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Hobbes smirked a little, fondly. "You wanna talk about the annoying flirty type... I've known Dhi to flirt with anything that moves. And her electric psionics; she'll take every chance she gets to use them."

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"oh don't think?"
She snickered and leaned her cheek on his shoulder. "He better watch out if they are."
"gods...from what I've heard of her...and what I know of him...that mental image will scar me worse than any of the torture over the last couple days"

"And if we're going over there to pick him up, there's a slight chance she'll be there too," Hobbes grinned.

"if she is sure you can handle that? Or should I not mention you if I do see her"

-a few hours later they were touching down outside the concealed entrance to valorn's hive- "alright, he should be out shortly"

Hobbes had fallen asleep for a good portion of that, the events of the day having already worn her out. But as the ship landed, she woke up, and attempted to blink the sleep from her eyes with a nod. "Alright."
-Daxton helped her up, and was quick to see how her bandages and bindings were holding up after the trip-
Hobbes accepted his help, leaning on him slightly for support.

The stitches Kentlr had given her earlier had been strained when she had put on clothes, but it helped that she had taken off her bra before taking that nap. She considered putting it back on now... but for once, decided that it wasn't worth it.

"I'm fine, love. Really; it just aches a bit." She paused for a second before continuing. "And... I never really did thank you for all that you're doing for me, with this. I want you to know just how much I appreciate it; you saving my life, and taking me to Kentlr, and helping me with Maxele and Zasten. You've done so much for me that you didn't have to, and I truly am grateful."
"don't. You're my closest friend. It's what I do"

-With that, you help hobbes over to someplace that will be of better support for her. Then with a nod to her, you make your way over to the entrance of the ship to meet your contact and bring him aboard-
You get out your cane, and wait patiently.
-you return shortly with another troll in a strange purple and green outfit chuckling behind you-
"alright, so how many rotters? Were do I bash there heads in? what mess is bad enough that you actually called me? And WHO is that lovely creature leaning on the wall over there?"

*You smile with a sly wink at the female. As usual daxton hadn't given you much information on what he needed from you, but he was a hard one to say no to. At least this time it would seem he brought some eye candy to make things more interesting. You chuckle to yourself and glance back to make sure lyrica was still following you*
Lyrica was there, looking at the other two trolls with interest. They both seemed very unlike the people Valorn usually associated with, and Daxton's cool demeanor was a sharp contrast to Valorn's flirty, easy going one. And then there was the female troll, also dressed very formally, and with those holes in her horns and the scars.

(Why were both of them dressed like this if they were going to go kill zombies. Lyrica didn't understand)

Not to mention that both had their eyes covered. It was a little spooky.

With hair covering half of Hobbes' face the way it was, her expression was very difficult to read. She did not find the comment flattering, and skipped right past it, but Daxton could probably tell that she had rolled her eyes.

"We're going to an abandoned Church of the mirthful messiahs," Hobbes told him. "There's a flashdrive there I need to retrieve, but there are zombies there and rumors that a necromancer used to be involved. We didn't think it would be wise to go alone. I'm Hobbes, by the way."

She offered him a handshake.
-Daxton looked like he was immediately regretting arranging this meeting. Half wondering in his head if there was some way he could have put it off longer. Rubbing the side of his temple slightly as if a headache was brewing-
"oooh, sounds like a party. I get to bash dead-heads and a necromancer? Alright Daxy-Boy, you got yourself a hunter"

-Valorn firmly shook her hand, keeping up his smile and seemingly genuinely thrilled at the idea of a decent fight-
'Daxy-Boy'. You don't comment, but your lips do quirk in amusement. You hadn't thought a person existed that was comfortable enough to call Daxton such things, and you definitely decide to tease him about it later.

"Good, I'm glad," you answer. "Normally I'd join myself... but I'm not permitted under current circumstances."

"Oooh, maybe there'll even be some other ghosts around!" Lyrica says, rather excited at the prospect. Hopefully nice ghosts, the kind she could get along with. It would be nice to meet one.
"one moment guys, I need to appear to be talking to myself for a moment for complicated reasons I don't think you want me to waste time explaining right now"

-Valorn turns around to face lyrica-

"only if the ghosts are here on this ship...and gods knows with daxton thats a possibility...because if theres a necromancer around this is where your staying. Last thing I need is him getting his paws on and twisting your sould around for his bidding"
"he does that...he see's "ghosts" if you believe in that sort of thing"
"I deal with them on a near daily basis... they're just usually more visible. And annoying."

While Hobbes spoke, Lyrica pouted. "That's not gonna happen..."

Sassy came out to bring Valorn a freshly killed scrap of plaid. She was tired of guarding Maxele, who didn't seem to be doing much anyway, and she liked Valorn, which was why the scrap even had a little bit of gold on it. He had lots of tasty magic things to eat.
-Valorn pat's the lizards head and accepts the scrap happily. Putting it into his pocket for good luck-

"ahhh there's my favorite girl, I was wondering where you were hiding at. I brought you a treat"

-Reaching into the other pocket of his coat, valorn pulled out an old troll-Egyptian ankh, and placed it on the ground in front of sassy-

"that was cursed two thousand years ago by an old pharow of the 12 niles, on full moons it still bleeds with the blood of the slave lowbloods that built his temples"

-Then ignoring lyrica's protests, he took off the ash-vile pendent from his neck and handed it over to hobbes-

"would you mind looking after this for me while daxton and I are out at the party? It's very precious to me and I don't want it getting broken. Oh...and if you see any spirit's while wearing it....ignore their protests to be brought outside. It's for their own good if they don't want to be grounded"
-Daxton cocked an eyebrow at the vile but did not question it. He was more concerned about the ankh-

"you know I'm all for you feeding sassy the artifacts you can't dispose of....but you also know the rules against bringing cursed objects aboard my ship"
You accept the pendant, putting it in your pocket for safe keeping. You are starting to see some similarities between Valorn and Daxton, though. However unlikely you would have thought that would be.

"No problem. I don't plan on leaving the ship either."

And, of course, now that you are holding the pendant, you can see the ghost. Which is kinda nice; as long as she's not evil, it might be good to have some company.

Sassy happily accepted the ankh, warming up pleasantly as she laid down on Valorn's shoes to chew on it. Probably not enjoyable for the spirit trapped inside, but Sassy sure seemed to like it. Already the corner was melting down.

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod