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RR: You think so?
II: *looking at the dark figure, a bit nervously. Things lurking in shadows are rarely good news in her experience*
*something, somewhere, seems to scream where only you can hear it as you look at the dark figure* *it looks right back at you, its mouth wide in an angry objection to your gaze*
[==@] yes,wethingsowehavebeentakingcaretobelookingnotonlywithoureyes. ... therelooktobepotentialhostilesdownthere. shouldwegoonaheadandseeifwecouldtalkwiththem? [=@=]
II: *looks away very quickly* I don't want to go in there. That thing doesn't like me looking at it.
RR: Abby, it's--
II: *talking through her teeth* Sophie. It didn't. Like me. Looking at it.
*Sophie can only think of one other time that she saw Abby so serious and scared, and that was when Santek was dying--it shocks her into a higher level of seriousness, too*
*the scream stops shortly after you stop looking at it*
[@==] thenletsjustnotlookatitanymore,andhopeforthebest. wewillgoaheadofyou. [=@=] *with that, they start headed down to see if they could possibly talk*
RR: *lightly touches Abby's arm* Stick close. It'll be okay.
II: *doesn't say anything, but she follows as Sophie follows the darkmatter, her eyes anywhere but at the creatures in the shadows*
[@==] ? *they briefly look confused when you follow, before realizing that when they said 'we', you included yourselves as well. they had intended to go down 'alone' to keep you out of harms way, but they won't argue with you for following*

*getting nearer to where the monsters are, one of them fires off an arrow, and the darkmatter swiftly slash in, slaying it, as it evaporates, leaving behind only a few bones and an arrow* [~@~] ... [=@=] *only other monster here is the tall, dark figure, who is watching the darkmatter with incredible interest, as if they recognize them somehow* *it makes brief, quiet, external sounds, possibly trying to communicate in some way*
II: *stops in the air, and is just a hair slower than the darkmatter to swap out her hourglass for her bow, an arrow already notched*
RR: *puts a hand over Abby's to keep her from firing, stopping with her*
[=@=] ... *the darkmatter look right at the figures face* [~@~] *they sit there a little while, neither moving much* *after a bit, the figure puts its hands to its head, making an odd screeching noise* [~@~] itsok,theirmindisjustcatchingupwiththeirheart.

*another moment, and-* "wha'd ya'll do ta mes? wha's hapn' tis tim'?"
*Sophie nods, but otherwise the two girls stay as they are*
*switching to a near polar tone,* "where has the communion been. it has been nine. nine. nine. nine. nine. nine. ni- Times! since we have last had contact."
"dawww! guys! tis' place's nuts! ya here ta giva'guys sum' helpin' out?"
[=@=] ... thecommuninonisnomore... [==@] andhowdidyoulearntospeaklikethat? [==@] [x==] err. [=@=] butwearegettingofftrack. thethingis,wecamehereinsearchofyou,inhopesthatwecouldjoininacommuniontobecomewhole. [@==] wecanseethatbeingonlytwohastakenitstollonyou.
II: ... *slowly lowers her bow, but is still on guard*
RR: *she's wondering just what effect bringing these minds into the darkmatter will have on them as a whole. Guess this is why they wanted her here*
[=@=] ... [==@] doyouknowofanyplacenearherethatwouldbesafefromanythingthatcouldinteruptus?
"the beings of this land have an obsession. this obsession can meet our needs as an abandoned artificial mine structure near here has been dug, built, lit, and stocked with an abundance of supplies that are never going to be used... unless we showed up in a time long before it had been built. is there an abandoned fishing lodge constructed just over the mountain?"
RR: We could check...
II: *it sounds like these creatures are misplaced in time somehow... interesting.*
[@==] therewasabeingthathadstartedconstructiononabuilding,cuttingdowntrees...
"aw' heck no, you teln' me we've turn'd up this early this time? evn' before they blasd' open a lake?"
"to be expected. we are the only ones we are. any we have not been we will be."
"an' sum' ofte magicn' mutate'd ones gotta copies us, so's we are really bein' more than us as us"
"let us think." "we gotsas us'n our brain piece here som'"
"there should be a hole dug in the side of the mountain just north of here. if he has just started work on the lodge, then they carved the room out of the rock just this morning." "com'n keep up ta be getn' there ta' the safer' spots" *they seem to telaport away, leaving a faint after-image*
[@==] ! [==@] theywentthatway... *start following along, to where the supposed safe hole in the mountainside was*
*they follow*
II: They're time travelers?
RR: I suppose... These are the ones who teleport to a different time when they die, right?
II: They what?
[@==] yes,thebeingsofthisplacecanberestoredthroughthesheerwillofthespacearoundthem... thetwoleftherefortheireternalprankfoundahiddenentranceuptotheirlevelinthisplace,

*another of the tall, shadowy figures can be seen off in the distance, the first guy that your following waving hello to themselves* *was that an earlier one, meaning he might somewhat recognize you, or a later one, meaning that this one would die and become them*
*up ahead, a well furbished hole in the side of the mountain can be seen, windows and a wooden door peering out the side* *its actually a rather cozy looking place. hard to believe it had been created just this morning*
"inside should be safe from any manor of danger aside from the higher beings themselves." "an' no un who'd be ta getting ta' the hurt n' there."
RR: *drops the line of thought regarding whether or not it's an earlier or later one pretty quickly, because it's gonna stress her out more than she needs to be if she worries about that*
II: ...nice hobbit hole.
"In our recorded findings for the structures this one will build, this is in the lowest 1% in terms of scale for future endeavors."
"one-uf-da' biggst n' baddest of tem' all bein' tha grinder! where ya' at? a death fallin' bad time. where ya' at again? another dead fallen' bad time!"
"1 in 50 to 1 in 200 of our respawns actually make it outside of the machine designed to 'harvest' us. Between what we have done," "An' whats been gotten' inta by them machine makers" "if we were to leave with you, things could continue unaltered." "An' we're getn' tired o' dien' ova' in' ova' again!"
"so if you'll accept us," "We're F***n' OPEN BROTHER!"
[=@=] ! thats... itworked! youaccepted! [=^=] [@~=] [@==] ... [==@] doyouthinkweshouldtryitout? ifitisnogood,wecanseperateafterward... [=@=]
II: *doesn't entirely get what's going on, but oh well*
RR: Good to test things out before you commit...
[=@=] ... [===] verywell,itistimetoreunite,thoughitmightonlybebrief... *in a surprisingly uneventful action, the darkmatter simply envelop the dark figure, a connection being made as easily between their hearts and minds as the surface connection of mind you had with the darkmatter when they hid in the cloak* [~@~] *they kind of... sink into eachother*
*they now look like a dark, cloaked figure. with how the cloak is wrapped around their body, you can't tell if they still have 'arms', but they do seem to still have the legs of the new guys* [~@~] ... [~X~] ... [@~O] ... [@mO] ... *another moment, and their mask has re-shaped, two separate eyes divided by pointed triangles inter-meshing* *they still have their 'hair', and the heart symbol along the top of their mask... its mostly like what the darkmatter looked like before, but still different*
[XmO] UgH... DoN't Be LoOkInG aT uS yEt PlEaSe... NeEd... To ThInK aNd FeEl ThIs OuT... [=mO]

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod