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- ( = ) Grabbed up the pieces of it's broken commerade, and swiftly dived off the side of the highway with them, quickly scampering out of sight-

-The more clowney one waited a few moments for the mannequins to get clear, and then with a nod from the quiet one, he stepped on the pedal, the truck lurching forward, not towards nietve....more towards khamir and the car...on a direct collision course-

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"One way or another, yes," Khamir answered, and then hung up. He quickly adjusted the settings on his laser, switching the light spectrum from doing piercing damage, to a simple high powered light. Without question, it would blind a person looking directly at it for at least a few minutes. Through a windshield, it might be slightly less devastating, but not by much. Hopefully, it would be enough.

He shined it directly at the driver's side in the big rig.

Nietve was not about to let Swaije get run over, no matter what plan Khamir had concocted. Not over his dead body. He jumped, the injury on his leg not letting him get as high as he was normally capable, but it was still enough. He landed heavily on the roof of the cab, and began attempting to punch his way through the top.
-Between the surprise passenger, and the sudden laser in his eyes. The driver of the big rig momentarily lost control. Momentarily however, was enough to drive the big rig off the edge of the highway, and straight into one of the building nearby....with Nietve still on it-
Nietve didn't have time to react; when the big rig went off the highway, so did he. That was all Khamir and Swaije were able to witness as the building crumbled into rubble and dust, obscuring anything else that might have happened inside.

That was all Swaije needed to see; immediately, she screamed, "NO!" and went to run off after him, if not for Khamir catching her arm. Swaije glared at him darkly, and opened her mouth to speak, but Khamir cut her off first.

"I'll go and get him, but I need you to stay here with the car for when Daxton gets here. I'm more suited for combat than you are."

"If you let that, that monster take him and, and do whatever horrible things he did to those... mannequins," she said venomously, "I swear by the Pink Goddess, you will regret /ever/ crossing paths with me."

"The two of you are my responsibility; I would sooner die than let that happen," Khamir told her, and then ran off to the crash.
-it was only a minute or two later that daxton's ship was touching down on what remained of the highway. Daxton leapt off the lowering vehicle ramp and made his way over to Swaije in the car. His eyes swept over the wreck of his car with a frown, as well as around the battlefield and all the damage to it that had taken place before his eyes fell on the girl, a genuine look of concern playing across his brow (even if his shades might hide it unless she was very perceptive)- "Where is your partner and Khamir, good gods are you alight? Do you need medical attention or help back to the ship?"
Swaije jumped; she had been sitting in the passenger seat when Daxton got there, but very quickly stood up. She had been lost in thought, a frown on her face. Now, she looked a little frightened, but the events of the day drowned out her general fear of Daxton by comparison.

Besides which, he really did sound concerned.

"I'm not hurt, but Nietve and the big rig both crashed into that building over there. Khamir told me I should stay while he went and looked for him in case the clowns survived the crash." She wrapped her arms around her belly and bit her lip. "But he and Khamir both got pretty hurt during the fight, and the clowns just stayed in the car. I don't know if Khamir and Nietve could handle another fight with them."

Swaije was beginning to tremble, thinking of what could have happened, or what might be happening now. "I shouldn't have let him go alone."

Hobbes had come out with him, and it was at this point that her phone went off. She looked at the screen for a second before walking over to he and Swaije. "I think you should see this."

She had the vine Bontai had just posted pulled up.
Daxton took this all in with a sigh "Yes I've heard of "that" lot before.....and I'll have to have a word with Khamir about leaving his charge unattended yes, that wasn't good of him"

Walking over towards the edge of the highway daxton peered over the part that had been destroyed by the big rig. Scanning the ground below for movement with his shades in an effort to locate Khamir or Nietve.

"Swaije, you should go back to the ship. Hobbes can you escort her and start getting from her a full account of what happened? I'd like to know what we're dealing with here. I'll go down and start looking for Khamir and Nietve, make sure they haven't found more trouble"
"Sure," Hobbes said, and Swaije's shoulders relaxed some at the promise of safety. She was still beyond worried about Nietve, and even Khamir, but had faith that Daxton and Hobbes would make sure things turned out ok. And, this way she could at least do something useful... she'd done just about nothing to contribute to the fight, and was beginning to feel some shame in that now that things felt more under control. "I'll message you if I find out anything pertinent; contact me if you need anything. You've got your guns, but mine are better at moving rubble."

Hobbes smiled at him playfully, and then guided Swaije onto the ship.

Down below, dust was still settling making it hard to make anything out. But Daxton's eyesight could make out rubble shifting through the haze. It could have been bits and pieces still crumbling, but it was a pretty good bet that at least one person was still alive down there.
Noting the movement of rubble, daxton quickly went to investigate. Pulling out a grappling hook from his strife specibi, he used it to propel himself quickly down the side of the highway towards the wreckage

Upon landing, he stowed the grappling hook, and drew a set of his pistols. Calling khamir up on his shades.

"What your position, I'm on site"
"We're just inside the entrance," Khamir answered, sounding strained. "No clowns or mannequins, but Nietve's partially buried under this rubble. I've almost got him out. Did you find Swaije alright?"

It looked like a few minutes ago, this had been a convenience store. Now... it was very clear a big rig had gone right through the middle of it. It wasn't hard to figure out where Khamir was; small clouds of being dust were rising up as he moved bits and pieces of the building out of the way.
-Daxton eased a "bit" and strode up alongside khamir, checking out the damage, and looking for signs of Nietve-

The store was wrecked... a big rig had rammed right through it, after all. The ceiling was cracked and cracking further, sending down small showers of dust. Khamir had already removed the worst of the debris from Nietve, but a heavy shelving unit had fallen on him, effectively pinning the unconscious indigoblood down.

It was hard to see exactly how damaged Nietve was with the dust and debris that was still coating him, but there was a large amount of indigo blood pooling underneath his left leg. Not enough to be fatal, but if left unattended, there would be severe consequences.

"Yeah." Khamir's voice was terse, pained. "Two trolls in a big rig, and three mannequins that were able to /drive/." Beyond being in pain, he sounded annoyed. He was still salty over how long it had taken him to relearn how to drive, and here were mannequins of all things able to force him into a crash. "Help me move this?"

He grabbed on to one side of the shelving unit holding Nietve down, ready to get it out of the way.
"I've heard of at least one of the trolls in the big rig, your a vine star now by the way.....The other troll, I've heard rumors of but not much in solid facts"
Daxton took the other side of the shelving unit, and helped to heave it off of the unconcious Indigo blood.
"Sorry about your cheek by the way, how's it feeling?"
"Great," Khamir said softly, displeased about the vine thing. It was entirely possible that Caelyn was going to see it, and freak out. Not that Daxton knew about that. "The cheek aches, but I've been through much worse; some stitches, and it won't be anything I can't handle." Between the two of them, lifting the shelving unit was manageable. Nietve was still through it all, still out cold. His chest rose and fell with breath, though; he was still alive. "I, uh, I'd be a little more concerned about your car." Khamir winced apologetically, kneeling down to pick up Nietve. He put him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry.
"I'm less concerned about my car, and more concerned over what could have happened to Swaije just sitting around alone in the wreck of it,....all alone, if more clowns had shown up while you were down here"
*Daxton remarked rather pointedly. He knew that khamir had just gone down to make sure Nietve was alright. However that didn't excuse abandoning the primary mission objective, and was something to be heavily frowned upon*
Khamir's lips pursed a bit, but he wasn't about to defend his actions. It was against protocol, and Daxton was right. He took the phrasing as confirmation that Swaije was, in fact, ok, but all the same.

"That won't happen again."

For many reasons, but Khamir trusted that Daxton knew what he meant.
*That was enough for Daxton, this time. He knew Khamir was a good man, and trusted he had his reasons for his actions. With his word, Daxton felt pretty good he didn't need to press the matter further*

*They made their way back up to where the ship was parked up on the highway. Taking the long way this time, as using the grappling hook was rather out of the question with a large Indigo blood on their backs*
"Hobbes, gonna need medical for two out here. Nietve's down and bleeding pretty bad....and if Khamir's cheek isn't tended too soon, I imagine he'll be joining the Indigo blood soon with the amount of blood that thing is leaking*
Swaije was talking with Hobbes, who had her laptop out. From the rapid sound of her typing, it sounded like Hobbes was copying down what Swaije was saying verbatim.

However, as Daxton, Khamir, and Nietve came in, Swaije stopped midsentence. She rushed over to Nietve, very nearly getting in Khamir's way as he tried to set Nietve down on the couch.

"I can heal this," Swaije said, though she was biting her lip with concern as she examine Nietve's wound. "I just need, um..." she fiddled with her sylladex before finding a cloth already marked with a sigil, putting it under Nietve's injury. She closed her eyes and crossed her hands over it, and under her focused attention, the sigil began to glow and Nietve began to heal.

Hobbes, however, made no move to get up. She seemed unable to, transfixed by the blood dripping down Khamir's face.

Khamir himself looked confused by this, turning to Daxton. "Um..?" He wasn't annoyed yet, but if Hobbes decided she wasn't going to help because he was an Enforcer or something, he was going to be. At the moment, he was giving her a temporary benefit of the doubt because just blank staring was so far outside of Hobbes' normal behavior.
*It took Daxton but a moment to figure out why Hobbes was reacting how she was. In response he walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Leaning in to whisper softly in their ear. Adopting a comforting tone as he spoke*

"I know how it looks....but he is not her. She is gone. Judge him by his actions and not his blood....and what his actions did was keep one of our friend alive today. I'd trust him to have my back, if that counts for anything here"
Hobbes flushed very lightly, but nodded. "Yeah... you're right." She took a breath before getting up, offering the chair to Khamir as she got out the things she would need to clean up the wound and then stitch it closed. Among the supplies was a container of mild numbing agent to help with the pain. Less visibly, she adjusted the filters on her eyes to make the blood look less blue, and more teal.

Her fingers worked quickly and efficiently to get the area clean and stop the bleeding, surprisingly gentle for her strength. The numbing agent definitely helped, anyway. She was about halfway through swabbing it on Khamir's cheek when Swaije opened her eyes and spoke up.

"I can heal that, too," she told them. Now that Nietve was taken care of and safe, she seemed a lot more calm. "It'll still scar a bit, but it'll be done."

Seeing how Swaije had healed Nietve's leg so easily, Khamir nodded. It seemed like only a minute passed before he was fine again after Swaije worked her magic. The scar left was noticeable, but not overly distracting.

"I want to thank you," Hobbes told him when they were finished, "for getting Nietve and Swaije here safely. I wasn't expecting them to be followed by trolls that skilled."

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod