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*takes her bowl to the sink before going to the alchemiter, too--she needs a swimsuit*
[:]) Hehe!
@) @? @o babyneedsbreakfast!
[:]o Oh! *hurries over*
*...sleeping turtle*

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0~0 hmm... ^u^ ooh. this is nice. *she's found a nice blue floral print dress with a blue bow to make. a little further searching, and she figures how to make it in her small size*

[!uT] that looks nice...

=:) yea, blue is a nice color for you.

^u^ thankyou

7B? ? *is almost distracted by turtle time, but goes back to figuring snacks* 7B3

( | w | ) =[|:|oD] *are distracted by turtle time, and go to look at baby*

][:] *gets out his sunblock, and pops his hood back so he can more easily apply it to his face* [[X]

|/=@] ... |/=<] *a bunch of the towels are a bit damp, but they'll dry in time* |/=@]
*smiles* It is...

[:]? [:]) Still dreaming. *but picks up the box of turtle treats anyway, to get "breakfast" ready for when Baby wakes up*
@) *reaches into the box for a turtle treat*
^u^ thankyou. *Ribbon is blushing a little, thankful for all the love as she gets the shirt from the alchemeter*

[[X] *Mack is almost done. he doesn't always use sunblock, but when he does, he tried to use it right*

|/=@] i'm going to be taking the towels out early to help let them dry.

=:) thankyou. =:? *'feels' Nyx's snack inputs* =:/ no, we're not going to make 10 bags of marshmallows. 3 is plenty. =:)

7B? "doh..." *settles with three, capchaloging them as the show up*

[!uT] you can go next. *lets you use the alchemeter terminal*

=[|:|33] SleepinG IS OK FoR TurtleS.

( | w | ) >: Can they still be picked up?;
Okay. *looks up swimsuits... Finds a comfy-looking purple two-piece*

@) *sets the turtle treat in Baby's pen*
[:]) Think so.
^u^ *remembering her Modus, Ribbon capchalogs the dress, an Allium containing the item starting to slowly bloom* 0u0 *Ribbon carefully weaves the stem into her hair*

][(] ah... that better. ][:] *pops his hood back on*

=:) that's better Nyx. your getting to understand portion control a bit more.

7B3 "hehe." *makes/capchalogs the 2 dozen icee-pops that'll likely be quite welcome in the heat*

[!uT] ... [!~T] ... [!uT] here's a nice one... *the Three in the morning Dress. a nice silky black, with hints of green, giving it a Spacy, Nebulous look, || alchemized with some simple work overalls... the result is 'the three in the afternoon Dress code' a far more practical set of clothing when compared to the Dress. Something you can actually wear outside*

=[|:|33] BE CarefulL...

( | w | ) *goes to gently scoop Baby up with their Onponn-arm*
That is nice. One sec. *ducks into the bathroom to put her swimsuit on under her normal outfit*

@? *considers putting out another turtle treat* @) shouldbeenoughbreakfast.
*Baby is tucked away inside their shell, not woken by the movement*
=:? ... *is kind of wishing she had a body better built for physical exertion. having a dress she can't bend in puts a damper on being able to make sand castles, or dirt castles, or to play in the lake with her waterproofed systems*

[!~T] [!_T] ... *is waiting a sec and thinking things*

0u0 do you have umbrellas Mack?

][:] Yea, but... ][(] they might be a bit, 'heavy duty'. hehe.

7B3 *and, PBJs. thats all for snack/lunch*

=[|:|33] MY TurN?

( | w | ) >: Ok; *offers Baby to Marlow, who picks them up and holds them carefully by the sides of their shell*
*Baby wakes up a little, sticking their head out to blink sleepily at the world*
[:]) Good morning, Baby.

*as she changes, she notices the "bandage"--and has a moment of hesitation about wearing the swimsuit and leaving it visible--or of taking it off for a while--but she thinks again. She can show the children there's no shame in needing mental medical care, if they notice*
[!!!] [UUU] [!UT] Onponn, do you 'need' to have yourself be plugged into the kitchen machine/alchemeter system/storage sytem? [ERR] [!uT]

=:? ... ! =:D I 'don't'! =:) *is starting to guess what Dots saw* I just need to be plugged in to let it run properly. else it doesn't work right.

0~0 Halacandrian umbrellas? 0u0

][(] yep. *takes out a thick metal shield of an umbrella, made in a land that had the occasional hot rock fall from above*

7BO ! "woh!" 7BD *is impressed by the umbrella*

=[|:|33] GooD MorninG.

( | w | ) ? *is distracted by umbrella stuff*
*pulls her dress back on over the swimsuit, makes sure everything's hanging straight (the bandage is covered again), and steps out of the bathroom* *...sees the umbrella, doesn't comment*

[:]) *sets the treat box down again* Breakfast ready when Baby wants it.
@? *looks back to see what Nyx exclaimed about*
7B3 "can I have one?"

][:] sure, i've got... 4. probably not ever going to need them for 'heavy rain' ever again. ][(] *offers the heavy weather protection device to Nyx*

0u0 *seeing you exit,* are you ready?

=[|:|33] ... CaN BabY ComE TO ThE LakE? *starts to set Bany down*

( | w | ) *is watching Baby again, wanting to see them eat*

[!UT] *is feeling really happy*

=:) Is everyone done with using the Kitchen machine, inv. screen, and alchemeter for now?
Yep, all set.

@) cool.
*Baby has withdrawn into their shell again*
[:]? Maybe should let them sleep?
=[|:|??] GuesS SO...

( | w | ) >:Tired is ok; >:I guess; ( | x | )

0u0 I think we're all set for now Onponn. thankyou. ^u^

][:] Yea, all set.

=:D Great! I'll just be a moment... =:) *starts working with the kitchen machine, trying to get a hatch open* ... alright... and... *'pop'* *Onponn rolls her grub-self out of the machine, still all curled up* =:D Now i'll be able to play in the lake and dirt properly! =:D


7Bo ? 7B? ??? "yur belly thing?" *Nyx, is very confused. he's only ever seen Onponn's grub self plugged into her larger body, and then briefly for when it was plugged into the system*
[:]) Yeah, they can have breakfast when they want to. *they like the feeling of playing parent, getting to make rules and allowances for Baby*
@? bellything? *has no idea what the grub is, having never seen it before*
[:]? *turns around so they can look at what Factor is looking at*

Now there's a thought...

((I can't remember if Sophie knew that the grub was running the kitchen machine--but at least she knows what it is, so I'm going to assume she knew it was there but wasn't expecting this to happen))
((yea, Genral had finished the Kitchen machine, connected the alchemeter, and Onponn plugged in, running a 'Test;' that created a perfectly generic object. :3 ))

=:) *sets herself down*

... *her grub-body uncurls, ready to greet the world with a smile again* =:D See? much better for running around!

7BO ! 7BD "HEEHEEhEEHEeE!" *starts to scamper around the grub*

=:o woh... I forgot how big everything was like this. =:)

][:] ... *Mack needs to process a few things, looking from Onponn, to Grub, to Nyx, Marlow & Jofie*

( | x | ) ... ! ( | W | ) >:Small enough to Pick up!;

0u0 ? *didn't know much of anything about Onponn's younger body, but she things its cute*

=[|:|3D] YaY! YouR OuT OF ThE ThinG! =[|:|33]

[!uT] Today is going to be great.
Well, back then you were pretty little... *seeing Onponn as a "kid" again is...strange*

[:]? *wandering closer, trying to figure out who this new little person is*
@? onponn?
=:D Yea!

=:) Its my main body. or, =:? is it? I think this body is my main body now. it has my 'Me' in it. =:)

=:D this one was just my first one!=:3 *Onponn join in on the scampering, happy to be able to play*


=[|:|3?] OooH... =[|:|33] *Marlow kind of gets the whole, 'new body' thing*

( | w | ) ... ? ( | x | ) *is getting confused by thoughts of what makes a body have someone's 'Me' in it*

][:] ][(] hehe. its a squishy smiley self. ][:]

^u^ it is! 0u0 0-0 ... >u< 0u0 Sophie, you knew Onponn as their 'squishy smiley self'?

[!uT] Your 'Me' is pretty.
@? istwoofyou?

I did, back when I first met her and Genral. Her... bigger body hadn't been made yet.
=:) Yea. there can be two bodies I control. =:? and more. I can control the kitchen machine when connected to it. =:)

=[|:|??] =[|:|DD] BiG MoM, NormaL MoM, AnD SmalL MoM!!!

( 0 W 0 ) >:YEA!; ( > W < )

][X] *holds back a snicker thats desperately trying to become a bout of laughter*

[!uT] towels are dried.

[/=@] *'walk' back in, not sure what they've walked in on* ?

7B3 *stops scampering, and picks up little Onponn to put her on his back&

0u0 are there any funny childhood stories?

=X) noooo...
=X) noooo...

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod