II: *doesn't entirely get what's going on, but oh well*
RR: Good to test things out before you commit...
RR: Good to test things out before you commit...
[=@=] ... [===] verywell,itistimetoreunite,thoughitmightonlybebrief... *in a surprisingly uneventful action, the darkmatter simply envelop the dark figure, a connection being made as easily between their hearts and minds as the surface connection of mind you had with the darkmatter when they hid in the cloak* [~@~] *they kind of... sink into eachother*
*they now look like a dark, cloaked figure. with how the cloak is wrapped around their body, you can't tell if they still have 'arms', but they do seem to still have the legs of the new guys* [~@~] ... [~X~] ... [@~O] ... [@mO] ... *another moment, and their mask has re-shaped, two separate eyes divided by pointed triangles inter-meshing* *they still have their 'hair', and the heart symbol along the top of their mask... its mostly like what the darkmatter looked like before, but still different*
[XmO] UgH... DoN't Be LoOkInG aT uS yEt PlEaSe... NeEd... To ThInK aNd FeEl ThIs OuT... [=mO]
*they now look like a dark, cloaked figure. with how the cloak is wrapped around their body, you can't tell if they still have 'arms', but they do seem to still have the legs of the new guys* [~@~] ... [~X~] ... [@~O] ... [@mO] ... *another moment, and their mask has re-shaped, two separate eyes divided by pointed triangles inter-meshing* *they still have their 'hair', and the heart symbol along the top of their mask... its mostly like what the darkmatter looked like before, but still different*
[XmO] UgH... DoN't Be LoOkInG aT uS yEt PlEaSe... NeEd... To ThInK aNd FeEl ThIs OuT... [=mO]
RR: *looks away and sits on the floor to wait*
II: *sits next to her, setting her bow across her knees*
RR: ...you're right, by the way.
II: What?
RR: This is a hobbit hole.
*one of the first pop culture references she's made in a long time*
*Abby smiles a little*
II: *sits next to her, setting her bow across her knees*
RR: ...you're right, by the way.
II: What?
RR: This is a hobbit hole.
*one of the first pop culture references she's made in a long time*
*Abby smiles a little*
[>mQ] Oh WoW, wE'vE bEeN uNsTaBlE fOr So LoNg... BeInG tOgEtHeR aGaIn Is So MuCh BeTtEr... [@mQ] ... [-m^] ... [@-O] [*vG] [TM@] ... [@_@] [OUO] ~... [QMQ] ... *going through a few emotional test-runs, figuring their memories and associations between everything* [@m@] [~_~] ... [\m/] [XXX] [=m=] [.w.] [0x0] ... [@-@] ... [@@-] ... [-@@] ... [@-@] ... please DO avoid LOOKING still... we ARE not QUITE comfortable WITH it YET... [@@-] ... so... we LIKE you. we KNOW that. [^^W] ... [@w@] it WOULD help IF you'd ASK us THINGS to FIGURE out WHAT we FEEL like NOW... [@@/]
RR: *looking at the wall, fiddling with the hem of her dress* ...tell me about Hamnet and Factor.
II: ...
II: ...
[@-@] ... hope FOR a BETTER time OF darkmatter. [@w@] they LIKE their PARENTS, and THEY like THEIR friends. [@?@] we AVOID talk OF the GAME around THEM as MUCH as POSSIBLE. [@w@] we ENJOY teaching THEM things, AND we HOPE to BE able TO teach THEM about EACHOTHER equally. [?@@] we WONDER what KINDS of FUN tricks WE can TEACH them, SO that THEY might AVOID ever HAVING a DULL moment. joy IS precious, AND they SHOULD be ABLE to KNOW how TO feel IT. [^W^] [@W@] ... [@x@] they DONT eat MEAT, even IF it WOULD be GOOD for THEM... we WONDER what KIND of TROUBLE they COULD get THEMSELVES in... and WE hope TO teach THEM to GET out OF it...
[-_@] and WE could've COME up with A better NAME than FACTOR... but THATS ok. [@w@]
[-_@] and WE could've COME up with A better NAME than FACTOR... but THATS ok. [@w@]
RR: Heh. I think it's a fine name. And I've been thinking we could try Hamnet with different kinds of meat; I'm not sure if their aversion to bacon came from Ribbon or me... How about... Ribbon? *this might be a hard one, but she has to ask...*
II: *whispers* You still don't eat bacon?
RR: *shrugs*
II: *whispers* You still don't eat bacon?
RR: *shrugs*
just like the people of this land, we can't see how such an offense could be forgiven totally and forever...
but if we ever had to make a choice between someone else we knew and the fairy...
WE WOULDN'T BE PICKING THE FAIRY. [@@M] *they're not very happy. seems forgiveness isn't something the new additions are good at... hints at whispers of feelings that are normally insubstantial in comparison to the darkmatters prior feelings as well*
just like the people of this land, we can't see how such an offense could be forgiven totally and forever...
but if we ever had to make a choice between someone else we knew and the fairy...
WE WOULDN'T BE PICKING THE FAIRY. [@@M] *they're not very happy. seems forgiveness isn't something the new additions are good at... hints at whispers of feelings that are normally insubstantial in comparison to the darkmatters prior feelings as well*
RR: *closes her eyes...even with the bandage, she has to take a moment to not respond harshly to that*
II: *silently makes note of Sophie's reaction, even as she's unnerved by how the combined darkmatters' voice keeps changing*
II: *silently makes note of Sophie's reaction, even as she's unnerved by how the combined darkmatters' voice keeps changing*
[@m@] ... [m@@] We ArE sOrRy... tHaT MuSt HaVe BeEn WrOnG... [@@m]
RR: *still faced away, still eyes closed* Is that how you feel... considering both what she did, and what you were made to do to her?
II: ...
II: ...
[@m@] Oh... uHhHh... [-@@] wHaT wE dId To HeR... wElL... iT wAs A SiDe EfFeCt Of TrYiNg To SeT tO rEsT fOrEvEr In HeR pLaNeT... We DiDn'T mEaN aNy HaRm, It JuSt EnDeD uP aS iT... [@@-] *they sound nervous, not liking to owe up to their end of wrongdoing*
RR: Side effects. I could put a lot of what was done to me down to side effects, too. My team didn't mean harm, and I'm no angel either... Ribbon's forgiven you, you know. With more reason than anyone else not to, she has. In that way, she's better than me.
II: ... *doesn't like, but understands, the implication that Sophie hasn't really forgiven her and the others for tricking her into the game*
II: ... *doesn't like, but understands, the implication that Sophie hasn't really forgiven her and the others for tricking her into the game*
[@_@] wHaT? sHe CoUlDn'T hAvE... cOuLd ShE? It. FoRgIvEnEsS iS sO hArD! [@@n] No No, ShE c... [@-@] ... [XnX] We... [>n<] [>/ /@] *their mask cracks. something must have deeply conflicted somewhere hidden in the depths of the 'plumbing' of their heart, pushing them past the point where channeling their emotions into a form of mind as language was possible* sorry- [>/ /T] nOt So SoRrY- We-
RR: *she turns to look at the cracking sound, and is worried* Are you...
II: *doesn't look*
II: *doesn't look*
thatwas... [>/ /@] tO mUcH, tO fAsT...
wedidn'thavea [>/ /@] cHaNcE tO gEt ThInGs In ThE pErFeCt PlAcEs...
tobeabletoeventry [>/ /@] hAnDlInG aN eMoTiOnAl DeMaNd LiKe ThAt...
butwecansee... [>/ /@] bUt We CaN sEe...
wehavesomeserioustrustandforgivenessissues [>/ /@] wE hAvE sOmE sErIoUs TrUsT aNd FoRgIvEnEsS iSsUeS...
Itwon'twork? [>/ /@] iT wOn'T wOrK?
wedidn'thavea [>/ /@] cHaNcE tO gEt ThInGs In ThE pErFeCt PlAcEs...
tobeabletoeventry [>/ /@] hAnDlInG aN eMoTiOnAl DeMaNd LiKe ThAt...
butwecansee... [>/ /@] bUt We CaN sEe...
wehavesomeserioustrustandforgivenessissues [>/ /@] wE hAvE sOmE sErIoUs TrUsT aNd FoRgIvEnEsS iSsUeS...
Itwon'twork? [>/ /@] iT wOn'T wOrK?
RR: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-- I got angry, I... I'm sorry.
II: *shifts her gaze so she can watch Sophie, but not enough around so that she's looking at the darkmatter.
II: *shifts her gaze so she can watch Sophie, but not enough around so that she's looking at the darkmatter.
itsok. [>/ /@] tHaT sUcKeD.
itwasimportanttolearnwhatwewerewhenpiecedtogether. [>/ /@] YaLl WeRe PrObAbLy OuR oNe ShOt OuT oF hErE.
wearenotgoingtobeabletofittogetherinanywaythatflowshealty. [>/ /@] lEaSt YoU gOt Us StReAmLiNeD tOgEtHeR.
thankyoufornotlettingusbecomesomethingthatweshouldnotbe. [>/ /@] BeIn' PuT iN pArAlLeL hAs DoNe WoNdErS fOr OuR tHoUgHtS.
itwasimportanttolearnwhatwewerewhenpiecedtogether. [>/ /@] YaLl WeRe PrObAbLy OuR oNe ShOt OuT oF hErE.
wearenotgoingtobeabletofittogetherinanywaythatflowshealty. [>/ /@] lEaSt YoU gOt Us StReAmLiNeD tOgEtHeR.
thankyoufornotlettingusbecomesomethingthatweshouldnotbe. [>/ /@] BeIn' PuT iN pArAlLeL hAs DoNe WoNdErS fOr OuR tHoUgHtS.
II: ...strike two, then?
RR: *looking back towards the wall again* Looks like.
RR: *looking back towards the wall again* Looks like.
Let's... [>/ /@] lEtS...
*a bit of a harder moment for the 8 of them, as they become truly 2 and 6 again*
[>X<] ... [=X=] ... [=@=] ... [=T=]
"HeY pAl, NoOnE eVeR sAiD iTs EaSy. HaNg In ThErE, aNd MaYbE yOu'Ll GeT iT. mE aNd MySeLf MiGhT bE mEsSeD uP iNsIdE bEcAusE oF lAcKiNg CrItIcAl MaSs... In FaCt We CaN fEeL tHiS pAtTcH jOb RuNnInG oUt AlReAdY, bUt We'Re StIlL kIcKn' AnD pUnChInG aNd BiTiNg ThOsE sNoOtLoOkIn' OfFeNdinG mAsS mUrDeReRs Of ThE sAmE uS... We DoNt GeT tHaT aSpEcT cRaP, bUt RaGe MiGhT aLwAyS hAvE a SoLuTiOn WhErE hEaRt FaIlS."
*a bit of a harder moment for the 8 of them, as they become truly 2 and 6 again*
[>X<] ... [=X=] ... [=@=] ... [=T=]
"HeY pAl, NoOnE eVeR sAiD iTs EaSy. HaNg In ThErE, aNd MaYbE yOu'Ll GeT iT. mE aNd MySeLf MiGhT bE mEsSeD uP iNsIdE bEcAusE oF lAcKiNg CrItIcAl MaSs... In FaCt We CaN fEeL tHiS pAtTcH jOb RuNnInG oUt AlReAdY, bUt We'Re StIlL kIcKn' AnD pUnChInG aNd BiTiNg ThOsE sNoOtLoOkIn' OfFeNdinG mAsS mUrDeReRs Of ThE sAmE uS... We DoNt GeT tHaT aSpEcT cRaP, bUt RaGe MiGhT aLwAyS hAvE a SoLuTiOn WhErE hEaRt FaIlS."
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