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[:]) @) *follow Marlow to go see the fish*
We could take another look, Nyx.
7B? "eh. maybe later." 7B3
=[|:|3D] MorE FisH! =[|:|33]
*the selection of fresh-water fish looks to be much less than the salt-water ones*
[==@] ...
0~0 oop, 0u0 *turns so she can go through the door easy as Hamnet heads through, so she doesn't have to let go of your hand, or Hamnet's hand*
][:] guess its fish now. ][:]
I guess so. *she finds Ribbon's maneuvering sweet, and follows through the door*
[:]D Fish!
@? ...notasmanyinhere.
7B? "still fish though. an some kinda shrimpy looking thing sitting in the mud. 7B3 "an that one looks like the one we saw at the lake." 7B3
=[|:|DD] OooH!
][:] well, lakes are smaller than the sea, so guess it makes sense that there would be fewer types of fish.
0u0 ooh! and theres a turtle to ^u^
[==@] *enter once everyone is in, stopping the holding open of the door*
[:]D It is the one at the lake!
@? turtle?
Right there, that little green one with the hard shell.
7BD "hehe, he-" 7Bo ? ... 7BO "that fish has whiskres!" 7BD
][:] uh, yea. its a cat-fish. ][:]
=[|:|DD] ! TherE IS A FavoritE CombinatioN AnimaL ThinG! =[|:|DD]
^u^ HeehehahaHa! 0~0 ^u^
[@==] ...
Haha! Good point, Marlow!
[:]o [:]D Catfish!
@) hehe!
7B3 "hehe." 7B3
=[|:|33] NoT AS ColorfuL AS ThE OtheR FisH TanK. =[|:|33]
][:] ... *has seen enough fish for a while*
0u0 do you see any fish that you think might be your favorites in here? 0u0
[==@] ...
[:]? [:]) No. The colorful ones before were better.
@) buttheturtleiscool. itsticksoutofitsshelllikefactorinhamnet.
Huh... So it does.
0u0 your right, it does. ^u^ great observation. 0u0 if your not seeing anything extra special, then maybe we should go see the otters soon.
[==@] thebearsarebeforetheotters. [=@=]
0u0 oh, ok. thanks 0u0
][:] if we want to see more pond fish, we'll just go to the pond near our place. ][:]
7BD "yea! an swim about in it! can't swim in these tanks." 7B? 7B3
=[|:|33] BearS SoundS InterestinG.
[:]? [:]) Bears?
@? otters? @) *is still watching the turtle*
*is glad that Nyx has accepted that these tanks aren't for swimming in*
0u0 bears are animals with a surprisingly strong affinity with nature. I've seen a wide variety of bears before, though I suspect that these bears are normal ones. 0u0
][(] and otters are neat little guys who look cute and have fun. though like Ribbon, I suspect the otters here are different than the fire otters i've seen. ][(]
7BD "Otters sounds cool" 7B3
=[|:|33] GuesS ThereS LotS OF PlacE IN SpacE. =[|:|33] =[|:|3D] AnD ThaT MeanS LotS OF AnimalS TO =[|:|3D]
[==@] ... [@==] ...
Yeah. Honestly I'm surprised that the animals we've seen here so far have all been ones I find familiar. Maybe the bigger zoo has animals from other planets...
[:]o [:]) Other planets?
@) wouldbecool.
[==@] theinformationdidsaythiszoowassupposedlymore,'traditional'. [=@=]
0u0 we'll go and see the other one some day. ^u^ it probably does have animals from all kinds of places and spaces. hehe. 0u0
][:] *goes to get the door for everyone* ][:]
7B3 "thank." 7B3
=[|:|DD] OtheR PlaneT StufF WoulD BE GreaT =[|:|33]
*she wonders what makes Earth "traditional", and again wonders where exactly this place is, but doesn't feel like getting into it now*
@) onwego.
7B3 *heads out first, with marlow close behind* =[|:|33]
0u0 *Ribbon turns to let Hamnet and Factor go out next, with the darkmatter taking the back* [=@=]
][(] *lets the door close once everyone is out* ][:]
*right outside to the right is where the bears are being kept*
7Bo ? 7B? 7B3 "look kinda weird when compared tu the other big cats." 7B3
=[|:|o?] =[|:|o3] OooH, ThaT OnE IS StandinG! =[|:|33]
@? they'redifferentfromthecats.
[:]? They're... thicker. And, no tails.
Good points, you two. They have a tiny little tail, actually. Kind of hard to see.
7B? 7B/ 7B3 "yea, your right. bears are just bears. not anothr big cat." 7B3
=[|:|33] LooK PrettY BiG. =[|:|33]
][:] yea, bears are bears. and you've got to be sure to respect that. when you've camped out as much as me, you learn about bears. ][(] hehe.
[==@] ...
0u0 they also like to eat honey. ^u^ or at least most do. 0u0
In that, I have something in common with them.
[:]) That one's taking a nap!
@) likenyxdoes!
^u^ maybe we could have honey toast with tonight's meal.
7B? "An like YU! I'm not the only one who naps. everyone naps at bed time." 7BP
][:] Nyx, you nap alot. that is something you do. *subtle sarcasm*
7BP "PthhhHH!" 7B?
=[|:|3?] NothinG WronG WitH NyX NapS. =[|:|33]
[@==] ...

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