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Forums » Open worlds » The Rotones and Sophie

@/ itwasn'tverynicetohamnet.
[:]/ *nods*
Water doesn't have intention to be nice or not... Think of it like the bath. You like the bath, right? That's water, too, in a smaller amount.
@? @) yeah.
[:]? [:])
|/=@] It will be ok. We're all here.

0~0 you don't have to go in the lake if you don't want to. 0u0

=:) *speaking mostly to herself,* I'll need to see if we can get waterproofing for Jofie and Marlow...

7B? ... 7B3 *is thinking of Splashing... everyone is all right there, and it'd be real easy...*

[!~T] *the idea of the result of a possible Splash is not all the best*

][:3] Water seems to be nice to Nyx. ][(3] hehe...

=[|:|33] PreffeR PoP AnD AiR RighT NoW. PoP IS BeinG NicE.

( / w \ ) *quietly remembering about nice and good things to themselves, mostly the Butterfly Dragon* >:very very good;;;
@? *looking over at Nyx* yeah, nicetonyx...
[:]? [:]/ [:]? ...maybe to get the sticky off. Like the bath. *has finished their pop and is aware of the stickiness all over their face and hands*
Good idea. *finishing up her pop as well*
|/=^] *uncapchalogs a towel for people to dry their hands and face with if they are to lake wash*

7B3 ! *distracted by a fish, Nyx starts after it* 7BD

=[|:|o3] ... ? =[|:|P3] ... =[|:|o3] *is thinking about how tongues and water both make pop stuff go away* *the two must be related somehow*

[!uT] hehe.

=:) I can take your trash for you. *is offering to take Hamnet & Factor's Popsicle trash*

][:3] *despite having short fur, Mack seems to have 0 issues with sticky flavor syrup*

( | w | ) ... ( | x | ) >:what's sticky like?;

0~0 bogged down? restrictive? 0u0 also, good idea. Sticky isn't all that good of a feeling.
It's like if I went like this *presses her hands together* and it was hard to take them apart again.
[:]) *hands the trash to Onponn*
@? *watching Nyx. They're ready to give the lake another try...they think.*
0u0 yea, thats a better explanation.

|/=@] ][:3] *are offering their trash to Onponn, since she wants to handle it*

=:) thankyou

7B? *is thinking of trying to do Spacy stuff to pull in the fish*

=[|:|??] ... LikE GluE?

[!uT] yea, glue is a great example of sticky.

( | W | ) >: Oh, ok;
Ready to go get clean?
[:]/ *decides* [:]) Yes.
|/=^] great!

^u^ it'll just be a moment, then you'll see its not all bad. 0u0

7BO "HYAQUESKEW!" *Nyx waves his arms back, managing to cause a 9 inch fish to fly into the air, right before it swooshes right by Nyx, back into the water* 7BD ! "HEEHEEHEE!"

][(] heha!

=[|:|33] OooH...

( | W | ) >: Ooooh!;

=:? Nyx! don't be mean to the fish

[!~T] ...
Well that's one way to catch a fish.
[:]? @? ... [:]) @) *they're startled, but the generally positive reactions around them draw them in*
7B? "din't catch it though."

=[|:|33] StilL LookeD CooL.

=:| well we're not going to be trying again. if you really want to see fish up close, be nicer about it.

|/=@] *in order to help encourage Hamnet & Factor, they slowly move their 'tail-foot-thing' into the lake, keeping their cloak out of the water* |/=^]

0u0 *isn't going to step in with her shoes on, but still stands near to be ready* ^u^

][:] *doubts that Nyx would stop for long if he really wanted to do it again*

( | w | ) >:Want to see fish;

[!uT] mmmh... Fish...
*she sits at the edge of the lake and wets her hands in it*
[:]? *sits next to Sophie and tentatively copies, just putting in the tips of their fingers*
^u^ see? all good.


7B3 "eh." *is coming back to the shore*

][:] ! *is expecting Nyx to shake, and moves a bit further away*

=:| ! now Nyx, Don't shake! Jofie and Marlow don't do to well with water

( | x | ) >:Yea;;; >:besides, computer has fish looking in it; ( | w | )

=[|:|??] WateR IS KindA OK... BuT BetteR NoT TO.

[!uT] *Dots seems unconcerned about it, so everything ought to be fine*
That's it. Now go like this. *wipes her mouth with the water* To get that sticky off.
[:]) *copies the motion*
@? fishlooking?
^u^ great job! 0u0

7B3 *thinks Factor is talking to him* "fish not around shore..." 7B? "be easier to see that way."

( | w | ) >:Yea, fish looking!; >: Computer can find LOTS of fish!;

=:) you have a monitor. you can show it off if you want.

( 0 W 0 ) >: Oh yea!; ( > W < )

][:] ][(] yep. thats a fish alright.

=[|:|DD] ... =[|:|??] ... HarD TO SeE...

|/=@] |/=^] Looks nice to me.

[!uT] could we get a towel for Nyx?

|/=@] *nods, handling the situation before any shaking. Nyx accepts the towel*
@? hasareallybigmouth.
It does, compared to the rest of it.
[:]) *all clean*
( | x | ) >:Big mouth fish?; ( | w | )

][X] *snickers*

7BD "heehee!"

=[|:|??] ...

[!~T] maybe we should find less... electromagnetically active computer screens.

=:? ? ! =:| oh... =:? that might be good... *plenty of upgrades to keep in mind for everyone*

0u0 good job you two. all cleaned up. ^u^ 0u0 hows the water?

|/=@] its better now, right? |/=^]
@o evenbiggermouth!
[:]? It's okay...from here. *patting the ground*
That's a good first step.
( | W | ) *is happy that their ability to show pictures is liked*

^u^ mh-hm. you're doing great.

][:] *is feeling a little laked out*

7B3 *is not. Nyx capchalogs his towel, and heads back out into the water again* 7BD "heehee!"

=:) *figuring its a good time to introduce a possible activity,* who wants to make sandy dirt castles?

[!uT] we could make little archways tall enough for you to walk under.

=[|:|33] ThaT SoundS FuN.

|/=^] *moves out of the water. they've had enough of getting their 'tail-foot' wet for now*
[:]? [:]) Castles?
@? *ready to see something new!*
Great idea, Onponn!
=:D Thanks! we just have to... =:) *starts to get focused on pushing dirt into a little pile... her grub limbs are not all that good at dirt piling, though she could probably dig a hole easily enough*

=[|:|oD] OoooH! *Is liking this idea. Marlow gets lower to the ground, the three arms on his bottom half starting to try poking at the ground*

][:] *is scooping out a bit of a 'moat', packing the dirt in on the inner edge as he goes for a shabby wall*

( | w | ) >:mmmh;;; >:Maybe try and make grass things like what was earlier instead; *Jofie is off to form their own 'kingdom' by the grass*

0u0 that sounds nice. good luck. ^u^

|/=@] *think that a grass castle might be fun, but they want to do what Hamnet & Factor are going to do*

7B3 *is unaware of the forming kingdoms, being out swimming*

[!!!] [!U!] [!uT] little sticks and twigs can be used to make things to.

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod