-After Leaving the Hive of Hobbe's associates after reassuring them that hobbes was still alive after the attack. Daxton made his way back to the secure location where he had hidden his ship. When back on board, he brought up the files on his next target "Maxele"....and sent Kentlr a message to show hobbes (since he had taken away hobbes communications devices while she was in hiding) about how her partners had been informed and warned-
Her home address was brought up, along with other tidbits of information. If she engaged in illegal activity, she was more subtle than Zasten as she had no criminal charges on file. There were a few places she was known to hang out at... favorite restaurants, stores, her friends... Zasten was listed there, along with someone by the name of Fitzer and Vinent, the latter of which was listed as a person of particular interest... Her interests included politics, she regularly attended The Church, and was occasionally known to skateboard. It seemed like there were a couple of times that she had retrieved Zasten from jail, and regularly harassed lowbloods, though it seemed far more lowkey. Her lusus, a basilisk, was still alive, though she made no attempt to keep it around the hive as its gaze was not conducive to having friends over, and her strife specibus was knifekind.
CC: Thanks h*n
CC: I really appre(iate it
CC: I'm sure they did t**
CC: Thanks h*n
CC: I really appre(iate it
CC: I'm sure they did t**

-You set your ships course back to alternia, plotting it to stop just outside town where her hive was located it. Along the way you also see if the Enforcer database had any information on that "Vinent" character, so you could see why they were flagged as a person of particular importance and if they might be used to get at Maxele. You were glad you wouldn't have to deal with the Lusi...they always tended to make things more complicated then they needed to be-
Vinent was the apparent leader of the small group. Mr. Daelor had a couple of hives on record, multiple chumhandles, and a penchant for burner phones on occasion. Yvicke was seen at his hive fairly often, which seemed to be one of his preferred places to host events... Despite his blood caste, his feelings about the church were lukewarm at best, though he was fond of consuming sopor.
He'd also been less active recently, hunting, which was as often the truth as it was a cover for other activities.
He'd also been less active recently, hunting, which was as often the truth as it was a cover for other activities.
-If you couldn't find Maxele at her hive, then you would go visit this Vinnet character to see if you could find any information there. Even if you did find maxele you would likely visit Vinnet afterwards as they seemed your clearest lead so far towards your overall target of Yvicke...the troll pulling all the strings. Regardless though...one future corpse at a time...looking back over your information on Maxele you started to form a plan.-
-It seemed like her ties to the church were your best bet in getting close to her...she was too smart for the trick you had used on the other one, so you'd need to go a little subtler. So going back to your computer you pull up any information you can on the church in this area, and who seemed to be incharge of this branch-
-It seemed like her ties to the church were your best bet in getting close to her...she was too smart for the trick you had used on the other one, so you'd need to go a little subtler. So going back to your computer you pull up any information you can on the church in this area, and who seemed to be incharge of this branch-
The church she happened to attend was a relatively small one, set on the edge of town in an area that seemed decent enough. It also happened to be a particularly aggressive group of trolls that attended services, and there was a small cult that was connected. Whether or not Maxele was a part of this cult was unknown, but the pastor of this church was a troll named Jhonen Sprick. Listed were the official times that service was held, and some vague, half typed set of instructions of how to figure out when the times that the cult met were.
It honestly seemed that the person who had typed up that bit was either under a lot of pressure, such as in the process of dying. And there were also bits that seemed as if a clown at some point had gotten ahold of whatever device it had been typed with, and added some of their own addendums. But it was really hard to tell, and if there were cryptographers responsible for sorting the entire fiasco out, they had not yet gotten to this particular file.
Jhonen's file was, similarly, a mess. At this particular point in time, it seemed primarily composed of pictures of faygo and bloodstaind documents. Complete with bits that had been scratched out in black sharpie. Several seemed to be of the same document, with a mishmash of symbols that changed place depending on the picture, and there was reference to a book that refused to be photographed, and many times even to be looked at.
There were some bits of legible information, though. The address of the church, Jhonen's age and a rough estimate of his overall standing amongst the mirthful messiahs... Which seemed medium high. The name of his ancestor, which had been redacted, and apparently, he had a fondness for winter. But that was about all.
It honestly seemed that the person who had typed up that bit was either under a lot of pressure, such as in the process of dying. And there were also bits that seemed as if a clown at some point had gotten ahold of whatever device it had been typed with, and added some of their own addendums. But it was really hard to tell, and if there were cryptographers responsible for sorting the entire fiasco out, they had not yet gotten to this particular file.
Jhonen's file was, similarly, a mess. At this particular point in time, it seemed primarily composed of pictures of faygo and bloodstaind documents. Complete with bits that had been scratched out in black sharpie. Several seemed to be of the same document, with a mishmash of symbols that changed place depending on the picture, and there was reference to a book that refused to be photographed, and many times even to be looked at.
There were some bits of legible information, though. The address of the church, Jhonen's age and a rough estimate of his overall standing amongst the mirthful messiahs... Which seemed medium high. The name of his ancestor, which had been redacted, and apparently, he had a fondness for winter. But that was about all.
-Daxton looked up a quirk map of the town and found the location of an abandoned hive. Then taking it's location he began to forge a document from the desk of the church to be sent to maxele. Dictated from the upper levels of the mirthful messiahs themselves above the leader of the local church without having to name any exact names and therefore a quirk-
-Daxton inserted the address of the abandoned hive he had found, citing it as a possibly known mutant hideout where a culling was ordered by the church. Discretion was also asked of her on the subject though, because a sympathiser was suspected in the church hence why the mutants had lasted this long. The letter would then go on to state she had been cleared as not the traitor and that she would be the one asked to carry out their righteous judgment, and to go their immediately to carry it out as a service to the messiahs themselves-`
`-After typing this out, daxton would print it....add some clown marks and grab a bottle of faygo from his freezer to stain it with he kept just for occasions like this. Then, using his on ship sendificator....he set it to arrive on her doorstep in half a days time....plenty of time to allow him to set up what he needed to in order to capture her-
-Daxton inserted the address of the abandoned hive he had found, citing it as a possibly known mutant hideout where a culling was ordered by the church. Discretion was also asked of her on the subject though, because a sympathiser was suspected in the church hence why the mutants had lasted this long. The letter would then go on to state she had been cleared as not the traitor and that she would be the one asked to carry out their righteous judgment, and to go their immediately to carry it out as a service to the messiahs themselves-`
`-After typing this out, daxton would print it....add some clown marks and grab a bottle of faygo from his freezer to stain it with he kept just for occasions like this. Then, using his on ship sendificator....he set it to arrive on her doorstep in half a days time....plenty of time to allow him to set up what he needed to in order to capture her-
It seemed like everything was in order, then, and all he would have to do was wait...
Hobbes was, meanwhile, experiencing some medical complications. It was to be expected with the wound she had suffered, but it was still a horrible experience for her bloodpusher to seize up and cease beating.
Hobbes was, meanwhile, experiencing some medical complications. It was to be expected with the wound she had suffered, but it was still a horrible experience for her bloodpusher to seize up and cease beating.
-Landing his ship, daxton would land outside the building...then gathering some supplies from his cargo-bay and freezer....he'd head in and start making his preparations-
-Kentler looked over hobbes and took her vitals to check her condition and state of recovery. Sensing that something might be the matter he looked her over with a slight expression of concern before speaking-
"so...uh, how ya feeling? Heard back from daxton at all on his crazy murder quest?"
"so...uh, how ya feeling? Heard back from daxton at all on his crazy murder quest?"
Hobbes was... not doing to well. She was perfectly still, for one thing, and for another... the display showing her heartrate had turned into a flat line. She made no response to the inquiry.
-grabbing a shot from the table, kentlr rips open hobbes shirt and pops it through the skin of hobbes chest to inject some adrenaline directly into hobbes heart to attempt to get it pumping again-
-grabbing a shot from the table, kentlr rips open hobbes shirt and pops it through the skin of hobbes chest to inject some adrenaline directly into hobbes heart to attempt to get it pumping again-
When the adrenaline hit her heart, Hobbes immediately gasped for air, her heart beating erratically.
-kentler applied a mild general anesthetic to her iv, as well as a more powerful local one near but not directly at her heart, hoping to use it to calm her some again and get her heartbeat back to a normal rhythm-
It took a minute for the anesthetic to start working... but then her heartbeat began returning to normal.
"Fuck that hurt," Hobbes muttered softly, eyelids getting heavy with the anesthetic in her system. She then mumbled something else, but it was less than coherent.
"Fuck that hurt," Hobbes muttered softly, eyelids getting heavy with the anesthetic in her system. She then mumbled something else, but it was less than coherent.
-you breathe a deep sigh of relief...they were alive...that was good. You'd have to keep a closer eye on them from now on. So sticking to hobbes side, you wait for them to wake back up. Monitoring their vitals carefully-
With all the sedative now in your system and the recent strain, you stay asleep for quite a few hours, just resting and healing. It is a deep, dreamless sleep, which is probably for the best.
You wake up again almost a whole day later, still sore, but thankfully alive. You do feel /very/ disoriented, though, and your heartrate spikes while you try and figure out where you are, and how the hell to get out.
Thankfully, you don't actually act on this yet, just bring up the map in your eyes which is worryingly incomplete...
Maxele waited until night had fallen before driving to the hive that had been indicated, car slowing down without stopping to check out the hive.
You wake up again almost a whole day later, still sore, but thankfully alive. You do feel /very/ disoriented, though, and your heartrate spikes while you try and figure out where you are, and how the hell to get out.
Thankfully, you don't actually act on this yet, just bring up the map in your eyes which is worryingly incomplete...
Maxele waited until night had fallen before driving to the hive that had been indicated, car slowing down without stopping to check out the hive.
-walking in as the monitors in the other rooms beep slightly with the increased brain activity indicating hobbes being conscious. You go to check the displays on the machines around them for their vitals-
"morning sleeping beauty, welcome back to the land of the living. Daxton would have killed me if you went under on my watch.....your heart rate still seems a tad high though...we may need to adjust your medications"
"morning sleeping beauty, welcome back to the land of the living. Daxton would have killed me if you went under on my watch.....your heart rate still seems a tad high though...we may need to adjust your medications"
-The hive seemed quiet as one might expect a hideout or abandoned hive to be, the only unsettling thing about it appeared to be a rust red stain smeared across one of the windows, that one might easily miss if they passed by it too quickly-
"No, don't give me any more sedative," she told him, voice slurred from the drugs already in her system. "Jus' give me a minute; got concerned I'd been kidnapped again." She paused a minute, closing her eyes. "'m not kidnapped, right? Daxton's ok and you're not going to, like, put me through some fuckin' ridiculous test or whatever? 'Cause I really 'm not up for doin' that again and I will bust down /all/ the fuckin' doors," they rambled. Though even as Hobbes spoke, their heart rate normalized.
Maxele parked down the street, shut off her car and put the keys in her pocket before approaching the hive to check it out. There was a certain nervousness to her movements, a briskness that signaled she was on edge.
Maxele parked down the street, shut off her car and put the keys in her pocket before approaching the hive to check it out. There was a certain nervousness to her movements, a briskness that signaled she was on edge.
Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod