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Forums » Open worlds » The Rotones and Sophie

I'm glad to hear it.

[:]) @) *yep*
=:) lets head in.
0u0 *nods* I hope Mack hasn't had his hands full.
[!uT] should be good.
|/=U] ...

][:33] *is almost finished eating*
=[|:|33] *just finished eating what they'll eat*
7BD- *still has another sandwich planned*
( | w | ) *takes a moment to just look at the yoyo instead of playing with it*
I'm sure he's fine. The guy can have as many hands as he needs. *heading in*

[:]) *has finished the one sandwich* [:]? Can have more? But, not all of one?
][:] of course y. ][(] he-hey! welcome back!

=:D Hi Mack! =:) Hey Nyx, Marlow, Jofie, Hamnet, and Factor.
|/=U] ...
[!uT] Lunch looks nice.
0u0 hello everyone. ^u^

7BD "heya!" 7B3-
( | w | ) >:Learned yoyos;
=[|:|3?] SorrY LuncH StarteD WithouT YoU...
We're sorry it took so long.
[:]D You're back!
@D @? daddy?
0u0 they just tired themselves out. they're ok. ^u^
=:) we've got to start figuring house stuff for you now. *goes to set the Darkmatter in Ribbon's Hammock*
[!uT] ! [!~T] um. like ovens and tubs? [!uT]
|/=U] ...

][:] well after getting to use this thing, I'd say, wouldn't it just be easier to make another kitchen machine? ][(]
7B3 "oh yea. remember mac being cooked ona burner." 7B3 7B? "took longer..."
=[|:|3?] BurneR? =[|:|33]
( | w | ) ( | x | ) ... ( | m | ) *have figured that they don't really like the idea of sleep*
@? @) *if no one's worried, it's good enough for them*
[:]) Want more PBJ!
Say "please," Hamnet.
[:]? Please?
][(] got it. *passes the PBj*
=[|:|33] MacK TaughT US YoyO.
7BD "yea!" 7B3
( | W | ) >:Like this!; *down-up forward-back*
=:D Great job Jofie! =:)
0u0 ^u^ so Mack did well taking care of you? 0u0
[!uT] *is happy everyone seems ok again*
|/=U] ...
[:]D Thank you. *takes sandwich, and a bite out of it*
@D candoittoo! *demonstrates*
Ah, that's really cool!
^u^ thats great! 0u0
][:] you want anything Ribbon? *is ready to offer Sandwiches*
0u0 I would like a sandwich please. *hovers over to the table to pick* ^u^ ooh, PBJs. 0u0 thankyou Mack.
][(] hehe. ][:]
=:) hmm. *is thinking on appliances that may be better than average for you, going to stand by the kitchen machine*
7BD- "Ahhh..." *has finished up eatting* 7B3-
=[|:|33] *tries yoyoing a bit himself, doing a simple, down, wait, up*
( | w | ) >: Lunch starting again?; ( | x | )
[!uT] *is standing by the Darkmatter, watching over them with only a hint of their concern shown on their face* [!~T] [!uT]
|/=U] ...
I'll have a PBJ too, thanks. *goes over to join lunch*
[:]) *swallows* Continuing.
@) hehe.
( | w | ) >:Guess more yoyo then;
=[|:|3?] I'M DonE. =[|:|33] *waits patiently*
][(] here ya' go. ][:] *offers you one, before sliding his mask back down to drink a bit more lemonaid. guess he was less done with lunch than he thought* ][:o3]
7B3 "more Lunch? ... ohk." *grabs another sandwich*
=8) ...
^u^ we should go over plants in the big book of plants after lunch.
[!uT] |/=U] ...
Good idea, Ribbon.
@) yeah,lookforthegoodmushrooms.
[:]) *nods*
0u0 *happy plans to go over things has been made, Ribbon continues eating*
7BO- "ugh..." 7B?- 7B/ 7B? *probably ate a bit to fast*
=[|:|3?] IS IT CleanuP TimE YeT?
][:33] ... ][:] probably almost.
( | w | ) ? ( | W | ) >:Book?;
=8) ... =:D Yea! its over... here. *gets the book ready* =:) there you go. ready for after lunch.
( | w | ) >:Thankyou; *is headed over to look at the book by the kitchen machine*
[!uT] ...
|/=U] ... Zzz... *seems they've fallen into a normal sleep*
@) *waits patiently*
[:]) *puts a remaining bit of sandwich back down on their plate* Done.
Alright. It's good to stop when you're done. *continues eating*
][:] *ready to clean up whatever you and Ribbon aren't going to eat,* Just let us know what you're going to be using. Lemonaid? ][(]
7B3 *starts to get comfortable on the floor, before,*
=8) =:/ Nyx, clean up your plate before napping. =8)
7B? "BluH." 7B3 "ohk." *goes to do so*
=[|:|33] CleaninG. *takes care of their spot as well*
( ^ MMM ^ ) *goes to eat the book* ( 0 W 0 ) >:Plants;
0~0 please be ready to gently set that down once we're over to read it. 0u0
[!uT] ... if we wanted, we could probably try waking them now. but it might be better to let them rest. [!~T]
|/=U] zzz...
*to Mack* Yes, please. *sets another half sandwich on her plate as well* *to Dots* Let's let them nap as long as they need.
[:]) *they get up and take their plate to be cleaned*
[!uT] ok. *goes over to where the book reading will be*
][(] mk. ][:] *leaves a lemonaid for you, clearing up the rest*
0u0 *is hurrying along, almost done* good job you two. ^u^
7B3 *plate handled, Nyx goes to lie down on the blanket pile for a nap* 7B3
=[|:|33] *starts thinking.* MaybE FinisH FaN HeateR ThinG I WaS MakinG AnD MemberinG ReaL HarD FoR.
( | w | ) *is ready with the book*
=8) ... =:) I've come up with a couple appliance options if you'd like to go over that later.
|/=U] zzz...
[(]) () *they like the praise, and when their plates are disposed of they go over to Jofie*
*soon finishes her sandwich, washing it down with lemonade*
0u0 *finishes up, and sets to cleaning her plate*

7B3 "z."
|/=U] zzz...

=[|:|33] *is headed over to the work station*

( | W | ) *is ready for book time*

=:) *figures to go talk with Dots, quietly asking if maybe some slight private conversation would be ok with them*
[!uT] *nods, ready to head off to the side* [!~T]

][:] *finishes clearing, and starts wondering what to do*

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod