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Forums » Open worlds » The Rotones and Sophie

[:]? *they can tell the adults are tense about something, but don't understand what...*

*gives Hamnet a gentle nudge* Go on, you can make sure we don't leave any of your books behind, too. That'd be a big help. We want to fill up that bookshelf in your room!

@? @) okaymommy.
[:]) *they follow Mack out*

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][:] Art, Books, Crayons... ][(] Let's come up with things going up the alphabet.

=[|:|?3] HmmM? ... DrawingS? =[|:|33]

7B? ?

( | w | ) ? *might get the idea, if it was better explained*
|8| *Leading the way to the freshly furnished downstairs, Genral overrides the door to the back room, so that the Generator, safe, & other machines can be seen. nothing inherently wrong with them...* *but there is a small hatch hidden away in the back corner of the room, locked tight*

0~0 *while Ribbon isn't very claustrophobic, the idea of going deeper underground while already in a room that's underground is a little off-putting*

[NO!] [>nE] [!nT] *Dots isn't doing to well with her face, something that Valdis notices, offering aid*

|/=@] are you ok?

[==>] [}|{] [NO!] [!nT] no... It's a bad bunker.

=:| ... I'm, sure MetalDad built it to rigorous specifications, but I'm also guessing that's not your concern. =:? MetalDad, what's in the Bunker?

|8| ... ||| FI-! ... |8| *thinking*
@? thingsupthealphabet?
[:]? *they might get it, too, with more explanation, but they don't really "get" spelling yet, for all they can recognize letters by sight*
*she doesn't love it down here either, even if she once had a basement bedroom... Dots's worry makes her worry* ...should I know something a little more specific than that before I just try opening it and seeing what's there?
][:] ah, we start with 'A', & come up with a word that starts with A. then we come up with a word that starts with 'B', then 'C', and so on. ][(]

( | w | ) >: E!;

7B? "nu. we start with A. A buncha stuff." 7B3

=[|:|??] ? UH. BirdS? *starting over has slightly confused Marlow*
|8| ||| ... |8|

=:? ... just a moment... =:? ... =8? *Onponn is communicating directly to Genral*
D8= ! NO! Bad MetalDad! ~]:[~ =Xc

=|( "sorry; Smithy here; Genral got caught up in a bit of an error, thinking that they needed to get the house ready for potentially entering the Game in the future; the bunker has a simple computer designed to run the programs; They do NOT yet have the programs though, & we can make sure it stays that way;"

|8| ? ||| Fi-fifi- |8| Gen-ral? *they don't get it*

[!nT] *is accepting a comforting arm from Valdis*

|/@~] *glaring at Genral* Why would Genral think this a necessary addition?

0-0 >n< 0n0 *doesn't like thinking of there having been a room made specifically for playing the Game, but she's sure it's just a misunderstanding*

=|/ "error is what made Genral think it; the original Smithy programmed a few specific things into Genral; & Genral was intended to self-prototype, & do other things that would eventually, ah, end Genral's ability to continue running code; But better things have happened, & now Genral is all mixed up inside about 'help to raise designated young' & 'advance growth'; A simple Wipe should clear out the bugs;"
[:]? [:]) *they think they get it, and quote the book* Big A, little a, what begins with A?


*...she thinks a few things that she shouldn't repeat. Settles on the simplest, most important thing* You can get rid of it. Do it.
][:] ][X] *it doesn't matter much any more. Mines are in sight, not much further to go*

7B3 *runs on ahead* 7BD

=[|:|33] ApplE *guess just A is going on*

( | w | ) >:Add;
=|/ "got it;" *puts hands on either side of Genral's head* =|| ...

|8| ||| Fi-fi-fi- error; |8|

=||! =XC ! D8= no?! If you wipe MetalDad, he'll not remember anything! =:( we need to do it the slow way. *Onponn doesn't want to loose her Dad* I'll get started sorting through & removing anything that could cause him to think he needs to involve the Game. =:| =8( *keeps her hands on Genral, searching through him*

0~0 mmh. *an all around unpleasant situation, but one that has been consequence free so far* well... if there's anything we can do to help, just ask us.

[!~T] Onponn is right. Genral needs help. not reset. And the. game, won't ever be running here. we just made sure of it, & we'll continue to make sure of it.

|/=@] I'll go into the bunker & double check. *Valdis goes to the hatch, starting to open it*
[:]? *still thinking about the ABC book* What's an aunt?
@? hasanalligator.


*rubs at her eyes* That's not--what I thought I was asking for. Sorry, Onponn... Can't remember ever going that long not thinking about the game; it kind of whacked me over the head.
][:] ... I think an Aunt is a human thing. 'person related to parents', or something.

( | w | ) >:Ants are little bugs that attack picnics;

=[|:|??] *hurries up a little to get in, being a little weirded out by the conversation*

*Nyx is inside*
|/=@] *carefully goes down the ladder, & out of sight down a narrow hall*

=8? its ok; its ok; ... this will take a while; I've never really gone this deep into code stuff;

|8| ...

0n0 *tries to comfort you, moving to place a hand on your shoulder* its ok.

[!~T] *is thinking things. with the number of people that the Game has effected, someone must have worked out some means of making it unable to 'fate' its way into things* *Along with people like Sylphs of Space that could help her with her face... Just, people in general that could help with the problems everyone is experiencing. but not 'Av'* ... *Dots doesn't want to think to long on it, especially considering how this particular 'version' of her self hasn't technically played the Game, & could go through it again* *even if she is confident everyone present can keep it away, a little help would be... helpful*
[:]? Which one?
@? orboth?


It is. And, it isn't. And... That's how all this is going to be.
][X] ][:] that's just a weird bit of language. some words sound like eachother.

*the Mines home. time to get pictures & keepsakes. Like maybe a couple dozen bouncy balls from the big bucket of bouncy balls that are in the system*

( | w | ) ? ... >:An Ants Aunt!; >:Hehehee!; ( ^ w ^ )

=[|:|33] KitcheN MachinE WorkS AgaiN. *with Onponn's grub slotted into place, the system is 'alive', power flowing through it*

7B3 "coupla books for you two over here." *Nyx has gone & gotten the books ready*
=8? ... |8| ...

0~0 mmh. No. it Is just Ok. worse things have happened or could have happened, & we'll get through this easily. *Ribbon is trying to speak confidently about this. Talking like 'that's just how it is' & accepting it when you can refuse it is the kind of mindset that is willing to just let things happen* 0u0

[!~T] [!uT] *Ribbon's Hopes have at least made Dots feel better about it*

|/=@] *are headed back up* Just a little room with a computer screen. I've unplugged it.
[:]) Thanks! *they go to pick up the books, and then to look around for other things to get... like the bouncy balls* @)


*takes a deep breath, and tries to see it that way. But she isn't convinced that the game won't keep sneaking up on her and everyone she cares about... a dangerous way to think in a fold, she knows* Thanks, Ribbon. *to Valdis* Good to know.
7B? ... *hmm... Somethings missing...*

][:] I can help hold stuff for you in my wallet.

=[|:|33] *just realized that they don't need to collect things for living elsewhere, and get out of the way of the system interface for Hamnet & Factor to get their things*

( | w | ) *is thinking things... it'd be good to draw later, or maybe learn some new games to play*
|/=@] *nods* *with that settled, the House is assuredly secure. Valdis starts headed upstairs to finalize their room*

^u^ your welcome. 0u0 *Ribbon is confident she's helped*

[ERR] [!_T] ... Genral might need a little help on the outside while Onponn tries to help on the inside. [!~T]

=8? ... |8| ...
[:]? *considering how much space is in their hands...* Might need to.
@) *has found the bouncy balls*
Outside help. You mean like talking to him?
][:] Its not a problem. *heads on over* Just give me stuff to hold & I'll handle it.

7B? "where's the lock thing."

( | x | ) ? ... *shrug* ( | w | ) >:I dunno;

=[|:|??] *oop. they wanted to get art stuff. they'll just use the secondary interface* =[|:|33]
[!~T] umm. yea. They've all got some unresolved issues... Helping them out would be best.

0~0 ... *doesn't like the sound of this* Only do it if you want to. I'm sure Onponn can handle it herself, even if it will take a little longer.

=8? |8| ...
[:]) *passes over the books, and then grabs a big handful of bouncy balls*
@) *has a ball too* hehe!


*it would be easy to say no, but...* Look at everything Genral's done for us. For me. If I can help, I should.
][:] *doesn't pay much mind to the missing lock. someone else probably has it* Maybe a bunch of bricks to? ][(]

7B3 *meh* *Nyx figures to just go & exercise on his fancy workout bike*

=[|:|33] ... *thinks... what to draw...*

( | x | ) ? ( | W | ) *seeing drawing stuff, a sudden spark of inspiration comes over Jofie, & he goes to get a paper & pencil for themselves*
0~0 mmh. ok. I'll be nearby just in case. *Ribbon goes to sit on the corner of the couch in the livingroom just outside the backroom*

[!uT] thanks... *pats Genral on the head, before turning to head out*

=8? ... |8| ?
@) andartstuff!
[:]) *and they're too busy to think about the lock* Yeah! *passes Mack the balls, not really waiting for him to grab them though before they let go and go back in for the blocks*
*she's not sure what to say, but then, she rarely is* *she sits on the floor near Genral and Onponn* You two doing alright?
][:] woop, *makes a quick grab, not letting them bounce* careful you don't drop anything fragile.

7B3 ...

=[|:|??] ... *hmm... art can be tricky sometimes*

( | w | ) *happily drawing*
=8? *Onponn is focusing*

|8| ... ||| textoverRide; |8| unit is suffering 0 physical damages; Instructions are currently being edited by secondary admin; error; secondary admin lacks permissions to edit instructions given by Prime Admin; |8|
@? @) oh. yeah.
[:]? [:]) *has found the blocks*


Permissions? It's your mind... in any case, assuming we're thinking about the same person, the Prime Admin isn't around anymore.
][:] *continues to act the item depository. should be great when the fancy new modus arrives at the store in a few days*

7B3 *meh. done with peddling for now, Nyx curls up for a brief rest*

=[|:|??] ... *hmm... ! The sandirt castle! that'd be a great thing to draw!* =[|:|33]

( | w | ) ... *erases a tiny bit, fixing a mistake*
|8| ... My Mind? err; ||| |8| My Mind is multicore, designed to utilize multiple intelligent presences to rapidly apply problem solving techniques.
In the event that the Prime Admin is in any state that would prevent alteration of their prior commands, Onponn may alter any low priority commands so long as evidence that she believes the Prime Admin is unavailable... |8| ... err; ||| ... |8| Onponn does not need provide evidence. Prime Admin's ~Scratching was witnessed directly.

=8? ... =8) *a little progress on Onponn's end. access to low priority commands*

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod