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*gently nudging Hamnet* Come on, Hamnet, breakfast time.
[]/ Mmmnh. [;]/
@) hehe.

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-~- ... -o- *Ribbon gulps down some of the high caffeine fluid, waiting for it to help wake her up* >~< ... 0u0 mmmh... that should help.

=:? did you have issues sleeping?

0~0 sort of. my sleep schedule is already thrown a bit out of whack, so if i get a poor nights sleep, it doesn't go well. but I'll be fine. ^u^

[!~T] ... you really should get back into a normal sleep cycle. sleeping 1/3, 7 times as much isn't healthy for you.

7B? ? *doesn't get the talk of sleep schedules* 7B3 *Nyx goes to get himself breakfast instead*

=[|:|33] CereaL TimE.

( | w | ) >:good morning Hamnet;

|/=U] ... mmmh... |/=<] ... |/=U] ... |/=@] *awake*
[;]/ [:]) Morning. [])
Nope, up you get, sleepyhead. *pulls them to their feet* Sleep in too late now and you won't get to sleep later.
|/=U] |/=<] |/=@] good morning.

0u0 ^u^ teehee. lets get some breakfast. 0u0 honey oats might help you wake up.

7Bo *is taking the time to figure what cereal he wants* 7B?

=[|:|33] ... *picks coco puffs after a moment*

( | x | ) ? ( | w | ) >:then should sleep now; >:so they won't sleep later; *makes sense to Jofie*

=:) well, they would end up needing to sleep again. it would just be harder for them to do so.

( | x | ) >: oh?;

[!uT] [==>] [ERR] [!~T] ... [!uT] plenty of opportunities open for us... I think that the lake might be a fun place to go on a hot day like today.
Honey oats sound nice and sweet.
[:]? [:]) Sweet? *the thought perked them up a bit*
@D goodmorningdaddy! *is very happy to see them awake*
|/=^] good morning Factor. |/=@]

0u0 i'll get you and me a bowl. *goes to get honey oats ready, waiting in line behind Nyx*

7B? *figures to just get what Marlow got* 7B3

=[|:|D3] *mmmh, coco*

( | w | ) >: do, del-oo doe de da-de-da-de do; *is singing a bit of a song to themselves*

=:) I think the lake might be nice. we'll need some towels and things though.

( | x | ) ? *brought back to the conversation,* >:Lake?; ( | w | ) >:Lake is nice;

[!uT] ... [!~T] *thought she thought something, but then forgot* [!uT]
[:]) *goes towards the table*
0u0 ... there we go. ^u^ *brings two bowls to the table for Hamnet and herself*

7BD *yum* =[|:|33]

|/=@] *goes to get cereal*

[ERR] [!uT] think i'll get... [!~T] ... [!uT] cheerios.

*the quiet shower sounds of the bathroom have stopped. Mack is probably drying his fur now*

=:) *is happy everyone is getting to eat well*

( | w | ) *knows that Factor doesn't really eat, so they head over so talking or something can happen during breakfast*
*gets some Reese's Puffs for herself, and doesn't put much milk in it. She's not a fan of soggy cereal*
[:]D *ready to eat*
@) *to Jofie* wasthatpartofthemusicgame?
( | w | ) >:na; >:just pretending to be playing the music game;

^u^ 7BD =[|:|33] |/=^] [!uT] *breakfast is nice*

=:) *starts to clean a bit over by the blanket pile. washing them might be nice*

*more drying ][:]*

*Genral is probably doing well to |8| *
@? oh. @) soundsnice.
[:]) *they like the cereal...until it starts to get a bit mushy and lose its flavor*
( | x | ) >:everyone else is much better at music game though; ( | m | )

=[|:|33] *finished quick, mostly having drank milk*

7BD *gets a second bowl*

|/=^] *eats quite fast, and is already cleaning their spot*

[!uT] [n/\] [/n\] *eatting is hard when your mouth sometimes experiences a horz-display error*

0~0 *is trying to help Dots, providing some napkins and a good attitude* 0u0

*the drying sounds stop, and Mack exits, wearing his same old Thief of Time outfit. not needing cleaning is a good bonus for an outfit* ][:]

=:) don't forget breakfast.

][:] i'll get a bagel.
@? everyoneelse?
[:]/ tastes different now.
That can happen, when the milk makes it all soggy. It's okay to stop if you don't like it.
[:]? [:]) Can finish it. *continues eating*
( | x | ) >:yea; >:Lots of Music made already; >:and lots of Music is incredible;;;
( | w | ) >:
( | x | ) >:is Moog city a real place?;

=:? =:) There's got to be someplace named that.

][:] ? *doesn't get how Jofie can spout website links letter for letter. though, obviously, being directly connected to a computer helps*

=[|:|3?] *is cleaning their spot*

7BD- "ahhh..." 7B/ 7B3

[!uT] thankyou...

^u^ your welcome. 0u0

|/=@] *help by throwing used napkins away*
@? *they don't get what the website link's about* ...musicisinstrumentsright? @) mommyhasthose.
I do have some. But there's lots of ways to make music.
[:]) *done eating, wipes their mouth with a hand and goes to take their bowl to the sink*
( | w | ) >:Music is in lines; >:And sounds!; ( | W | )

=:) Instruments make sounds to.

][:] maybe instrument stuff can happen today.

0u0 and plant stuff... 0~0 0u0 looks like we've got a busy day today. ^u^

|/=^] mmh-hm.

7B3 *starts to clean up*

=[|:|33] LakE MusiC PlantS. =[|:|3?] ArE TherE AnY OF ThosE?

[!uT] fr... [!~T] ... [!uT] Toads sometimes sit on lilly pads. and they make nice noises.
The nice thing is, anything we don't get to today, we can do another time.
@D yeah!
[:]) *returning from the sink* Toads?
[!uT] They make 'croak' sounds.

7B3 "ready tu go to the lake now."

=:| we're supposed to wait 1 hour after eatting before swimming.

][:] ... ][X] I'm sure it'll be fine. ][:]

0~0 ... *is thinking of the last time Hamnet and Factor were by the lake... forgetting to hold breath wasn't fun...*

=[|:|??] Don'T ThinK I'lL GO IN WateR, BuT NeaR LakE CoulD StilL BE FuN.

( | w | )>:Yea;

|/=^] lets not be to hasty. we need to bring towels and things if we are going to the Lake. maybe bring a picnic lunch.
[:]) Want to see toads. [:]/ ...maybe not in the lake.
@) candonearitlikemarlow.
*she remembers the last time, too, and she's glad that they seem okay with going near the lake, if not in it. No rush* Near can be just as fun as in.
][:] hmm... *murmuring to himself* sunblock, umbrellas, snacks... got two of those...

7B3 "I can fill a basket with snack stuff."

=[|:|3D] *is happy to hear that they'll have someone to play with outside the lake*

=:) ok.

0u0 changes of clothes would be good to bring. just in case. 0~0 0u0 may I try using the alchemeter to make something new? ^u^

=:D Sure!

^u^ thankyou. *goes to try and create something that will no doubt be fashionable*

( | w | ) >:Near lake buds!; ( > W < )

|/=@] *head for the bathroom in search of towels*

[!uT] ! ooh *thinks making nice new things to wear with the alchemeter sounds neat, and goes to watch*

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod