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Forums » Open worlds » The Rotones and Sophie

[:]) *they head over to the couch, set Baby on it, and then climb up, settling next to Marlow with Baby on their lap*
*sits on the couch as well, leaving a space between her and Hamnet/Factor for Ribbon to sit*
^u^ *setting up the movie and senter all done, Ribbon hits play on both and hurries over to her spot to watch* 0u0
=:) =[|:|33] ][:] 7B3 [=@=]
[:]) @) *all ready to watch as well*
*Baby is sitting contentedly in Hamnet's lap. Their robe makes a comfy seat*
*during the movie, if she felt it was a good moment to do so, Sophie would take Ribbon's hand again...or possibly see if Ribbon would lean up against her. But only if Ribbon seemed absolutely alright with it*
*Ribbon would happily hold your hand, though she was mostly seated forward so that she wouldn't be leaning back on her wings*
*Nyx might've ended up falling asleep in the middle of the non-violent movie if it wasn't for the scents he was smelling that made it seem more real*
*all in all, a nice, beautiful display of nature with fitting music*
((that's beautiful))
[:]) @) *Hamnet and Factor were captivated by the colors, and enjoyed their first experience with music*
=:) [=@=] ][:] 7Bo =[|:|33] 0u0 *the movie's mood shifts when the petals blow through a valley of dark, twisted metal spires, reminiscent of power-lines* *the sparking tec hurts the petals. it hurts the wind...* =:| [==@] ][:] 7B? =[|:|33] 0u0
*it makes Sophie think of Fantasia. A film she saw a very long time ago.*
[:]? @?
*in the end, nature is able to continue to not fight back, and manages to heal the corrupt tec, the massive twisted heap of dark sparking metal changing and blossoming into a massive cherry tree-house* ^u^ 7BD =[|:|33] =:D [==@] ][(]
[:]D Pretty!
7BD "that was COOL! the whole thing went like, 'WOOSH' an 'TIRIBILING'! an then it wasa TREE that smelled great!" 7BD
=[|:|33] LikeD WatchinG AnD ListeninG. =[|:|3?]
=:) that was nice. you picked out a great movie. =:D
^u^ Thankyou. 0u0 its nice to be able to have this little party. ^u^
][:] hey, your worth it. ][(]
[@==] ... [=@=] [=^=] almostdinnertime. [=@=]
*the sent machine auto-turns off. 1/4 of the oils/perfumes in the phials have been used up*
I can see why it's a favorite of yours.
@) welikedthesoundsgoingalloverlikethat. feltnicetohear.
You mean the music? It really is lovely, isn't it.
[:]) Music... [(]) And flowers!
^u^ Thanks. *lets go of your hand to go and put the movie stuff away*
7B3 "dint think it could be so cool." 7B3
=[|:|33] WatchinG TV IS NicE. =[|:|33]
=:) lets get the table cleaned off. =:)
[=@=] ok. [==@] *go to clean the art stuff*
][:] m-k. *goes to help*
@) wethinkbabylikedittoo.
*Baby is still just sitting there calmly*
I bet they did. It's good to do things together, as family and friends, isn't it?
[:]) Yeah. [(])
7BD "like eat pizza together!" 7B3 *scampers over to the table*
[=@=] ][:] *got all the papers and drawing tools, leaving the pictures behind*
=:) I'll have pizza ready in a moment! =:/ ... =:D *a cheezy smell comes from the counter as a tray with square-cut pizza shows up*
=[|:|oD] OooH! =[|:|33]
=:) the flakes will be another moment.
^u^ thankyou.
Come on, let's put Baby in their pen while we have dinner.
[:]) Okay. *slides down off of the couch, holding Baby in their arms*
=[|:|33] *goes to set plates on the table*
=:/ =:) we need something to drink to.
0~0 0u0 cherry limeade?
=:D ok!
7BD- *is looking forward to this*
=[|:|3?] *realizes that he's got a sylladex half full of food. Saving for later doesn't seem to be working*
][:] there, that's done. ][:]
[@==] *go to set the pizza on the table* Hamnet,Factor. Pleasemoveyourpictures.
@o @) wewill.
[:]) *sets Baby in their pen and then hurries over to grab the pictures*
*follows along to the table*
=:) and, =:) ... 'may this dawn let you bloom' =(D
*as she says that, the tray of manna-flakes rises up out of the machine to be on the counter* *they are all arranged to look like flowers, with small bowls of uncooked batter resting in the center of each ring of flakes. the glyphs drawn on each of the leaf-sized flakes all have trails leading back to the bowls, and a rainbow of colors can be seen, each flake and batter a different color...* *the limeade showing up on the side is no real event at all compared to this* =:D
0U0 ! ^U^ its perfect! ^U^
7Bo "ooOOooh!" 7BD
=[|:|DD] ColorfuL. =[|:|33]
=:) now, don't dip into the batter. once all the flakes are eaten, then the batter gets poured into a pan to cook a cake in the order that they had lost their petals. except the last one. =:D
][:] ][(] hehe. forgot how complex and symbolic they did things. ][(]
[==@] *finish setting the table with the pictures out of the way, the manna-flakes left on the counter to be eaten when people want to eat them, while everyone takes their seats* [=@=]
Do you want me to hold on to those for you for now?
[:]? [:]) Okay. *hands her the pictures*
*she captchalogues them* When we get your sylladex, you'll be able to keep things for yourself.
7BD ! *eagerly takes a square of hot pizza, biting into it* 7B3 "mmMMmh!"
][:] ][(3] thanks. ][:3] *pours himself alot of cherry limeade*
=[|:|D3] *takes the container after Mack, pouring himself some juice as well* =[|:|33] ThanK.
^u^ *goes to grab 3 manna-flakes. a yellow, an orange, and a red one, with blue, green, and yellow batter topping it in a set of glyphs* 0u0 thankyou.
=:D Your welcome! =:) and thankyou for introducing me to manna-flakes. they're such a perfect celebration food! =:D
[==@] *grabs a square of pizza to offer to set on Hamnet's plate* [=^=]

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