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Forums » Open worlds » Main Universe RP "The Hunt"

"aw come on daxy boy, the cursed ones are her favorite" -The green blooded trolls replied with a slight grin, letting the lizard lay there as long as she didn't drip hot molten gold onto him-

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-rolling your eyes behind your shades, you walk back over to the command console and insert the church's coordinates-

"by flight, it's about 20 minutes out. Quick, so be prepared"
"Would it be alright if I used one of your computers to print off some documents? There are some forms that will need to be filled out, and an email I'll need to send," Hobbes said. "I was hoping to do that while you and Valorn are out."

This was why Valorn was Sassy's favorite uncle. She switched to chewing on his shoe a little with affection.

Lyrica made a little whine of discontent. "Pleeeeeeeeeeease take me with you I reeeeeeeeeally don't wanna just be stuck here while Hobbes does paperwork. It's gonna be so boring and I promise I won't get in the way."

"Well I did figure maybe we could watch a movie too..." Hobbes added, softly.
-you titter a bit-

"careful sending emails. Your still in the dark till we get that usb. If it's really necessary to send them, I have an encrypting program...but if you can help it. Try not to"
"see you'll have movies, and a new friend to talk to [spoilers]"pester"[/spoilers]. You'll be fine. So yes Lyrica your staying"

"plus sassy will enjoy the company"
"Oh no, you're too cute." That titter was just plain adorable, and hearing it makes you smile. "And yeah, unfortunately it is necessary. But I'll be careful."

At Valorn's feet, Sassy had successfully eaten the spirit out of the ankh, and now it was warped into her own shape from the heat. Almost unrecognizable. It was hard to say whether the drop of melted gold she got on his shoe was because she wasn't paying attention, or because she was a pain in the ass lizard who had no intention of being left behind.

Meanwhile, Lyrica pouted at him. "Fine... I'll stay. But next time you better take me with you."
-You looked mildly shocked that this troll had gotten away with calling daxton cute and hadn't been shot. She really must be something special. You nod to Lyrica and pick up sassy, placing her on your hat-
"almost there anyways. However is staying or going figure it out now, we'll be landing in a few minutes"
Sassy was heavy enough to squish the hat, and swished her tail in front of Valorn's face while she tried to get balanced again. Hitting him in the nose several times.

"How are you even gonna watch a movie with all that hair in your face anyway," Lyrica grumbled at Hobbes. Really, she was skeptical that the two of them had movies at all. It was impossible to imagine either of them watching anything worthwhile. She was probably just going to get stuck watching some boring documentary, or worse.

Hobbes ignored the question in favor of answering Daxton. "The ghost and I are staying here, and you too are definitely going... so I suppose all that leaves is whether or not you want to take Sassy. And, I feel that it's worth mentioning, she loves harassing ghosts."

Sassy perked up at the mention of her name.
"given the unknown nature of the magic we are facing, I feel it might be wise to bring her along if she would like. Plus it seems she's already found an appropriate perch"
-hats could be fixed, and you didn't really mind the nose baps. You've had far worse done to your nose. You couldn't count the number of times dhioni's had to set it back in place after you've broken it. It was half a wonder you still had a nose at all-
"I'd say so," Hobbes said with a little smile. It certainly didn't hurt that this meant Sassy wouldn't have the opportunity to set her papers on fire.

Valorn got a lick on the forehead from the lizard, and Lyrica sighed. Damn lizard got to go but not her what was this. "Promise you'll call if anything bad happens and you need us?" She really was worried about his safety and wellbeing. What if something happened and Valorn got hurt or something.
-valorn made a half-listening confirmation noise as the ship landed, quick to get outside and avoid the question the ghost had asked-
"we'll be back soon, I'll watch the two of them"

-You told hobbes, and what other impossible entities just also happened to be around and listening. Before ducking out yourself to follow valorn. You still had a long night ahead of you if you were going to retrieve that harddrive. Just to be safe, as you leave you set the ships deffenses to lock out any other intruders besides hobbes-
Lyrica was a little mollified, but still pouting when they left.

Not too far away, was the church. This Dark Carnival was small compared to the sprawling grounds found within the inner city. Only three tents, with a handful of flickering lights strung between them. Of course, these lights barely illuminated anything; the spatters of fluid on the sides of the tents were more visible than the purple and black striped structures themselves. The pale glow of the green moon was the best light source they had, the angle of it casting long shadows with a sickly hue.

Of course, that's to say nothing of the pink and purple light flashing from behind a gap in the tent flap. While the other tents were dark, the middle one, the largest, silently flickered on the inside.
-Daxton didn't like this....for a place that was supposed to be abandoned, lights were not a good side. He drew his pistols, loading a silencer and tranq darts into one...and holy bullets into the other incase they came across zombie's them nodded for valorn to take point-
-Valorn did so, drawing his weapon as well...this time snitch turning into a one handed crossbow and a hatchet. Nodding a bit, he lead the way over to one of the darker side tents first, taking a peek inside to make sure there was nobody hiding in the shadows for them, with the obvious beacon of the main tent meant to bait them-
Glowing purple eyes opened at the intrusion, and in movements too smooth, too quick to be that of a zombie, claws slashed at Valorn, knocking his crossbow to the side and delivering a trio of gouges to his arm.

-you clutch your arm, and backstep quickly, bringing your hatchet to bear with your other arm. Noticing Daxton stepping in to confront your attacker, you try not to get in his way, and instead go after your tossed crossbow. Rolling into a slide to grab it again, leaking a bit of green blood on the ground as you do-
-As valorn jumps back, you quickly flip on the night-vision filter on your shades. Then step in and fire several shots from your silenced trank dart pistol at his attacker. Eager to hopefully get whatever it is down quickly before it drew unwanted attention this way-

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod