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*she decides to continue the conversation as if Av isn't there* So we just need to go find someone to join you.

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[==@] [=@=] yes. thereareafewthatweknowofthathadbeenbanishedforvariousreasons... we. theonlyoneswecanchoosefromareamongthebanished... [==@]
[=@=] therearesomewhowerebanishedfordevelopingtostrongofanattatchmenttotheworldtheyhadfound. theyhadbeenleftwith7advancedcrystalinehearttoolsshapedlikestars. [==@]
[=@=] therearesomewhogrewtogreatofanattatchmenttohelpingabiomechanicalraceriseupastheycontroledfromtheshadows,onlytoendupfallingintobeingapartofthe'story'theyhadfabricated. theywereleftwithagreatdealofhighenergyemotions. wedonotknowwhattheyendedupdoingwithitall. [==@]
[=@=] therearesomewhohadremainedonaplanetwherewehadleftoneofourgreatestworksever,becomingaforgottenandancientraceastimepassed. they... theywereveryluckytohavestayedandpretendedtobegodsforsometime. theybarelyescapedbecomingtrappedbyourgreatestfailure... [==@]
[=@=] there'soneweknowofwhohadjustwantedtopullanunendingprankonthehigherbeingswhoroamedanalternateformofreality. theyhada... veryunusualtool. onethatunboundthemfromtimeanddeath. iftheydied,theycouldrespawnatarandomtime,sometimesevengettingtoseetheirowndeath. [==@] ... thatonemightbeeasier? thereisonlyoneofthem...
[=@=] there'saplanetthathadanunusuallyhighconcentrationofcrystalsthatcouldconvertemotionalpowerintophysicalhappenings... magicinitsmostsimpleform. thepeopleofthelandhaddevelopedafewinterestingthings,andafewdarkmatterstayedtolearnandstudythosethatlivedthere,onlytobetakenadvantageofaslivinglibraries. [==@] ... itwouldbereallyeasytofindoneoftheloosersofthewar,but... wewouldpreferthatasanabsolutelastresort. [=X=] [=@=]
[@==] theremightbesomeotherswecan'trememberatthemoment... butthereisalsothescientists... [=@=] banishedbecausewefearedthattheywouldgotofar... andweourselveshadendeduptryingtocreatealord... [==@] ... itsverylikelythattheywouldhaveananswerforus,maybeevenonethatdoesn'tinvolveaddinganothermindtoourhumblecommunion. toremainourselveswithoutpain... thatisthebestcaseendtothis... butitsalsothemostrisky. [==@]
*long list of banished darkmatter. they're awaiting your opinion on which would be the best choice*
What would be risky about going to the scientists?
[=@=] whatisriskyaboutthemisthatwehaveabsolutelynoideawhattheyhavedoneoverthecenturiestheyhavebeenalone. [=@=] theycouldhavecreatedgreatthings,andterriblethings. remember,theywerebanishedbecausetheyhadideasthoughttorisky. [=@=]
Okay, so maybe not them. And I wouldn't want to take someone away from a home they were attached to...
[=@=] wellofcoursewe'renotgoingto'takesomeoneaway'. Wewouldtalk,andask,andonlyiftheythoughtitokwouldwefollowthrough. [@==]

*Av, adding to the conversation, says* you sure you don't want to see the scientists? They've got some pretty neat things made!
No, of course not... Then really it's all about who you think you'd best get along with. *ignoring Av*
[=@=] ... [==@] *look over at Av for a moment* [~~@] [=@=] outofthelotofthem,itslookinglikethosewhohadremainedwiththesevenstarshavebestadaptedto,'simplelife'. Theymightbethebestinthelongrun,thoughitmightalsobehardtofindonewillingtoleave... Theonesusedaslivinglibrariesmightalsobethebestintermsofeaseandlongterm,butwemightfinditalittlehardertonotanswersensitivequestions. [=@=]
You won't know until you ask.
[@==] theonlyproblemliesinasking. Wewouldhavetobeawayfromhomeforawhiletotry. AndwedonotwanttoleaveHamnetandFactorwhentheyarenotevenamonthold. [=@=]

*Av, speaking up again, says* You know a time player with an hourglass, don't you? Maybe they could help with the away time?
* actually a really good idea* Abby might help with that. She could help you travel, and bring you back not long after you left.
[==@] sotineisnotanissue... Theonlyotherthingwewouldbeconcernedaboit... [==@] [=@=] likehowyouhaveaskedRibbontotakeyourbandageoffifshethinksitschangingyouwrongly,wewould... Bemorecomfortablewithsomeonewhothinkstheyunderstandusoktocomealong. We. Wearesorrytoaskitofyou,butwouldyoutryandhelpcheckustoremainusaswegetthistakencareof? [=@=]
Of course I will. If you want me there, I'll be there.
[=U=] thankyou... [=@=] thatmeansalottous.

*Av, asking a question, says* is that settled enough for dreaming to eachother?
*she nods* I'll message Abby in the morning.
[=^=] ...
*the darkmatter seem to fade away, the planning done*
*alone with Av again, he says,* well that went nicely.
It did...
anything or anyone else you'd like to talk about/to? the other guy had admitted to me wanting to say at least one thing to you.
*it occurs to her that she could ask them about Ribbon, and just what hand holding means to fairies, and if it's the same as for humans... but it feels like spying, to ask Av instead of Ribbon, so she thinks of something else to ask*
These dreams... What are the limits to who I can see and where I can go in them?
I've removed the limits, but i've left the boundaries... thats really the best, most accurate answer. no dreaming to yourself in the past. even if you could travel to the past as you go forward in time if you find the right place. you are within your own boundaries. see your friends, see some strangers... maybe go and see a quaint snowy town with some people who are blessed by the works of what is now a single scientific mind...

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod