-You walk into the dinner with a cyborg turtle under your arm. You didn't know if this would work...but you were kinds hoping it would. So you approach the person to seat you and ask-
"excuse me, would it be possible to talk to a sprite that no longer exsists if I have his components with me?" -You hold up the turtle a bit- "but without the pain of his last moments as a sprite if possible....oh and some kind of fish stew for me and lettuce on the side for him"
"excuse me, would it be possible to talk to a sprite that no longer exsists if I have his components with me?" -You hold up the turtle a bit- "but without the pain of his last moments as a sprite if possible....oh and some kind of fish stew for me and lettuce on the side for him"
*with a bit of a chuckle, the host says,* "you can flat out talk to someone who doesn't exist here. If it'd make you more comfortable though, we can arrange the meeting through a temporary prototyping of the turtle you have there, since you might feel odd talking to your sprite at the same time as when you've got that little fella under your arm."
"actually having him in both forms might be interesting if that's alright"
"Very well. They don't seem to be here yet. maybe you should find a place to sit... Ah, that booth is looking open!" *Av points out a booth where your... 'current' sprite can be seen painting a picture of a flower that has been set up in the seat across from it* [

"Oh! Hey Gur! Didn't expect to see you in here today. How's it going?"
-you take a seat with them, setting snappy carefully aside while you waited on his Sprite form and the lettuce for him-
-you take a seat with them, setting snappy carefully aside while you waited on his Sprite form and the lettuce for him-
[|-)] "just taking the time to draw a picture of this rose in my 'no time'. Spare time would be inaccurate."
*over by the... Huh, doesn't seem to be a door... Over by where a door might have been, a confused looking turtle-sprite has arrived* *looks like your normal snappy has found a plate of leafy greens already on the seat besides yours. When did that get there?*
*over by the... Huh, doesn't seem to be a door... Over by where a door might have been, a confused looking turtle-sprite has arrived* *looks like your normal snappy has found a plate of leafy greens already on the seat besides yours. When did that get there?*
-You wave over to snappy-sprite pointing to one of the seats next to you-
"Hey snappy over here!"
-Man this was a little weird that you had 3 "versions" of a sort of your sprite all here at the same time. Weird, but also kinda cool-
"Hey snappy over here!"
-Man this was a little weird that you had 3 "versions" of a sort of your sprite all here at the same time. Weird, but also kinda cool-
*seeing you, snappy's face lights up* "hello!" *snappy heads on over* "umm... I'm sorry, but I'm a little confused... I think maybe we were planning on prototyping one of the several lanterns that were around the main hive... But then... I'm not sure... Um. And who's this?"
[|-/] "his new sprite." [|-/]
[|-/] "his new sprite." [|-/]
"Gur, are you jealous? Your suddenly making that face again" -You kid with him- "anyways play nice, snappy helped and protected me for a long time, and he still is my turtle"
-You turn back to snappy-
"I'll explain what happened....prototyping you with the lantern...ended really badly. It was way too much for you to handle, and using it's power...you ejected yourself from the sprite and became a regular turtle again. Then....I prototyped myself to see what happened....and I met my denizen through it. We chatted for a bit...and then I was kicked out of the sprite and it got reset back to it's original non-prototyped form. I tried to see if you wanted in again...but after the lantern incident, you seemed scared of it so I decided not to. Hence why you are also a regular turtle here on the table. After that well I needed a new sprite that would understand the land...so i prototyped a smart golem...and what ended up being a piece of my denizen himself, hence the Gur sprite here behind me, quite literally my denizen in a sprite form"
"However I missed being able to talk to you, so when I found out about this place I asked if they could make that happen but without your pain from the lantern and all that....so i think they grabbed you from time just before we did the lantern thing"
"think I covered everything Gur?"
-You turn back to snappy-
"I'll explain what happened....prototyping you with the lantern...ended really badly. It was way too much for you to handle, and using it's power...you ejected yourself from the sprite and became a regular turtle again. Then....I prototyped myself to see what happened....and I met my denizen through it. We chatted for a bit...and then I was kicked out of the sprite and it got reset back to it's original non-prototyped form. I tried to see if you wanted in again...but after the lantern incident, you seemed scared of it so I decided not to. Hence why you are also a regular turtle here on the table. After that well I needed a new sprite that would understand the land...so i prototyped a smart golem...and what ended up being a piece of my denizen himself, hence the Gur sprite here behind me, quite literally my denizen in a sprite form"
"However I missed being able to talk to you, so when I found out about this place I asked if they could make that happen but without your pain from the lantern and all that....so i think they grabbed you from time just before we did the lantern thing"
"think I covered everything Gur?"
[|-/] "I just make this face when i'm not really wanting to make a face. better than no face at all." [__] ... [|-/] }also, wrong. the flower you prototyped is not a piece of me. it is a manifestation of the presence of my dreaming mind... and, I'm the one who was able to peacefully eject Snappy when they wanted out. but you did get a general frame of the events down." [|-/]
*snappy sprite still seems a little confused, but he's still happy to be able to see you* "It sounds like you've been through a lot... are you doing ok? And I'm glad that little me is doing ok."
*snappy sprite still seems a little confused, but he's still happy to be able to see you* "It sounds like you've been through a lot... are you doing ok? And I'm glad that little me is doing ok."
"Well it makes you look grumpy gur, and even as a manifestation It still seems connected to your consciousness and therefore could be argued is a part of your mind"
-You smile over at snappy, and respond to his questions-
"sorry about that, he means well but can be a bit...intense. If you get to know him though he seems like a decent guy" -You look around to see if the food you had ordered for yourself as well had magically appeared yet- "and I've had my ups and downs....been off land alot more, helping out the others with their stuff, did one of Gurs puzzles, I'm alive though. Little you has been mostly relaxing in that pond you made just before the drawing incident, I even caught Gur drawing you once. If you ask him nicely he might even be willing to show you"
-You smile over at snappy, and respond to his questions-
"sorry about that, he means well but can be a bit...intense. If you get to know him though he seems like a decent guy" -You look around to see if the food you had ordered for yourself as well had magically appeared yet- "and I've had my ups and downs....been off land alot more, helping out the others with their stuff, did one of Gurs puzzles, I'm alive though. Little you has been mostly relaxing in that pond you made just before the drawing incident, I even caught Gur drawing you once. If you ask him nicely he might even be willing to show you"
[|-/] ... [|-)] *he seems to like your argument about it being considered a piece of his mind* *your food does seem to have been right before you. how'd you miss that?*
"that sounds nice. Its good to know that your getting to spend time with the others on the brighter, more friendly lands, and still make some progress on your own. I think you might be headed down the right path, and thats important since the path a Page walks isn't ever likely to be clear... And a picture sounds nice."
[|-)] *flipping over the paper that he was using to draw the rose, he shows off the Snappy picture*
"that sounds nice. Its good to know that your getting to spend time with the others on the brighter, more friendly lands, and still make some progress on your own. I think you might be headed down the right path, and thats important since the path a Page walks isn't ever likely to be clear... And a picture sounds nice."
[|-)] *flipping over the paper that he was using to draw the rose, he shows off the Snappy picture*
"I'd say it's a good likeness of you, and that's a relief to hear. With everything that's gone on, sometimes I feel more lost than anything else. Even amoung the other players I feel lost a lot...but it's getting easier. Oh! Also I "made" a new friend, literally. A medical AI I made to help regulate my rig, that I created a robotic body for based partially off my own body. I think you'd like him...he's very...chill"
"thats great! making friends is a great way to make friends"
[|-?] "Shouldn't be easy to get lost around your own land. its all designed well... unless you ever come to a maze..." [|-)] ... [|-/] "but I don't like mazes."
[|-?] "Shouldn't be easy to get lost around your own land. its all designed well... unless you ever come to a maze..." [|-)] ... [|-/] "but I don't like mazes."
"Yeah, I just don't see the real challange in most mazes. Most of its just wandering around till you find the right path...where's the challange in that? At least your last puzzle was creative"
[|-)] "Thankyou. I try..."
"so you did end up headed through the first gate after all? whats it like?"
"so you did end up headed through the first gate after all? whats it like?"
"big circle slab thingy with a skull symbol....then a bunch of doors. One lead to the puzzle in a city of fractured space....another apparently just leads to death....the others I don't know yet"
!!! your quest bed is litterally right there!? !!!
[|-)] "hey, chill it. Its placed in a-" [@-/] "supposedly-" [|-)] "foolproof room. nothing there can kill him on the bed before he's ever learned what its supposed to be. wouldn't want a stunted Page, would we?" [|-)]
[|-)] "hey, chill it. Its placed in a-" [@-/] "supposedly-" [|-)] "foolproof room. nothing there can kill him on the bed before he's ever learned what its supposed to be. wouldn't want a stunted Page, would we?" [|-)]
"Quest bed?" -you inquire to both of them curiously-
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