-Daxton walks up to the main reservations table and clears his throat- "Good evening, I'd like to request a table for me and my sprite-father-...thing"
*the flat, yet fancy looking gentleman says, "certainly, I can seat you immediately", before giving a brief tip of his hat and 'walking' over to a table for you* *the man looks to have tiny triangular rainbow wings that can be seen when he turns*
*your sprite, being a being of light, is momentarily confused, but that confusion passes, and says,* "well nice to know the service here is quick."
*your sprite, being a being of light, is momentarily confused, but that confusion passes, and says,* "well nice to know the service here is quick."
"so..uh...what are you thinking of ordering? I was going to try for coffee and a pastry"
*with the two of you seated, the gentleman returns to the front desk*
"Well I don't really eat anymore, but I could try maybe a cut of meat." *the ?same? Gentleman brings two trays over shortly after this is figured out, one with a few different bread based treats and a coffee with a selection of mini creamers on the side, and the other with a large, barely cooked pepper steak*
"Ah, now that's what I'm talking about" *your dad seems happy with this*
"Well I don't really eat anymore, but I could try maybe a cut of meat." *the ?same? Gentleman brings two trays over shortly after this is figured out, one with a few different bread based treats and a coffee with a selection of mini creamers on the side, and the other with a large, barely cooked pepper steak*
"Ah, now that's what I'm talking about" *your dad seems happy with this*
-Picking up the coffee you softly sip it, testing it's flavor against your highly refined caffeine pallet- "I'm still not entirely sure how this place works...I get the concept of "how" it works...but at the same time..at least for the moment it seems beyond me...and the "why" the owner of this establishment has set all this up..seems an even greater mystery"
*the coffee is amazing. Like no other coffee that ever could possibly have existed*
"Well first off, I'm glad I'm not the only one who was confused for a moment there. And secondly, for the how's and the whys, this whoever it is has been an excelent host so far. I'm sure if you asked him he'd be happy to share his information." *with that, your gun-lizard-sprite dad bites into his steak, greatly enjoying the flavor. The sent of hot peppers wafts through the air*
"Well first off, I'm glad I'm not the only one who was confused for a moment there. And secondly, for the how's and the whys, this whoever it is has been an excelent host so far. I'm sure if you asked him he'd be happy to share his information." *with that, your gun-lizard-sprite dad bites into his steak, greatly enjoying the flavor. The sent of hot peppers wafts through the air*
"I'll consider asking on the way out. He seems hospitable, but something about those whom are overly hospitable also tends to put me ill-at-ease"
-You sip your coffee again briefly, stealing a glance once more at our host to try and work him out in your head, before picking back up conversation with your sprite-
"anyways while we are out, there were a few things I'd like to ask you if that would be alright"
-You sip your coffee again briefly, stealing a glance once more at our host to try and work him out in your head, before picking back up conversation with your sprite-
"anyways while we are out, there were a few things I'd like to ask you if that would be alright"
*with the way they are currently standing, you can't really see much of them. Being flat has some advantages*
*swalowing, your sprite says,* "shoot. I'm made for both bullets and questions."
*some light laughter can be heard at a nearby booth*
*swalowing, your sprite says,* "shoot. I'm made for both bullets and questions."
*some light laughter can be heard at a nearby booth*
-You glance over to see if you could make out who was laughing, curious to see who else could have made it to this strange establishment-
"well thats actually a rather appropriate statement for my first question. I don't remember to much from when I was a young grub and you were originally alive. I was curious. How much would you say the additional gun prototyping affected your base personality as my lusis?"
"well thats actually a rather appropriate statement for my first question. I don't remember to much from when I was a young grub and you were originally alive. I was curious. How much would you say the additional gun prototyping affected your base personality as my lusis?"
*looking over, you can see a familiar looking mithril crown sitting atop a metal helm. Looks a lot like the one that was on the model of your Denizen that was found on Prospit*
"Well, I feel a little intensified at times. Both explosive, and well aimed at the same time. It's kept my mind more focused on one thing in absolute at a time, so that's a downside. I've thought of maybe making a list to keep track of everything you ask, but things like grub sitting, and chameleon training kept my focus."
"Well, I feel a little intensified at times. Both explosive, and well aimed at the same time. It's kept my mind more focused on one thing in absolute at a time, so that's a downside. I've thought of maybe making a list to keep track of everything you ask, but things like grub sitting, and chameleon training kept my focus."
"I get the impression I might not remember much after leaving this place, but given your sprite nature, you might have an easier time of it. If so, when we are back at it and it's a quieter moment ask me to give you the code for my TDA if it's not already in the system. They are quite useful for making lists and keeping track of things. I used mine as a digital secretary for years, might help"
"mmmh... sprite natures is telling me that whoever set this place up planned well for sprites... but stranger things have happened. maybe i'll have the impression of thinking to ask you about a possible means of better organizing everything... also i'm not sure if quiet moments are in large supply" *he grabs his steak again, taking another big bite of the spicy meat*
"that's true"
-You sigh slightly, this being one of the few brief moments you've gotten to relax in for quite awhile-
"at least with everything it's kept us busy, and has made it so I don't have to deal with...other...things....yet"
-You sigh slightly, this being one of the few brief moments you've gotten to relax in for quite awhile-
"at least with everything it's kept us busy, and has made it so I don't have to deal with...other...things....yet"
"There something you've been trying to put off?" *he puts the meat down, giving you more direct attention*
-You actually look a bit uncomfortable at this sudden turn in the concentration, fidgeting slightly in your both. This was a subject you were not accustomed at all to talking about...and one you honestly tried to even avoid thinking about so that it wouldn't....distract you-
"Hobbes....one would have to be blind to see that my relationship with her is...complicated. I've gotten the feeling lately that she wants to talk about it more and figure "us" out...however the subject is not something I'm used to addressing. We started out in a pitch quadrenent....but I don't think we can really act that way to one another...our emotions seem to lean differently even if we try to ignore them. However she has a matesprit...or at least had...with whats happened to alternia and the other places who knows....as did I, but she vanished without a word almost an entire sweep before I even entered our session...so I have no idea whats going on with that..."
-You sigh slightly, you knew you were rambling a little but it was good to finally get this out to somebody...mostly because you knew he wouldn't remember-
"I mean...it probobaly dosen't help that despite the fact we very obviously feel quite strongly and affectionate for one another, that we've never been good at talking about these things.....and my past history with matesprites isn't amazing. One vanished, and the one before her was murdered by somebody trying to get to me....her body's still in the ships freezer somewhere......I know this isn't what I should be thinking about right now...I need to focus on the mission, but getting put in the session with her and so few other people has made it even harder to ignore and I don't want my distraction ending up getting any of us killed"
"Hobbes....one would have to be blind to see that my relationship with her is...complicated. I've gotten the feeling lately that she wants to talk about it more and figure "us" out...however the subject is not something I'm used to addressing. We started out in a pitch quadrenent....but I don't think we can really act that way to one another...our emotions seem to lean differently even if we try to ignore them. However she has a matesprit...or at least had...with whats happened to alternia and the other places who knows....as did I, but she vanished without a word almost an entire sweep before I even entered our session...so I have no idea whats going on with that..."
-You sigh slightly, you knew you were rambling a little but it was good to finally get this out to somebody...mostly because you knew he wouldn't remember-
"I mean...it probobaly dosen't help that despite the fact we very obviously feel quite strongly and affectionate for one another, that we've never been good at talking about these things.....and my past history with matesprites isn't amazing. One vanished, and the one before her was murdered by somebody trying to get to me....her body's still in the ships freezer somewhere......I know this isn't what I should be thinking about right now...I need to focus on the mission, but getting put in the session with her and so few other people has made it even harder to ignore and I don't want my distraction ending up getting any of us killed"

*ignoring the intrusion, your 'dad' says,* "well, what do you admire about Hobbes, and, what do you think they could work on to become better." *taking it slow, to help you figure what you actually think*
-You give the jukebox a look like you would very much like to shoot it...and the scantily clad women...no taste in fashion these days you swear....however you got the impression that would displease the establishments owner...and you didn't want to deal with that right now-
"I admire their strength, determination, humor...their ability to be honest with me about myself when most others seem to be too afraid of me to be, their compassion"
"as for things I think they could work on....she's so....stubborn, and tends to act alot based on emotion rather than logic sometimes...like she doesn't always think things through and I'm worried that will get her killed. She also can be very secretive...not that I'm exactly innocent of that sin either...and we have trouble with communication of real issues sometimes"
"I admire their strength, determination, humor...their ability to be honest with me about myself when most others seem to be too afraid of me to be, their compassion"
"as for things I think they could work on....she's so....stubborn, and tends to act alot based on emotion rather than logic sometimes...like she doesn't always think things through and I'm worried that will get her killed. She also can be very secretive...not that I'm exactly innocent of that sin either...and we have trouble with communication of real issues sometimes"
*she giggles some more, getting a kick out of your aggression*
*your 'dad' continues, saying,* "well, would you rather work against what you think they need to work on, trying to make them a better person, or do you feel like you are driven on by what you like about them, yet are repulsed by what you find flawed?" *getting into pale vs pitch here*
*Av comes up, and asks,* "if the open area is proving to have to many, distractions, I could get you a private booth."
*your 'dad' continues, saying,* "well, would you rather work against what you think they need to work on, trying to make them a better person, or do you feel like you are driven on by what you like about them, yet are repulsed by what you find flawed?" *getting into pale vs pitch here*
*Av comes up, and asks,* "if the open area is proving to have to many, distractions, I could get you a private booth."
-You nod to AV-
"if that wouldn't be too much trouble"
-then you respond again to your sprite-
"I feel like we are happiest when we are supporting each other, and trying to help each other push past our flaws...it would almost be a perfect pale...but there are definitely some more red-romantic tensions that interfere with that...and then we end up making out"
"if that wouldn't be too much trouble"
-then you respond again to your sprite-
"I feel like we are happiest when we are supporting each other, and trying to help each other push past our flaws...it would almost be a perfect pale...but there are definitely some more red-romantic tensions that interfere with that...and then we end up making out"
*huh... the place. mmh. you and your 'dad' seem to be in a back-room, a purple curtain covering the doorway back to the main Dinner*
"well... hmm... ... It sounds like you would be ok pale, but you'd need someone else to try and keep things like that... you might need an auspistice. And yes, you can have one for non pitch quads. Because It's looking like any other quad would not shape out the best, and rampantly switch about dependent on to many factors."
"well... hmm... ... It sounds like you would be ok pale, but you'd need someone else to try and keep things like that... you might need an auspistice. And yes, you can have one for non pitch quads. Because It's looking like any other quad would not shape out the best, and rampantly switch about dependent on to many factors."
Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod