In paradox space sometimes the lines between realities get blurred and for a brief glimpse a brief moment...the fantastical becomes reality itself. Fiction becomes fact, and worlds we can only dream of stretch out before us. This moment, in this day, is one of those moments. Where wishes throughout paradox space might be heard to thank, celebrate, and honor...the special day of a man who brought us all together. This is for you Dave from us...and now from all our characters, echoing across the paradox space to wish you the happiest of birthdays
"It is not normally for me to speak out like this in gratitude. However I would like to that you for insuring our world, for guiding it's people...and for making our lives far more interesting than they might have been. While I may be unfamiliar of this celebration of one's wriggling day, I have gained the understanding that among your people it is a I wish to extend you my congratulations on another year. May you see many more...and may your aim always stay true"
"so...uh...hey! Thanks, us a place out here to be us" ("wow thats such a weird concept for me to wrap my head around, I'll have to ask Gur about this") "Anyways, I...we all appreciate what you've done for us in crafting our worlds with care and presenting the canvas for us to paint our adventure and to work towards our potentials. It means alot that you would give us that chance. For trolls we don't really celebrate things like this much, but after all the crazy and interesting stuff I've seen.....anythings possible! So um...Happy Birthday!"
~!~Happy wriggling day, human Dave! }^.^{ Thank/s/ for all the wonderful adventure/s/~!~
~~I particularly liked it when you had me meet the black queen! 'Cau/s/e I wa/s/ like, "oh yeah, I'll ju/s/t break in and everything'll go great 'n' we can ju/s/t talk it out and you were like
"BLAM! Not today, Lucy!"
~!~'N' then it was /s/o rad becau/s/e I kinda thought she might try 'n' kill me for a /s/econd but then /s/he didn't and now /s/he hate/s/ me and I haven't had /s/omeone hate me like that in a good couple of /s/weep/s/~!~
~!~/S/he /s/ent me a pre/s/ent and everything~!~
((Not that I think it'/s/ gonna go to good u/s/e becau/s/e there are /c/ertain people who would like to ju/s/t de/s/troy it))
~!~But anyway~!~
~!~It'/s/ the thought that count/s/~!~
~!~/S/o again, happy wriggling day~!~
~!~I hope you get everything you wi/s/hed for thi/s/ /s/weep~!~
~~I particularly liked it when you had me meet the black queen! 'Cau/s/e I wa/s/ like, "oh yeah, I'll ju/s/t break in and everything'll go great 'n' we can ju/s/t talk it out and you were like
"BLAM! Not today, Lucy!"
~!~'N' then it was /s/o rad becau/s/e I kinda thought she might try 'n' kill me for a /s/econd but then /s/he didn't and now /s/he hate/s/ me and I haven't had /s/omeone hate me like that in a good couple of /s/weep/s/~!~
~!~/S/he /s/ent me a pre/s/ent and everything~!~
((Not that I think it'/s/ gonna go to good u/s/e becau/s/e there are /c/ertain people who would like to ju/s/t de/s/troy it))
~!~But anyway~!~
~!~It'/s/ the thought that count/s/~!~
~!~/S/o again, happy wriggling day~!~
~!~I hope you get everything you wi/s/hed for thi/s/ /s/weep~!~
"So hey man! I heard it was your birthday...and that your like the alpha and omega creator of our universe...which is..kinda trippy to be honest, but at the same time pretty damn rad. Heheh now that I know I've been actually being watched...I'll need to start putting on an even bigger show. Oh! I owe you a drink sometime too, you can come with when I drag out LMS. It'll be Awesome. Happy birthday man"
"Hey man! It's nice to meet you...even though I guess in a way we've kinda already met? I'd just like to say...Thank you. Getting to travel around with AL, do all the cool sprite and Card's been...well it's been amazing, and i wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you. It's really cool that your doing all this for us. Anyways, I hope you have a really good birthday man"
I heard it was y*ur birthday. And while I am n*t entirely familiar with su(h h*lidays, it's (*me t* my attenti*n that birthday wishes are in *rder
Happy birthday, Dave. Thank y*u f*r everything y*u've d*ne f*r us, and here's t* an*ther great year c:
I heard it was y*ur birthday. And while I am n*t entirely familiar with su(h h*lidays, it's (*me t* my attenti*n that birthday wishes are in *rder
Happy birthday, Dave. Thank y*u f*r everything y*u've d*ne f*r us, and here's t* an*ther great year c:
From all of us dude...players...characters....people...friends. Your friendship has meant a lot. Your a great guy and I hope you have a fantastic year going forward. We all appreciate how much you do for us in crafting these amazing worlds and even just being an awesome conversation partner. I hope you have an amazing birthday man
H! There!
I heard that you were the person respons!ble for Genral's and Sm!thy's existence!
Not that ! have met the latter of the two, but!
! also heard that it was your b!rthday!!!
And ! wanted to w!sh you a very happy one!!!
!t !s such a pleasure to !nteract with Genral, and ! wanted to thank you for mak!ng such a qual!ty troll!
He seems really sweet and n!ce, and ! can't wa!t to get to know h!m better!!!
Anyways, happy b!rthday! !t's a pleasure to have, uh, !nteracted? w!th you!
I heard that you were the person respons!ble for Genral's and Sm!thy's existence!
Not that ! have met the latter of the two, but!
! also heard that it was your b!rthday!!!
And ! wanted to w!sh you a very happy one!!!
!t !s such a pleasure to !nteract with Genral, and ! wanted to thank you for mak!ng such a qual!ty troll!
He seems really sweet and n!ce, and ! can't wa!t to get to know h!m better!!!
Anyways, happy b!rthday! !t's a pleasure to have, uh, !nteracted? w!th you!
Happy birthday, Dave
I don't really think that I can put it better than Dan did, you are such a lovely person and I am so glad to call you friend. You're intelligent, witty, and hilarious not to mention an amazing rp partner, and I wish you the best.
I also drew you something... I read the descriptions for some of the I.D. session characters, and Lex stood out to me. So, here he is ^.^
I don't really think that I can put it better than Dan did, you are such a lovely person and I am so glad to call you friend. You're intelligent, witty, and hilarious not to mention an amazing rp partner, and I wish you the best.
I also drew you something... I read the descriptions for some of the I.D. session characters, and Lex stood out to me. So, here he is ^.^

[:]? *whispers* What do we do now?
@? dowejustsayit?
Yes, go ahead. Don't be shy.
[:]) Okay. [:]D Happy birthday!
@) happybirthdaydave!
[:]D And thank you for making lots of friends for us!
@) @? wethoughtonponnmadeus. @) butthanksanyway!
[:]? Did we do it right Mommy?
Yes, that was very good, you two.
[(]) ()
Really, though, Dave... Thank you for giving me a world to run away to. I didn't have any direction before I ended up in your fold, and now... Now I have a home, and a family. It's nothing like what I had before, and it's certainly nothing like I ever imagined but... I love it. I love being here. And I know, no matter what I might say or think when things get dark inside my head, that I don't want to leave it. I have somewhere that I belong again. Thank you for making that possible.
*Baby looks up at you because that's where everyone's attention is, but they're a turtle and have no concept of birthdays. I'm sure that if they did have a concept of birthdays, they would wish you a happy one.*
@? dowejustsayit?
Yes, go ahead. Don't be shy.
[:]) Okay. [:]D Happy birthday!
@) happybirthdaydave!
[:]D And thank you for making lots of friends for us!
@) @? wethoughtonponnmadeus. @) butthanksanyway!
[:]? Did we do it right Mommy?
Yes, that was very good, you two.
[(]) ()
Really, though, Dave... Thank you for giving me a world to run away to. I didn't have any direction before I ended up in your fold, and now... Now I have a home, and a family. It's nothing like what I had before, and it's certainly nothing like I ever imagined but... I love it. I love being here. And I know, no matter what I might say or think when things get dark inside my head, that I don't want to leave it. I have somewhere that I belong again. Thank you for making that possible.
*Baby looks up at you because that's where everyone's attention is, but they're a turtle and have no concept of birthdays. I'm sure that if they did have a concept of birthdays, they would wish you a happy one.*
"Yo. Happy birthday man. I don't really know much about you but what you've done is awesome. Stay awesome."
Hey Imp, happy birthday. I may not know much about you, apart from what Dan has told me, but what you've done (making all of these rps possible) is awesome and you should feel awesome because of that. Anyways thanks for letting me join and putting up with me. Again, Happy Birthday.
Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod