he took a deep breath and waved, unknowingly repeating the professor. "Good luck out there, newbie." Then he tipped an imaginary hat, turned, and went on his way, looking considerably cooler than his anxious heart felt.
((Okay, so this'll be it from me for about a week. Please continue without me, Egg'll tag along and help out with stuff he knows, but he'll be pretty quiet throughout. Jules (caped guy) might pop in when I get back.
As for now, wrap up business with Oak as you see fit and carry on. See y'all Monday after next!))
As Egg watched the new girl, Siorrin was hugged a little tighter. Which the bulbasaur certainly didn't mind. "Saugr? Zaaaur!" He wiggled happily at Eto and the Mimikyu, apparently oblivious to his trainer's discomfort.
While the kids got themselves acquainted, the professor had continued to chatter amicably. "Here we go!" Now juggling a few pokedexes and enough badge cases for the four he was expecting, he picked his way back through the lab.
"Goodness, I apologize for the mess... And if you don't mind, there's a favor I need to ask of you kids. In recent years, pokemon not native to Kanto have made it their home. Now, this is usually old Cedric’s schtick, but this is good for my continued research as well. So I asked Bill to help and he delivered. These Pokedexes include a modified distribution survey, to check the wild pokemon you encounter against databases of native and migrant species. Those with no history of being found in a location will be flagged with a handy medal. Like in this entry for shinx. See heoOH!" A small blue blur leapt from behind one of the tables, surprising the man and he dropped the remaining Dexes and badge cases. When the man stopped stumbling around, a shinx could be seen, tiny claws shredding into his labcoat.
"Ohoho, what a rascal." He beamed at the gathered trainers. "This little lady was captured just outside of Vermilion, where a small pride has moved into the area. Shinx and its evolutions are native to Sinnoh,” he explains.
"While you're out on your journeys, you might find more of these non-native species, and I'm sure they will be a welcome addition to your teams."
With that, he recovers and passes out the remaining Dexes and cases, frowning a moment when he comes up with an extra. Eyes suddenly as sharp as a spearrow's, he scans the gathered youths and the lines of his face deepen. "Hm... Well. It seems I'll have to give these to one of you to pass along. Good luck on your journey."
Outside, the guy in the cape glanced to the new-ish face. Hearing the laugh, he also smiled and his clefairy gave a curious trill. Maybe it was nerves, like him. So he took a deep breath and waved, unknowingly repeating the professor. "Good luck out there, newbie." Then he tipped an imaginary hat, turned, and went on his way, looking considerably cooler than his anxious heart felt.
((Okay, so this'll be it from me for about a week. Please continue without me, Egg'll tag along and help out with stuff he knows, but he'll be pretty quiet throughout. Jules (caped guy) might pop in when I get back.
As for now, wrap up business with Oak as you see fit and carry on. See y'all Monday after next!))
Eto giggled, stroking the top of Ryukki's head. She knew well about invasive Pokemon, as her own partner was in a Lavender Town alleyway. She eagerly took up her pokedex, looking over it, before turning it to scan Ryukki, then the Shinx, then the Bulbasaur. She also scanned the remaining pokemon playing in the adoption room. She stuffed her badge case in her pack, happy to have so many new entries.
She waved to Egg and the quiet boy with his electric type, before walking outside. She had deemed it upon herself to carry the extra pokedex. She spotted the strange male with the sleeping Espurr, and crept behind him. She knelt directly behind him, grabbing his shoulders with pale hands, she whispered in Amzai's ear.
" You want a pokedex? "
Her voice was soft and sussurus. She eventually released the trainer, and scanned his Espurr with her pokedex.
Eto beamed, and Ryukki leaned from her shoulder to inspect the duo with an eerie still. It wriggled happily.
She waved to Egg and the quiet boy with his electric type, before walking outside. She had deemed it upon herself to carry the extra pokedex. She spotted the strange male with the sleeping Espurr, and crept behind him. She knelt directly behind him, grabbing his shoulders with pale hands, she whispered in Amzai's ear.
" You want a pokedex? "
Her voice was soft and sussurus. She eventually released the trainer, and scanned his Espurr with her pokedex.
Eto beamed, and Ryukki leaned from her shoulder to inspect the duo with an eerie still. It wriggled happily.
he looked up at her, un-phased. "if you have a spare, then i guess i would like it." his espurr looked up at Ryukki. "esp..........." it was mildly scared, and Anzai had to stroke it behind the ears to prevent it from attacking with confusion. even if the girl was slightly strange, he didn't want to leave a bad impression on any of the new trainers, wether they would end up traveling in a group or not.
Egg watched Eto go, then sighed and shook his head. "This should be an interesting trip..." Then he turned to take the extra badge case.
"Thanks Professor. I'll check in when I hit Viridian." He waved, Siorrin wiggled, and then both were headed for the door. Prof. Oak returned the wave and watched them go before turning to Olin. His stern gaze softened after a moment.
"40 years and sending each group off is still just as exciting as the first. I do hope you kids enjoy yourselves out there. These journeys are vital to the bonds between trainers and their pokemon." He would turn away, regarding the shinx intently. It had paused in its earlier antics, quietly watching Olin with its bright eyes.
Then Oak would nod. "Young man, I have an idea if you're willing to hear me out. This shinx has spent quite some time away from its pride and I believe she's become a tad lonely because of it. Perhaps you could take her along with you. If you find yourself out in Vermilion, I'm sure she would appreciate the chance to visit."
He would pull a pokeball from a group scattered on a table and offered it to Olin.
"What do you say? I think you two could be quite the pair."
Outside, Egg stepped into the mid-morning sun and squinted. The lab wasn't dim by any stretch of the imagination, but there was just something about sunlight that made it feel that way. There he saw Eto again and another, but not the person he was hoping for. For a moment, he was visibly crestfallen.
He recovered quick enough, though, and made his way over. "Hi. You looking to take on the League Challenge? 'cuz I got an extra badge case if you want it. Otherwise, I can probably sell it or trade it for a potion or something."
Siorrin pawed the air, waving to Anzai and the espurr, and still babbling away. Probably about nothing in particular. Or maybe a bit of everything, Egg thought. It was hard to tell.
"Thanks Professor. I'll check in when I hit Viridian." He waved, Siorrin wiggled, and then both were headed for the door. Prof. Oak returned the wave and watched them go before turning to Olin. His stern gaze softened after a moment.
"40 years and sending each group off is still just as exciting as the first. I do hope you kids enjoy yourselves out there. These journeys are vital to the bonds between trainers and their pokemon." He would turn away, regarding the shinx intently. It had paused in its earlier antics, quietly watching Olin with its bright eyes.
Then Oak would nod. "Young man, I have an idea if you're willing to hear me out. This shinx has spent quite some time away from its pride and I believe she's become a tad lonely because of it. Perhaps you could take her along with you. If you find yourself out in Vermilion, I'm sure she would appreciate the chance to visit."
He would pull a pokeball from a group scattered on a table and offered it to Olin.
"What do you say? I think you two could be quite the pair."
Outside, Egg stepped into the mid-morning sun and squinted. The lab wasn't dim by any stretch of the imagination, but there was just something about sunlight that made it feel that way. There he saw Eto again and another, but not the person he was hoping for. For a moment, he was visibly crestfallen.
He recovered quick enough, though, and made his way over. "Hi. You looking to take on the League Challenge? 'cuz I got an extra badge case if you want it. Otherwise, I can probably sell it or trade it for a potion or something."
Siorrin pawed the air, waving to Anzai and the espurr, and still babbling away. Probably about nothing in particular. Or maybe a bit of everything, Egg thought. It was hard to tell.
espurr looked up at Siorrin and waved in greeting, then nodded, seemingly agreeing with whatever he was talking about. "esp!" Anzai looked between the two for a second. "i wonder what they talk about......" he shook his head, returning his attention to Egg. "oh, sorry! if you're looking to give one away, i'd be more than happy to take it. me and espurr have been considering trying to take on the league challenge for a while now." espurr turned his attention to Egg. "espppp!" espurr nodded, seemingly also excited to take on the league, though nobody truly knew what they were talking about. he could just be hearing nice things about him from Siorrin and wanting to introduce himself. humans will likely never know.
Eto watched Egg and Anzai converse, shifting from foot to foot in a precarious leaning stance. She was looking intently at the Espurr, while Ryukki gave a haunting trill, excitedly wiggling on Eto's shoulder.
" Well, if we're all thinking about taking in the league, why don't we travel together??"
Eto opened her arms, placing one on each trainer's shoulder and drawing them in close like a football huddle.
" A big, happy family! "
She grinned widely, looking more than a little creepy, though her misty eyes offered no insight on her true intentions. She eventually released the probably uncomfortable boys, stepping off Oak's porch and into the long, waving grass.
" If you see any cool Pokemon, let me know!"
Ryukki had hopped off Eto's shoulder, and extended a clawed, shadow tendrils from under its rag out to the Espurr and Bulbasaur. A handshake of sorts.
" Well, if we're all thinking about taking in the league, why don't we travel together??"
Eto opened her arms, placing one on each trainer's shoulder and drawing them in close like a football huddle.
" A big, happy family! "
She grinned widely, looking more than a little creepy, though her misty eyes offered no insight on her true intentions. She eventually released the probably uncomfortable boys, stepping off Oak's porch and into the long, waving grass.
" If you see any cool Pokemon, let me know!"
Ryukki had hopped off Eto's shoulder, and extended a clawed, shadow tendrils from under its rag out to the Espurr and Bulbasaur. A handshake of sorts.
"................................................................OK?" he was pretty weirded out by her, but he thought it would be nice to have some human travelling companions, no matter how admittedly strange he found her. Espurr tried to hop down to accept the handshake, but fell out of Anzai's hoodie and fell face-first on the ground. "es!" Anzai looked down at him. "are you ok little guy?" espurr got up and nodded, then accepted the handshake from Ryukki. When they had first met espurr was afraid of Ryukki, but he had quickly lightened up to them without any questions. sometimes his overly trusting personality got him into trouble, trouble which, only knowing very few moves, he could not get out of without help. still, he never learned from this mistake and continued to trust almost anyone he met. hopefully Ryukki was one of the people he could actually trust. "esp!"
Egg nodded, handing Anzai the badge case and setting down Siorrin. "Maybe we can train together as we go. That'd be-- !!!!"
Eto's grip cut off whatever Egg was about to say; he turtled up, ducking his head and squaring his shoulders but otherwise doing nothing. When she released them, he mumbled something about weird cousins.
Talk of local pokemon, though, drew him back out of his shell and he blinked. Then checked his pokedex. "Route 1.... Um, Dex says pidgey and ratatta are most common here, followed by sentret and hoothoot, but furret sometimes are seen. Then there's some bug types like spinarak and pineco, and occasionally wurmple or ledyba. But we'll find more in Viridian Forest, for sure."
As Egg flipped that shut, Siorrin scrabbled over to place his paw on top of Espurr and Ryukki's handshake. "Syaaurba! Sah?" He'd press gently down on the pile of paws (and claw) then rear back putting his paw in the air. "Breh!" he laughed, then charged off into the grass a short way to wait for the rest to follow.
So Egg followed, a smile finding its way to his face. He was finally doing it. He was starting out on his journey. "Alright," he sighed. Then in an almost uncharacteristic bout of motivation, he pointed towards the Indigo League and shouted. "Mt. Silver, prepare yourself. 'Cuz here we come!"
Eto's grip cut off whatever Egg was about to say; he turtled up, ducking his head and squaring his shoulders but otherwise doing nothing. When she released them, he mumbled something about weird cousins.
Talk of local pokemon, though, drew him back out of his shell and he blinked. Then checked his pokedex. "Route 1.... Um, Dex says pidgey and ratatta are most common here, followed by sentret and hoothoot, but furret sometimes are seen. Then there's some bug types like spinarak and pineco, and occasionally wurmple or ledyba. But we'll find more in Viridian Forest, for sure."
As Egg flipped that shut, Siorrin scrabbled over to place his paw on top of Espurr and Ryukki's handshake. "Syaaurba! Sah?" He'd press gently down on the pile of paws (and claw) then rear back putting his paw in the air. "Breh!" he laughed, then charged off into the grass a short way to wait for the rest to follow.
So Egg followed, a smile finding its way to his face. He was finally doing it. He was starting out on his journey. "Alright," he sighed. Then in an almost uncharacteristic bout of motivation, he pointed towards the Indigo League and shouted. "Mt. Silver, prepare yourself. 'Cuz here we come!"
he got up and quickly straightened his green hoodie. "alright, it seems everyone is fixed on the idea of travelling together, so i guess were a team now!" Espurr looked up at him with a mildly agitated look in his eyes. Anzai noticed him. "oh, sorry little buddy! i forgot!" he picked up Espurr and nuzzled him, spinning him around in the air before putting him back in the hood of his hoodie. "eespp!" he was happy, and no longer drowsy. He stood up, using the hood as a vantage point. He liked seeing everything from up high like a human. Anzai looked back at Egg. "hmm... nothing seems too interesting here. But Viridian Forest does sound interesting. We should head there next." "hey, where did Espurr go?" he looked around and spotted Espurr standing triumphantly over the fainted body of a ratatta, looking pleased with himself. "good job buddy, you won your first battle, but was that really necessary?" "ah, whatever. good job lil guy." he put Espurr back in his hoodie, then turned to Egg again. "uh, lead the way i guess!" Espurr climbed up his jacket and got in his hood. again.
((Just checking in. Anyone still up for doing this? I'm gonna write a response tomorrow, but I want to know before I do.

((i'd be the last person to say no, i haven't got enough rp's going to give up on a good one like this that easily.

"Syaurr! Sar!" Siorrin toddled around stamping his paws happily. It seemed he was applauding espurr's success, in a way. Before long, he too was looking for wild pokemon in the grass.
Egg, meanwhile, got sheepish and gave a quiet nod. Wasn't often people asked him to lead anything. It was almost flattering, which was a bit sad when he thought about it. So! He just wouldn't think about it.
Instead, he took a deep breath and stepped out further onto Route 1. It was a winding trail through the hills - a bit of a hike with steep ledges that one could hop off or slide down as a shortcut. If they were brave, that is. No need for that, though, since their goal was forward and not back...
Here and there, rustling happened in the tall grass just off the beaten path. But nothing really jumped out at them and they made good time to the halfway point. Thereabouts, Egg slowed down and fished a water bottle from his bag. He wasn't winded, per se, but he was thirsty so that seemed like plenty of excuse to take a break.
"Hey, Siorrin, 'mere a sec," he said, now pulling out a bowl (and glad Jules had suggested he pack one). "It's important to stay hydrated," he explained, and offered water to the bulbasaur. Which seemed the right decision, since Siorrin scrambled over and greedily lapped up the drink.
While that happened, Egg looked to the other trainers and their pokemon. "Anyone else want some water? I have extra."
Egg, meanwhile, got sheepish and gave a quiet nod. Wasn't often people asked him to lead anything. It was almost flattering, which was a bit sad when he thought about it. So! He just wouldn't think about it.
Instead, he took a deep breath and stepped out further onto Route 1. It was a winding trail through the hills - a bit of a hike with steep ledges that one could hop off or slide down as a shortcut. If they were brave, that is. No need for that, though, since their goal was forward and not back...
Here and there, rustling happened in the tall grass just off the beaten path. But nothing really jumped out at them and they made good time to the halfway point. Thereabouts, Egg slowed down and fished a water bottle from his bag. He wasn't winded, per se, but he was thirsty so that seemed like plenty of excuse to take a break.
"Hey, Siorrin, 'mere a sec," he said, now pulling out a bowl (and glad Jules had suggested he pack one). "It's important to stay hydrated," he explained, and offered water to the bulbasaur. Which seemed the right decision, since Siorrin scrambled over and greedily lapped up the drink.
While that happened, Egg looked to the other trainers and their pokemon. "Anyone else want some water? I have extra."
Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth