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@? Hm. *they're curious, but have gotten pretty clear "do not talk about this" signals*
[:]? *is trying to figure out if they can hold on with one arm and bring the water bottle back towards them to drink with the other* ...slow down a little, Nyx?
Yeah. We can check it out and then decide. Apparently we just have to message the gatekeeper... *pulls that up to do so*
7B? "mh? ok." 7B3 *Nyx cools it a bit*

=[|:|o3] *ah. water* ThiS SpeeD IS BetteR. =[|:|33]

][:] (:= |8| |/=@] *are content to focus on traveling for now*

( | w | ) *Jofie is a bit more excited about their destination, & is singing a little tune* >gu-nna see a space-ship, a space-ship, A Space-Ship!; >Wond-er how big; big can be!;
[now trolling City Service Gatekeeper, gallowsArmageddon

GA: H3LLO TH112 112 G4T3K33P3R T3R3Z11 C4PTOR 112 TH112 YOUR F11R2T T11M3 TRY11NG TWO 3NT3R TH3 C11TY?


[!~T] ... they might be a bit careful with Muses...

0~0 stop that. no more trying to look into things that way.

[!~T] ... Sorry. and, thanks. [!uT]
[:]) *sipping water as they ride along*
@D *sings along* spaceshipspaceshipspaceship...
Heh. Santek's text quirks were never this bad.

RR: Hello. It is our first time. My friend is some class of Hope, and they require medical attention from Sylphs of different aspects. Oxygen is fine.
RR: Oxygen is preferred, actually.

*you gotta be specific with people from different planets*
*But Dot's warning clues her in not to make a fuss over her own title before they ask*
( ^ W ^ ) >space-ship full of Pals!;

|8| ... *trying to resist joining in with a relevant marching song they know; lyrics like 'Dust them down- and set fire to the sky' would probably not be appreciated*

7BD 7Bo 'ouuouoiee!' *Nyx tries to whistle with it, but can't match the tune* 7B?

][:] *is thinking about joining in, but it might just be a kid thing. Mack fears he might ruin it if he tries to structure it with proper song formatting*

=:D new P! A! L! S! =(D won't be long, but we can sing this song!


=[|:|DD] UmmM. UmmM. =[|:|D?] Motors-and-wires-and-metaL- Spaceship-spaceshiP!

*shortly after, what seems to be a bright red police box starts to slowly fade into being nearby; the door awaits*

[!~T] umm. sorry, I'm not trying to use it, but please don't be alarmed if you see a Prince of Life. [~♏~] [!~T] I don't know how they help, but there might be one involved. He means well and just wants to reassure you. [~T!] I just... don't want you two to worry to bad... [!_T]

0~0 ... 0u0 I understand. we're all a bit on edge. Operations can be tough for everyone.
[:]o *tries to whistle, but can't quite figure it out* fffffffff
@) spaceshipspaceshipspaceshipsoon...
*nods* Thank you. *she's glad for the warning; her experiences with Princes haven't been great. She's not sure what good a "destroyer of life" would be here but she isn't going to jump to any conclusions* *and she hopes they won't jump to any conclusions about her, either* *she steps up to open the door*
=(D Spaceship, spaceship, up to the sky, I'll try my best not to cry =('D

|8| ... ||| ... |)|

=[|:|?D] UH, PalS PalS, PiloT FrienD!

][:] ][(] ~I'm sure you two will meet again.

( | x | ) >soon ship soon;

7Bo 'voouei~ooo!'

|/=@] *hopes to be able to comfort Onponn later*
*the box is bigger on the inside! there is a main desk with a troll bearing a Yellow Libra on their shirt, and 2 others standing relatively nearby... A Human Prince of Life, if their outfit is to be believed, and...*

@nX *some kind of cat-ish person with eyes like lightbulbs; one shining bright like the sun, the other cracked and dull. A Mage of Doom if their outfit is to be believed*

[!~T] *Dots follows Sophie in, followed shortly by Ribbon* 0~0

@nX~ *a lone spark flies from the Mage's broken eye as they see Dots* Stand back, I need a look

[!_T] err, n- I, ... You don't want to look. but... you have to...

@nX ... Yes... *they spend a moment looking, before they mutually begin to tear up with Dots* @,nX~ I'm... I'm sorry... this should never have been allowed to happen... /nX~

[!~T] 'sniff' thankyou...

*the human Prince neutrally stands back, waiting for the moment to pass*

*the Troll gatekeeper is seemingly giving Sophie & co a good lookover, despite wearing a blindfold* >>|? hmm...
@) hehe! spaceship~
[:]? *took enough of a break from trying to whistle to notice Onponn and Mack's exchange, but have no idea what it means*
*she gives the three in the box a quick lookover likewise, and focuses on the Mage for now* Can you help them? Or, can your people help them?
(:= spaceship travel to the stars,

7Bo ! *interrupts* "OOH!" 7BD "eye spy!"

*up ahead, there is something a bit different than the usual thin canopy of trees. a clearing that has started to grow over. some of the trees nearest to the clearing are missing branches. Something fell here, traveling nearly perpendicular to the ground*

|8| *Genral hurries along with Onponn to check; sure enough, off to one end of the clearing, about 2 and a half miles away, a large metal structure slightly sunk into the ground could be seen*

][:] Looks like it at least took a soft crash.

|/=@] Should we have lunch now, or when we're right next to it.

=[|:|3?] ... =[|:|] NoT ReaL HungrY RighT NoW.

( | x | ) >eh; ( | w | ) >Looks cool! let's get nearer first;
@nX Yes. We'll get started immediately... This way please. *they direct Dots for an operating room door*

[!uT] thanks... *Dots follows*

{Prince of Life} I'll be needed for anesthetic. I should be back shortly with my partner. *they follow Dots and the Mage of Doom*

0~0 ... 0u0 *feels a bit better about all this. Seeing supposed medical professionals getting along and knowing their roles... Its a bit comforting*

>>|? *left with Sophie and Ribbon, the Gatekeeper figures to speak up*
>>|D So, you ever hear about the Geneva Drive event? It was a powerful occurrence that has forcibly altered the nature of how everyone within this reality can react in accordance to time. It was quite inspired if do I say so myself.
>>|) I understand if you two have your concerns about this place. It'd be dumb not to. But I hope you can give us as much goodwill as we give to you. Anything we can do to help you feel more comfortable with this all, well, feel free to speak up. >>|D
[:]? *looking at the broken trees, a little wary* The spaceship did that?
@? thepalsareinsidethere?
I trust Dots's instincts. But thank you. *the emphasis on "inspired" caught her attention, and bugs her a bit* I hadn't heard, by the way. About the Geneva Drive.
|8| Yes. Falling from flight can end quite poorly.

|/=@] |/=^] Not this poorly usually. A little fall is nothing to be to worried about. *Valdis wants to make sure flying doesn't get to much of a bad reputation for you*

7B3 "real cool place"

=[|:|] YeA! BuT KindA... UnusuaL TO SeE TreeS LikE ThiS...

( | w | ) >Trees still like trees; >Branches and Leaves;

(:= Yea. The trees will be ok.

][:] Stuff is already growing back. Plants are tough. ][(]
0~0 ... I'd probably want to be in the viewing room to assure myself of Dots getting proper treatment, but I'd probably have no idea whats going on... -_-
0~0 and what's that?

>>|D The Geneva Drive event is one of at least 3 change events we know of that are effecting this particular realm of reality. A Geneva drive is a simple mechanical set up that converts continuous motion into intermediate motion.
Likewise, Time no longer seems to 'flow fluidly all the time'. An Hourglass would be a much more accurate device. Since time can be observed as following an intermediate pattern on a higher level... We might not notice it since, well, Time is time to us, and it has always been Time our whole lives...
But it can be detected and calculated via compare to readings from disconnected Realms of reality.
>>|) Doesn't really change to much. mostly it just makes it real tricky to interrupt someone, which is as much as I've been able to notice.
>>|? But with such changes as of yet to happen/already have happened/is happening/will always have been, it can be tricky to deal with. Which is why as a Gatekeeper who has been dealing with all manor of newcomers, who has a Mind and a nose for trouble, I would like to ask that you please let us take a simple precaution to avoid you Changing anything. >>|/ Its ok if you don't want to comply. It'd just make us all feel a little more comfortable and safe. >>|)
[:]? [:]) *is glad the trees will be okay*
@) mommylikesplants.
*crosses her arms, but without really thinking about it* What exactly would that entail?
|/=^] Yes they do. |/=@]

][:] Talking about Ribbon?

(:= They both do I'm pretty sure.

7B3 *slows down a bit... The ship is in sight, & Nyx figures that they can't run ALL the way there. at least not with you on their back*

( | w | ) *figures it might be a good time to look for bugs along the ground*

=[|:|] I LikE PlantS. =[|(|]

|8| *doesn't have much to contribute to the 'plants & who likes them' topic*
>>|) We just have a Professional Maid be nearby. The whole interaction with being Made of their Aspect and working to meet the ends of their Aspect works quite comfortably for everyone. And if an Inspiration event happens anyway, then that just means that the Aspect really, really needed it.

*the operating room door opens long enough for 2 people to exit*

*The Prince of Life, who is holding onto some kind of beautiful multicolored orb...*

38) ... *And...* 38o ! 38D Sea you! )(ow's oar boaty s)(oring up?

0~0 ? ! 0u0 !!! ^u^ Are you, the one we met at the Zoo? 0u0

38D Y---EA!
@) mommyribbonreallylikesplants.
[:]) Mommy Sophie likes cuddles. [(]) Hehe!
*the presence of the one who helped them at the zoo puts her in a bit more trusting mood* That sounds fine to me.
|/=^] hmmhmm... they also like the two of you! And they're not alone in that.

(:= yea! I like you two to!

=[|:|] ? TootoO? UH. I LikE AlL FouR OF ThesE ThingS.

][:] *holds back half a laugh. naming things people like. it feels particularly innocent to Mack, who understands that sometimes people can take people liking them for granted* Anyone like me? ][(]

7BD "yea! your cool!"

( | w | ) ? *is starting to get confused. Like, like, to, tutu two, your...* ( > w < )

|8| there will be more to like that will be like you at the ship.
0u0 I didn't know you were, well, 'here'. 0u0

38D Of (c))(orse! My otter zoo is )(ere! 38)

{Prince of Life} *heads over to Sophie, offering the beautifully colorful orb* Here. You can hold this. Go and play football with it if you want. It won't break. We'll get it back to Dots circumstantially simultaneous to when the operation is nearly over and she needs it again.

>>|) *turns to their desk to request a Maid of Heart... They 'could' have had the Maid arrive instantaneously from the perspective of this room, but a little time makes things feel a bit more natural*
@) welikeeverybodytoo.
[(]) [:]? *looking ahead towards the spaceship again*
*holds out her hands for the orb* What is it?
*You are... almost halfway there!*

][:o] *slips their mask down to get some water*

=:D *is loving this conversation* I bet we all like everyone!

|/=^] hmhm...

( | w | ) >Yea; >Like everyo-Lizard!; ( 0 W 0 ) *Jofie swoops down, grabbing a small reptile*

=[|:|] LizarD?

7Bo ! *screeches to a halt, wanting to go and see* 7BD

|8| ||| *oh great. a distraction...*
{Prince of Life} oh. you must be really new. Its Dots's Life. It was in real bad shape when we got started. All cracked and mixing some colors funny. But as you can see now, It's in perfect condition.

0u0 ?! 0~0 I beg your pardon?

*the Prince continues* Anesthetic was a means of turning people off so you wouldn't hurt them or cause them to hurt themselves during operation. Likewise, the best was to avoid causing unneeded pain is to just remove Life entirely for the duration of an operation. That way nothing can possibly go funny and interact weird with it. Life tends to find a way to complicate matters, being the inverse of Doom/Law and all... By the way, your friends Doom was all funny to. It all was, minus some incredible piece of work done on her Heart. I'm sure the other doctors would love to know who did that.

38? oar frond was reely mollusk'd up. Pike nofin I've ever sean.
38( )(ow'd it e-fin )(appen?

>>|) ! *ah, seems the Maid is here*

|3 *a rosy-yellow colored Slime enters, squished into a humanoid-ish form by their outfit; complete with fingerless gloves to aid in hand formation* *they go to the gatekeeper to check in, only needing to be nearby... Though they would probably love to talk if anyone wanted to*
[:]? Lizard?
@? *twisting around to see* lookskindalikethefrog. orBaby. butnoshell.
*internally a ?! reaction, externally calm, holding the Life carefully even with the Prince's assurances it won't break. It just seems...wrong. And how normal it seems to be to everyone here feels even more wrong to her* I have to admit we don't know all the details of what happened. I'm sure if Dots wants to share it with you, they will, but that's up to them.
][:] don't hold it by the tail, or you'll lose em.

=[|:|] SkinnY FroG.

(:= Be nice to it.

7Bo "ooh!" 7BD

( | w | ) ? *a bit curious, but being nice is more important. Jofie only holds it long enough for everyone to see, before setting it back down*

|/=^] speaking of baby, I've brought them along so they can enjoy Lunch with us.

|8| *carries on towards the Ship, letting go of Onponn's hand. since its in sight, everyone can just enter after its been checked*
38) orkay.

0~0 *Ribbon is looking at the orb, mind going all different directions as she tries to think about the implications of their medical techniques and advancements... also not sure of if they are up to possibly mentioning that it was technically them who 'did work' on Dots's Heart*

>>|? Your concern... Smells like old mint honey.
>>|) How would you handle it if you were in charge of the operation?

{Prince of Life} That's not a fair question... If it makes you uncomfortable, we could skip to the end. Put it back right now and walk back out with your friend fit as a fiddle. *they extend their hand, ready to take the orb if desired*

|3 *the Maid takes out a phone, checking their messages as they sit off to the side*
[:]D Baby!
@? *watching the lizard run off* bye.
You're right, it isn't a fair question. *she hands the orb back, carefully* I hope none of you will be offended if I'm not eager to extend this encounter.
|/=^] would you like to hold Baby now?

=:) maybe now would be good for lunch.

][:] yea? maybe. We'd have a little more of an after lunch walk...

=[|:|] *shrugs*

7B3 *starts to sit down, ready to stop carrying you for now*

( | x | ) *wants to follow Genral*

|8| *continues on for the ship*
{Prince of Life} Sorry. Looks like we did a sour job of hospitality. I'll be right back. *the Prince goes to leave the room*

>>|? sorry, I guess...

38( aww... Boat t)(ere was so manatee t)(ings to Catc)( up on.

0~0 *Ribbon feels like she wouldn't be able to really become good friends with the Gatekeeper... Maybe the Prince, if they had a chance to interact outside of their work, and Ribbon certainly wants to give the one who healed her a chance... While Ribbon is a bit wary of this place, she hopes to be able to meet her healer again some time; to give her a chance*
0u0 well, maybe someplace else, some time later? Maybe bring a friend?

|3 *tapping away at their phone*

Agentt Benson, The Thief of Void, starts to detect the beginnings of an intrusion; Of 'someone' 'somewhere' planning to dominate through the removal of obscurity, causing someone to end up saying more than they meant to say. The City's defense sets to action, to counteract the event and notify the individual who was to have their speech altered right before it was to happen

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod