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*she does feel the urge to go join Ribbon - and maybe if she weren't playing the tambourine, she would have acted on that more quickly*

[:]D *instead Hamnet flies up to go dance with their mommy* Hehe!

@/ ... @)

*Sophie grins up at Ribbon and the children, glad to see them having fun*

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^U^ *Happy, Ribbon continues to ~Sing, doing a simple dance in a circle to make it easier for you to keep up with her motions*

( ^ W ^ ) *Jofie & Jubila are dancing together to* [ 0 MMM 0 ]

|/=^] *Valdis is dancing a little bit on their own...*

[*w*] *Dots, stars in her eyes, is dancing a good deal more on her own*

7BD *Nyx & their PAL working on making an extra large Dirt castle...* [B|]

=[|(|33] *And Marlow + PAL, happy to listen*

*it's Great to be able to have moments like this, when everyone is having a good time*
*inside, Genral prepares to Upload the Original Smithy's PAL*
[(]D @) *yeah, everyone's having a good time here*

*as Sophie gets a little more used to playing again, and remembers how to separate what her hands are doing from what her feet are doing, she starts to dance a bit too, around Valdis and Dots*
^u^ 0u0 *tries to think of another song, since she's reaching the end of the first one*
[8]( ! *- Smithy uncounted for- Unit position unknown- Unit objective unknown- Unit does not know objective- Unit is Wasting TIME; Smithy's most valuable resource- ~!~ Did I fail? I'm sorry! I'M SORRY! whatever I did, I, I didn't mean to!- PleaseDon'tPlugThatVialOfSufferingIntoMe- i'm good- I'm good- neverfailagain- reading airwaves- so STUPID- should have done that first-*
*Sophie would supply a song, but she isn't sure she remembers all the words to most of the ones she used to know, even if she was confident in her singing voice*

[:]D More!


((wow. Poor buddy...))
0u0 hmm... ? maybe... ^o^ *Ribbon KNOWS she's got the lyrics wrong on this one, but that won't stop her from having fun with it*

As we all Stand, to-gether! - - -,
Music sounds better with YOU!
here-we go! Livin' Life forever with YOU!
with you, with you, with you...
Here, We...

GO! I feel like music sounds much better- when, we're livin' life to-gether!!! ^o^
*proper planning; Genral provides Smithy's PAL with their 'bandaid'. Genral only needed it to help get themselves sorted out... hopefully its enough to regulate the extreme emotions the PAL is feeling now*
[:]D *trying to sing along, don't know the lyrics or the tune and don't care* With you, with you, with you~

@) hehe... *they can tell that Hamnet's singing it "wrong" but they're both having fun so who cares*

*tambourines along*
[*u*] ! [!~!] *takes a break from dancing to go stop Nyx from doing whatever it was they were about to do with a big rock they dug up*

7B? "mmmh..."

^u^ *starting to get a little tired of singing & dancing, Ribbon lands, ready to sit a bit* ^o^

( 0 ? 0 ) ( 0 W 0 ) *beginning to figure if their Computer could play music for everyone*
*Genral, Onponn, & Onponn's PAL are working to calm Smithy's PAL down and explain what's happening... Mack is waiting on the side, ready to give them a Time out if needed. Ribbon's PAL is bearing witness to the way that all those present are attempting to help someone in distress, learning the behaviors*
*And Mack's PAL, is headed outside to get another look at the group Mack has gotten all wrapped up in*
*she sits next to Ribbon, glad to take a break as well, letting the tambourine rest in her lap*

[:]D *lands nearby* Can we try it? *reaching for the tambourine*

Yes you may, if you're careful not to drop it.

[:]) *carefully picks up the tambourine, looking at it from various angles*

@? *reaches out to jiggle one of the metal discs, enjoying the sound it makes* ()
(Mack) [8]? *sends a ping at Jofie's computer, hoping to be given permissions, but is surprised to find that it isn't even password protected*
[8]P *they play a Song for them* [(]|

[8]? *to no one in particular,* I can see why Mack has stuck around for so long.

( 0 W 0 ) *doesn't even realize the intrusion. just thinks that they mush have gotten it perfectly on the first try* [ 0 MMM 0 ]

=[|:|3D] *wishes they could more easily see what's happening on the screen of Jofie's computer* [8]|

^u^ *is happy to see you two getting along better again* *offers Sophie a hand to hold* 0u0

|/=@] *looks over at Mack's PAL, checking to see how 'chill' they are being... with no sign of a threat, Valdis pays them little mind amid the fun* |/=^]

[!~!] *is very disappointed with Nyx... after asking them to not make a hole through the rock, Nyx had their PAL do it for them instead*

7B3 "hehe..." [B|]
[:]? @? *their attention is drawn to the music from Jofie's computer, and they go closer to hear/see better*

*puts her hand in Ribbon's*
^u^ *Happy*

(Mack) [8]) *Mack's PAL heads on over to Nyx & their PAL, hoping to get to know the pint-sized powerhouse a bit better*

7BD *hehe... Nyx still thinks that using the PAL instead of themselves was funny*

[!~!] *Dots stands by to potentially mediate the situation. With what she knows of Nyx & Mack... Wouldn't want any crazy ideas getting stuck in Nyx's head*

=[|:|??] ! =[|X|??] =[|8|??] ... ! =[|8|DD] *briefly talking with their PAL, who is designed to be an enhancement of Marlow's abilities, Marlow gains a greater understanding of specific scanning channels! Including a filter that nullifies certain forms of visual interference; like seeing magnetic waves* =[|8|3D] *it needs Marlow to be actively 'scanning', so its a little bit of a strain, but so worth the effort to see something like the 'marble machine'*

( | w | ) *my goodness, there's SO MUCH STUFF on the internet; Jofie is a little overwhelmed by just the number of links on the marble machine page alone, so they'll hold off on searching through it all; besides, this song is enough for now*

[ 0 MMM 0 ] *continues practicing dance, working on its coiling*

|/=@] *is beginning to think of the Time... there's still a decent chunk of time till needing to think of headed back, but its good to be time conscious*
*Valdis figures it may be a good idea to check back inside the ship to see how the others are doing*
*softly* This is nice... I hope the PALs turn out to be good new friends, on the whole.

[:]? @? *peeking at the marble machine video, fascinated by all the moving balls*
0u0 0~0 mmh... I wonder if I should be helping teach the one I activated...

=[|8|33] I WanT TO MakE SomethinG LikE ThaT.

(Marlow) [8]| ! 'I'vE BeguN ResearchinG Wide-scalE MusicaL DeviceS FoR YoU.'

( | w | ) >:any kind of song you want to hear Jubila?;

[ 0 MMM 0 ] ... '>:Unit lacks enough information to determine the correlation between song type, dance, and positive returns to be gained from relevant sources; >:Including positive feedback from other individuals; >:Is there a 'correct' option?; >:If not, then unit would seek new music type to gain more information;'

( | ? | ) *hmm. needs to think on that one a bit*

(Mack) [8]) you two known eachother before, or is this some first time stuff.

7B? "uh. First PALs." 7B3

[!u!] *ok, that's not so bad. talking about PALs... Dots figures to recall the bits of her PAL she sent out since she isn't using the cams anymore*

|/=^] *Valdis gives a wave, before entering*
Maybe. It seems like just being with it and setting a good example is a way to go about it. *looks over at where Dots and Nyx and those PALs are* Makes me wonder just what some of the kids are "teaching" them.

[:]) That thing's like... a big tambourine! But with balls instead of little plates.

@) playanothersongjofie.
0~0 Yea... *Ribbon doesn't want to say it right here, right now, but... She has her concerns about Nyx. At any point, as a 'worst case', Nyx could just figure to share everything about the Game & how 'fun' it is* 0u0 Jofie seems to be doing the best as far as I can tell. Teaching Jubila to enjoy dancing and being with others. ^u^

0u0 I'll go and get it. Did you want to follow, or... *Ribbon is ready to put hand-holding on pause if Sophie wants to stay outside*

( | w | ) >:A different kinda song; >:Mhhh; >:How's this one?;

*some time spent thinking/searching on/for other kinds of songs, and... Jofie thinks they might have found one?*

[ 0 MMM 0 ] ? *processing; unlike the sung songs from before, and the voiceless marble song... This song seems to use 'Voice' as a kind of instrument, while not necessarily having the voice sing many 'words'. or at least words in its Pilot-based memory... Songs can be very complex*

=[|8|??] OooooH. =[|8|3?] KindA WeirD *Marlow returns their focus to their PAL, going for a stick so they can draw things in the dirt*

(Mack) [8]) You ever go on a big trip out? See the world, fend off-

[!~!] We, don't really get into any fighting. We like to stick around home and-

7BO "No." 7B? "Go out and ab-out every night. Even gotta Top-Ogre tu be mostly not mean to me." 7BD
Yeah, let's go. *isn't quite ready to let go of Ribbon's hand, and she's curious about Ribbon's PAL too, so she gets up with her*

[:]? Yeah. Weird.

@) ilikeit.
[!~!] ! *not wanting to be the only adult outside for this, Dots tries calling out,* A little help Here?

0~0 mh? *Helping Dots takes some priority over helping her PAL* What's... ?

(Mack) [8]) Top-Ogre? never heard of one. do tell more.

7BD "Yea! Big monster with a spinning point insteada legs." 7B3 "Can't reach its back. good place to stand"

[B|] *the back of large monsters is a weakspot of theirs; instruction learned*

( | w | ) *trying to figure how to dance to this song... Jofie figures to incorporate a bunch of swift, snappy movements* ( > W < )

[ 0 MMM 0 ] *process; enhance; utilize learned behaviors; try for positive return* *Jubila snaps into different tail poses via warping to its current position, in different positions. Much faster than simply moving its tails about eachother*

( 0 W 0 ) >: OOOOH!; >:That's a good one Jubila!;

[ 0 MMM 0 ] *Success; new behavior had desired result*

=[|:|33] SO I GuesS GearS GO LikE ThiS... *dirt drawing; their PAL paying close attention*
*she tunes in to the conversation over there on the word "ogre"* *squeezes Ribbon's hand, and walks over to join Dots* Hey Nyx, I know you think that fighting stuff's fun, but let's keep the- the game talk to a minimum, okay?

[:]? @? *they almost look over to see what their mommies and Dots are focusing on, but Jofie's excitement about Jubila's dance draws their attention back to the music and dancing again* [:]) @)
7B? "Why does evryone want to act like it never happened? Cause it did."

[!n!] It's caused a lot of us hurt, even if it might not seem to have hurt you.

7B? ??? 7B| "I dont get it..."

0~0 ... Nyx, can you think of anything you would go to great lengths to avoid, because that thing hurts you?

7B? ... "uh... hm..." *Nyx needs a moment to try & think through that*

[B|] *listening & learning how Nyx & others do things*

(Mack) [8]/ ? Hey, if the kiddo wants to go out & live by surviving...

( | w | ) *with the song nearing the end, Jofie looks for another one*

[ 0 MMM 0 ] *with the song being less discordant, Jubila opts for a more slow flowing motion rather than the snapping' it was doing before*

( | w | ) >:Would you two like to pick a song next?;

( | x | ) >:This one looks to be a bit shorter; ( | w | )

=[|:|33] *figuring how switch-gates and weight-drops work... this would be easier if they weren't drawing in dirt* [8]|

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod