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Forums » Open worlds » The Rotones and Sophie

RR: The house was near a nice forest. Like the one we have here... It made me think of the house we're going to have, soon. *she thinks that's a tame enough detail*
[:]) Can we go see the house today?
@) ourhousewemean.
|/=^] "yes, that sounds like a great plan. Genral has been working hard for us all." |/=@]
^u^ maybe we can go as soon as Sophie is ready. 0u0
=:D Yea! he's been out there a while actually. =:? ...
=[|:|33] I CoulD PoP OveR AnD ChecK.
][:] not by yourself Marlow.
7BE *is devouring his Grilled cheese*
@) yeah,wegotogether.
[:]) *happily squeezes the darkmatter's hand*
*keeps eating, so she'll be finished quickly. The food's giving her some energy back, and being with the family again is invigorating*
][:] ... ][(] *finishes up sorting the sewing table*
7BD- "Ahhh..." 7B/ 7B3 *goes for the extra grilled cheese*
=:/ =:)
=[|:|33] TogetheR IS GooD...
|/=^] "Yes it is." *gently squeezes back*
^u^ *her wings are aflutter with joy*
*finishes her sandwich, and gets up to clean up the plate*
[:]) [:]o *lets go of their hand and returns to Baby's pen* [:]) Baby should come see the house, too.
^u^ good idea. Just don't drop them. 0u0
|/=^] "then let's go" |/=^]
=:) I'll message Genral.
7BD ! *starts scampering out*
=[|:|33] *waits patiently for everyone to be ready*
][:] *grabs the turtle treats for just in case the turtle should be treated once there*
[:]) *carefully picks up Baby, and hurries after Nyx*
@) hehe!
*she's ready to go out with the other adults*
*everyones headed out, both Ribbon and the Darkmatter offering to hold your hands*
... *would your 'transport' still be waiting out there?*
*Abby has wandered off into the woods, not quite ready to go "home" but also not wanting to butt in on Sophie's family time. She's nowhere to be seen*
*Sophie happily takes their hands and walks between them, whispering to Ribbon:* I missed you.
[:]) @) *they can't keep up with Nyx, especially while holding Baby, but they're willing to try*
*there is the slightest chance that Abby might meet up with a certain, manipulating someone in the forest. someone named Av*

^-^ *quietly talking back,* "its ok. we're all here..." ^u^
|/=^] *all seems right with the world*
7BD !!! 7BO ! *remembers piggy-back rides once outside, sliding to a stop, and sitting for Hamnet to get on* 7BD "Rides!" 7BD
=[|:|33] *is calmly floating alongside Mack, who is also calmly floating along* ][(]
=:) *is taking up the rear, making last second checks around for if anything potentially dangerous had been left, like leaving the oven running, or the like, even if a running oven was the least of her worries*
*well wouldn't that be interesting...*

*yes, very right with the world*
[:]D Yeah! *they sit on Nyx's back, setting Baby in their lap*
@) yay!
7BD "HEEHEEHEE!" *galloping onward, Nyx is soon at the edge of the forest with them on his back*
0u0 be careful! ^u^ ... 0~0
|/=@] *very slightly speed up, just in case Nyx trips or something. they want to be there to help if need be*
=[|:|33] SO ThiS HomE IS FoR SophiE. AnD RibboN. AnD DarkmatteR. AnD HamneT AnD FactoR? =[|:|3?]
][:] yep. thats the way it is bud. ][(]
=[|:|3?] ... OK. =[|:|33]
=:) Its still going to take a while. even if Metaldad has the piping and wiring and duct-work done, along with the outer-walls put up, its still got at least 4 to 6 days working on through. =:)
*lets go of the darkmatter's hand, so they can speed up after Nyx, Hamnet, and Factor* That still seems like a really quick time to build a house in to me. You guys are really good at this.

[:]/ [:]D *figures out that they can put one hand on Baby to keep them still in their lap, and the other on Nyx's shoulder to hold on*
@D *is enjoying the run*
*Baby, since they're a turtle, doesn't have much of an opinion on this turn of events, or seem entirely sure what's going on*
=:/ well, it still wouldn't have any final coats of paint, or furniture inside or anything at that point... =:) and its mostly Metaldad. he was made for quick work.
|/=^] ... |/=@] *continue on ahead*

7BD "HEEhee-" 7BO *the house looks done from the outside, aside from the piles of stuff lieing about* *Genral is rapidly pounding away at the roof, securing things*

^u^ thankyou again Onponn.
=[|:|33] WanT TO TrY TO BuilD A HousE.
][:] ... ][(] good luck?
You've really been getting into making things lately, haven't you Marlow?

[:]o Ooh... [:]) Look, Baby. *lifts up Baby so they can "see"*
@) isahouse.
=[|:|33] MakinG IS FuN. LikE HoW BrickS IS FuN. =[|:|33]
][(] hard to argue that. ][:]
=:) I support it. Once work on the house is done, I'm certain metaldad would be happy to teach you the basics of house building.
^u^ hehe.

|/=@] *catch up, getting to the house* ! "It's. It looks great!" |/=^] *24-48 hours of raw work really did something*
7B3 "nice n close to the lake. Always get to swim."
You could start with a little house, maybe. Like a playhouse. Or a house for Baby.

[:]/ *they're not quite ready to try swimming again yet* [:])
@) butyou'llcomeheretoswimandthingsallthetime,rightnyx?
7BD "Yea, Its great Outside!" 7BD
|/=@] ... |/=^] "Thankyou Genral."
|8| *Genral barely responds, continuing to work*

=:) that sounds like a great place to start. =:)
=[|:|33] YeA. =[|:|oo] *the house is in view*
][:] ... ok, so he's certainly been busy. ][(]
^U^ Its incredible! 0U0
[:]) Yeah, being in different places is okay if we still do things together.
@) @? genralisverybusyupthere.

Wow... *she can't help but grin to see it. It's her house.*
^U^ mmm-hmm-hmm-hmmm.... *Ribbon is holding back a tide of gleeful laughter*
|/=^] "Hello." |/=@] "Its incredible. the whole outside looks nearly perfect!" |/=^]
=:) =:/ ... =:) metaldad says thats because if someone saw it now, they might think it already complete... =:? ... =:) hes got a rather particular set of priorities.
7B3 "why not chek inside now?"
|8| "GEN-ral" |8|
=:o ... =:| its, not safe yet... still many things inside that are left exposed.
7B? "Oh..."
][:] hey, thats cool. Place looks incredible anyway. ][(]
=[|:|33] *is enjoying watching Genral work*

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod